Read Owned by the Outlaw Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #paranormal, #Literature & Fiction

Owned by the Outlaw (11 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Outlaw
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“I left him with Tuck. I wanted to make sure you
were okay since I tried calling and it went straight to voicemail.” Malice took
a step forward, but stopped when Stinger made a low sound in his throat. Malice
snapped his head toward the Grizzly and bared his teeth. “Watch it, bear. She
was mine before you even knew her.”

Stinger gritted out.

Stinger took a menacing step forward. “Boy, I could
tear you the fuck up right now if I let my bear out.”

Malice faced Stinger, but Molly knew this had gone
on long enough. “Knock it off, both of you.” They did stop the pissing contest
and looked at her. “What in the hell is wrong with you?” She looked at Malice
and then at Stinger. “I’m not anyone’s woman anymore, so I don’t know where the
fuck you guys get off fighting over me like barbarians.” Her head throbbed, and
that just added to her annoyance. Without waiting for them to respond she
pushed her way past them, grabbed her jeans that were on the floor, and shoved
her legs through them.
Neither man spoke or moved, and
when she had all of her crap shoved in her bag she turned and faced them. “I’m
leaving. If you guys want to beat the shit out of each other you’re going to
have to do it without an audience.”

And then she hauled ass out of the room and slammed
the door on the way out. But as soon as she stepped outside she didn’t go to
her car, but stood there and realized she was stranded. She didn’t have a damn
car, and now just looked like an idiot. She started heading toward the main
office. She’d call Lucien or one of the other guys. They’d get her, and then
she was getting Dakota and getting the fuck away from all this drama. This was
what she had been avoiding, because who in the hell wanted all this MC alpha crap
in their life? Before she could make it five steps the sound of the motel door

“Molly, wait.” It was Malice who spoke.

She did stop, because if she didn’t she knew there
would be a scene. Turning around she saw Stinger step out of the room. He kept
his distance a few steps back from Malice, crossed his arms over his bare and blood-spattered
chest, and stared at her. A huge bruise lined one side of his ribs, and his lip
was split. He turned his head to spit out a mouthful of blood and saliva.
Malice didn’t look any better, with a bruise forming under his right eye and a
cut on the bone of his cheek.

“I’m sorry for starting that shit in there.” Malice
ran a hand over the back of his head and actually looked ashamed. “I just
flipped I guess. I saw that…” Malice gritted his teeth, obviously about to
insult Stinger. “I saw Stinger standing there grinning and looking like he and
you had this connection, and all I could see was this happy family with the
three of you.”

“Watch it,
Malice,” Stinger growled out.

Malice turned slightly, just enough that he could
glare at Stinger. “I’m talking to the mother of my child, so shut the fuck up.”

“Please, just stop. You two are making a scene.” She
glanced toward the parking lot and saw a couple of people stopped and staring
right at them.

“Move it the fuck along,” Stinger yelled out, and
that caused the gawkers to scurry away.

She narrowed her eyes at Stinger, because obviously
that was creating even more of a scene, but all he did was shrug and grin at
her. God, why did her body have to grow warm at the sight of his straight white
teeth flashing at her? There was even more facial hair that covered his cheeks
and jaw, or maybe it was the natural lighting that made him look even more
rugged. The sound of teeth grinding had her looking back at Malice. Her face
heated even more at the awkwardness that her ex had probably seen the way she
had been looking at Stinger.

“I think we should talk.” He looked over his
shoulder again. “Alone.” Malice said that one word on a growl of his own.

She looked at Stinger, sighed, and nodded. “Can we
please have a minute?” He wasn’t off the hook, because Malice may have started
the fight, but Stinger had most definitely kept it going. That was evident by
the cocky attitude that came from him. It took him a second to move. He kept
looking between her and the back of Malice’s head. “
, Stinger.” She asked with a softer tone this time. Clearly
emotions were running high right now, as well as a good chunk of testosterone
and adrenaline. Finally he turned and headed back inside of the room, but the
way he shut the door, hard and unforgiving, told her well enough he didn’t like
leaving her alone with Malice. Damn bikers and their arrogant and controlling

They stared at each other for a second, but she was
the first to break the awkward silence. “Malice, what in the hell do you think
you’re doing?” He didn’t break contact with his stare and then took a step
toward her.

“What do you mean what the hell am I doing?” Tone
hard and brooking no argument, he glared at her as if
had somehow pissed

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. You can’t
show up unannounced and beat up a guy that opened the door to my motel.” He
didn’t respond, but he clenched his jaw again, so hard that it changed his
entire expression into something savage.

“You are the mother of my kid, Molly.” He took
another step forward. “And that isn’t something I fucking take lightly—”

“Hold it right there, Malice.” She held her hand,
and he was at least smart enough to keep his mouth shut. “Yes, we used to be
together. Yes, I used to be in love with you. And yes, I am the mother of your
child.” Now she was the one to take a step forward. Her anger was building
inside of her. It had started when she saw them fighting in the room, but now
it was going to a volcanic level at this chest pounding “You are mine”
attitude. “But anything romantic that we once had is over with, Malice. You
know this, I know this, and the only one holding onto the past is you.”

He opened his
mouth but snapped it closed before saying anything.

“Can you stand there and tell me you are still in
love with me?” She crossed her arms over her chest and stared at him. When he
didn’t answer right away she continued. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You have
always gotten what you wanted, and that is why there is this big issue now.
There isn’t a person that would deny you or the club, and because of that you
have this mentality that anything that you once had will always be yours.”

