Owning Corey (5 page)

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Authors: Maris Black

BOOK: Owning Corey
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“I figured we ought to initiate you right, Corey.” I lean casually against the nurse’s desk.

“Oh Ben, you arranged all of this just for me?” He covers his mouth with his hand in feigned surprise. “How sweet. I always wanted a surprise cardiac arrest. You really know how to roll out the red carpet.”

“Well at least now we know what you’re made of.”

“And what’s the verdict?”

“Hmmm… So far, so good. I think maybe we’ll keep you.”

“Yes, definitely.” Julie giggles and smiles sweetly at Corey, obviously smitten, and I’m struck again by the effortless power he has over women.

“What’s your name?” he asks with a smile.


“You did very well tonight, Julie. How long have you been a nurse?” His voice is smooth, his eyes sparkling, and the little half smile playing at his lips is an invitation. He’s a smooth operator, that’s for sure, and fascinating to watch.

“Two years,” she gushes, twisting a finger in her straight brown hair. I think she would drop her panties right now if he told her to. “But I’ve been a year with Dr. Hardy. He’s like the best around, and I’m one of his.”

Corey looks quizzically at me, and I shrug. “I’m particular about who I work with, so I hand-pick the nurses on my shift. I had no idea working with me was a bragging point. Now I’m flattered.”

“But you don’t pay us any attention, and you’re terrible with names.” She pokes her bottom lip out. The nurses aren’t usually this forward with me. Seems Corey has a tendency to lighten the air when he’s around. Or maybe it’s because I’m hanging around and talking for a change. At any rate, I do know Julie’s name, but I enjoy teasing her in my own subtle way.

“I can’t be expected to remember everything, Julia.”

“Julie,” she corrects.

“See? I have far too much knowledge stuffed into this brain to bother with names. If I were to store your name in here, I would have to get rid of something else to make room. What would you have me trade for your name? My drug dosage chart? The protocol for placing a chest tube? The lyrics to the Beatles’
White Album

Julie stares at me wide-eyed, as if she doesn’t know if I’m being serious or not.

Corey tips her chin with his index finger. “Lighten up, Julie. He’s only joking. And I’ll bet he’ll remember your name from now on, won’t you Doc?” He glances over her head and winks at me.

“Oh, okay” she breathes, blushing from the contact. Unbelievable. He’s melted the poor girl with one finger.

Now that I’ve seen Corey’s seduction skills in action, I’m absolutely green with envy. Charisma radiates from his skin, I think. He doesn’t even have to try. Women respond to him before he’s even said or done anything. Maybe it’s just his looks they’re responding to. I have to admit the guy is GQ as hell. He makes me want to run to a mirror and check my hair, or go to the gym and lift some weights.

“Wanna get a coffee before I get called out again?” he asks me.

“Sure,” I say. Julie looks surprised at my answer. I guess everyone around here knows I don’t have friends.

“Sorry, no Starbucks here,” I apologize as we make our way down the hall, which is eerily quiet at this time of night. “Getting a coffee in our tiny hospital means going to the cafeteria on day shift, or making it yourself in the coffee pot in the doctor’s lounge on night shift.”

“Sounds good to me. At least you don’t have to pay for it. And I’m sure the doctor’s lounge is cushy compared to the ambulance shack we stay in. A desk, a squeaky metal bunk bed, a hot plate, a twenty-inch TV, and a bathroom. That’s it. Our coffee pot only makes four cups at the time. Even so, I guess I shouldn’t complain. It’s still better than the motel.”

We enter the doctor’s lounge through the swinging door and I discover someone has already made coffee. Occasionally, one of the nurses will sneak in and make a pot if I haven’t gotten around to it, and I’m really glad of it tonight.

“I wanted to ask you something,” I say cautiously as I pour us each a styrofoam cup of coffee. “Why exactly are you staying at the motel? Is it money?”

He sits in a chair at the table and leans back. “I had to move from Atlanta suddenly, and I didn’t have much money saved up. But even if I did have the money, I don’t have great credit. Plus it takes a while to find a place, you know. It’s not so bad, really. I’ve stayed in worse.”

