OUTLAW KING (18 page)


Authors: Jaxson Kidman

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I gritted my teeth and rubbed my jaw. I knew the truth of Tito. Fuck, I knew it. I knew my hero brother was a reckless junkie. Did that mean I should love him less? Fuck no. I wanted him in the Reap. I wanted to protect him.

“King,” Knox said. “Say something, brother.”

“Keep talking,” I whispered.

Uncle Jakey put his hands to the table. “The night you wanted to take down the guy that killed Tito… we got the same intel. That’s why there was so much traffic. So many bullets. You hurried and confessed, pushing yourself into prison. Wanting to prove your point and swing your big cock. All before we had a chance to talk to you. Next thing I knew, you were out, eyes were on the Reap, and shit started to crumble. It was a collapse like I never thought possible.”

Uncle Jakey punched the table and turned away.

The table was silent.

The truth was a real bitch sometimes.

“So what do we do now?” I asked.

“That’s up to you,” Uncle Jakey said. “I’m going to let you make this call, King. You wanted the truth, you got it. You wanted to get your revenge, you got it. You wanted to do time in prison, you did it. What else?”

Now it was my turn to stand up. Challenging the man who swung the gavel wasn’t smart, but he owed me one. Christ, he had been part of the reason my brother was dead.

“I didn’t want to spend my life in prison,” I said. “Or end up dead. I was doing what I was taught from this goddamn club. About loyalty and honor.”

“Okay,” Knox cut in. “Who the hell is Anderson?”

All eyes went back to Uncle Jakey. “I’ve got all I need on him.”

“Meaning what?” I asked.

Uncle Jakey stepped to the table. He reached back and took out a gun. He put it on the table.

“We’re going to make things right.”




out from under my car. He looked so deadly sexy with his t-shirt all messy with grease. He sat up and grabbed at his knees.

“You’re fine,” he said. “My guess? Just the a/c dripping water.”

“It does that?” I asked.

King grinned. “Yes, sweetie. When you’re running it for long periods, you’ll find a small puddle under the car. It’s not gas because the gas tank is way down there. And it’s not oil. Or anti-freeze. Or brake fluid. Trust me.”

“I do,” I said. “Thank you.”

“Come here,” King said.

I gingerly crouched down to face him. It had been months since I’d seen him. After his brother’s funeral we spent some time together but it came to an end, like it always did. I had to head back to college and King was buried deep in the Reap.

I came back to visit Aunt Jane and I noticed a puddle under my car. I freaked out and thought something was wrong. I had a two hour drive to college and the last thing I needed was to be broken down and stranded on the side of the road.

Aunt Jane suggested I call King.

Of course she would suggest that.

To my shock, the second I called King he told me come right to the garage.

So there I was, crouching down, facing King.

We both smiled.

No matter how much time went by, the second we got back together it was like seconds had passed by.

“How’s school?” he asked.

“It’s school,” I said. “How’s your career?”

“Busy,” he said. “I normally don’t get all greasy and messy. But a few guys called off this week so I’ve been in the garage during the day and an outlaw at night.”

“An outlaw,” I said. “I hope you’re staying safe.”

“Oh, I always wear a condom.”

“Ew,” I said and smacked his shoulder.

“What? You think I’m saving myself for you, sweetie?”

“I hope not. I know I’m not saving myself for you.”

King clutched his chest. “Oh. That was hard. Damn.”

I winked. “You started it.”

“Yeah? Well maybe I can finish it.”

King touched my face. A second later we were kissing. I couldn’t control myself around him. As sad as it was, it took me a few seconds into kissing him to figure out if I had a boyfriend back at college. Luckily at that time I was still single.

So we kissed.

King broke the kiss a few seconds later. “Hold on a second, sweetie. Let me wash up a little here.”

I stood up and fixed my shirt. I licked my lips and tasted King. Between my legs I was a mess. At least we were in the open though. If we were in a bedroom…

King walked to a sink and washed his hands. He then walked back to me holding a towel, drying his hands off.

