Read Outsider Online

Authors: Olivia Cunning

Tags: #rock star, #guitar, #menage, #threesome, #musician, #Olivia Cunning

Outsider (3 page)

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did you find this one?” Aggie asked Reagan.

writing a book about Exodus End.”

I know that, but has she been living under a rock?”

nodded. “Pretty much.”

you are,” Myrna said as she walked up behind them. She nodded toward Toni. “She
wandered off when I was telling her the best way to make a man beg for his butt

flushed. “Um, I appreciate the gesture, but Logan teaches me all he wants me to
know about that kind of thing.”

he’s training you to be his perfect lover?” Aggie asked.


you’re okay with that?”

smiled. “I’m grateful to him. I love him so much, I’d do anything for him.”

glanced at Myrna. “Doormat much?”

Myrna said. “It depends.” She turned to Toni. “Do you have any hard limits?”

Toni merely stared at her, Myrna asked, “Is there anything you won’t let him do
to you or refuse to do for him?”

face lit up. “Oh, of course.” She shook her head. “No anal.”

won’t give anal or receive it?” Myrna asked.

Toni’s face blanched as she apparently caught on to what Myrna was suggesting.

are missing out,” Reagan said. She was lucky in that Trey always made it feel
good. She rarely let Ethan take her ass. He was too rough for her tender back door,
but dear lord, the man could pound a pussy just right, and Trey craved rough
fucking, so the sex always seemed to work out right between the three of them.
It was the emotional entanglements that she was starting to worry about.

it gross?” Toni asked. “I mean won’t you get poop on his wiener?” she whispered
out of the corner of her mouth.

chuckled. “Did you really just call it a wiener?”

less dirty than you’d imagine,” Myrna said in her professorial voice, “but if
that bothers you or him, you can prepare for penetration in advance. Clean yourself
out, so to speak.” Myrna wrapped an arm around Toni’s shoulders and led her
toward a section of enemas, lubes, and anal-sex toys.

wondered if Myrna missed teaching. She seemed to like instructing Toni in her
no-nonsense way, and it was obvious that clueless Toni needed all the
instruction she could tolerate. Toni stared at Myrna—partially horrified,
partially fascinated—as Myrna explained the ins and outs of enema use, complete
with hand demonstrations.

hard to believe someone so innocent still exists in this day and age. Is she
super religious or something?” Aggie asked.

shrugged. “I don’t think so. She has a little sister with Down Syndrome, who
she’s been raising since she was a teenager. I don’t think she’s had time to
explore her sexuality.”

shit!” bellowed the sheltered woman in question as she gaped at a life-size
replica of a human fist made of black silicon attached to a wooden handle.
“That cannot fit up in there. Cannot. Nope. I don’t believe it.”

totally adorable,” Aggie decided, sharing a throaty chuckle.


discovered Jessica and Rebekah in one corner of the store discussing the
benefits of Kegel exercises for men.

Sed can stop his orgasm completely?” Rebekah looked awestruck.

comes, but doesn’t let himself ejaculate,” Jessica said. “So he can keep going
for a really long time.”

the fuck up, Jess. No way!”


noticed that the rest of the women had joined them. “Can any of your men do
that? Come without ejaculating?”

when wearing a cock ring,” Aggie said.

tried those with Eric,” Rebekah said. “He just spurts right through them. I
swear the guy is a cum factory.”

good at holding back,” Myrna said. “Well, he’s powerless against the finger”—she
wiggled her index finger at them—“but on his own he lasts longer than any man
I’ve ever been with.”

do you do with your finger?” Toni asked.

massage. If you want me to show you how to do it—”

done it with Logan,” she interrupted, “but I used one of those things.” She
pointed at a prostate vibrator sitting on a nearby shelf.

laughed at how casual Toni was about it. “I guess we have nothing to worry
about. Logan seems to be doing a pretty good job teaching you what you need to

the absolute best,” Toni gushed. “And he never makes me feel stupid for not
knowing things about sex.”

if you ever need advice, you can ask any of us,” Reagan said. “We all have lots
of experience.”

crinkled her brows at her. “Thanks, Reagan. You make us sound like sluts.”

then, I’ll speak only for myself,” Reagan said. “
have lots of
experience.” And she didn’t care who knew it.

been meaning to ask another woman one thing,” Toni said. “Should you swallow?”

entire group burst into laughter. Even Toni joined in after an awkward pause.

if you love him,” Myrna said, patting her on the back. “Are we ready to get
this young lady some decent clothes?”

eyed the cock cages she’d been planning to purchase and set them on a random
shelf. If Trey and Ethan wanted to fuck each other when she wasn’t around, that
should be their right. She did buy a huge tub of lube, though, and asked if the
clerk could deliver it to the hotel. She’d likely throw out her back if she
tried lugging it around all day while they shopped. She also bought
cherry-flavored lube just for Trey. She knew how much he liked the stuff.

you really use that much lube?” Toni asked as they exited the store.

forced her lungs to draw air as she instantly wilted in the southern Louisiana

and Trey use a lot,” she said, fanning her face with one hand. The slight
breeze her fingers produced didn’t help in the least. She’d become accustomed
to LA’s scorching summers, but this heavy, sticky air was plain miserable.

you or each other?”

she said. Now that they were out of the sex shop, she didn’t much feel like
divulging the intimate details of her sexual relationships.

trotted ahead to a fashion boutique and peered into the glass storefront. “I
think we have a winner!”

