Pam-Ann (25 page)

Read Pam-Ann Online

Authors: Lindsey Brooks

Tags: #erotic romance, #bdsm, #bondage, #spanking, #sex slave, #domination and submission, #slavegirl, #parallel reality

BOOK: Pam-Ann
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Back in the bedroom Drake told
Pam to lie on the bed and looked at her as he dressed. “Stay there
and rest. Persephone won’t want you today.” He gave her a lazy
smile. “She’ll spend most of her time face-down in bed having her
ass massaged with ointment and her pussy with her slaves’ fingers.”
He took the sheet, which their love-making and the warm, New York
summer night had made unnecessary, and spread it over her, bent and
kissed her softly on the lips. “Your name is Pamela, right?”

Pam’s belly seemed to be melting
under his intense gaze. “P… Pam,” she said against his mouth.

“Pam,” he repeated, kissed her
again and smiled. “I have to go out. I’ll see you later.”

After he had gone she lay
listening to her thudding heart. What had happened to his arrogance
and that stern frown that made her belly flutter with fear? When
she had awoken she had felt almost happy, but then he had demanded
she call him Master. It had felt like a blow in the gut. After the
incredible pleasure and passion they had shared, the line that
divided them had blurred in Pam’s mind until Drake had forcefully
reminded her of her status – a slave, to be used and abused as he

Yet barely a half-hour later she
had loved it when he had taken her again. What was it about this
man that could force such a response from her even when she was
tired and aching and sore? Why had she felt jealous watching him
use the hotel slave and so ridiculously pleased when he had curled
his arm around her and pulled her close? She had
watched him put his cock in another
girl’s pussy, for
heaven’s sake, and then envied her, even though she had known if he
did it to her it would hurt. Pam’s stomach turned over. She did not
mind if he hurt her. Oh, God, she wanted him to hurt her! The taste
of his cock and that of Ellen’s sex lingered in her mouth. With her
head spinning and overwhelmed by her feelings, to kneel and suck
him had been the only way she could show Rafael what he had stirred
within her.

What the hell was happening to
her? Was this the consequence of Persephone continually forcing the
drug into her? Would it eventually make her a compliant,
unquestioning slave, like Tania and Milly and the hotel girls? It
had brought to the surface all the conflicts and emotions she had
buried deep after Rick, reawakened the disturbing desires her love
for him had stirred in her. But they had been an aberration, not
part of the real Pamela Weston at all. She sat up abruptly. They
had to have been. She had loved Rick in spite of the ropes and the
chains and the pain, not because of them. That love had carried her
through all of those sessions in what he had
called his playroom before she had discovered
she was only
one of many, and that her dream had never been his.

Pam shook her head but it did
nothing to clear it or drive away the thoughts crowding in upon
her, or the nagging doubt that had wormed its way into the back of
her mind. She slumped onto the pillow, as bewildered and afraid as
she had been when she had appeared in the chilly corridor on the
airship. The gentle but insistent pulse of arousal was with her
almost constantly now, confounding her efforts to think. Damn
Persephone and her Venus Dust! And damn Rafael with his cruelty and
his kindness, and his big cock and lazy smile that both made her
pussy prickle with arousal every time she saw them. How could she
think clearly about anything with the maddening tickle forever
teasing between her legs? Breathing hard, Pam slid a hand over her
hairless mound and sought the half-upright bud that was rising from
beneath its hood.


* * * * *


Rafael took Pam to dinner that
night. The other girls prepared her, lacing her into a fiercely
constrictive corset of black and red satin and slinging a thin gold
chain around her hips, from which hung two narrow, red silk strips
that barely covered the clefts before and behind. They added black,
sheer silk stockings tied high on her thighs with silken red
ribbons, and shiny-black, patent leather high heels, before pinning
up her shoulder-length, light-brown hair with gold and
black-enamelled combs. Tania darkened her eyelashes, applied brown
and purple eye shadow, lightly powdered her cheeks and glossed both
lips and nipples with plum-coloured rouge. Rafael added the final
touch. Her emotions in utter confusion, Pam let him fix a
white-enamelled, steel collar with a black bow tie in front around
her neck. Clipping a thin, black leather leash to the collar’s ring
he took her down to the lobby.

