OUTLAW KING (7 page)


Authors: Jaxson Kidman

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I had to end the night before it really got started.

I put a hand to his arm. “Come on, why don’t we just leave? We have no business being here.”

“Fuck off, Lindsey,” he growled under his breath.

“That’s nice to say,” I said. “So make me the enemy and throw me away.”

“You threw me away a long time ago,” he said. “You just kept picking at me when it was convenient for you. And I was dumb enough to let you do it. I’m the loser… no, you’re the loser. Not me. I’ll be the winner soon.”

I took a deep breath. “I’m begging you right now, Nelson. Can we just leave? Together. You and me. Why can’t we just talk like a normal couple? You realize we never actually talk.”

“I don’t care what you have to say,” Nelson snapped.

“You just said you care about me,” I said.

“Yeah, whatever.”

I looked around the bar and restaurant. It was pretty busy. People laughing. People talking. People experience something that resembled normal. Something I didn’t have right then and maybe never would. I did feel wrong with how things were with Nelson though. But if he was going to be an asshole about it…

I stood up. I grabbed my bag. “Look, I’m out of here then. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to have a serious conversation. I wanted to be adults. But you don’t want that. You don’t want the truth. So I’m done here, Nelson.”

I started to walk and Nelson grabbed for me.

I managed to shake him away. I went for the front of the bar and left. I knew Nelson was going to follow me, because that was his nature. I moved along the side of the bar, going toward my car.

That’s when Nelson caught up to me.

“Goddammit, Lindsey,” his voice bellowed as he hurried next to me. “What the fuck is this?”

I stopped and turned to face him. I thought about slapping him. But I reminded myself that I didn’t love him the way he thought he loved me. I was part of the problem. Hell, I was the problem. So I couldn’t just slap him and walk away.

“There’s nothing else here for me… or you,” I said. “It’s just not going to work, ever. I’m sorry, Nelson. I didn’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want to hurt myself. I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”

“You fucked that up,” Nelson said.

“I see that now. I’m sorry for that. Just walk away, Nelson. I’ll go. You go. We can talk when you’re not drunk.”

“I’m not fucking drunk,” he said. He closed in on me. “Don’t fucking accuse me of anything I’m not. You hear me?”

I slowly stepped back, looking for a chance to escape. This was the side I didn’t want to see of Nelson. My back hit the side of the building and I was stuck. Nelson lifted a finger and put it right to my cheek. He pressed, showing his teeth.

“Stop,” I said. “Don’t do anything stupid right now.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Nelson asked. “Huh? Maybe it’s your turn to feel pain. To hurt a little. You fuck with me? Nobody fucks with me.”

“I didn’t do anything…”

Nelson jabbed his finger to my cheek, snapping my head to the right. He put his mouth almost over my ear. “I’ll hurt you so bad. Don’t think I won’t.”

The smell of alcohol flooded my nose. Nelson loved to talk tough when he was drunk. He’d grabbed me before. He’d pushed me. But he never had hit me.

“I swear I’ll call the police,” I said. “You have two seconds.”

“Then fucking count and call,” Nelson said. “You whore.”

That’s when I made my move. I threw an elbow and hit him in the gut. I pressed at his chest, shoving him back two steps.

Nelson threw a hand forward and I dodged to the side. His hand smacked the building.

“Fuck!” he screamed. “You’re going to pay for that, bitch.”

I swung at Nelson and he blocked me. I then saw his left hand coming at me and I had no chance to get him away again. I felt his hand connect with my cheek, sending a hot pain across my face. My eyes filled with tears and I tried to scream but there was no sound. I was in complete shock that it had just happened.

“No you’ll listen to me,” Nelson growled.

I tried to keep my eyes on his hand, knowing that one slap was usually followed by a second.

Trust me, Aunt Jane’s ex taught me that lesson a long time ago.

Nelson lifted his hand again but this time he didn’t get to slap me. Instead, Nelson flew back away from me. He spun around and there was a sickening thud sound. It was like someone hit Nelson with a bat. Right to the face. Nelson went down to the ground like he’d been put to sleep.

