Over the Barrel (13 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Over the Barrel
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Blair gulped as the warmth of his breath
tingled over her chilled flesh.
eyes held a hunger, a need that matched the passion she felt within her own
She was helpless to her own

"I do not know the words," she
whispered back, easing her hands along the breadth of his shoulders.
"These feelings are unfamiliar and
I know nothing about these things, other than what you told me."

"Try for me.
Tell me what you hunger for," he

"I … I long to feel your desire deep
within me.
Filling me inside.
My body wants to swallow your … you

"Say it, Blair.
Say it," Sloan urged.

"I want you to fuck me with your
cock," Blair said, suddenly slapping her hand over her mouth in horror.

Sloan chuckled, stroking her face.
"That was not a phrase I was
Where did you hear

"I snuck behind a door and listened
to the stablemaster.
I did not know
what it meant," Blair confessed.
"The woman sounded like she was enjoying herself thoroughly.
I asked Madeline, and she ran out of the
room with her hand over her mouth."

"Well, how about you let me show you
what it means."
Sloan's lips
hovered within inches of her tightly crinkled nipples as his hand glided down
to rest in a hot embrace over her pounding heart.
He placed her hand over his chest.
"Feel my heart beat as strongly as
yours, Blair.
You affect me in ways
that I have never felt before.
know I should not take you here, no matter how willing you are."

"No, you should not," she
mumbled as his tongue flicked and teased the bare flesh of her pebbly nubs.

"I agree," he said huskily as
he gently chewed upon her right nipple.
"You make me hungry enough to want to devour you.
With you, I lose control, but I cannot
restrain my desire."

"Must you always be in control?
Oh Lord," she cried out as she
pulled at his hair.
desperate need consumed her with an instinctive yearning that overtook her
awareness of the world around her and left her to focus solely on him.
She whimpered as the sudden rush of cold
air and droplets of cold water fell on her breasts as his mouth left her flesh.

"Stand up," Sloan commanded.

"Sloan, wait.
I am completely disrobed, and …"

"You are beautiful.
I want to see you.
Now stand."

Blair obeyed, her legs trembling with
nervous desire.
Except as a child,
she had never stood before any person fully unclothed.
Even her maids were not privy to the
view of her slender curves or pink-tipped breasts.
She closed her eyes as smooth, sultry
strokes grazed her most intimately guarded place.

"This is a lover's kiss," Sloan
said, as his wet tongue slid between the virgin folds.
He flicked the tip against the pink,
swollen knob, his tongue thrusting as he pushed her open further.
His enormous hands wrapped around her
hips and he pressed her against the edge of a large bolder.
He lifted her right leg and set it upon
a rock.
"I am going to suck on
your little nub, Blair, and it will feel so good that you are gonna scream my
name for the world to hear."

He showed her no mercy as his tongue
ventured deeper between her folds.
"Mmm, the river's sweetness is nothing compared to
Sloan took hold of her
hand and placed it upon her soft curls and covered her hand with his
Slowly he began to move
them around and then regarded her glazed, lust-filled eyes.
"Touch yourself for me, Blair.
Explore your body as I feast on

Her movements were stiff and clumsy, and
Blair bit her lip.
"I am
I don't know what you want
of me."

"Haven't you ever touched yourself

"It is sinful, and … no.
Not until the moment that you joined me
in the water."
Blair looked
away, her face red.
do not tease."

"Why would I tease?
Your innocence intrigues me.
It makes me want to teach you and enjoy
the delight you experience as your discover the wonders of your body.
Feel what my fingers are doing?" he
guided her finger under his, "Slowly, rub little circles in your wet
Show me that you want

Blair licked her lips as she caressed
She attempted to ease her
breathing as Sloan wrapped his mouth over her fingers and sucked at her
She bit her lower lip
as he guided her hand past her soft mound and pressed her index finger to her
own entrance.

"Push your finger inside and feel
Trust me.
You can't cause yourself any harm,"
he coaxed as he tongued her soft lips.
"That's my good girl.
Stretch out your opening for me.
Keep going; it's very tight.
Let your finger go all the way inside.
Now, try to hold it in place."
Sloan instructed as he fondled her pouting clit.

Blair felt his tongue slip around her
finger with every thrust it in and out.
She groaned as he pushed her finger to the knuckle and began to move it
back and forth in deep thrusts while his lips worked hungrily at her arousal.
Blair reached back with her left hand to
steady herself as waves of undulating pleasure began to mount.
She moaned loudly, her eyes rolling back
as his mouth grew more insistent.
Blair elapsed into a shuddering climax, her voice echoing his name
through the cliff line with a cry of fulfilled delight.

