Outside Hell (36 page)

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Authors: Milo Spires

Tags: #vampires, #hell, #werewolves, #sadness, #battles, #time travel, #raids, #dark sorcery, #whore houses, #ww2 genetically modified soldiers

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Ever since he’d had no choice and then fled
for the safety of his other world, and after he was disconnected
from another clone of his that he’d left outside the priests office
stuck in a rose bush like a fool, he’d improved his magic so that
things like that wouldn’t happen again.


He’d also created a third eye spell and
allowed it to permanently float along watching the priest, just in
case he’d ever needed to see what the feeble fool was up too.


The old boy was aware that the priest
experienced visions just like the vampire Kaine, so there was no
way that he would ever let him out of his sight again, not with
other future plans to kill Rex being created daily that the priest
if he’d seen another vision could fuck up. The priest would be
monitored and if there were any more visions from the holy fool
showing what he himself was up to, then because of it, he’d be one
step ahead of the religious idiot and then be able to stop them
before the angels turned up and caught him.


So as he’d swiped his finger down in the air
and the third eye spell had suddenly reconnected, instantly
Raffious was able to see the priest and wondered from the live
image that was being beamed back at him, what he was up to.


The image was grainy to start with, and then
as he’d increased the contrast and a second later the picture had
cleared, suddenly he’d realized that John the priest was in a
chopper. John was sitting in the back with his seat belt on but his
face was extremely pale like he’d just seen the undead. Raffious
could also tell from the rain that was dripping diagonally down the
glass behind the holy fool, that the chopper was airborne too.


Then as Raffious in his other world had
swiped his finger down through the air, and the third eye spell had
responded by slowly panning around to the right, he could see that
the passenger seat next to the priest was also empty. Only aware
that he could also hear voices and then in turn knew that there was
at least a pilot who was flying the thing, he’d panned the image
around to take a look. Only as he’d seen that the pilot was a
vampire and next to him was a massive grizzly bear, Raffious who
was suddenly and violently consumed with shock, misplaced a foot
and fell back over a rock behind him. Then as the old boy had got
up again and after brushing off the dirt to take a second look,
he’d suddenly remembered the pilot as Laouse, Kaine and Regina’s


Then demanding that the third eye spell tell
him where the priest was, Raffious waited a few seconds for the
information to come back to him, and when it had he was furious.
He’d screamed with so much rage that mountains of ultraviolet rays
had burst out from his mouth, and his eyes had turned a fierce
shade of red too.


The priest was in Romania near to where the
shack was that Regina had died in.


Then as he’d watched the screen so damn
intensely and feared that that by doing so the three in the chopper
might see him because of it, suddenly the chopper had banked
viciously around a black cloud of demons, and then with flames
lighting up the horizon behind it, the chopper had swooped down
over a forest and landed.


Then as the priest was screaming that the
demons would catch them, suddenly a new being had leapt into the
chopper after talking with a white horse. Raffious had also
realized that because his skin was caramel in color with soft hues
of light brown throughout, he obviously wasn’t a vampire. He was
also wearing strange clothing too, he’d been in mostly brown
leather with crossed strings on his forearms and quiver on his
side, plus a long wooden bow across his back.


Raffious mused over this being and then as
he’d thought about him for a second or two, suddenly he’d
recognized him.


The old boy remembered that after he’d
rewound time to follow the other chopper as the third eye spell had
lost the image from the first, he’d seen something that had
reflected the moonlight as it was shot up into the air at extreme
speed. Then when he’d looked into the forest to see where it had
come from, faintly there’d been the silhouette of a man with a bow
on his back that was hiding waist deep in snow amongst the
coalescing shadows.


Raffious had instantly put two and two
together resulting in four. He’d realized that this man in the
chopper was the same made from outside the shack. This bowman
fellow had either gone there to the shack as backup with Kaine and
Regina or he’d appeared to help them, and if that was the case then
he must have dark knowledge of evil and might be a sorcerer like


Then after Raffious had commanded the third
eye spell to follow them, it was as they’d landed in a clearing
surrounded by tall snow covered pine trees and the rotors
downdraught had blasted the first ten meters of them clean, that
Raffious had demanded the spell to reveal where they were. Only
when it had come back to him saying that they were only a mile or
so away from the German military base, Raffious was consumed with
anger. He knew that they were going to rescue Kaine and he
definitely didn’t want that to happen.


The old boy suddenly turned around and
through his rage, and as the wind had picked up with the gathering
clouds above him blasting out electrifying rain, he’d shot hundreds
of innocent creatures around him. Only then and in response as he’d
realized what he’d just done and with deep guilt passing through
him because of it, he’d screamed. The sound was so ear piercing and
terrifying that the creatures that he hadn’t killed with their cute
faces like Racoons, didn’t wait around for apologies but instead
ran off in to the bushes hating him.


That was it in his mind, fuck the angels and
god, he was going to this military base in Hungary himself and
would make this bowman pay for what he’d just made him do to these
happy creatures.


Then in his obviously seriously disturbed
mind Raffious planned that after he’d walked inside the hanger and
had violently killed everyone, he was going to go and find his
puppet Adolph to make him pay for running away from him forty years
earlier too.


Raffious then with a face full of wild anger
and cute furry creatures lying massacred all about him, thrust his
arms up high into the air, and in true sorcerer style then
commanded his ‘get me out of here spell’. The massive energy within
him suddenly blasted out and with it a white light had appeared
above his head that raced around him in a circle. Seconds past and
then as it picked up speed and it formed a complete disc of white
light and the sound coming from its turning became almost


Raffious looked about him and then with a
tear rolling down his cheek and the cute furry creatures looking
back at him from their petrified state under the bushes, the old
boy suddenly braced him self for the pain.