Jessica and Myrna thought Toni was best suited for professional attire, Reagan
and Rebekah insisted she’d be better off wearing T-shirts and jeans. She’d fit
in with the road crew in casual clothes and wouldn’t stand out as odd while she
was touring with the band. But they soon discovered a problem with trying to
fit Toni into a T-shirt: she was so chesty that the cotton threatened to split
over her breasts and the hems of the tops didn’t come close to reaching the
waistband of her jeans. So the jeans worked fine, but the T-shirts were a no-go.

think she’d look cute in a sweater set,” Jessica said. Well, of course she
thought that. The woman owned sweater sets in every color imaginable. But sweater
sets on Toni created a different problem: Toni’s boobs stretched the neck down
until she had so much cleavage, everyone in the store was ogling her breasts.

hate clothes shopping,” Toni moaned, trying to yank the sweater up over her exposed

button-down shirt Myrna had her try on gaped several inches between Toni’s
breasts. She couldn’t get the third fastener closed at all.

bigger size perhaps,” the clerk suggested. She probably feared someone would
lose an eye if a button happened to pop.

her life Reagan had envied women with large breasts, but now that she saw the
struggle Toni had in finding clothes that fit, she was grateful for her small

have the perfect figure for a corset,” Aggie said, eyeing Toni’s body appreciatively.

eyes bulged. “A corset?” The word came out as a squeak.

make you one,” Aggie offered. She instructed the clerk to take Toni’s
measurements and write them down for her.

are you being so nice to me when I said that awful thing to you earlier?” Toni

shrugged. “I’ve been mistaken for worse, and I can tell you didn’t mean to hurt
my feelings.” Aggie stroked a loose lock of mousy brown hair behind Toni’s ear.
“Don’t let it bother you, honey.”

really am sorry.”

know. I forgive you.”

Reagan wasn’t sure how Toni had so quickly gotten on Aggie’s good side, but she
had to admit it was really hard to stay mad at someone as genuinely nice as
Toni always was.

did you get your current wardrobe?” Myrna asked. “This store obviously isn’t
working for us. Do they have special stores for women with your, uh . . .”
Her gaze flicked to Toni’s chest. “. . . attributes?”

had all my clothes for a really long time. Over ten years. I’ve been really
chesty since I was in junior high and haven’t changed shape much since. We
bought shirts several sizes too big and took in the waist, shoulders and arms
so they’d fit me right. Well, I didn’t. I’m terrible at sewing.”

Myrna asked.

and my dad.” Toni flushed and glanced down at her boobs spilling over the cups
of her black bra. “He did all the sewing.”

father sewed clothes for you?” Jessica said, her eyes brimming with tears. Reagan
searched her pocket for a tissue, but came up empty-handed. Rebekah came to the
rescue with one from her purse.

not actually going to cry over that, are you?” Reagan asked.

just so sweet,” Jessica said, dabbing at her eyes with the tissue. “None of my
stepfathers would have done anything like that for me.”

cheeks had gone pink. “I think maybe he was trying to keep the boys away by
selecting clothes that were um . . . outdated.

Myrna said, holding up Toni’s discarded blouse by the shoulders.

Toni agreed.

winked and said, “It’s a good thing Logan got you out of those clothes so
quickly. Once he saw what was underneath, he was a complete goner.”

laughed. “I wasn’t about to turn down the opportunity to finally lose my

revelation wasn’t news to Reagan—Toni had told her that Logan had claimed her
virginity within an hour of meeting her—but the other women in their group were

Aggie’s “I’ll tie his dick in a knot” to Myrna’s “It’s the rockstar thing,
isn’t it?” to Rebekah’s “Did he take advantage of you?” and Jessica’s “Men can
be such pigs,” Toni defended Logan.

didn’t take advantage of me,” Toni said. “I wanted it to happen, and he felt so
bad about it afterward because he wasn’t aware that I was that inexperienced.
He’s really good to me.”

women went off again, talking over one another. Reagan stepped back to watch.

said, “He’d better be good to you, or he’ll answer to me.”

tapped her lip, her gaze shifting toward the ceiling, and asked, “So you would
have succumbed that easily to any man you found attractive? Or
the rockstar thing?”

seems like such a nice guy once you get to know him,” Rebekah said.

delivered her criticism with waving arms. “Can’t you see that he
take advantage of you? He’s a pig, I tell you.”

lips drew into a harsher and harsher line as she struggled to find her voice.

it matter how they got together?” Reagan asked, giving Toni a playful shove.
“The man is obsessively in love with her now.”

face relaxed, and she beamed with happiness. If the others had further
criticisms or concerns, they kept their comments and prying questions to
themselves. Toni was obviously as happy with Logan as he was with her. So what
if they’d gone through the normal get-to-know-each-other, forge-a-relationship,
and have-copious-amounts-of-lust-fueled-sex progression entirely backwards?

purchased a couple of pairs of jeans and a pair of the gaudiest tube socks
Reagan had ever seen, but she didn’t buy any tops, because not a single one fit
her. The group stopped at several other stores with the same results. No wonder
the poor woman had such an unflattering wardrobe. Everything she tried on
either clung, gaped, hung completely wrong, or made her look like she was
trying to get a job at Hooters.

hopeless,” she said after taking off the third sweater she’d stretched out of
proportion at an exclusive boutique.

not quite as chesty as you are,” Aggie said, laying a comforting hand on the
small of Toni’s back, “but I get it. Clothes never fit me quite right either.
Let’s try a plus-size store. I’m pretty good with a needle. If we need to make
alterations, I’ll help you out.”

BOOK: Outsider
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