Painfully Ordinary Special Edition (14 page)

BOOK: Painfully Ordinary Special Edition
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He slowly
relaxed his jaw and spoke, “I don’t think you understand what I’m trying to
say. I am not concerned that you are causing me pain. If you weren’t my
, I would feel nothing… all the
time. And duty would be my only concern. When I am with you, it always seems to
be my last. I will keep you safe, even at the cost of my own life, but know
this–it has absolutely
to do
with duty. I treasure everything about you…even your seemingly never-ending
supply of tears. We are going to have to see what we can do to banish those
tears for a while.”

He eyed me
and closed the short space separating us. I playfully grabbed a handful of the
thick auburn hair on the back of his head. His eyes exploded with blue sparks. He
put one hand at my lower back and one on the back of my neck and pulled me

“Hey! Cut
that out,” yelled a masculine voice. It was Todd with Scott close behind. “Gail
told us to come get you and let you know we were just about ready to eat.”

Talon was
practically gnashing his teeth in frustration. This always seemed to happen to
us. Things definitely never worked in our favor. The soft breeze that had been
gently rocking us in the hammock now carried the mouthwatering aroma of freshly
smoked meats.

How long had
we been out there? My stomach growled loud enough for all of us hear.

man! How embarrassing.

Talon. What are you trying to do, starve her to death?” teased Scott.

“Yeah, maybe
if she is weak with hunger, it makes it harder for her to escape from him.”
Todd elbowed him.

Talon sighed
and lifted me over him, setting my feet gently on the ground. As he sat up and
swung his legs over the edge of the hammock, Todd and Scott glanced at each
other, giving a little nod. Scott ran over and pushed Talon backward into the
hammock. While Talon struggled to sit up, Todd grabbed me throwing me over his
shoulder and taking off running toward the house, laughing like a maniac. I
heard Talon’s unmistakable roar close behind us. Scott was bringing up the
rear, as he was hooting too hard to run very fast. I kept slamming against
Todd’s back and it was knocking the wind out of me.

“Todd, put
me down you idiot!” I demanded as I pounded his back with my fists.

Talon was gaining
on us. I reached out to him while gasping for air. His eyes were flashing blue,
but not with the
I was accustomed to. He seemed
angry. Well, more than angry… he appeared positively dangerous.

Todd chose
that moment to look back over his shoulder and tripped over an exposed root
just as we came into view of the back porch and the rest of the pack. We went
down in a ball of flailing arms and legs. I rolled to my side temporarily stunned.
There was nothing worse than having the wind knocked out you. Todd immediately sprang
to his feet.

“Oh crap! Caiti,
are you okay? We were just playing.
answer me!”

Beau walked
up and smacked him on the back of the head. “Boy, what have you done? I told Johr
we would take care of her, not cripple her.
Are you okay?”

I had
finally caught my breath and was shaking. Talon got to me at that moment and
cradled me in his arms.

. Please speak to me. Are you
well?” He sounded frantic.

I turned over
and rolled my eyes at Todd while laughing hysterically. “Todd, are you
to kill me? I think I was safer
in the hammock with Talon.” I sat up and put my hand over my elbow gingerly. It
was stinging. I bent my arm and lifted it up so I could survey the damage. It
was bleeding and beginning to swell.

that’s going to leave a mark. I owe you one.” I narrowed my eyes at him while
trying to keep a straight face. I wasn’t doing a very good job.

Talon was
glaring daggers at Todd. I put my hands over his eyes and kissed him soundly. His
heart stuttered against my chest, and I peeked under my hand to make sure he
had calmed down. He grabbed my face and kissed me thoroughly, then picked me up
and carried me toward the kitchen.

“Let’s go
get some ice for that elbow.”

Sonny walked
past where Todd was still trying to catch his breath and thumped him on the
back hard enough to make his eyes water.

Talon used
his foot to open the screen door and carried me over the threshold. Gail dropped
the spoon she was using to stir the potato salad.

“Oh my goodness!
What happened?” she cried out and rushed
over to us.

I wrinkled
up my nose and showed her my bloody elbow. “Todd happened.”

Leah giggled.
“When are you two going to grow out of that? Who started it this time?”

I shrugged
my shoulders in mock indignation. “I was just minding my own business, gently
rocking in one of the hammocks out back. Suddenly, I
attacked and thrown over Todd’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes
. Next
thing I knew, we were crashing to the
and I got
this.” I held up my elbow for Gail to examine. She clucked her tongue and went
to the freezer for some ice.

Jace raised
one eyebrow at Talon and then winked at me. “So, Caiti, did you hurt your legs

“Huh?” His
question completely threw me off guard.

The corners
of his lips twitched while he talked. “Well, I just assumed you must have hurt
your leg since Talon carried you in here and still hasn’t bothered to put you

My cheeks bloomed
scarlet, and Talon shot him a dirty look. It only made Jace whoop with laughter.
Gail glided back over with a damp dishtowel full of ice and placed it on my
swollen elbow.

Man that hurts.
It’s really going to be sore tomorrow. I am
going to
him,” I growled.

Talon strode
into the den and sat on the couch, settling me in his lap while I held the ice
to my elbow. Talon ran his left hand up and down my back. “Are you really okay?”

I nodded.

He ran his
other hand through his hair absentmindedly. “So, you and Todd have done this
before? I thought he had lost his mind.”

I shrugged
my shoulder. “Yeah, we were always getting into stuff when we were younger. He
would trip me, and I would throw things at him. I was quite the tomboy back
then. Running, jumping, climbing trees–you know, that kind of stuff. I just
liked being outside and feeling free. The only part I
like about being outside was the bugs.”

