Read Owned by the Outlaw Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #paranormal, #Literature & Fiction

Owned by the Outlaw (17 page)

BOOK: Owned by the Outlaw
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Keeping one hand on her waist and moving the other
up the center of her back, Stinger grabbed a chunk of her hair and pulled her
head back until her throat was bared. He started moving in and out of her
slowly, but gradually picked up speed until the sound of skin slapping against
sweat slicked skin filled the room. Molly had never been one that particularly
enjoyed anal, but the way Stinger made her feel and the filthy words he kept
murmuring, as if he couldn’t help himself, had her on the verge of coming.

“I’m close, Stinger. God, I’m so close.”

…” He increased his
speed, but reached around her belly and started rubbing her clit back and
forth. That was all it took to send her over the edge.

Molly led her head fall back the rest of the way
out her
orgasm. It was just as pleasurable as the numerous ones she had earlier with
him, but this one was more intense and savage. It also felt different, but in a
very good way. Her orgasm seemed to go on and on, and when the pleasure started
to drift away, she actually felt Stinger’s dick swell inside of her, which in and
of itself was a strange sensation. The sounds he made were almost frightening,
but she liked that he couldn’t control himself around her. This wasn’t just a
man, but a shifter, and this bear wanted her for himself, that much had been
made abundantly clear.

He roared out as he came, and it seemed to go on for
several seconds. She swore she felt his cock jerk as he filled the end of the
condom, and when he finally loosened his hold on her waist and hair, pulled out
of her, and fell back on the bed, she allowed herself to collapse beside him on
her belly. They lay side-by-side for several minutes, not speaking, but then
again there wasn’t any need for words after what they had just shared.

“That was … intense.” She hadn’t meant to say that out
loud, but when she heard him chuckle she couldn’t help doing it herself. Turning
her head so she could still be on her belly but facing him, she noticed the way
a smile could totally change his appearance, almost like it softened him. Molly
reached out and ran her fingers over his not really there beard.

“I was going to shave, but I wanted to be here

She shook her head and smiled. “I kind of like you
looking like this.”

“Like a bum.” He was teasing. She could tell by his

“No, like a man.”
She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. There wasn’t any tongue, and
this wasn’t meant to titillate him. When she broke away he didn’t let her get

He reached out and cupped the side of her face.
“What was that for?” He brushed his thumb along her lips.

“I just felt like doing it.” She leaned in again and
kissed him. Keeping her mouth pressed lightly to his, she murmured, “And I do
want this, as insane as this all is. I do want to be
, Stinger, but there are things that need to be said.” She
pulled away and looked him in the eye. “I have a son that means more to me than
anything else. He doesn’t need another father, nor do I want that for him.” He
started chuckling, and she knitted her brows and pulled back slightly. “I
didn’t think that was funny.”

He shook his head. “It isn’t. It’s just that Malice
said the same thing.” He brushed a lock of hair away from her face.

“That was why you guys went at it again?”

He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “Part of the
reason, but we came to an understanding that I want to be there for you and
Dakota, but not replace the family he already has. I just want to be

Her heart was beating fast and hard at his words.

“I just want to be the male you turn to, the one
that you and Dakota depend on. I’m not trying to replace Malice as a father,
and not trying to push him out of either of your lives. I know he is here to
stay, and I’m good with that as long as he can keep his ass in line.” He
smiled, obviously trying to ease the last part. “This is new for me, too. I’ve
never had an old lady.”

Her heart picked up at those words.

“But I know that I want you for more than just this
one night, Molly.”

Molly had thought leaving the MC life and Malice was
what she had wanted, and what she and Dakota had needed. But the truth was it
had just taken this short time for her to realize that the MC life was just as
much a part of her as it had always been. Maybe in the end this would have been
a mistake, that jumping into a relationship after knowing Stinger for such a
short time would bite her in the ass, but her mind and body gravitated toward
him, and how could that be wrong when it felt so good?

“I live over five hours away.”

He pushed himself up so he was resting against the
and his muscles flexed and relaxed from the act.
“No amount of distance can stop me from being with you.” And although common
sense should have told her that many relationships had perished because of
distance, the fire that flashed behind Stinger’s green eyes, and the
determination in his voice made her feel like there wasn’t anything that could
stop him from making it damn clear she was his.

“You are so sure that everything will fall right into

He leaned in an inch until hardly anything separated
their mouths.

“Life is a hard, vindictive bitch, but when
something feels so right, or when
makes you feel there is more to life than you ever imagined, you hold on
tight and never let go.” He breathed that last word out, and everything in her
stilled. “And Molly, you make damn sure that nothing gets in the way of making
that a reality.” He slanted his mouth on hers, and it was like that one kiss
cemented the rest of her
or at least as far into
the future as she could see. Dive in head first into darkness, and eventually
the light will penetrate it … right?

Chapter Eleven


“You want me to move to River Run?” Molly stared at
Lucien who sat at the bar of The Brothers of Menace clubhouse.

“I want you to help us and use your talents, Molly.”
Lucien tossed back his shot and then turned only his head her way. Malice was
leaning against the wall on the other side of the club, but his focus was on
the billiards game across the room, and not the conversation she was having
with Lucien.

“But why?
I know you guys can get people with doctorates to do your dirty work.” She
wasn’t going to steal meds or do anything illegal like that because the
Brothers didn’t have anyone else. Helping out women that had been beaten was
one thing, but moving all the way here for nothing more than being The Brothers’
nurse on call was another.

