Owned (20 page)

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Authors: Erin R. Flynn

Tags: #BDSM, #Erotic Fiction, #Ménage à Trois, #Paranormal, #Western, #Romance

BOOK: Owned
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“We’re faster and stronger. Our vision is impeccable,” Jared added. “And there’s nothing as freeing as when we’re in wolf form, Kate.” I saw his eyes shining with excitement. “You feel so empowered and like everything in your human life slips away. Your paws hitting the dirt as you run, truly one with nature, and nothing holding you back.”

“You’ll live longer,” Dean said as he rubbed my back. “We have double the lifespan of humans and you would too. Think of it. Never getting sick, never feeling the pains of getting older. You’d live your life as healthy as you are now and when it was time, you’d die peacefully in your sleep when we would.”

“We’d all die together?” I gasped. That was one I didn’t see coming.

“Our parents did. Our grandparents did too,” Jared answered with a smile. “They always said that when they claimed each other their souls were interwoven. When it was time they went into the afterlife together because the souls couldn’t be split back up. They weren’t scared when they felt the time getting close. It was just the next step in their journey together.”

“That’s nice,” I admitted. “I was always grateful that if my parents had to die they went together. Sure, it was harder to lose both of them at once but at least they didn’t have to be without the other the rest of their lives. They were that much in love that even as a child I knew one would never have survived losing the other.” Then I had a thought. “What if we mated and then one of you died the next day? I’d be dead too?”

“Yes, but we’re much harder to kill,” Dean explained gently. “If we had been shot like you were we wouldn’t have needed to go to the hospital. Sure, it would have hurt like a bitch, but we would have healed within a day. Decapitation is pretty much the only way to kill us. Or if someone ripped out our hearts I guess.”

“This is a lot,” I whispered, moving away from both of them. “I mean, this is a
, guys. I was cool with you being werewolves. But add to that all of this and changing me into one? I feel like I’m spinning out of control.”

“We’re not asking you to let us claim you now, Kate. We’re just giving you the facts.”

“But you’re really not, Jared,” I replied as I eyed them over. “You’re explaining what you want from me eventually. We’re in a relationship and they progress. We’re not just fuck buddies and you’re telling me about something that will never happen.”

“True, but we’d give you all the time you need,” Dean said as they stayed where they were so they didn’t crowd me.

“All the time I needed,” I parroted, his meaning sinking in. “Are you saying if I was cool with this you’d do it right now?”

“Yes, we know what we want,” Jared answered quietly as Dean nodded.

“I need to think,” I mumbled as I walked over to the fridge. I pulled out a Mountain Dew and walked out of the kitchen. I was grateful that they let me go because I started to feel as if I couldn’t breathe around them. I started heading towards the study and then had a change of heart. Jogging up the stairs to my room, I quickly changed into work clothes before slipping out of the house.

I needed sanctuary and I knew where to go for that and to be alone.

Chapter 12


“How are you feeling, Kate?” Nick asked me when I reached the barn.

“Better but not best. I’m not doing anything heavy today. I thought I’d take one of the four-wheelers out to the orchard and check on how the apples are doing,” I said with a smile, trying to show nothing was wrong.

“Is that wise for you to be going alone with all that’s happened?” he asked gently.

“Probably not but they’re kind of smothering me,” I chuckled, coming up with another reason I would need space.

“Well, mind if I join you? I don’t talk much and I was just about to take a break for lunch anyways.”

“Yeah, sure, I’d love some quiet company.” He nodded and grabbed some radios as I checked the gas levels on two of the four-wheelers we had. I loaded up the one with the attachment with empty bushels just in case some of the apples were ready. We didn’t have that big of an orchard, more like my grandma had planted a bunch of trees here and there so she had fresh supplies for baking.

But after she’d died, Gramp had added some more and it was nice to have fresh, organic apples during certain times of the year. Jared and Dean had already closed the pool since it was September now and that meant apple season.

I’d still miss the pool though.

Nick and I headed out after I clipped the radio onto my belt and he let me lead the way. I was so lost in my thoughts that I barely paid attention to the scenery around me, instead driving to where we were going on autopilot.

When we got there, Nick sat quietly and pulled out his lunch and glanced around to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. I snapped out of my haze and did the same, not wanting anything else to go wrong right then.

Then again, who ever wanted something to go

I walked around and checked some of the apples on the lower-hanging branches. Sure enough the Honeycrisp and Gala apples were ready. I started picking what I could reach with my left arm, not wanting to tire out my right shoulder.

“I guess I’m going to have to learn how to make pie after all,” I chuckled, seeing how I had a bushel full after no time at all.

“Not to eavesdrop but Sue, you met her, makes wonderful pies,” Nick called out. “You might want to call her and work out a deal about giving her twice as many apples and getting some pies in return. Your gramp said that was the deal your grandma had with Sue’s mother. But the whole town loves her pies. I guess she got the gift from her mother.”

“Thanks, Nick. I’ll call her.” I pulled out my phone and realized I had messages from Jared and Dean. I quickly texted them back that I was fine, picking apples with Nick. Before I could even put my phone away I got a reply that they were heading over. They’d give me space but they didn’t like me out in the open with someone who wasn’t trained to protect me.

“What’s up?” Nick asked when I chuckled.

“The worried twins know where I’m at and are coming over here. You don’t have to babysit anymore apparently,” I answered with an eye roll.

“They love you. Be grateful that not only one but
fine men love you as they do, Kate. Some of us would kill for that,” he said sadly. It just confirmed my suspicions he was gay.

“You know that no matter who you want to be with you’ll always have a place at this ranch, right, Nick?”

“Figure it out, did you?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “I swear your gramp said almost the exact same thing to me when he realized I was gay. You’re so like him, Kate. And thank you. I don’t hide it really, but I don’t broadcast it either. Not really anyone’s business.”