“That is
part of your nature.” He took the ice pack from me and examined my elbow. “I
think you are going to want to take something for pain before that elbow gets
really angry.” He gently placed the ice pack back on my elbow. “When I saw you
gasping for air and reaching out for me to help you, I almost lost control.” He
shook his head ruefully. “All my emotions are raw when I am around you. I have
trained for centuries to learn to control my emotions and my control has always
been flawless… until I met you.”

I rubbed my
cheek against his chest. “I told you I am trouble—just ask Leah. Heck, ask Todd
for that matter—we have gotten into plenty of trouble together.”

Leah was
suddenly in my head.
Caiti, are you
really okay

Yep. This is minor compared to some of the
stuff Todd and I have gotten into in the past. At least nothing is broken.

I just wanted to check with you. Jace
was a little freaked out
at how protective Talon was acting.
He was about to come in and explain things to Talon. Gail was telling him
stories of all the trouble you and Todd used to get into.

You two can come in here with us. We are
just sitting on the couch.

Hey, um one more thing.
Did you say you were in a hammock?

Ha ha.
Yes, I did. Looks like she bought two of
them since the last time we were here and they are
. I plan on going out there and getting back into it as soon as
Talon will let me get up.

Talon watched
me curiously.

“Sorry,” I
murmured. “Leah said Jace was getting worried you might be a little upset.”

He gave a
low chuckle. “He knows me too well. I know sometimes I seem overly protective
of you, and I will try to show more restraint. However, I cannot promise that
will come quickly.”

I wasn’t
entirely sure I wanted him to show more restraint. I liked knowing that he
wanted to take care of me.

I gently
slid my legs off his and placed my feet on the floor. “We better go back and join
them, or they are going to think you had me for a snack.”

A look of
distress briefly flitted across his face. He quickly recovered and gave me a
tender smile.

I wandered back
into the kitchen and Talon followed closely behind. Gail came over, gave me a
big squeeze, and handed me two pills with a small glass of water.

“You think
of everything, don’t you?” I teased her.

“No, just too
many years of you and Todd’s antics. I know what to expect when you two are

“I’m going
to get him. You just wait.”

“Later. Right
now, it is time to eat. Let’s get these bowls and plates outside and enjoy the
beautiful weather, great
and even better
company.” She said happily.

As soon as I
got outside, the
came by one
at a time, each giving me a quick hug before they grabbed a plate of food. Bub
moved to my side and whispered, “Get him.”

chuckled as he went past, and Scott gave me a sympathetic look, for
too, had been victim to Todd’s pranks plenty of times.

I scowled at
him instead, since this time he had chosen the dark side and ganged up on me
with Todd. I would decide his punishment later.

Todd came
close and placed his arm around my shoulder, giving me a baleful look.

really sorry
. I didn’t
realize how fragile you’d become.” He winked at me. “You used to be so much

I shot him
an angelic look. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”

Uncle Benson
glanced at Shine and they shook their heads. They certainly weren’t buying my
innocent act. To my sheer delight, Todd seemed to buy every word. We all sat
around reminiscing and telling stories about the past.

Not a single
was spoken
of the impending trouble or of Johr
and the rest of the

I timed my
next move very carefully. I waited until Todd got up to throw his plate away and
shot Leah a quick look while nodding my head in his direction. She gave a sly grin
and nodded back. Jace and Talon stared at each other in alarm.

sauntered over to throw her trash away and winked at Todd. Todd was
distracted as she threw her long hair over her

I quietly snuck
up behind him, giving him a swift kick in the back of his right knee. He
flipped over and landed in the garbage. The entire pack whooped it up.

“Todd, you
not to mess with them,” Uncle Bunk
warned. “They will gang up on you every time.”

Todd emerged
out of the garbage, wiped a streak of barbecue sauce off his forehead, and glared
at us menacingly.

“Oh, it’s on

Leah and I screamed
and took off at a dead run. We attempted our normal tactics, and criss-crossed
back and forth through the yard, trying to throw him off.

Jace and
Talon jumped off the porch.

Pop’s deep
voice boomed across the yard. “Easy now,” he cautioned catching Talon by the
elbow. “They’re teasing each other, like they’ve done for years. Don’t let the
reckless pup hurt them accidentally, or Johr is going to skin us all alive.”

Leah and I
had already changed course and were charging headlong toward the porch with
Todd close on our heels. Talon and Jace braced themselves for the impact. Unfortunately,
Leah and I didn’t do the same.

We slammed
into them and landed temporarily breathless on our butts in the dirt. Just as
Todd took a dive for us, I mentally screamed at Leah,
We both rolled to the outside and Todd landed flat on his face
in the dirt. He spun around to pounce again, but Talon and Jace crouched over
us in a defensive stance.

Leah and I laughed
so hard we cried. Once again, the yard filled with butterflies in the now shimmering

“Ha, ha!
Safe!” taunted Leah

“That’s not
fair,” Todd complained. “You called in reinforcements.”

I peeked at the pack from underneath Talon. “Did
anyone hear us calling for help?” They all shook their heads. “See? We don’t
have to call for backup. They adore us and will come to our aid without being
called.” I smirked at him around Talon’s massive bicep.

I pushed the thought to Leah’s mind

Oh yeah.
This keeps getting better and better.

On three?
Okay, one, two…three!

We shoved
Talon and Jace with all our strength and they went flying backward into the

Leah and I
scrambled to our feet and raced toward the hammocks, squealing like fools. We
jumped into the hammocks and yelled “

in unison.

For a few
moments, they sat there in the dust, with stunned expressions, like two colossal
walls of muscle. Then they gave each other a wicked grin, leapt to their feet
and raced toward us.

They hit the
hammocks so hard they had to anchor us with their bodies to keep us from
flipping over into the grass. We squealed and yelled. After a few moments, the noise
subsided and all that
could be heard
were soft whispers
passed between us.

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