Outside Hell (32 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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It had utterly repulsed her, and when he’d
finally pulled back from her, and was only a foot away, suddenly
his horrible black tongue emerged and darted towards her, stopping
an inch from her face.


Regina lunged forwards on her chains and then
with the hope she’d cover his ugly face in phlegm and forgetting
the recent pain from inside, spat a mouthful of flames into


Only with the flames extreme pain came and
she’d screamed.


Satan just looked down at her and as he’d
held his hand out in front of his face, suddenly the black tongue
had emerged again and then slithered grotesquely between his


When Regina had stopped screaming she looked
at him in his eye and said,


“One day I will leave here you fucking ugly
bastard, one day Heaven will realize that I have done no wrong and
that your evil creature attacked me and killed my daughter, then
you’ll fucking pay for keeping me here.”


Satan laughed at the comment, only as he’d
laughed in his mind there was just the slightest edge of concern
too. The angels wouldn’t be impressed that he’d taken her, and then
if they ever found out they’d punish him for it too.


Satan then roared with laughter and told her
that they’d never know that she was there, and then walked out of
the cell again.


Only as she’d sat there and more flames had
suddenly engulfed her, and whilst she was suffering the most
extreme levels of pain that were destined to be for eternity, a
feint blue light appeared above her.

Chapter 28 –

Dracus and Laouse were walking through the
woods with their 8 feet tall bear by their side, or at least that’s
what it looked like.


Claudius hadn’t trusted the tablets from
Laouse and to prove it, his thick bear coat was completely done up
and his hood was down so far over his head that you couldn’t see
his face at all, and with his legs also in bear furs and thick bear
skin boots; this vampire was unrecognizable as such. Claudius had
really looked like he was a Grizzly bear that was walking on his
hind legs.


Then a mile into the forest Dracus’ keen
senses had ensured that there was no need for a compass because he
was fully tuned into the surroundings, and apart from the diesel
engines that were drumming in the distance guiding him, his other
worldly senses had told the way to go too.


Some ways a head the other two with him had
picked up on the noises of the soldiers marching ahead in their
square mile of ice too. Their vampire hearing which was hundreds of
times better than a humans but not better than their bowman
friends, had suddenly dialed into the stern German voices, and in
response their glistening fangs had thrust down and they were ready
to kill.


Laouse looked across at Dracus for his
reaction but there was none. The bowman had simply kept on walking
forwards with his eyes flicking from left to right so fast that you
could hardly see them move.


Laouse was also very much unaware that he’d
been listening to their noises from half a mile back, and that the
lightening fast killer from Eldor was fully prepared for any


A second past and Claudius had suddenly
clenched his fists realizing that soon he would be confronting
those responsible for kidnapping his son.


Then half a mile on and unaware that on the
other side of the woods a team of soldiers had already entered
under orders from Adolf, the three friends had finally seen the
foreboding darkness between the tall pine trees that they were
walking through, suddenly replaced by a sheer wall of light.


Realizing that they were nearing the edge of
the woods, the three of them had then prepared themselves for
whatever they’d find.


The soldiers after Adolf had been warned
about the demonic roar that the snipers had heard earlier; were
given their orders to scout the forest. A team of ten in full
combat gear and walking two abreast, armed with MP5 machine guns
with silver tranquiliser bullets, were scanning the forest all
about them.


They’d entered only ten minutes after Laouse
had roared and were now over a mile in.


All the while back in the
warmth of the chopper, the priest sat with his legs to one side
relaxing in the leather seats, whilst listening to the next program
from the Vatican. The music was so relaxing and consisted of a
choir singing, surrounded by the extreme echo of the 136 metre
high, and 186 metres in length,
di San Pietro
located in the centre of The
Vatican City, Rome.


He’d turned the volume up to nearly full and
the surround sound speakers were recapturing the mesmerizing sounds
perfectly, as they were being beamed across by long wave the
thousand or so kilometres to him.


All the while, the priest was completely
unaware that the narrow winding snow covered pathway that they’d
seen from the air, and only three quarters of a mile away, was now
host to a team of genetically modified soldiers that were marching
his way.


Dracus had left him with a bracelet similar
to Regina’s but in silver with red rubies across the face, and told
him that should anything happen, to simply place four of his
fingers on it and the bowman would be alerted to his trouble.

Back in the woods Dracus and his two vampire
buddies were on all fours crawling slowly through the snow to
within twenty feet from the edge of the forest.


The sun was masked overhead by the pine trees
dense canopy of evergreen leaves, but as it rose, so the light was
shafted down diagonally through the face of the forest, and lit up
the snow drifts before them.


Claudius fearing the sun, pulled in his hood
even tighter so that he only had the tiniest of cracks to look out
through, whilst Laouse squinted heavily from the rays that were
tingling his eyes.


The solar tablets that they’d taken earlier
worked, but they hadn’t got long left before they’d have to take
some more, and the tube had only got eight in it to start with. One
more round of two tablets each, and they’d only be able to stay out
in the sun a couple more hours max. Then they’d have to retire to
the chopper and once inside then quickly pull the blackout shades


Then as they’d looked out from the tree line
they could see hundreds of soldiers facing them. The tanks and
armoured personnel cars had been started since Laouse’s demonic
roar and then swung around to face the forest. Machine gunners were
laying down on the icy ground with their MG42 machine guns and the
belt feeder soldier by his side; ready to feed in the 1800 rounds
per minute straight at them. Then standing and amounting to more
than fifty, other soldiers stood pointing their weapons too.