“I know, but I figured I should tell you that you don’t have to worry about me. And if the guys ever give you problems then I’ll take care of it. I think we got the assholes out of here but you never know.”

“Sean was the only one who gave me shit but most of the other guys are cool. That doesn’t mean they want to share a room or be in the showers when I am but they never say anything. I think they just don’t know what to do around me sometimes.”

“I get the same treatment and I’m straight,” I chuckled, shaking my head. “People get this idea in their heads that we should all fit in this certain mold, I think. If someone’s not in it, then they are either assholes like Sean, or just not sure how to adjust. I’ve seen it a lot when I shock someone that I’m not meek or timid.”

“Well, personally, I’m glad you’re not meek or timid,” he snickered. “The guys all respect you and we were all nervous when your gramp died as to what was going to happen to the ranch now. Jared and Dean are good workers and they know their shit. They were a great addition after you got rid of Sean and his lackey and we didn’t lose any time for manpower.”

“True, but I think we should hire another guy or two in the spring,” I hedged as I glanced at him. “And I want to announce that I’m promoting you to foreman next week.”

“Really? I was hoping you might consider me and not hire someone outside for the job, but really?” he asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

“You’ve been doing the job for weeks now, Nick. You know what you’re doing and I’ve not had any issue with the way you handle things. Jared and Dean respect you, Nate did your background check and you’re clean, and the guys all listen to you. There’s no reason to hire someone outside this ranch for a job you clearly can handle and deserve.”

“Thanks, Kate. I won’t let you down. Your gramp took a chance on me when I needed it and I’ve always tried to make him feel as if it was the right decision.”

“I know he felt it was,” I said, giving him a wink. Nick was only a year older than me so I remember when he’d come to work for us. He’d been seventeen and looking for work. Gramp had told me he felt bad for the boy but saw something in him so he took Nick under his wing.

My gramp was like that. He’d give someone a chance but they had to work for it and Nick always shined in his eyes.

“I know he planned on promoting you to foreman one day, probably when he thought Sean should retire. We just made it a little earlier.”

“God, I don’t miss Sean,” he sighed happily. “I think your gramp started to catch on to who Sean really was before he died. Hell, I didn’t even know until recently and I lived in the bunkhouse with him. He hid his craziness well.”

“I wondered about that. Gramp was really good at seeing who people were so I wondered how Sean slipped past his radar.”

“Sean used to be an okay guy. He was a little intense and entitled because he came from money. But when his folks gave their place to his brother last year instead of him I think he lost it. Granted, his parents were jerks, but it was still cold I thought.”

“That fills in some of the gaps for me.” I smiled when I heard the engines of two four-wheelers approaching. “Guess you can get back to work.”

“I reckon so,” he chuckled. “It was nice getting a chance to talk to you, Kate. I enjoyed this. We should make it a weekly thing so I can keep you in the loop.” He smiled at me before starting up the vehicle. “And it wasn’t nice just because you promoted me, though I will be going back to work with a big smile because of it.”

“You deserve it.” I gave him a wave as he laughed and hit the gas. Moments later Jared and Dean were pulling up where Nick had been.

“Thank you for at least bringing Nick with you and not going off alone,” Dean said with a relieved tone after they turned off the four-wheelers. “It’s not safe for you to be out here alone.”

“Which is what Nick pointed out and why I brought him. I also promoted him to foreman.”

“Another good call,” Jared said with a smile. “What can we do to help?”

“These trees need to be picked,” I answered as I set down another full bushel. “Nick said I should call Sue and work out a deal for the apples so we can get some pies from her.”

“Homemade apple pies?” Dean asked, licking his lips. “Baby, you’re so good to us.”

“I try,” I drawled, shaking my head at his antics. “You guys get picking and I’ll give her a call. Maybe we can ship a bunch to Chicago for Jamie and Nate.” I pulled out my phone and scrolled to Sue’s contact and hit the button to connect.

“Hey, Kate. How are you doing?” she asked as a greeting.

“Better, thanks. I’m out in the orchard picking some great apples and Nick suggested I give you a call. I guess my grandma had a deal worked out with your mom back in the day? Want to work something out like that?”

“That would be great actually. I spent an arm and a leg buying apples last year so I could make the pies I sell. What were you thinking?” I could hear the excitement in her voice and I couldn’t help but smile.

“I’m not sure really. I just know I have too many apples for us to all eat and I’ve heard so much about your pies that I wanted to get in on that.”

“Well, it takes me eight apples normally to make a pie. There’s about a hundred to a hundred and thirty big ones in a bushel. But I also make apple sauce, apple crisp, and apple butter.”

“So what was the deal your mom and my grandma had?” I asked carefully. I knew I’d give her a better deal but I needed to know a starting point.

“Your grandma gave her six bushels of apples and one of those my mom turned into pies and whatnot for her.”

“Okay, well, I don’t need as much as I’m sure she did and since I can’t cook worth shit I’m totally reliant on you for those yummies,” I chuckled. “How about ten to one?”

“That’s quite generous, Kate,” she hedged.

“So was dropping everything and coming to help me when I needed it. I couldn’t have gotten through that night without you, Sue. I don’t need the money from the apples and honestly I’ve got enough going on. Jamie told me you’re a single mother. I know times are tough so I’d like to help. Maybe you could make some extra side money and spoil them at Christmas.”

“You’re a good woman, Kate Boyle.”

“Don’t tell anyone or you’ll ruin my street cred,” I joked, rolling my eyes. “Promise me the first pie goes to Sheriff Swick because I seriously owe that man and I’ll get some apples over to you today.”

“You have a deal. Nice doing business with you.”

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