Heads turned as they stepped
from the elevator, even those of the people watching a girl being
caned at the post. The sight of her reflection in a mirror made
Pam’s heart leap. She almost stumbled. She looked stunning. The
tight corset accentuated the flare of her hips and buttocks and the
thrust of her bare breasts, all of which were swaying seductively
as her high heels transformed her walk into a provocative strut
across the lobby’s deep carpet. Her belly ought to be curling in
humiliation and shame, yet the emotion she felt was swelling in her
breast. She was proud to be seen paraded like a pet poodle by the
handsome, smartly uniformed airship officer - proud and happy. And
totally horrified!

Rafael’s light but commanding
pressure on her leash drew her after him into the restaurant where
more heads turned as he led her to their table. She could not help
but recall with heavy irony the night a man who looked exactly like
Rafael had taken her out to dine, and how she had reacted to the
touch of Captain Todd’s hand on her waist. That night she had sat
at the table and chosen her own meal. Now she knelt on the floor
beside Rafael’s chair and ate what he ordered for her. And still
she felt pleasure and pride to be there with him.

After the meal he leaned back in
his chair and fed her little sweetmeats from a dish on the table
and, with a gladness that should have shamed her, Pam licked the
stickiness from his fingers and answered his smiles with her own.
During the elevator ride to the penthouse he ran his hand over the
curves of her buttocks to the bow on the lacing at the back of her
corset and tugged it loose. By then, the only thought in Pam’s mind
was that soon his big cock would be driving into her pussy and how
much excitement and pleasure he was going to give her. She was not


* * * * *


A broad palm smoothing over her
breast stirred Pam from sleep. Sighing, she opened her eyes and her
belly contracted. She was alone in the bed. Eve was bending over

“He’s gone, lover,” she said,
and stopped stroking, “called back to the airship. He said to let
you sleep but Miss Peake is awake now. You’d better be out of bed
before she is.”

by the
depth of her
disappointment that Rafael would leave without
a word, Pam bathed, made-up her face and dressed in a fresh
loincloth Tania had given her the day before. A minute after she
entered the lounge Persephone appeared from her bedroom with Tania
and Milly. Walking less stiffly than on the previous day she sat
cautiously on the sofa, turned immediately onto her stomach and ate
breakfast in that position. She was quiet, subdued by her usual
standards, and remained that way all morning, thumbing through
magazines and smoking cigarettes halfway before stubbing them out
with what Pam interpreted as mounting impatience. After a lunch she
only picked at, Persephone finally dressed and, cursing Rafael’s
heavy-handedness, paced the room in increasing agitation. The slave
girls fidgeted. Eve cleaned her gun.

Persephone hurried to the door
when the knock she had clearly been expecting came. Ellen was
quicker. With a curt greeting to Commodore Traske, the blonde led
him to her bedroom and closed the door behind them.

“What’s that about?” Tania

Milly giggled. “You don’t think
she’s going to fuck him, do you? Not the Commodore, surely.”

“I wouldn’t mind. He’s not bad

“That’s enough,” Eve warned, and
they sat in silence for twenty minutes until the bedroom door

Persephone followed Traske,
cheeks aflame with her blush. She was naked. Opening his frockcoat
the Commodore stood with his back to the balcony doors. He snapped
his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him. Gaze lowered,
Persephone knelt at his feet.

“Come here all of you, where you
can see better,” Traske said.

The stunned silence that
followed was broken by a loud click as Eve thumbed back the hammer
of her pistol. Persephone looked around.

“No,” she said.


“Do as he says.”

Her mouth a hard line, Eve
uncocked the gun, holstered it and stood beside Pam at Traske’s
left, while Milly and Tania took position at his right.

“Go ahead,” he said, and
Persephone unbuttoned his trousers, her struggle to keep her
expression neutral plain to see. “And while you’re doing it I want
you to remember the times you’ve taken advantage of your position
to embarrass and slight me in front of my passengers and crew.” He
chuckled. “And you had better make it good,
, or the
deal is off.”

