Pauline Kael (78 page)

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Authors: Brian Kellow

BOOK: Pauline Kael
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Cruise, Tom
Cukor, George
“Current Cinema, The,” ix
Damned, The
Dances with Wolves
Dangerous Liaisons
Danova, Cesare
Dark Victory
Dartmouth College
Davies, Marion
Davis, Bette
Davis, Francis
Davison, Peter
Day-Lewis, Daniel
“Dead, The” (Joyce)
Dee, Frances
Deeper into Movies
Deep Throat
Deer Hunter, The
Delrogh, Dennis
Demme, Jonathan
Denby, David
De Niro, Robert
De Niro, Robert, Sr.
Dennis, Sandy
De Palma, Brian
Dern, Bruce
De Sica, Vittorio
Diary of a Country Priest
Diary of a Mad Housewife
Dias, Isaac
Dick Cavett Show, The
Didion, Joan
Diller, Barry
Dirty Harry
Doctor Zhivago
Dolce Vita, La
Donnell Library
Dortmund, Erhard
Do the Right Thing
Down and Out in Beverly Hills
Dream Girl
Dressed to Kill
Driving Miss Daisy
Duffy, Trent
Duncan, Edward Howard
Duncan, Robert
Dunne, Irene
Dunne, John Gregory
Duras, Marguerite
Durbin, Karen
Duvall, Robert
Duvall, Shelley
Eastwood, Clint
Easy Rider
Ebert, Roger
Edelstein, David