“Are you okay, sweetie?” a voice asked me.

I lifted my gaze from Nelson’s body on the ground and slowly scanned up a muscular body. Jeans. Shirt. A leather cut.
The leather cut
. But then I got to his face. That jaw. The scruff on his face. His eyes.

I lost my breath.

I completely lost my breath.

My mouth fell open.

The entire parking lot started to spin. I touched the building and knew I had to be dreaming. This couldn’t be possible.

My lips fluttered, trying to say his name. But I had no air or breath.

My heart and mind, however, were screaming his name loud and clear.

King… King was here…




me the location and nothing was going to stop me from seeing her. Slam and Knox tried to talk me out of it, but I made it clear that if anyone got in my way, I’d fucking kill them. My boys knew what she meant to me. I had to see her. I had to know she was alive, healthy, and happy.

Fuck, I hoped she was happy.

I took to the open road on my motorcycle and felt a shot of life roll through my veins. That was the second greatest feeling in the world. The only thing better than riding my motorcycle was riding a beautiful woman.

I told my boys to head over to the strip club and I’d join up with them later.
. Right then, it was about a personal thing with Linds. I never got a chance to hang with her and explain what had happened with Tito and the guy that killed him. It all had happened so fast. My decision to do it. The information that came in, telling me where he was and I knew it was my only chance. I didn’t have the blessing of the Reap to do it and I was paying dearly for that.

But I was out now. I was a free man and I could find my girl and figure all the shit out. Then I’d sit down with Knox and Uncle Jakey and bring them up to speed on Anderson. Somehow, it would all work. Even if I ended up back behind bars and a needle thrust into my arm, oh well. I just wanted to tie up loose ends.

I parked my motorcycle and within ten seconds, I saw her.

I fucking saw her.

I whispered her name.


She was moving fast though. She was hugging herself, charging along the side of the bar. That’s when I saw a guy rush up behind her. I jumped off my ride and started to move. I thought this prick was going to rob her or something, but she stopped and faced him. Even at the distance and even with the weak light high above the parking lot, I could see her beauty. The soft features of her face. Her small, button nose. Goddamn, what guy liked a girl’s nose, right? Her thin lips that never needed lipstick, ever.

Fuck, I was hopelessly in love with her.

But she was with someone. It was pretty obvious with their body language.

I gave it a little bit to see what was actually happening. Somewhere inside myself I said that if Linds was happy with another man then I needed to stay away. I couldn’t go and fuck with her head and heart. That’s the shit we used to do to each other for years. We never let the other person be happy. It was just how we did things.

I watched then as Linds backed up to the bar. The fucking guy was touching her face or something and it didn’t seem like they were too happy. I hesitated for a split second and that decision cost me. I watched as the guy brought his hand back and couldn’t believe my eyes.

He slapped her. He fucking hit her.

This guy hit my girl.

I charged forward, knowing what I was going to do to this prick. It only made matters worse as he brought his hand back to do it again.

Was this the life Linds was living? Getting smacked around by some guy? Had it happened before? Did other guys hit her?

The rage boiled over as I grabbed the prick and pulled him away from Linds. I spun him around and before he knew what was happening I clocked him in the jaw. My right fist was like a fucking hammer. All it took was one punch to take him down.

That’s when I looked at her.


“Are you okay, sweetie?” I asked, saying the first thing that came to mind.

She was looking down at the guy I hit.

She slowly looked up and when our eyes met, that’s when the shock set it.

Her mouth opened. Her hands touched the side of the building.

Then she started to sway.

“Oh, fuck,” I said as she fell forward into my arms.

I caught Linds, catching the sweet smell of her hair and skin. I stepped back, lowering her down to the ground. I cupped my hand to the back of her head.

“Linds,” I said. “Linds, wake up, sweetie. You’re okay. There’s nothing to worry about.”