“The doctor I had working for me is out of commission
indefinitely,” Lucien said with a straight face. “You’re intelligent, know your
shit, and have a soft touch. Look at all you did for those girls. Look at how
you came up here just to check on them.” He stared right at her, letting his words
sink in. “You’re the kind of woman we need tending to the guys, too, and
looking after the women once we get them set-up at the new place.”

She didn’t know if that meant the good doctor had
crossed The Brothers’ path, he was dead, or he had skipped town, but she wasn’t
about to ask either. A prospect set a bottle of beer on the counter. The sound
of pool balls cracking and of music playing didn’t drown out the noise of
Dakota laughing outside with Tuck. Letting what Lucien said really penetrate
her mind, she knew that it wouldn’t be so bad to live in the country, to have
Dakota close to Malice, and to be near Stinger. But that was a big decision,
and one she wasn’t going to jump right on or take lightly. “I don’t know,
Lucien. I can’t just quit my job and move here. I have a life in Brighton.”

Lucien turned on the barstool so he was facing her
head on. “You mean that homecare job? The one I know you hate because death
surrounds you?”

“I don’t hate it. I help those people be at ease and
comforted during the last moments of their lives. Besides, the MC is full of
death, too.”

He nodded. “I can’t argue that, but you and I both
know you hate living in the city, and hate that Dakota can’t see his dad more.”

She couldn’t argue that either, but this was still a
life-changing thing they were talking about.

“Molly, I wouldn’t have asked you if I didn’t trust
you with me or the club. You are a part of the MC family, even if you and
Malice are no longer together. You’ve been there before this charter was even formed.”
He stood, and although it was clear he was drunk, Lucien was always in control.
“I don’t expect you to jump right into this. You need time, I get that. But I
want you to know the offer is here. We can help you find a place, get you and
Dakota set up,” Lucien pointed over his shoulder at Malice. “And just think
Malice and Dakota can spend more time together.”

She ran a hand over her eyes and sighed. “This is
big, Lucien, like really big.”

“I know.” His voice was close.

She dropped her hands, surprised to see him standing
right in front of her. She hadn’t even heard him approach.

“Just think about it. Let me know, okay?” He placed
his hands on her shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. “No pressure.” Lucien
turned and headed toward the back of the club.

There were a few guys playing pool, but they seemed
to be in their own world as they paid no attention to her or that Malice was
moving toward her. “Did you know he was going to spring that on me?”

Malice stopped a few feet from her. “I knew.” He
kept his focus on her as he spoke. “Are you actually going to think about it or
totally blow it off?”

Molly didn’t say anything for several seconds as she
thought about what Lucien and now what Malice had said. Moving here wouldn’t be
the worst thing she had ever done, and she saw the positive in helping those
girls, the guys she considered her family, and also having Dakota closer to
Malice. Of course she wanted things to work out with Stinger, and this seemed
like a step in the right direction, but would moving here cause more drama amongst
the three of them?

“I know what you’re thinking.” Malice said. He was
good at reading people, and she supposed that was what made him so lethal and
the Sergeant at Arms for The Brothers. “I’m not starting shit with Stinger, and
not going to get in the way of you being his old lady.”

“No?” She looked at his face. Stinger hadn’t said
much on what the fight had actually been about. He had been vague as shit about
it in fact. “Your
and Stinger’s as well, begs to

Malice shrugged. “That was us just getting that shit
out of the way. It’s done and over with now.” He looked down at the ground and
rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. When he did look back up at her she
was surprised to see genuine shame on his face. “I talked with him, and did a
lot of thinking myself. It was fucked up to act like you were my old lady when
you haven’t been for a long time. But I have always been this type of man, and
will always be possessive and territorial of what is mine—”

“But I’m not yours, Malice.”

“I know, Molly. I’ve always known that actually, but
I guess I just don’t like giving up on something even when it isn’t
anymore.” He exhaled loudly and didn’t say anything
after that for several seconds. “Listen, what I can tell you
that I am not going to interfere in your life any longer. You’re happy, Dakota
is happy, and that is good, really fucking good. You don’t have to worry that
moving here will cause a lot of drama.” He tilted his chin toward the front
doors. “Come on, let’s head outside.”

She followed him out and waved to the guys playing
pool. Once the front door was shut behind her she looked over at where Tuck and
Dakota were. Dakota held a stick in his hand, and he and Tuck were playing

“He loves it up here, and the guys love having him
here, too.”

She turned and looked at him.

having him up here.” Malice looked away from their son and down at her. “Seeing
him every other weekend is hard as fuck, Molls.”

She exhaled. “I know.”

“Momma,” Dakota yelled out and ran up to her.
“Momma, Tuck says we might move here?” He was bouncing up and down and waving
the stick around. “Are we? Are we?”

She stared at her little boy, looked at Tuck, who
had a guilty expression on his face, and then turned to Malice. “It’s going to
take some time, but I think we might be able to work something out.”

Malice smiled, and for the first time in a very long
time she saw the man behind the scars and ink. This was one of the biggest steps
she had ever taken, but she felt in her gut it was the right one to make.


Malice stared at the back of Molly’s car as she
drove off. Dakota lifted his little hand and waved furiously. Although his son
couldn’t see him out the back window, Malice waved back. He saw Tuck move
beside him through his peripheral vision, but kept his focus forward.

BOOK: Owned by the Outlaw
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