Eisner, Michael
Elephant Man, The
Enemies: A Love Story
Ephron, Nora
Ernst, Max
Espen, Hal
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial
Evans, Robert
Everybody Wins
Every Night at Eight
Evett, Robert
Exorcist, The
Eyes of Laura Mars
Fairchild, William
“Fantasies of the Art-House Audience” (Kael)
Farber, Manny
“Fear of Movies” (Kael)
Feldman, Charles K.
Feldon, Barbara
Felker, Clay
Fellini, Federico
Ferguson, Otis
Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Fiddler on the Roof
Field, Betty
Film Quarterly
Five Easy Pieces
5001 Nights at the Movies
Flanner, Janet
Fleischmann, Peter
Foley, Jack
Fonda, Jane
Fonda, Peter
Ford, John
For Keeps
Forman, Milos
Fosse, Bob
Foster, Jodie
400 Blows, The
Fox, Paula
Frankovich, Mike
Frears, Stephen
French Connection, The
French Lieutenant’s Woman, The
Friedkin, William
Friedman, Warner
, 306
Friedman, William James (grandson)
Frost, Polly
Fruge, August
“Function of a Critic, The” (Kael)
Funny Girl
Funny Lady
Furie, Sidney J.
Fury, The
Gambler, The
Garbo, Greta
Garland, Judy
George, Susan
Getaway, The
Getchell, Robert
Getting Straight
Gill, Brendan
Gilliatt, Penelope
Gilman, Richard
Ginsberg, Allen
Gitlin, Todd
Gleason, Madeline
Gleiberman, Owen
Godard, Jean-Luc
Goddard, Paulette
Godfather, The
Godfather, Part II, The
Going My Way
Going Steady
Goin’ South
Goldberg, Fred
Gold Diggers of 1933
Goldman, Bo
Goldman, James
Gottlieb, Robert A.
Gould, Elliott
Gould, Lois
Graczyk, Ed
Graham, Martha
grande illusion, La
Grant, Cary
Grapes of Wrath, The
Greenberg, Jack
Greene, Graham
Greenspun, Roger
Grifters, The
Group, The
Guare, John
Guggenheim Foundation
Gunfighter, The
Gutierrez, Donald
Hagan, Patti
Hannah and Her Sisters
Happiest Days of Your Life, The
Hardwick, Elizabeth
Haskell, Molly
Haunting, The
Hawks, Howard
Hawn, Goldie
Hay, Harry
Hearst, William Randolph
Heaven Can Wait
Heaven’s Gate
Hechinger, Fred M.
Hellman, Lillian
Hello, Dolly!
Hemingway, Mariel
Henie, Sonja
Henry, Buck
Hepburn, Audrey
Hepburn, Katharine
Herrmann, Bernard
High School
High Sierra
Hill, George Roy
Hill, Lewis
Hill, Walter
Hiller, Arthur
Hinson, Hal, xi
Hiroshima, Mon Amour
Hirschfeld, Al
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoberman, J.
Hoffman, Dustin
Hogg, Ralph
Holiday, Billie
Holtzman, Andy
Hopkins, Miriam
Hopper, Dennis
Horan, Robert
Houseman, John
Houston, Penelope
Howe, Irving
Hubley, Season
Hughes, Robert
Hughes, Tresa
Hull, Edith Maude
Hunter, Holly
Hurley, Joseph
Hurt, William
Huston, Angelica
Huston, John
I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang
I Lost It at the Movies
“Incredible Shrinking Hollywood” (Kael)
Innocents, The
Insull, Samuel
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Italian neorealism
“It’s Only a Movie” (Kael)
Ivory, James
Jackson, Glenda
Jacobs, Laura
James, Gina (daughter) ; health problems of; marriage of
James, Henry
Jeremiah Johnson
Jewish Community Center of Petaluma
Jewison, Norman
Johnson, Ben
Johnson, Lamont
Johnson, Nunnally
Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000,
Jones, Christopher
Kael, Anne (sister),
Wallach, Anne Kael
Kael, Isaac (father); death of
Kael, Judith Yetta Friedman (mother); death of
Kael, Louis (brother)
Kael, Pauline: awards of; birth of; childhood and teen years of; in college; daughter of,
James, Gina; death of; first movie review of; health problems of; honorary degrees of; marriage of; memorial tribute to; retirement of
Kael, Philip (brother)
Kael, Philip (uncle)
Kael, Rose (sister),
Makower, Rose Kael
Kann, Kenneth
Karasik, Judy
Karlson, Phil
Kaufman, Philip
Kaufman, Sue
Kellerman, Sally
Kauffmann, Stanley
Kazin, Alfred
Keaton, Diane
Kees, Weldon
Keller, Marthe
Kerr, Walter
Kershner, Irvin
Kesey, Ken
Killer Elite, The
King of Comedy, The
Kissel, Howard
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Klee, Paul
Knight, Shirley
Knowlton, Perry
Kramer, Jane
Kramer, Stanley
Kresge, Stephen
Kubrick, Stanley
Kuiper, John
Ladies of Leisure
Lady Sings the Blues
Lancaster, Burt
Landberg, Edward; Pauline’s marriage to
Lansing, Sherry
Lanzmann, Claude
Lardner, Ring, Jr.
Last American Hero, The
Last Movie, The
L.A. Story
Last Picture Show, The
Last Tango in Paris
Last Year at Marienbad
Laurents, Arthur
Lawrence of Arabia
Leachman, Cloris
Lean, David
Le Bret, Robert Favre
Lederer, Charles
Lee, Spike
Leonard, John
Lescaze, William
Levin, Irma
Levin, Irving M.
Levinson, Barry
Lewis, Joseph H.
Lindsay, John V.
Linfield, Susie
Lion in Winter, The
Littlejohn, David
Little Mermaid, The
Litto, George
Living Quarters
Long Goodbye, The
Long Voyage Home, The
Look Back in Anger
Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Lost in America
Love and Money
Lovelace, Linda
Love Story
Lucas, George
Lucas, Lisa
Lucky Jim
Lumet, Sidney
Lundberg, Ferdinand
Lynch, David
Lynch, Jim
Lyons, Jeffrey
McCabe & Mrs. Miller
MacCann, Richard Dyer
McCarey, Leo
McCarten, John
McCarthy, Joseph
McCarthy, Mary
McCrea, Joel
Macdonald, Dwight
Macdonald, Nick
McGilligan, Patrick
McGrath, Chip
McInerney, Jay
McKee, Marjorie
MacLaine, Shirley
McMurtry, Larry
Mad Love
Magnificent Ambersons, The
Mailer, Norman
Makower, Myron
Makower, Rose Kael (sister)
Malick, Terrence
Malko, Elizabeth
Malko, George
Malle, Louis, ix
Maltin, Leonard
Manhoff, Bill
Man in the White Suit, The
Mankiewicz, Herman
Mankiewicz, Sara
Mankiewicz, Tom
Man Who Loved Children, The
Marcus, Greil
“Marlon Brando: An American Hero” (Kael)
Marshall, Penny
Martin, Peter D.
Martin, Steve
Marx Brothers
Maslin, Janet
Mast, Gerald
Mayer, Louis B.
Maynard, Joyce
Mazursky, Paul
Mean Streets
Melnick, Daniel
Melnick, Sam
Melvin and Howard
Menaker, Daniel
Menotti, Gian Carlo
Mewshaw, Michael
Midler, Bette
Midnight Cowboy
Miles, Sarah
Milland, Ray
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Henry
Mills, Robert P.
Miracle of Morgan’s Creek, The
Misfits, The
Mishkin, Leo
Mitchell Playhouse
Mitchum, Robert
Mock, Sally Ann
Modine, Matthew
Monroe, Marilyn
Moore, Michael
“Morality Plays Right and Left” (Kael)
Morgan, Frank
Morgan, John P.
Morgenstern, Joseph
Morris, Willie
Movie Love
“Movies, the Desperate Art” (Kael)
“Movies on Television” (Kael)
Mrs. Miniver
Murmur of the Heart
Murphy, Michael
Murphy, Turk
Murray, William
My Beautiful Launderette
My Left Foot
Nasatir, Marcia
Nasatir, Seth
National Society of Film Critics (NSFC)
Neal, Patricia
Newhouse, Samuel I. “Si,” Jr.
New Journalism
Newman, David
Newman, Paul
New Republic

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