Payce's Passions (2 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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I can’t even talk, so I just nod and suck his lip into my mouth. I tease my tongue along it, and then let go, pulling away quickly. He jerks me back tighter to him, and I clamp my lips tight together while his tongue tries to force his way through. He arches one eyebrow and I can almost read his mind. A shit eating grin crosses his face.

“Fucking tease.” He laughs. 

Hell yeah.
Game on, it’s a battle of the wills!
His tongue caresses slowly across my lips, first on one side of my mouth, then he gently licks the other side several times. I want to open and devour him, but instead I raise my eyebrows at him, challenging back with a quick lick of my own lips, and closing tight again before he has a chance to enter.

He gives me a wicked grin, leans back a little, and closes his eyes. He slides a hand to my cock and tightens around me, tugging me hard and fast.

“Oh God,” I moan.

As soon as the words escape, he’s on me, jerking my head to him with his other hand and his tongue darts between my lips, twirling around my tongue. A grin stretches across his lips, he’s pleased that he caught me off guard and made me forget.

“Oops, you slipped, Dax.” He sucks my lip into his mouth, and tickles my lips with his tongue. When I pull back against his tightened pucker, my lip makes a pop noise. “Mmmm…”

“You fucking stealthy bastard, I never even saw it coming either.”  I grin and pull his hand loose from around me, pushing him in the chest so he falls back.

“What’s wrong, glitter dick? Did you get distracted and forget that I thrive on little cock-grab sneak attacks?” Damien cracks up laughing, wrapping his arms around my back, pulling me into his chest.

“Now that’s messed up, dude.” I snake up his body, pressing hard into him, laughing.
He just called me a glitter dick, whatever the hell that is.
“I haven’t forgotten anything. I just know how you feel the need to be in control sometimes, so I gave you that one. But tonight, I’m running the show.”

“Look at you, Dax, all cocky and bold, not a shy bone in there.” His fingers comb through my hair. “You know I kind of like it when you go all bad-boy on me, even though I know your still a little nervous too.”

I smile at him, because I do know that he likes it. I also know he’s trying to rile me up for it, so I can’t do it yet. “I-I’m not nervous. I’ve gotten pr-pretty used to you now.”

“Hmmm…you sure about that?” Damien puts his fingers under my chin and tilts my head toward him and kisses me.

Shit, he just made me stutter.
Damn, out of everyone I’ve ever known, Damien is the only one who has ever done that to me. I don’t stutter, not normally, but he’s always had that effect on me. “I’m positive. Oh, and just in case there is ever any doubt, remember this.” I slap him on the ass cheek. “This is mine.”

“Oh fuck, Dax.” His body breaks out in goose bumps. ”Think you can do that again?”

I climb off him, and lay beside him, nuzzling my head into his neck. With a quick flick of my tongue against his ear lobe, he leans against my mouth and I whisper to him.

“This belongs to me.” I gently squeeze his ass into my palm with my fingers.

He pulls my hair, guiding me to his mouth, and moves my head so he can whisper back. His breath blowing against my ear, this drives me insane. “Yesss…it does,” he hisses, turning sideways to face me, taking my ass in his hand. “And this is mine.”

I close my eyes as he traces his fingertips up and down my back. “Mmmm…” When I open my eyes, I catch a shadow out of the corner of my eye and sit up.

What the hell?

“What’s wrong, Dax?” He leans up a little, pulling my face back to his.

Damien does gets my blood pressure up, maybe I’m hallucinating. I close my eyes, and shake my head. When I open them, white sparkle dots fly all through my vision. I look back toward the door, but I don’t want to freak him out, and he will totally trip out on this.

“Nothing’s wrong, everything is perfect.” I hug him into me, and that’s when I spot it. Someone is peeking through the crack in the door, by the top hinge.

My mind starts racing and I pull away from the hug and look back at Damien. I rub his face with the back of my knuckles. I know this is real, because they’re still there, I can fucking feel them on me, watching us. I have to get out of here and handle this, but protect Damien at the same time. I need to be careful, think clear and catch them off guard.

I take Damien’s face in both of my hands, stroking his cheeks with my thumbs. I get another quick peek from my peripheral vision, yep still there. Good! Whoever it is, is feeling certain and relaxed enough not to move, they haven’t caught on that I see them.

“Damien, do you remember when I told you that I loved you, and that you are my perfect passion?”

“Of course I remember. How could I not?” He’s not breaking eye contact.

“For me, that means one hundred percent trust between us, even if things don’t always make sense, right?” I ask, knowing we’re still being watched from the doorway.
I’ve got to try to code this to him, somehow.

“Yes, it means that no matter what, we come first. It took a lot for us, we had to grow and accept each other completely to make this work. We may not always get each other, but it’s something we’ll always work on. I love you and I’m not planning on ever losing you, Dax.”

I press my lips to his, and give him the most intense and electric kiss we’ve ever shared.

“I love you,” I say loud enough for them to hear.

I smile and pull Damien close to me. I need to tell him something and he’s the only one who needs to hear me.

