Paleo Cookbook For Dummies (26 page)

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Authors: Kellyann Petrucci

BOOK: Paleo Cookbook For Dummies
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Liquid fats:
A serving of liquid fat should be about the size of a ping-pong ball or your thumb. That's about 1 tablespoon. Each meal should include one to two servings of fat (see
Figure 4-3

Illustration by Elizabeth Kurtzman

Figure 4-3:
Fat serving size.

Nuts and seeds:
A serving is about one closed handful.

Coconut flakes and olives:
A serving fits into your open hand (see
Figure 4-3

A serving is one-quarter to one-half of the avocado as shown in
Figure 4-3

Coconut milk:
A serving is one-third to one-half of the can.

Keep in mind that you have some personal wiggle room with these serving guidelines. If you find yourself hungry all the time, make adjustments and eat more!

Some people do great on three meals and allow their body the break in between meals to burn fat for fuel. Others need a snack to get them through the morning or afternoon. Paleo is flexible enough to support whatever your body needs. Your snacks should be about half the size of your meals and should always include protein and healthy fat. Paleo-approved fat in particular really helps curb cravings during the 30-Day Reset. Here are some great Reset snack options:

Almonds or almond butter with an apple or celery

Coconut butter

Handful of unsweetened coconut chips

Mashed avocado or guacamole with sliced veggies

Paleo-approved jerky

Paleo-approved turkey lunchmeat rolled up with avocado and mustard

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