The light exploded into a garish white flash
and then a second later, he and the white light had painfully




After the magic had de-atomized Raffious and
then he’d hurtled him through billions of miles of space at
ridiculous speeds, another second had past and then he was there,
re-atomized and standing in the woods next to the German hanger.
Only as he’d appeared thinking that no one would have seen him
arrive, he’d been wrong. The bowman from Eldor, a world five
thousand light passes from earth had seen him, and from the priests
description in the chopper of the clone back in Kaine and Regina’s
lounge, and how he’d just appeared in the woods, Dracus knew that
he was the one that his friend Regina had vowed to kill. He also
suspected that he was deeply involved in their disappearance


Utter rage had consumed the bowman and then
in response to it, he’d loaded a cursed arrow from a mile away and


The arrow guided by the darkest rituals from
Rex’s coven and driven by the deepest evil that Satan had blessed
them with, and made from a thousand year old snake skin with its
fangs fused to the tip, suddenly charged towards him. It flew at
unbelievable speeds around the thousands of pine trees, as it
navigated itself towards its prey.


The bowman was furious because he’d had to
wait hundreds of years in Rex’s coven, without the chance of being
able to go home to truly be with his love Janus. Ok he’d touch her
by pulling her spirit into his outer dimension that his spell would
create, but still he’d been desperate for more. Only aware that he
was the royal child that Vrakug was looking for, he’d daren’t go
back to Eldor unless he’d got Satan to sternly following him.


Dracus had been trying to meet Satan for
hundreds of years but Rex would never arrange it. Only in Paris
he’d finally met the ugly horned bastard. Dracus had shot him with
four cursed arrows to save his friends, and then suddenly, as
planned, the evil bastard was doing anything to catch him. Only
whereas Satan thought he would catch him, and couldn’t understand
why Dracus was trying to enrage him because in his mind it was
asking for death, he’d been oblivious to the true reasons though.
Dracus had wanted Satan to follow him back to Eldor so like a UFC
fight promoter, he could arrange for Satan to meet up with his dear
old pal the evil dark lord Vrakug. Dracus had hoped that when the
two were fighting one another, he’d sneak up and lay a portal on
the floor that they’d clumsily step into and vanish. Dracus would
give it the coordinates beforehand and send it up to the
murderously oppressive, burning rock in the sky that you and I know
as the sun. He’d felt sure after sending a massive boulder up to it
and watching it vaporize, that the heat would be so overpowering
for the two evil bastards that they’d simply vaporize themselves as
soon as they’d appeared on its surface. If his plan worked, then a
heinous death, one befitting of the two evil bastards would finally
come for both of them, and in turn he’d save two worlds from their
evil presence as well.


The bowman though and just after killing Rex
to ensure that Satan’s rage would follow him blindly to Eldor,
Regina’s bracelet had gone of summoning him. Dracus has cursed
inwardly at the time because he’d realized that he couldn’t leave
for Eldor knowing that his friend was in grave trouble, as he’d no
knowledge if he’d ever be able to return afterwards to save her.
Dracus had to suddenly stop everything and risk Satan catching him,
whilst he’d saved Regina first. So when he’d seen Raffious standing
there in the pine trees a mile away from him, it’d made the bowman
furious and he’d stopped everything to kill him.


Then after he’d chopped his head off to show
Regina and saved her and her husband too, he’d lure Satan back to
Eldor and watch with a big Cheshire cat grin as the two evil
bastards then de-atomized in the murderously oppressive sun.


Only meanwhile and as a bullet-ridden blue
and silver chopper had landed not so far away with its black out
screens down, and with a priest vomiting across the back seats,
Sorchek also touched down in the woods half a mile from Dracus, and
he wasn’t alone either.

Chapter 33 – Preparing
for War

Inside the hanger Adolf was furious with
rage, as he’d walked down the steel staircase into the control
room. Then as soon as he’d stepped one foot down onto the concrete
floor, a loyal soldier who was seated behind a computer terminal,
turned around and looked up at him.


The leader of men instantly slid his hand
down to his hip and unfastened the buckle on his side. Then as he’d
pulled out his Luger Parabellum semi automatic pistol, and as the
soldier had tried to leap out of his chair realizing to his horror
that he was about to be killed, Adolf simply shot him four times in
the head.


Storming past the corpse and then leaning
over the shoulder of another soldier who’d said nothing for obvious
reasons, Adolf snatched up the bloodied keyboard in front of him
and banged in some commands. The screen showed the outside of the
hanger, and his arsenal of old German military vehicles that were
pointing their turrets out in various directions, into the deeply
snow covered pine trees. Then as Adolf looked down at his
wristwatch and with it realized that soon the land would be
consumed in darkness, suddenly a deep and unearthly chill coursed
its way through him. He was aware that with the night looming soon
the undead would arrive, and then war would start and he wasn’t
entirely sure if he’d win.


Then as he’d turned around with copious
amounts of blood welling out of the corpse only a few feet away
from him, and taking a strange shape as it headed straight towards
him, he’d looked about at his other soldiers and the vast array of
computer terminals, wondering how he’d got into this mess. So far
they’d had years of kidnapping vampires and everything had been
going perfect. His scientists after a little coercion proving that
his Lugar worked; had developed DD10 and they were well on their
way to finding immortality. His boys in white coats had also
developed MX10 that had turned things around and looked like it
wouldn’t be long before they’d crack the key to eternal life. If he
could unlock that, then soon with his soldiers unstoppable he’d
restart the war against the British and the Americans and win.


Adolf had started to wonder since loosing a
team of his men in Paris, if maybe he’d been a little harsh on his
people over the years since they’d been living in the base, and
that maybe if he’d backed off a little, it might actually help them
uncover immortality sooner.

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