“That’s better,” he said. “I’d rather get you messy in other ways, sweetie.”

A second later he grabbed me by the waist and put me on the hood of my car.

I let out a cry when his lips touched my neck and kissed right back up to my mouth. I matched him kiss for kiss, making up for every day that had gone by since we last had the chance to kiss.

I felt his right hand slip up my shirt and over my left breast.

“Tell me,” King whispered with our lips touching. “How many guys have you been with?”

“Why?” I asked. “You jealous?”

“Maybe I am. I don’t want anyone having this pussy but me. It’s all mine.”

“Then do something about it,” I said.

“Give me a number,” King growled.

“Not a chance. I don’t kiss and tell.”

King gritted his teeth. “Don’t fuck with me, sweetie.”

“Oh, I’m fucking with you, King. What are you going to do?”

I loved tempting him. I loved flirting with him.

But I forgot who he was.

He was fucking King.

King turned and grabbed a chain. He pulled it, closing the door of the garage bay. He then walked to a side door and shut that.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

King looked at me with wild eyes. “You’re going to pay me for looking at your car, sweetie. And I don’t take cash, check, or credit.”

He was between my legs a second later, opening my jeans.

I leaned back on the hood of my car, letting him touch me. “What do you accept as payment?”

King’s eyes met with mine. “Pussy.”

My entire body shivered. Nobody talked like that to me. Even tough college guys who were drunk couldn’t do what King did to me. He was so ruthless and so bold. And it all turned me on.

King took my jeans right down to my ankles. He slipped his fingers between my legs, rubbing against the growing wet spot on my panties. I wore a light green color panty and the dark wet spot was obvious. He moved his hands up and grabbed the top of my panties, wasting no time in peeling them down my legs.

“Holy fuck,” I whispered.

“That’s right, sweetie. Start praying. Pray that nobody catches us fucking. Because I won’t stop. Pray that your body can still handle a real man with a real cock. Pray for whatever the fuck you want.”

King grabbed at his jeans, unzipping them.

“No, wait,” I said. “I want to get it…”

He put his hands to my legs as I reached into the open zipper of his jeans. If there was any way that King could become even fucking hotter, I had discovered it.
He wasn’t wearing any boxers.
It was just jeans… and then cock.

I pulled him free, feeling the smooth hardness of his shaft. He knew how big he was and he was well aware of how good he was at using it. Part of me hated that about King because he was cocky about it. Then again, if it was big, felt good, and he knew what to do with it, why did it matter?

I lined him up to my slit and looked him dead in the eyes.

It was just one of those moments between us. In my heart I lingered for the idea that we would end up together and all of this would become a sense of normalcy for us. But I knew the murder of Tito was still on his mind and there was no way he’d ever let that go.

King thrust forward, entering me.

He was the only man I let inside me without protection. Because I trusted him. He was the only man that could fuck me, pleasure me, and love me all at the same time.

I took each wicked thrust of his body, my groaning voice echoing through the garage.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and I pulled him close.

We were hugging and fucking.

“I love you, King,” I said as his beautiful cock slid back inside me with intense force.

“I fucking love you, sweetie,” he growled back at me.

It was only a couple months later I found out he was in prison… and to be sentenced to death.





I had no choice but to leave first and leave alone because I had to meet up with Anderson. His patience was at its end and so was mine. I felt like a fucking outcast in my own club. My blood ran cold and my body felt numb. I hadn’t touched Linds in days. Not since the truth about Tito came forward. And what could I do about it? Nothing. It was the fucking truth and Uncle Jakey owned up to it.

Uncle Jakey also owned up to everything he said he would do. Turned out that Anderson was connected through dirty money, a dirty crew, and through an official agency. However, he was on a restricted assignment status because of personal situations. To me, it was pretty clear. Whoever had him by the balls was using his status to get what they wanted. Anderson had tried to bring down Uncle Jakey a few times in the past and each time, Uncle Jakey slipped through a crack.