He looked down at the ground, and for several
minutes neither said anything. “Fuck.” That one word was coarse, but it also
held a lot of meaning behind it. There was the tone of defeat and
acknowledgment that she was right. He lifted his head and looked at her. “I
know, shit I know all of this.” He scrubbed his face with his hand and exhaled.

“You can’t do the shit you just did.”

He was still grinding his teeth, but he didn’t argue
with her.
“Fucking hell.”
He stared at her with this
hard gaze. “That is who you want?
A bear shifter from The Grizzly

“I don’t know what I want, Malice, but that is my
decision to make.”

“Molly, they are just as dangerous as The Brothers,
just as vicious and violent, if not more so because they are damned animals.”

She shook her head and closed her eyes momentarily.
She knew all of this, but it didn’t matter because if she did go through with
seeing Stinger that was on her, no one else.

“I’ll always look out for you, Molly.”

She reached out and took his big hand in hers. “I
know, but next time can we talk about it first and bust heads in later?” She
smiled, hoping to ease the tension that was still pouring from him. He didn’t
answer, and there was a part of her that knew this wasn’t over between them.
Men like Malice and Stinger, alpha man and bikers to boot, always had to finish
shit if they thought their honor was offended. She was still angry at him, at
both of them in fact, but she hoped things worked themselves out, because she
wasn’t about to have the man she was starting to fall for and her ex having
this pissing contest every time they were in the same vicinity.

He was still strung taut. “I can’t get into this
shit right now with you, Molly.” He didn’t look at her as he spoke. He sighed. “What
about your car? You hear anything about it?”

She hadn’t, but then again it wasn’t like there had
been a lot of time from when she woke to when they went at each other’s
throats. “I’ll talk to Stinger. I was supposed to call him in the morning…” She
closed her mouth, because obviously there was no need to call him since he
spent the night. Clearly Malice picked up on that as well, because he curled
his hands into fists once more.

Since you are Stinger’s old lady now, he can take care of you, but no man is
going to come in and take my place in Dakota’s life.”

Before she could respond that she wasn’t anyone’s
old lady, and that no one would ever replace him as their son’s father, Malice
was striding over to his SUV and climbing inside. He peeled out of the parking
lot, causing a scene and kicking up dirt in the unpaved lot, and then was
speeding down the road and away from the motel. Molly stood there, watching him
leave, not upset that he was this angry, nor feeling any guilt, but pissed
beyond thinking clearly because he was still acting like this. She didn’t hear
the door open, but she knew Stinger was standing in the doorway, and probably
had witnessed the whole thing.

“Do members in The Grizzly MC act like this when
they don’t get their way?” She kept her back to him, still staring at the road,
but trying to make light of a situation that had gone from fucked-up to

“Some of them, but all but all but one of the
Grizzlies in my charter have old ladies now, and that opens up a whole other
level of possessive assholishness.”

Molly couldn’t help it. She started laughing.
Turning around, she saw Stinger leaning against the doorframe. He was still
shirtless, still had his pants unbuttoned, but had since cleaned off the blood.
That V of muscle on his abdomen framed his six
and aimed right down to his cock that, although not hard, still bulged out the
front of his jeans.
I don’t think
that’s a word.”

He grinned, but it was more of tilt of the corner of
his mouth. “It is a word when dealing with a bunch of dominating bear shifters that
own their women.”

That sounds so horrible and …

He pushed off the frame and walked toward her, and
before Molly knew what his intentions were he had his arms wrapped around her
waist. He pulled her close to his body, flush with his chest, and then lifted
her so that only the tips of her toes were on the ground.


He cut off her protest with a hard kiss. The flavor
of mint covered her tongue when he slipped his inside of his mouth. With his
arms wrapped tightly around her body, he moved them until they were back in the
motel room. He shut the door, set her on her feet, and broke the kiss.

“I could take you again, Molly.
He took hold of her hand and placed it right over his erection. He
was hard and huge, and instantly she got wet. “You feel what you do to me,
baby?” He lowered his head so that his mouth was at the crook of her neck. He
inhaled again, and although she had to admit it should have been weird, there
was this very feminine part of her that melted at that fact. This man wasn’t
just this hard, gritty biker. He was also a wild animal that could tear her
apart with his bare hands. There was this frightening realization to that
thought, but that fear mixed with her arousal, creating this explosive
sensation inside of her that made her feel like some kind of nympho just for
Stinger. “I have never wanted a woman as much as I want you.” He ran his tongue
up the length of the side of her neck.

She closed her eyes, unable to hold them open any
longer. “I find that hard to believe.” Her words came out strained, breathless,
and just as needy as he claimed to be for her.

He thrust his hips forward, only an inch, and only
enough for her to feel the long, thick length covered only by denim. “You can
believe what you want, but I don’t lie. Ever, baby.” He gently nipped at her
earlobe. “I could fuck you three more times today and still not get enough.” He
used his body to move her until she was walking backward. The bed stopped her
retreat, and his breath came out faster against her flesh. “But you’d take me
into your sweet fucking pussy, wouldn’t you, Molly?” He moved his hands over
her chest and covered her breasts that were only hidden from him by the thin
cotton. “Yeah, you’d give in to me again. You’d let me have you any way I
wanted.” He moved his hands around her hips, down her lower back, and curved
them around her ass. “Your pussy is addicting, but next time I slide my cock
into your body, it’s going to be in your ass, Molly.” He took the material of
her sweat pants, and pulled them up until the fabric was forced to move between
the cheeks of her ass. The seam rubbed along the puckered hole of her bottom,
and even though that shouldn’t have been a turn on, when he moved one of his
hands to her right breast and started clenching and unclenching the mound she
grew wet and filled with lust.

BOOK: Owned by the Outlaw
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