I get the feeling he regrets saying anything to me about his living arrangements. He’s trying to downplay the whole thing, but I can tell it bothers him.

“There’s a little girl staying there.” I sit across from him, taking a sip of the bitter coffee and grimacing. “I saw her today when I rode by. Do you know anything about her?”

“Yeah, her name’s Tyleah. She’s two doors down from me. Her mama stays inside all day, no father that I can tell. She comes out and plays on the sidewalk every now and then. I’ve been worried as hell about her. I told her not to come outside alone anymore, but she still does it, and how can you expect a little kid to stay closed up in a room all day? I leave my door open when she’s out just to keep an eye on her, and she knows she can come over any time she needs me. Only problem is I’m about to be sleeping during the day. What do you do about something like that? I told the manager about it, but I don’t think he cares as long as he’s getting his rent.”

I consider for a moment while we both sip our coffee. “I don’t know. I think we should contact child services. What do you think? Is the mom really that bad?”

“Yes. I think Child Services sounds like a great idea. In the meantime, I can try to stay awake as much as I can during the day to keep an eye out.”

“You’re not going to be sleeping there anymore, day or night.” I swirl my coffee around the cup, watching his face for a reaction.

“Huh?” He’s truly bewildered, has no idea where I’m going with this.

“You’re staying with me. I have an enormous house. Four bedrooms, five and a half baths, over five thousand square feet, a pool, a hot tub… Plus a really killer pool house with its own kitchen and bath.”

“Good lord,” he gasps. He’s either impressed or appalled, I’m not sure which.

“You can stay in the pool house until you find a place of your own. It doesn’t make sense for you to be living in that miserable dump when I have so much extra space.”

“I’m shocked, Ben. I don’t know what to say. I feel guilty accepting your offer… but at the same time it’s awfully tempting.” He looks lost in thought as he sips his coffee. “Do you really not mind? I don’t want to say yes if you have any reservations at all. I know you’re not really the communal living type.”

“It’s fine. Two people is far from being a commune. And besides, I’m not one to put up with anyone’s shit. You get on my nerves, I send you back to the motel. Got it?”

He smiles. “Got it. You know, this coffee is really bad.”

“Yeah, I think it’s burnt.”

The lounge door swings open, and we both jump in surprise as Christina gusts in wearing a cream cashmere Burberry coat over a pair of designer pajamas and furry Ugg boots. Even in the wee hours, she’s the walking embodiment of couture overkill.

“What the hell?” I jump up from the table and face her while Corey grabs a paper towel and soaks up the coffee he’s just spilled on the table. “What are you doing here in the middle of the night?”

“The ambulance service said Corey was still at the hospital, and when I got here the nurse said the two of you had come back here together for coffee.” Her normally pale face is flushed from the cold. “I was wondering, you know, if you guys were having a discussion without me.”

I laugh, and then it hits me. “You called Corey first? In the middle of the night? That’s fucked up, Christina.”

At least she has the decency to look embarrassed. “Oh… I just wanted to ask him if you’d said anything to him. If you’d decided.”

“Chris…” I run my fingers though my hair and cast an exasperated look in Corey’s direction, and he mirrors it right back at me. ”You really want this to happen, don’t you?”

“Yes,” she says. “And you know I can be a handful if I don’t get my way, once I’ve got my heart set on something.”

“Obviously,” Corey says under his breath.

“Well, I’ve already put myself out there and sacrificed my pride to ask you guys to do this, so there’s no turning back. The least you can do is humor me.” Her voice is strained, and for a split second I think she’s going to cry. “If I don’t go through with it now, I might never have the courage to ask anyone again.”

I look at Corey, and his expression is unreadable. I’m feeling more than a little awkward, because I can’t exactly speak for both of us, but she’s looking to me for an answer.

“Shit.” I run my hand through my hair again. This is the most fucked up thing I believe I’ve ever had to say. “I’m okay with it if he is. As long as we’re only pleasuring you, like they did in the video.”

We both look at Corey, but his face is still a mask.

