Owned (5 page)

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Authors: B.L. Wilde,Jo Matthews

BOOK: Owned
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I couldn’t stop smiling. If Trixie agreed, I’d have her sweet pussy to myself for an entire weekend. Just the thought had me fucking elated!  


Chapter Four


I stood outside the nightclub waiting. Why was I so nervous? Bennett had been telling me all day my mind wasn't on the job, and he was right. Trixie and I were having 'the chat' today. She'd agreed to a weekend with me, much to my surprise, and all we needed to do now was sort out the details. I knew she was probably doing it out of spite because Tony had offered her up as a bet, but I didn’t fucking care. She’d said
, and that was all that mattered to me.

I was outside smoking my sixth cigarette in a row when she came out to find me. She looked beautiful. Her long hair was half up, and she had loose curls framing her face. She was wearing silver hot pants and a small, tight red top that left little to the imagination. She must be dancing later.

"Here you are," she smiled, her eyes roaming my body unashamedly. "I've been looking for you everywhere."

"I needed a smoke."

"Are you going to share?" she asked, raising a perfect eyebrow. I handed my half-smoked cigarette over to her and watched her inhale before handing it back.

"I thought you'd be angry. Honestly, I really didn’t think you’d agree," I muttered, trying to keep my eyes from drinking in her sexy legs. I couldn't wait to get between them and have them wrapped around my neck while I attacked that pussy of hers. My mouth was watering just thinking about it.

"Oh, I’m livid, but not at you," she muttered. Her eyes were darting everywhere except at me.

"You're angry that Tony agreed to this?"

"I'm more pissed that it was decided on the roll of some dice," she replied, crossing her arms. Did she realize how amazing her chest looked when she did that? I tried so hard not to stare at her gorgeous tits, but failed miserably.

"You can say no, you know. I would completely understand. This is your choice, Trixie. I would never make you do anything you didn’t want to."

"Tony fucks around on me all the time. Why should he be the one to have all the fun? Besides, this is the only chance I’ll ever get with
." Sweet fucking Jesus Christ…she stood there and licked her lips as her eyes roamed up and down my body. She was totally eye fucking me. "I have to admit…you are one hot piece of ass." My cock was instantly hard, and I needed to tell him to stay the fuck down before he ripped through my slacks. The fact that Trixie was quoting me, using my own words against me…well that certainly didn’t help. She was such a fucking tease.

"I've been thinking the same thing about you for two years, Trixie."

"Yeah, I gathered that from how often you asked if you could fuck me," she giggled. "So…where are we going to do this? Your place?"

"If you're okay with that. I mean, if you want to get a hotel or something, we can…"

Her laughter had my words trailing off. "Your place is fine. Tony is away this weekend, and I thought it might be better to do this while he’s out of town." Shit, that was only three days away. Three mother

"I'll send a car for you at seven on Friday, then," I replied, finishing my cigarette and discarding it on the ground. I couldn't stay out there with her for too long or people might start talking. The fucking women at the club didn’t know how to keep their goddamn mouths shut about anything!

"I’m looking forward to it, Ryan." Without any warning, Trixie took a few steps closer to me, and I could feel her chest against mine as she placed her hands on my shoulders. "I hope you fuck as well as I imagine you do," she purred seductively. Fuck, I almost came in my pants right then.

"You’ll just have to wait until Friday to find out, won’t you?" I smirked, running my hands into her hair. Holy shit, it was so smooth and silky.

"Until Friday it is, then, Ryan," she chuckled as my lips got a little too close to hers. I felt as if I had vertigo when she moved away from me. "Do you have any requests about what you'd like me to wear for the weekend?"

"It doesn’t really matter. I don't intend for you to be wearing anything for long once I get you into my bedroom," I teased, giving her my panty-dropping smile. Fuck me! I heard her gasp quietly, and I realized that it might have actually worked that time.

"I have work to do," she replied, looking a little flustered as she rushed away. Well, I had gotten her worked up and she wasn't even naked yet. Maybe she wasn’t immune to my powers after all.

I wandered back into the club a few minutes later. When I scanned the room, I saw that Trixie was already working the pole. Fuck, she was incredible. Every man in the club had his eyes on her.

