Parting the Waters (201 page)

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Authors: Taylor Branch

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Union Theological Seminary

School of Sacred Music of

United Automobile Workers (UAW)

United Methodist Youth Fellowship

United Nations

United Negro College Fund

United Press International (UPI)

United States:

economic optimism of

national air-raid alert in

national prestige of

rise of liberalism in

United States Code

United States Information Agency (USIA)

United Steelworkers

Universal Newsreels

University Hospital

Urban League

Urbrock, Don

U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty

U-2 crisis


Valachi, Joe

Vance, Cyrus:

Birmingham riots and

Freedom Rides and

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

Vanderbilt University

Divinity School of

Vandiver, Ernest

and King's arrest and imprisonment

1960 elections and

Vann, David

Vaught, Johnny

Verwoerd, Hendrik

vicuna coat scandal

Viet Minh

Vietnam War


in Baker County

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham youth marches and

in Danville

against freedom riders

King's counseling against

Meredith's enrollment at Ole Miss and

after Montgomery bus boycott

at NBC convention

Negroes paired with

against voter registration workers and volunteers

Virginia, massive resistance laws

Virginia Union Seminary

Vishwananda, Swami

Vivian, C. T.

Voice of America

Voter Education Project (VEP)

grants of

Mississippi voter registration drive and

Moses's report to

voter registration

in Albany

arrests and prison sentences resulting from

Birmingham campaign for

Clark's citizenship education classes and

funding of

in Greenwood

Kennedy's strategy on

King on

King's speaking tours on behalf of

King's strategy on

in McComb

SCLC and

in Selma

SNCC and

student recruiting for

in Terrell County

in Tylertown

Voting Rights Act (1957)

voting rights legislation

Doar's activities on behalf of

of J. F. Kennedy


Wachtel, Harry

alleged Communist infiltration of SCLC and

background of

SCLC finances and

case and

Wagner, Robert

Wake Forest University

Walden, A. T.

Walker, Ann

Walker, Edwin

Walker, Wyatt Tee

administrative problems of

Albany Freedom Ride and

Albany Movement and

arrests and imprisonments of

background of

beating of

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham riots and

Birmingham youth marches and

civil rights movement evaluated by

Freedom Rides and

golf played by

on J. F. Kennedy Supreme Court appointments

in King-Graham negotiations

King-Jackson conflict and

King's imprisonments and

King's March on Washington speech and

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” and

Walker, Wyatt Tee (

liberal philanthropists approached by

March on Washington and

NBC elections and

Newport News rally addressed by

on People-to-People tours

physical attacks on King and

salary disputes of

SCLC scholarship funds administered by

SCLC staff leadership given to

SCLC staff resentment against

Shreveport death threats and

Shuttlesworth conviction and

sit-in movement and

SNCC recruiting and

voter registration and

Young and

Wall, George

Wallace, George C.

allegations against Kennedys by

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and

Birmingham public school desegregation and

Birmingham riots and

inaugural speech of

integration of University of Alabama and

Wall Street Journal

Walsh, Lawrence E.

Walthall County, Miss., voter registration in


Ward, Harry

Ware, Charlie

civil suit filed by

indictment and imprisonment of

shooting of

Ware, J. L.:

Birmingham campaign and

Birmingham church bombings and


Warren, Earl

Warren Methodist Church

Warwick, Dionne

War Without Violence

Washington, Booker T.

Du Bois's attacks on

Roosevelt's meeting with

Washington, D.C.:

decision and

desegregation of public facilities of

King's Prayer Pilgrimage to

SNCC conference in

Youth Marches on

Washington, Dinah

Washington, George


Washington Press Club

Washington Senators


Watkins, Hollis

arrest of

imprisonment of

voter registration and

Watkins, Officer

Watkins, Tom

Watson, Melvin

Watters, Pat

Weathersbee (farmer)

Webb, James E.

Weber, Max

Wechsler, James

Welles, Sumner

Wells, Samuel B. “Benny,”

Albany Movement march led by

indictment of

“We'll Soon Be Free,”

“We Shall Not Be Moved,”

“We Shall Overcome,”

Wesley, Claude

Wesley, Cynthia

Wesley, John

Wesleyan University

West, Ben

West Berlin, J. F. Kennedy's speech in

West End High School

West Hunter Street Baptist Church

West Indians


“What Is Man?” (King)

Wheat Street Baptist Church

Wheeler, Earle

“When the Rapist Is White” (Johns)

Whitaker, Horace “Whit,”

White, Byron R. “Whizzer,”

Albany Movement and

FBI investigations of King and

FBI investigations of Levison and

Freedom Rides and

Justice Department appointments and

in Kennedy campaign

Supreme Court appointment of

White, Josh

White, J. R.

White, Lee

Birmingham campaign and

on Civil Rights Commission report on Mississippi

Moore's Freedom Walk and

White, Theodore

White, Walter

McGill's clash with

Monroe lynchings and

White Citizens Councils

Hoover on

Jackson movement and

Montgomery bus boycott and

segregation rallies of

voter registration and

Whitefield, George

White Horse Tavern

white moderates, King's criticisms of


in Birmingham campaign

Negroes stereotyped by

post-World War II attitudes toward Negroes of

renewed political hegemony of

Whittaker, Charles Evans

Why We Can't Wait

Wicker, Tom

Wieman, Henry Nelson

King's Ph.D. dissertation on

Wilbur, Susan

Wilkins, Minnie Badeaux

Wilkins, Roger

Wilkins, Roy

Albany crisis and

background of

civil rights legislation and

criticism of

Crusade for Citizenship and

Du Bois's break with NAACP and

Du Bois's death announced by

Eisenhower's meeting with

at Evers's funeral

Farmer's CORE appointment and

freedom riders and

imprisonment of

improvement in King's relationship with

on indictment against Du Bois

Jackson movement and

J. F. Kennedy criticized by

J. F. Kennedy's meetings with

and King's arrests and imprisonments

King's quarrels with

King's tax problems and

Lawson criticized by

Lewis's March on Washington speech and

Little Rock crisis and

March on Washington and

Montgomery bus boycott and

NAACP Atlanta convention and

NAACP Chicago convention and

1960 elections and

nonviolent methods opposed by

Prayer Pilgrimage and

SCLC and

SNCC criticized by

Stevenson criticized by

on University of Alabama riots

voter registration and

William II, Emperor of Germany

Williams, A. D. (grandfather)

Atlanta race riot and

background of

death of


Williams, Aubrey

Williams, Hosea

Williams, Jennie C. Parks (grandmother)

death of

Williams, John

Williams, Larry

Williams, Robert

King's arrest and

Williams, Samuel

Williams Chapel

Wilson, Lucius

Winona, Miss.:

federal suits filed in

Ponder arrested and beaten in

Winston-Salem sit-in

“Winter in Vermont,”


Wofford, Clare

Wofford, Harris

alleged Communist sympathies of

background of

departure from White House of

Freedom Rides and

Gandhism promoted by

J. F. Kennedy campaign and

Justice Department appointments and

Kennedy Administration appointment of

and King's arrest and imprisonment

King's meetings with Kennedys and

SCLC funding and

voter registration and

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