Sloan captured her body as her trembling
legs gave way from under her.
Slowly, he lowered her back into the bubbling water.
As her body relaxed, Blair took hold of
his hands and stared at the erection that bobbed before her lips.
His eyes darted down as she looked up.

"May I … kiss it?" Blair asked,
Sloan nodded and watched
as her lips covered the glistening tip of his engorged cock.
She traced her fingers down the
sensitive skin under his shaft and delicately cupped his testes in her
"Does this hurt?"

"No, darling, it feels
Yes, like that,
Yes, suck down on me and use
the tip of your tongue.
Good girl,
very good!
You are enjoying this,
aren't you?"

She nodded, her eyes locked on his face
while she swallowed him further into her throat.
Sloan ran his fingers through her hair,
gritting his teeth, as the pleasure grew more intense.
His lids grew heavy with lust.

"Blair, that feels so good.
Can you take me in further?" he
Blair nodded.
"All the way, darling.
Go down all the way."

Blair strained against gagging as she
worked the length of his pole to the back of her throat.
His sweet, salty fluid bathed her mouth
with a flavor she compared to the groundnut candy that Madeline used to make
for her.
It brought a smile to her
eyes as she remembered that those special treats always cheered her up when she
was feeling melancholy or ill.
closed her eyes and began to hum with contentment, the taste of him bringing
about one of her few happy memories.
Her eyes flew open as his cock throbbed and began to pulsate.
He called out her name as his release
exploded into the back of her throat and she reflexly swallowed its entirety.

Neither of them spoke after she removed
him from her mouth.
Sloan slid into
the water in front of her and they both sat in silence, breathless and
After several minutes,
Blair grabbed her chemise and gracefully slipped it over her head.
She paused silently and then took in a

"I think it's best if we remain
distant from one another, Mr. Adkins."

Sloan's head whipped instantly to face

"My heart cannot stand further
It will be too painful to
I will want more of you and
cannot have any."

"Blair, what are you talking
Didn't you like what just

Blair looked at the ground.
"I enjoyed it all too well.
So much so that, the thought of not
having you in that manner again sickens my stomach."

"Don't say that.
This dalliance was enjoyable for me as
I will want you again."

"You desire to lie with me, yet you
do not feel that I am worthy as a mate.
How am I any different from your late wife?"
Blair's eyes filled with tears.
"You sought her out for her favors,
but she was unequipped to do anything on her own.
You grew to hate her, not love her.
I wish to have love and desire in my
life, not abhorrence."

"I could never abhor you,
You are nothing like

Blair spun to look up into his
"Pray tell, what is it
that I can do that she could not?"

Sloan hesitated for a moment and then
looked her straight in the eye.

"You can make me happy."


Chapter 7


Blair remained silent for the rest of the
She avoided Sloan's
questions and pulled away from his arms each time he attempted to embrace her.
Confusion, uncertainty, and doubt
plagued her thoughts.
He had
refused her invitations, even reprimanded her for making such suggestions, but
then he relinquished his position and had joined her in the river and exchanged
pleasures with her.

He had shown no interest in her body
until that moment, beyond tanning her hide when she disobeyed him.
Were his words spoken simply because he
desired a warm body to lie with now because conversation with her was no longer
enough to spark his interest?
knew she was an intelligent woman, and that her inquisitive mind raised a
challenge for him, a challenge he had seemed to enjoy.
Her aunt's words haunted her, telling
her that a woman's place was not to think, but to do.
Do what?
The very things she had never been

That was untrue.
Madeline had tried to teach her kitchen
skills, but Blair found it more interesting to frequent the stables and curry
the horses.
Sewing and embroidery
were taught at the academy, but Blair spent more time pulling out stitches than
procuring a garment.
Aunt Imelda
insisted that she keep her bedroom tidy, but Blair paid no attention to putting
items in their place and stuck them hodge-podge wherever was convenient.
She sighed loudly, accepting that her
failures were of her own doing.

She looked up into the sky and studied
the mass scattering of stars that were suspended like drops of water around the
full moon.
The sound of footsteps
behind her caught her attention, and a warm hand rested on her shoulder.

"Come get some sleep," Sloan
said gently.
"It is late, and
we have to be up when the rooster crows."

Blair turned to him.
"Starting tomorrow, I will make our
I will also attempt to darn
the hole in your shirt from where Skinwalker nipped you.
Before you say anything," she held
up her hand, "I owe you an apology for my behavior.
I have no desire to be valueless."

Sloan slipped his hand to cup the back of
her neck and stroked her ear with his thumb.
"How many times must I tell you
that you are not valueless, Blair?
Not in any way.
Come now,
it's time to get some sleep." He kissed her forehead and then led her
silently to her bedroll.

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