She did make it good, and
quickly seemed to relish sucking and licking his thick-veined cock.
Twice he stopped the bobbing of her blonde head to prolong his
pleasure and the humiliation of her serving him with her slaves and
employee looking on. By the time he had grunted through his climax
and she had swallowed, Persephone showed no sign of caring. She
slurped and slobbered on his shaft and then drew the last thick
pearl of come clinging to its tip into her mouth before tucking the
slackening flesh into his trousers.

“On your feet.”

Her hands lifted then clenched
at her sides as he slid his fingers between her legs.

“You’re soaking. I knew you
would be.” Traske grinned. “And since you’ve just proved how much
it means to you, I want ten.”

Her sly, feline smiled curved
her lips. “Make it fifteen if you like.”

His eyebrows shot up. “I’ll get
a lawyer to draw up a document today. It really is that important,
eh? Don’t worry, I don’t care why, just as long as it’s not illegal
and I get what you promised.”

“I won’t sign anything until
we’re there,” she said flatly.

“Before we’re there,” he
corrected, “but only just.”

Persephone gave a grudging

“Now turn around and show me
your arse again.” Traske laughed at the flash of anger in her eyes,
but she did not refuse. He stared at the red-streaked, purple
bruising covering most of her narrow bottom. “That has to be
Drake’s handiwork. He always did know how to keep you in hand. He
must be wondering why I called him back to the ship when there are
only routine matters to deal with. You were rash to invite him,

“I was surprised he accepted,
but he won’t be any trouble. He’s got other things on his mind.”
She glanced at Pam before facing the Commodore. “Are we

He smiled smugly. “For now.”

When he was gone Persephone
shuddered. “Get those gloating looks off your faces, you dirty
sluts. Tania, get me a brandy. And I need a bath.”


* * * * *


“I suppose you found it highly
amusing watching me on my knees sucking cock like a slave girl
yesterday.” Persephone adjusted her diamond nipple clip and turned
from the mirror.

Pam denied the accusation as
emphatically as the other slaves, anxious not to provoke the blonde
mistress. Though Persephone was less agitated than the day before,
her mood was unpredictable, one minute excited, the next showing
nervousness that bordered on anxiety. She had risen much earlier
than usual and, though the airship was not due to depart until
mid-afternoon, had insisted everything be packed at once and the
girls dressed for the journey. For that reason Pam had been wearing
a steel-boned, white leather corset and walking around in high
heels for the last hour, her nether lips rouged bright red and gold
clips clustered with pearls on her nipples. Even more uncomfortable
was the similar one pinching the tender folds of her hood.

“Ma’am,” Eve said. “I wasn’t
gloating. I mean, if you had said....”

“Oh, I know. You were ready to
shoot him or beat him senseless, but that wouldn’t have helped.”
She smiled at the bodyguard. “I have never doubted your loyalty,
darling, and I have always appreciated it.”

Eve’s cheeks turned pink. “Why,
thank you, Ma’am.”

“But I’ve been too easy on these
slaves, when I should have been smacking their cheeky tits and
bottoms to remind them who their Mistress is. And their naughty
pussies too, eh, Pamela? Yours has been getting too much pleasure
lately and far too little pain.”

Pam eyed her warily, astonished
that she had called her by her real name.

Persephone raised the flounced
skirts of her primrose taffeta dress. “Well, you can all come and
kiss my pussy, just so it’s clear who’s in charge.”

After Pam had taken her turn to
kneel and press her lips to the blonde’s slit
Persephone arched one eyebrow and gave her an enigmatic
smile. “I’ll be having a little talk with you when
we’re back in the air, darling.”

Pam felt more nervous than
puzzled. Every ‘talk’ she had had with the lustful blonde had ended
in an encounter with the whip or the cane.

“Here, Ellen,” Persephone said,
as Pam got to her feet. The previous evening she had taken her
slaves and Pam to the hotel’s beauty parlour, ordered them waxed
from the neck down and gone out with Eve. When she had returned to
collect the freshly depilated girls she had been carrying a large
wad of bills. She took her purse in one hand; one of Ellen’s full
breasts in the other and kissed the girl on the lips. “You’ve been
a good girl,” she said, and handed her a thousand dollar bill. The
slave’s mouth fell open. “Oh, what the hell.” The blonde peeled off
four more bills and gave them to her. “And you’d better have the
same for your lover. She was good too.” She gave her another five
thousand dollars.

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