Laouse swallowed deeply as Dracus then placed
a hand on his shoulder, and without speaking but using telepathy,
he’d told the vampire not to move. The bowman was aware that they
were very much hidden in the shadows of the dark forest, and that
for now in the huge expanse of trees that they were sheltering in,
unless they’d made a sound, the soldiers wouldn’t know where they


Suddenly from behind the huge rock doorway
that lead into the hanger, Dracus was startled by something and his
eyes trained forwards, staring deeply across the mile of icy
tarmac. Claudius messaged him and asked what’s up, but the bowman
didn’t answer.


Dracus could hear screaming coming from
inside the hanger, and he was aware from the depth of the tone that
it wasn’t humans either.


Then messaging both Claudius and Laouse
together, he’d told them what he could hear.


Claudius was aware that his own hearing was
amazing both from being a vampire and also from the lifestyle he
led, living out in the hillsides of Bavaria and hunting daily for
his food. The massive giant as he’d knelt on all fours next to
Dracus with his fur covered arms deeply pushing down into the snow
beneath him, and in response then sniggered because he could hear
nothing and thought that the bowman must be joking. The giant
vampire could hear nothing except the occasional locking and
loading of a weapon or the diesel engines in the old German
military vehicles that were heavily ticking over in the shallow


Laouse on the other hand and after witnessing
the bowman’s skill in Paris did believe, and telepathically asked
if it sounded like vampires.


The bowman nodded and in response Laouse


Claudius suddenly picked up on the vibes that
his fellow vampire believed the bowman and then the big man
concerned for his own son’s safety, also clenched his fists and


Dracus told them both he had a plan but that
it would involve them returning after dark when the shadows being
the windows to hell were everywhere, then enabling Satan to come up
and join them.


Laouse who’d instantly remembered what it had
been like fleeing for his life away from the 8 feet tall hideous
beast, and how he’d nearly been sucked down to hell to burn for
eternity, suddenly looked across at the bowman as if he was


Dracus meant it and knew that they were
outnumbered and without Satan’s help there would be no way soon
that they could all get into the hanger, as his shield could only
protect him.


Claudius didn’t know what to say, he’d only
just met this little man by his side and already was finding
himself somewhat left out from the plans. He knew his normal way to
deal with situations like these and that was to go in there strong,
and like Obelix from the Asterix comics, use brute force and smash
them all to pieces.


Only he was well aware that this time he was
seriously outnumbered and to use this tactic would probably lead
him to being killed.


Dracus picked up on their vibes and started
edging back into the forest. A few feet back he’d told them to come
on and they did. Then turning around the three of them made their
way back through the forest towards the chopper.

Chapter 29 – Tap,

Just as the inside of the chopper was ablaze
with sunshine, and John the priest was in his calmest state that
he’d been in since having the vision a couple weeks previously,
he’d heard a tapping noise on the window and looked up.


First and from the back seat of the chopper,
he’d looked straight in between the two front seats and out the
main windshield of the chopper, but there was no one just forest
and snow. Then he’d turned his face to look to the left and again
there was nothing except a huge wall of pine trees, but as he’d
turned to look out the window to his right, what he’d seen made him
shit himself.


Outside the chopper there were ten men over
six feet tall dressed in all black wearing ski masks and holding
MP5 submachine guns.


One of the soldiers was pushing the barrel of
his MP5 up against the glass and looking in through the cockpit at
him. The soldiers eyes heavily bloodshot from the exceptionally
cold air said it all and told the priest that the weapon he was
holding, he wasn’t to be fucked with either. In German the soldier
was telling him to get out, but John not understanding the lingo,
simply paused as his ears and subconscious mind tried to understand
the foreign sound.


Looking to his left then out through the
chopper towards the trees where Claudius, Laouse and Dracus had
gone, John was desperately hoping he would see them walking back to
the chopper through the deep snow.


Seeing no one panic began to race through him
because he got the general idea that the soldier wanted him to open
the door.


He didn’t need to speak the language to
realise this but then in turn he also knew who the soldier must be,
one of those responsible for kidnapping Kaine and Regina.


Pausing to think for a second what he should
do and forgetting about Dracus’ bracelet that was dangling on the
left wrist, suddenly the soldier to prove that he wasn’t fucking
around, then pointed his weapon at the ground and let out a burst
of firepower. The sound instantly roared its way through the dense
pine trees and with it, then a huge amount of steam came up from
the hot barrel and misted up the glass outside the priests rear
door of the chopper.


Again in German but this time much louder,
the soldier shouted the same words he’d used before, whilst taking
the butt of his gun he’d also tried to break through the glass by
ramming it exceptionally hard against the window.


John shuddered inside from extreme fear
surging through him, and at the same time he’d found his hand that
was shaking violently and against his better judgement, then
reached across towards the door handle.


The priest was going to unlock the door to
the chopper and that was when suddenly all hell broke loose.


The soldier outside the chopper suddenly
dropped his gun and reached up with both hands grabbing for his
neck. The priest blinked and then to his horror realized that there
was an arrow going through the man’s neck that glistened, with the
light beaming down from the early morning sun. The mans eyes behind
his black ski mask enlarged instantly showing the extreme fear that
he was going through as he’d looked back at the priest.


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