“Bring it on,” he says lightly and smiles.

“I just love those dimples,” Christina says. Then she comes to me and puts her slender arms around my neck. “You’ve made me very happy, darling. This is a fantasy come true for me. Thank you for being secure enough in your manhood to let me have it.”

She seals her mouth against mine, and her tongue darts out to tease my lips apart. I let her in reluctantly. It feels really strange kissing her like this in front of Corey. But then I just agreed to fuck her in front of him, and to watch him fuck her, too, so I guess it’s a bit late to be coy.

I push her to arm’s length. “I’m not sure about protocol in this situation. How do we proceed from here?”

She laughs. “It doesn’t have to be by the book, Ben. It’s sex. Just do what comes naturally.”

I bark out a harsh sound that is supposed to be a laugh. “This is your fantasy, not mine. Nothing about this feels natural to me.”

“Ben, you’re usually so… aggressive. You’ve always taken charge, and you’ve done so many amazing things to me in the bedroom. That’s one of the things I love about you. In fact, you’re the one who gave me the courage to ask for this.” She looks away. “I truly thought you’d be more open about it.”

“I thought I would be, too,” I confess. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. You’re right, it is a dream come true. Group sex… who hasn’t jerked off to that fantasy at least a time or two? But they don’t tell you what it’s really going to feel like, you know? Nobody does. The porn movies, erotica stories, people who have tried it…. No one mentions the awkwardness of it, do they?”

“Well, I don’t feel awkward at all,” Christina says. “I just want you both.”

“I do,” Corey says quietly from the corner. “I feel awkward, Ben. It’s not just you.” He approaches us slowly, where we still stand facing each other, my hands on her shoulders.

“Really?” The knowledge that he’s feeling the same way floods me with relief, as well as an odd sense of camaraderie.

He nods and moves up behind Christina, removes her coat, and tosses it across the nearest chair. Then he reaches slowly around her from behind with those incredibly strong, tanned arms, cupping her breasts through her pajamas. She closes her eyes. Her lips part, and it’s plain to see how aroused she is at his touch. He keeps his eyes trained on me, as if he’s gauging my reaction.

My cock has been reluctant until now, but seeing his big, dark hands on her, the way he teases her nipples through the silk fabric of her pajamas, brings me up full force just like that.

Corey moves one hand up to her jaw, pulls her head back to expose the pale throat beneath, offering it up to me. “Mark her.” His voice is rough with passion, his blue eyes silently commanding.

I close my mouth over the sensitive spot in the hollow just above her collar bone and bite down, feeling a dark passion descend over me, and it’s like I’m touching her for the first time. She moans loudly and shivers as I suck the blood to the surface like I haven’t done since high school. I feel rather than see that Corey is doing the same to her other shoulder, and it makes my cock a blade of steel knowing that he’s doing the same thing I’m doing, that we’re partners in this wicked game.

Christina cries out in pain or ecstasy, or maybe both, and she squirms and shakes her head from side to side. I pull back, my full on erection pulling the blood from my brain, and with it my sanity. Corey pulls away, too, and we share a meaningful look. His eyes are hooded and full of need. I have the sudden urge to look at his pants, to see if he’s just as wound up as I am, but I won’t. And anyway, I don’t have to look. I already know from the look on his face that he is.

“Now you’re claimed,” he half whispers to Christina, who looks like her knees are about to give. He guides her over to the tiny bathroom, turns the light on, and shows her in the mirror, moving her head first to one side, then the other. Oblong blood red stains mar the alabaster perfection of her skin on each side, mine slightly larger and higher than Corey’s. “These marks mean we’re both going to fuck you. Together. Every time you feel them, see them, or think of them, you’ll remember what we’re going to do to you.”

Her eyes widen and she puts a hand to her throat.

“Now go,” he says gruffly. “Don’t call us. We’ll find you when we’re ready.”

She nods and leaves the bathroom on unsteady legs, pausing to fumble her coat back on. Neither Corey nor I make a move to help her with it. When she leaves through the swinging door, she doesn’t even look back.

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