This time would be no different.

At least that’s what Uncle Jakey assured me.

I was shoved in the dark with the rest of whatever plan was in place, which I fucking hated. Everywhere I turned it was like a wall had been put up. Goddamn freedom suddenly felt like prison.

I tore through town and found myself cruising along a bunch of back roads. They were sometimes the best roads to be on. The kind where you had no idea where you were going. All paths led to somewhere, right?

I thought about splitting. Giving my cut back and just taking off. Starting over.

But where? Why? What the fuck would I do?

Patch in with another club?

The truth was that I couldn’t leave Linds. I made a promise to her a long time ago and I wasn’t going to break that promise. So that kept me moving in the direction of Anderson.

He was parked on the side of the road. Sitting on the trunk of his car. Two coffees. A cigarette. The same shit eating grin as he always had.

I pulled my ride to the side of the road and climbed off. I crossed the empty street.

“Coffee?” Anderson asked and nodded to one of the cups.


“More for me then,” he said. He took a deep drag of his cigarette and threw it to the ground.

“That’s littering.”

“Call the cops,” Anderson said.

“Aren’t you the cops?”

“Don’t worry about who I am. Do you have what I want, Kingston?”

“How do I know this is all real?” I asked. “That you really have a push for my full release?”

“You don't trust me? I told you those dueling voices were going to kick in. What do you think about your brother’s death?”

“It still hurts,” I said. “But you don’t give a shit about that, Anderson. My personal feelings mean shit to you. You just want to know where the deal is going down. You want to know exactly where Uncle Jakey is going to be.”

“Uncle Jakey,” Anderson said. He clapped his hands together. “Such an amazing way to put him. When I get him this time, it’s going to be great. And I’ll ensure everything I can for you.”

“You say that,” I said.

“Ah, of course. The outlaw fights back. I expect that though. You can speak with your attorney at any time, Kingston. Old files were pulled, the case reopened, and your confession to the murder is now worth shit. The bullet that killed the killer of your brother did not come from your weapon. Now, you still have to face some of the heat for, you know, shooting someone, but murder? You didn’t murder anyone.”

The numbness gave way to anger, but only for a few seconds. I already figured that I wasn’t the one who did it. Uncle Jakey made that clear to me. The Reap was fighting to protect itself and save itself. I had no idea what was going on at that time. I was only focused on seeking revenge. I lost my damn way and ended up on death row because of it.

“Now you’re going to have to take care of yourself,” Anderson said. “When I take down your club, eyes and fingers will be everywhere. If you get known as the rat…”

“I don’t give a shit,” I said. “I have the time. I have the place. I have everything you asked for, Anderson.”

He slid off the trunk of the car. His eyes were wide. “I’m more excited than the first time I found a magazine under my father’s bed that had a bare pussy in it. Give it all to me, Kingston.”

I rattled off the information.

Where the fake meeting was happening and when. Anderson studied my face and repeated my words with his lips without making a sound.

I seriously thought the son of a bitch was going to come in his pants.

When I finished, he offered his hand to me. “I knew I could count on you. I waited so long for this. Goddamn.”

I refused to shake his hand. “You get nothing else from me. Just be there to do whatever it is you’re going to do. I’m going to visit my brother now. Then my attorney.”

“Right, right, right,” Anderson said. I started to walk away and he called my name. “I want you there. At the meeting. I’m going to have to take you down, too. To play this all together.”

“Sure,” I said. “Whatever you need to do.”

I felt sick to my stomach as I crossed the road and climbed back on my motorcycle. I felt like a fucking rat, even if I wasn’t. I couldn’t figure out who was the enemy, the friend, the brother. The only thing that remained constant for me was my feelings for Linds.

I rode away, giving myself a healthy two mile distance before I pulled over again.

I sent a text message to Linds.

Meet me at Tito’s grave… we have to talk…



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