Her eyes fluttered back open and she looked at me. “King…”

Oh, what sweet fucking poetry that was to hear her say my name.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m really here.”


I smiled. “Don’t worry about it.” I reached for her cheek. I touched the mark that was getting more and more visible. “Are you okay to stand up?”

She nodded.

I helped Linds to her feet. I grabbed her hands and held them tight. The feelings surging through me were really hard to contain. I wanted to hug her. I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to pin her against the side of the building and tear every piece of clothing off her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to hear everything about her life, good and bad. I wanted to have her.

“What the hell was that?” I asked. “Some guy hitting you…”

“Hey, fuck you,” a voice said.

I looked back and saw the prick on the ground. He was trying to get back up.

I broke away from Linds and grabbed him. I picked him up like he weighed nothing. I turned and threw him against the side of the building.

“You fucking hit her?” I growled.

The guy took a swing at me.

That wasn’t going to work with me.

I ducked and he missed.

I then put two fists to his gut, leaving him crying out in pain, reaching for me. I hit him again in the face, sending him to his knees. I brought my right foot back and kicked him in the ribs, sending him against the building again.

“Stop,” Linds said as she grabbed at me. “That’s enough. Stop, King. Stop.”

The prick was huddled up, groaning.

I looked at Linds and couldn’t help myself. I grabbed her hand and pulled her close to me for a hug.

“We better get out of here,” I whispered. “Last thing I need are the cops here.”

“My place,” she blurted out. “You can follow me.”

I nodded. “Okay. Thanks.”

I made a move and she squeezed at my hand, stopping me. “King… I thought you were gone away for forever…”

I reached for Linds’s face. I smiled.
“The only forever I promised was to you, sweetie.”




rain all night. I stood at the open garage bay and watched the rain smack the ground in an endless sound that was soothing. I threw my cigarette out and it was dead before it hit the ground. I was on duty for the night, just to keep an eye on the place.

Fuck, I was close to moving up in the Reap.

There were big deals going on all around me and they kept throwing me on security. I was big, strong, and not afraid of a thing. That worked to my advantage. But it worked against me. I wanted to be at the table. I wanted to have a vote.

Truthfully, I was feeling a little empty inside.

I saw the headlights of the car swing and face right at me.

I pushed away from the open door and reached back for my gun.

Who the fuck would be here with a car this late?

The car pulled up to the bay and then the lights were killed off. The door swung open and someone stepped out of the car. It took my eyes all of two seconds to see who it was.

“Linds?” I called out.

She stood there in the rain, door open, getting soaked.

I put my gun down and ran out of the garage to the car.

“Hey!” I yelled. “What’s wrong?”

Linds turned her head and I saw the bruise next to her eye. She then looked at me again. Her hands held the top of the door. She was shaking. Shivering from the cold rain. But she was in fear. Terrified.

I reached for her and pulled her away from the car. I slammed the door. Now we were both standing in the rain, like damn fools, getting soaking wet.

“What happened?” I asked.

“He hit me,” she said. “Jim.”

“Your aunt’s asshole husband?”

“Yeah. I… he was drunk… he wanted to touch me… I pushed him away and he swung…”

“Let’s go,” I said.

I grabbed the door and opened it back up.

Fuck the Reap for a minute. Fuck my security post. Fuck it all. I was going to take care of this situation right now…

“No,” Linds said. “Please, King, no. Don’t. Not tonight.”

Linds touched my face. Her hand slid behind my neck and she moved to her toes. Our lips touched for a brief second.

“He can’t get away with this,” I said. “No fucking way in hell.”

“I need you tonight,” Linds said. “I need someone to hold me. To love me.”

“I told you to move out of that house,” I said.

But what were her options? Move in with me? I didn’t have a fucking home myself. I had a room in the back of the clubhouse that Knox and Slam vouched for me. She was trying to go to school to be a nurse, like her Aunt Jane was. I knew how the story went. If she didn’t do what they wanted, when they wanted, she’d be cut off from everything.

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