"Remember, it's just a weekend," Tony snarled in my ear. "Don't get any fucking ideas. Trixie is mine."

"I'm aware of that, but a deal is a deal. You need to relax."

"Hopefully she'll start talking to me again afterward."

"She's not talking to you?" I had to rein in my amusement. I knew that with the way Tony was tonight, it might start a fight if I laughed. The dumb fuck was still getting over his gunshot wound and was pissed that he had a limp.

"I've never seen her so angry before."

"That happens when you offer her as collateral for a damn bet." Fuck, I shouldn't have said that because even the smallest thing could set him off. Surprisingly, though, Tony glared in my direction before limping off through the crowd. He needed help with his anger problem. I was getting sick of his attitude.  

"What was all that about?" Bennett asked, taking a seat next to me. "Do I detect a problem in the ranks?"

"Tony is still pissed about getting shot."

"You're stronger than him and Carlo knows it." I turned to Bennett, rolling my eyes. I knew he and Jamie were on my side, just as Adam and Mickey were on Tony's. I would never go over Tony’s head, though. I didn’t want to be number one—ever. Why would I? I already had everything I needed.

"I'm slightly older than Tony. He still has a few things to learn."

"A few?" Jamie sniggered, joining us and jumping right in to our conversation.

"He's Carlo's son," I pointed out.

"That doesn't give him the right to think he's better than all of us," Bennett commented. I was going to reply, but something in the distance caught my eye. Trixie seemed to be having trouble on the main stage. What was it with these fucking men? They knew the fucking rules! The girls were
to be touched!

"Ryan, where the fuck are you going?" I heard Bennett and Jamie call to me, but I was already making my way through the crowd and wasn’t about to turn back and explain myself. They'd follow me anyway; I only ever walked off when there was trouble.

When I saw Trixie being grabbed by at least five intoxicated dickheads, I pushed violently past the last two men in my way. "Get your fucking hands off her!" I roared, punching and head butting whomever I had to so I could reach her. "Where the fuck is security?" I yelled as Bennett and Jamie reached my side, helping me with all the fuckers in my way. Trixie was shaking when I finally reached her, and I knew I needed to get her the hell out of the main room. Without even thinking, I scooped her up in my arms fucking bodyguard style, and carried her to the girl's locker room in the back. She clung to me and laid her head on my chest. My hands were touching her bare legs since she wasn't really wearing much, and I had to try really hard to fight back a moan. Now was not the time to be getting turned on. For fuck’s sake, the poor girl had just been mauled by five assholes. The last thing she needed was for me to start humping her leg like a horny fucking teenager. I was no better than the fuckers we left behind.

"It's okay, Trixie," I soothed, kicking the door to the locker room open. "I've got you. You're safe now." Still, she didn't say anything.

"What happened?" Barbie asked as she caught sight of us. She was my regular fuck—because god knows I had to have at least one. There was no way in hell I was ever getting blue balls, and if I waited around for Trixie the last two years, they would have shriveled up and fallen off long ago. Barbie had one hell of a mouth when it was wrapped around my cock, but damn, was the girl clingy.

"Can you get Trixie a drink? Some fuckers tried to grab her onstage, and I think she’s in shock still. Oh, and find Tony. That fucker should have been watching her. I can't do fucking
while he’s healing," I bellowed. Barbie scurried off without a word.

I sat Trixie down on the sofa in the dressing room. "Hey," I cooed, lifting her chin up so I could look into her eyes. "Do I have to treat you for shock? Or should I give you mouth to mouth?" That was all it took, and she smiled up at me then. "There's my girl." I grinned, moving my hand away from her face.

"Thank you, Ryan," she whispered. "That's not the first time you've come to my rescue." Didn't I know it? I always came to her rescue. I was such a fucking pussy when it came to her, but someone needed to protect her. Tony was always too busy playing gangster to see how dangerous it got for a woman of her beauty in here.

"You need to speak to Tony. When the club is this busy, you’ve
to have more protection."

"I'll talk to him," she replied as Barbie rushed in with a bottle of vodka.

"It's okay, Trix," she stressed, pushing me out the way. She never did like Trixie and I being too close. Like I said, she was a little clingy when it came to me because she was my regular fuck. She probably thought she had some sort of claim on me. Fucking women.

"I'm alright, Barbie. Quit fussing," Trixie moaned, pushing her friend away but taking the vodka bottle first. "You should go out there. Bambi’s gonna need you. The crowd is absolutely crazy tonight." Glancing between the two of us and then toward the door, Barbie looked torn. I could tell she was about to protest, and I wasn’t fucking having that.

"Just go, Barbie!" I commanded. With one last longing look in my direction, she was gone.

"You can go, too, Ryan. I'm fine," Trixie murmured as I turned to look at her. "I'll have an hour to get my head together before I go back onstage."

"Back onstage? Trixie, that’s crazy! You should go home."

"No, really. It's nothing, I promise. I just freaked out when those drunk assholes got on the stage and started grabbing for me."

"You're an amazingly brave young woman."

She laughed to herself before speaking. "I must be to have agreed to sleep with you. Barbie talks about you all the time, you know." That definitely peaked my interest.

"Does she, now? And what exactly does she say?"

"I'm not going to stroke your ego.” Her eyes focused in on my crotch for a minute before she spoke again. “Or anything else for that matter. Well…not tonight, anyway." Sweet fuck, would Friday come already!?

"I can see I'll have to keep an eye on you," I chuckled, standing up. She'd stopped trembling thankfully, and I knew Tony would arrive at any second, limping in and acting the caring boyfriend. My job was done.

"Ryan?" I turned, watching her wide, chocolate brown eyes as they searched deep into mine. "This weekend, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

"Of course."

"Will you call me Siena the entire time?" I had no idea what that meant, but I wasn't given a chance to find out. Tony limped in at that moment and took the beautiful Trixie home with him. I guess any chance of an explanation would have to wait until Friday.


Chapter Five


It was Friday night, and as I sat at my vanity looking at my reflection in the mirror, I paused to think about what I was doing. Though I had made the choice to steer clear of Ryan that first day, my attraction for him never lessened. In fact, it grew each and every time he saved me from some creep in the club. And there had been plenty of times. Still, I never thought I would have the opportunity to thank him the way I desperately wanted to.

To say the last two years with Tony had been hell would be an understatement, but I was working my ass off to stash enough money away that I could disappear. It was the only option I had. Sure, he had wined and dined me on our first date, treated me like a princess, and showed me he was capable of being a gentleman, but it was all an act. Within a month of dating, he insisted that I move into the mansion with him. He had said it was so we could be closer—that he wanted me with him so he could watch out for me more easily—but the truth quickly became clear.

It was all about control. With me living there, he could control where I went and with whom. He decided who I was allowed to be friends with, what I ate for dinner, and even what clothes I wore when I wasn’t at the club. If he wanted to take me out, it didn’t matter what I had planned. I was to be at his beckon call each and every time he wanted me, no questions asked. What he said was law. There were no exceptions, and he made sure I knew that. I was his trophy to show off as he wanted, or to put on the shelf when he was busy getting his rocks off with one of his whores.

What he said might have been law, but that didn’t mean I had to like it. I didn’t, and I made my displeasure known often.

It had been a long fucking day at the club, but I was able to earn almost two grand in tips, which made me happy. My heart dropped to my stomach, though, as I walked out of the club to find Tony leaning against the side of his SUV. He never came to pick me up himself, usually too busy dipping his dick in one of his fucking bimbos instead.

So quickly he didn’t notice, I plastered a smile to my face and walked up to him, kissing him on the cheek. “Well this is a surprise. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

I tried to step back, but he snaked his right arm around my waist and held me against him as his left hand lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. “Can’t a guy surprise his beautiful girlfriend with a night out on the town?”

I had to hold in my laughter at his words. “Tony, I’m really tired. I worked all damn day. I just want to go home, take my shoes off, soak in a hot bath, and then go to bed.” Holding my breath, I waited for his reaction. It was exactly as I thought it would be.

“Are you fucking
me, Trixie? You dance two or three times a night. That’s not hard work by anyone’s standards. Why the hell are you so tired? Are you whoring around on me? Spreading your legs for anyone who wants an easy lay?”

I folded my arms across my chest and stood up straight. I may have been a lot of things, but I wasn’t a fucking whore. “No, Tony, I’m not ‘whoring around’ on you. You know I would never do that. I’m not like most of the other girls at the club.” I wanted to add that I wasn’t like him, either, but I held my tongue. The implication, however, was there, and it was enough.

Before I saw it coming, he raised his arm and backhanded me across the face quickly, leaving my cheek burning from the blow. I immediately covered it with my palm and tried to turn away from him, but he grabbed me again and held me in place.

watch how you talk to me, Trixie. My father may have handed you your career on a silver platter, but I have the power to fucking break you. You best remember that before you talk back to me again. Now, get in the goddamn car. We’re going to dinner.”

With my hand still on my burning cheek, I climbed into the SUV and slid to the far side in effort to put as much space between us as possible. Tony may not have left me a choice, but that didn’t mean I had to make it easy for him.

I knew something was up when he brought me to the most expensive restaurant in Chicago. Sure, his daddy probably had the owner in his pocket, but that was beside the point. When we were shown to our seats, his demeanor changed and he slipped on the mask of the doting boyfriend again, brushing his fingers against my burning cheek. It was all I could do to keep from flinching.

After our main course, and me not talking to him at all, he broke the silence. “I lost a bet to Ryan today, and I thought you should know.”

I just stared at him, wondering what the hell losing a bet had to do with me.

“I wanted a chance to win that fucking car of his that my father bought him, and the only thing worth betting against that, was you. The odds were heavily in my favor. Hell, he had to roll a seven or eleven. Two numbers out of twelve. I didn’t think he’d roll either one, but he did. I mean…what are the chances?”

“Wait…WHAT?” Did I hear him right? Did he really just admit to betting me so he could win a fucking car? Granted, it was a hot ass car, but it was still just some shaped aluminum on four wheels. “You bet me for a chance to win a fucking
AND YOU LOST!” I stood from the table in a huff and shoved my way past his men to get to the door. When Adam reached for my arm to stop me, I rounded on him.

“Get your fucking hand off me, you asshole!” I then turned to Tony. “If you thought that I would be okay with being put up as a bet, you were dead fucking
. I’m leaving, and if you want to cling to any chance at saving our relationship, you’ll let me walk out that door without a fight. You did this, Tony, so don’t even try to put it on me. Stay the
away from me for a little while and give me a chance to cool off. Then we can talk.”

Without another word, I walked out the door of the restaurant, past Tony’s SUV, and to the end of the block. Pulling out my cell phone, I called Libby, who picked me up and took me back to the mansion. Tony was nowhere to be seen, so I could only assume he was off fucking one of his whores. That was fine with me, because as bad as it sounded, I was glad he was working his aggression out on someone other than me. The bruise on my face was already going to be hard enough to cover tomorrow. I didn’t need to worry about hiding other marks, too.

Making my way to our room, I locked the door behind me, and then fell into bed fully dressed. I don’t know how long I lay there, but my mind was reeling. My boyfriend of two damn years had admitted tonight to putting me up as collateral for a bet with his best friend…and losing.

A week later, I was still giving Tony the cold shoulder. Maybe it was petty of me, but I just couldn’t get over the fact that he had put me up in a fucking bet. He said he loved me, yet he was willing to trade me for a chance to win Ryan’s car. What did that say?

During that week, I warred with myself on whether or not I wanted to even go through with it. I knew Ryan was waiting for an answer; I just had to decide if spending the weekend with him was something I could actually do.

The truth was, I knew all along that I wanted it. The problem was...I just wasn’t the type of woman to sleep around. My father had always accused me of being a whore, and I didn’t want to make him right. Still, if Tony got to fuck around, why shouldn’t I? It was just one person, and that person happened to be someone I was deeply attracted to.

With Ryan, I felt powerful. I felt like he would offer the world up on a silver platter if he could, and be truly genuine about it. The way he always looked at me…it was as if I was the last woman in the world. His gaze was hungry, and despite the countless beautiful women that came and went in his life, I was the only one he looked at like he wanted to devour. Still, he never disrespected me. He never yelled at me or raised a hand to me, and he was the first one to defend and protect me when I was in trouble. That meant something, and was definitely a deciding factor in my decision.

I clearly remembered the night I told him I would do it. He had just come in from a smoke break as I was walking to the locker room, so I made a detour and followed him into his office. I had been in there several times in the past, but never with the door closed. The conversation we needed to have, however, required privacy, so I closed the door behind me.

Ryan walked behind his desk and took a seat, eyeing me carefully the entire time. “What can I do for you, Trixie?” he questioned when I just stood there and stared at him.

With my eyes locked on his, I stepped away from the door and walked closer to him, stopping just in front of his desk. Still in my stage outfit, I gave him an eyeful as I leaned over and placed my hands down in front of me. His eyes instantly found my cleavage, which I knew they would.

“Tony told me about your little bet, Ryan.” Watching him gulp heavily was quite satisfying, and I used his nerves to my advantage. “Me saying over and over that I wouldn’t fuck you wasn’t enough? You had to go and get my boyfriend to put me up in a fucking bet, huh?”

He quickly rose from his chair. “Trixie, it wasn’t like that. I uh…um…I…”

“Just stop!” I interrupted, holding my hand up to silence him. “I don’t want to hear your fucking excuses, Ryan.” He looked up and met my eyes, and it was all I could do to keep from smiling. He seriously thought I was mad at him. “You just better make damn sure it’s worth it.”

When his eyes widened, I smirked. “Wait…are you saying…?”

“Yes, Ryan. You can have your weekend, but I do have to warn you…” I watched him gulp as he waited for me to continue. “I’m not easily satisfied.”

Without another word, I turned around and walked out of his office, leaving him to think about what I’d just said.

Several days later, I met Ryan outside the club. He was smoking a cigarette, and judging by the pile of butts at his feet, he had already had several.

I loved fucking with him. He got flustered so easily, and it was flattering. I knew I’d always had an effect on him, and let’s just say I used that to my advantage quite often. Even more so lately. The night in the alley was no exception.

When Ryan told me the choice was mine—that he wouldn’t make me do anything I didn’t want to do—it melted my heart. The look on his face when I told him it was the only chance I’d ever have to fuck him was priceless. As was the fact he was clearly turned on that I licked my lips while stripping him with my eyes.

I wanted to have my fun with Ryan, and I was done trying to hide it. Sure, we were alone in the alley so no one saw our interaction, but that didn’t matter. Ryan’s reaction told me all I needed to know. He wasn’t willing to force me into anything, which was more than I could say for Tony, and that made me want him even more. All that was left was to work out the details.

Knowing that Tony was out of town for the weekend, I suggested we do it then. It would make it easier on both of us if that fucker wasn’t around. Who knows what he would have done if he was. Bet or no bet, I knew he wasn’t really okay with sharing me, because that meant he had to give up some of his control.

When Ryan said he would send a car for me at seven on Friday, I felt the liquid pool between my legs. “I hope you fuck as well as I imagine you do,” I had teased as I pressed myself against him, feeling his hard cock dig into my stomach.

As he ran his hands through my hair and looked into my eyes, I nearly swooned—something I thought only happened in fairy tales. The conversation continued, gaining heat with each word, and I knew I needed to put a stop to it soon.

Moving away from him so we didn’t end up fucking right then and there, I had asked him if he had anything specific he wanted me to wear for the weekend. His response was still burned into my brain and had me in a constant state of arousal.
“It doesn’t really matter. I don’t intend for you to be wearing anything for long once I get you into my bedroom.”

Three days later, and I was finishing my makeup as I got ready for my weekend with Ryan. I had already changed my panties three times because of how turned on I was at just the thought, and after the fourth pair, I decided to forego them altogether. I really didn’t think he’d mind.

Glancing up at the clock, I realized the car would be here for me at any minute. I took several deep, calming breaths, then made my way down the staircase feeling unstoppable. Even if Ryan and I only had a few days to live out our fantasies, I was sure it would be life changing.


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