“I need something from you, right now,” I whisper to him. “Are you listening?”

Damien nods his head. “I need you to stay right here in this bed until I get back. I need you to promise me that, can you?”

“Of course,” Damien blurts out, thank God he didn’t say any more than that out loud.

I whisper, “Hand me the house phone. I want you to hear something. Promise me that you’ll listen to who answers and follow instructions.”

“Okay, Dax, why are we whispering?” he asks and smiles.

“Trust me, babe.” I move to a sitting position. “Now,” I mouth to him.

“Okay.” Damien reaches for the phone on the handset on the nightstand and hands it to me.

I take the phone, placing it on his side, and hit the power button. To hide the tones from being heard as I push the buttons, I start jabbering.

“Damn, I need to take a leak.” I press the number nine.  “Remember what I said? Exactly what I said?” I press the number one and he nods at me looking confused. “Good, don’t leave this bed for any reason. I want you to be right here waiting, just like this when I get back from pissing.”

I press the final number one. All the digits to 9-1-1. Damien will be connected to the emergency operator. I give him a kiss on the lips and whisper, “Listen and stay put.”

I get out of bed, making sure my dick in tucked back inside my boxers. I do a quick scan and see the eyes backing away, then I walk around in front of the bed, taking another look at Damien, the phone is on the way up to his ear.

Right past the bedroom door that exits to the hallway, and it’s gone. Trying to get a location, I only see a shadow reflect quickly off the glass in a picture frame across the hallway.

I jerk open the door and step out, not running, but taking long strides while scanning the hallway, and making sure the other bedroom doors are still closed. The last thing I need is to run head on at full force into someone who might have a gun or a knife, or get jumped by someone who slipped into another room.

Thank goodness when Damien decorated the place, there were paintings and picture frames all around the place, along with mirrors. I spot someone with long hair dashing down the stairway, and hear Damien’s voice from the bedroom giving out our address to the authorities.

As I reach the steps, I see him. It’s fucking Aaron in our goddamned house. I scale the steps, three at a time, until I’m five feet from him.

“Boy, you just messed with the wrong-mother-fucker.” I reach for him.

He turns on me, his hair slipping through my fingers. I take one step and swing, my right fist nails him in the side of the head. Aaron stumbles, but remains standing. He swings back and I side step him, the lamp teeters and falls off of the table, shattering all over the tile.

“Dax?” Damien yells from the top step.

When I turn and look up to him, Aaron forearm tackles me, pushing me a few steps back then catches me behind one knee. Damien hits the upstairs light switch, just as Aaron flips me backwards. The crush of the granite table splinters under my back, before I hit the ceramic tile.

“Dax!” Damien wails out, and comes racing down the stairs.

Aaron straddles across me and swings at my face, making contact. I flip him over on his back and ball my hand into a fist. I punch, hearing the bones crunch, and blood splatters out like a rogue paint sprayer.

With my legs I push to standing position and take him up with me by his shirt. Holding him in place, I raise to swing again, when I feel his weight in my arms. Aaron’s not unconscious, but my last hit came close.

“Dax, don’t! You’re going to kill him,” Damien yells from the middle of the stairs on his way down.

I lower my hand. “Damien, get the hell out of here, goddammit. I told you to stay fucking put.” I don’t need him coming close to me right now. I look back to Aaron who looks up at me. “You won’t come near him again.”

I let him go and he drops to the floor, taking several crawls away from me. I wind my hand inside his hair, drag Aaron back up, and walk him toward the front door. Twisting the knob, the door flings wide open so hard it bends the spring doorstop and the knob punches a hole into the sheetrock.

“Dax,” Aaron says my name.

“You’re still talking? Not for long.” I raise him up with one arm. My other hand clamps into a tight fist and I draw back. Then I feel a hand grab me. All I can see is red right now and instincts kick in. I drop Aaron and round on whoever has a hold of me. I’m amped up on pure rage, my fist launched and ready to destroy someone beyond the realm of senseless.

“DAX!” Damien’s fingers wrap around my hand in mid-air, not pushing, not punching, but holding it in place. “Baby, please. It’s enough.”

All it takes is the smoothness in his voice, reality snakes in through my veins.

“There you go, Dax.” He lowers my hand to my side. I don’t fight him on it. “Breathe, baby, in and out. Come on.” Damien inhales and then exhales.

I do as he does, calming myself as the adrenaline buzz begins to wear off.

He caresses my cheeks. “Come in the house with me, he’s not going anywhere.” 

I hear Aaron coughing, he’s on his hands and knees, moaning and holding his ribs.
Damien pulls me by the hand walking me inside the doorway. I squat down in the entry way, unbalanced, things are spinning. I’m dizzy, yet a sudden surge of relief sweeps over me. Damien kneels in front of me, his back to the door, never taking his eyes off of me.

“You’re okay, you’re going to be fine, Dax. You scared the hell out of me though. I’ve never seen anyone…never mind. Come here.” He cradles me inside his arms.

My focus is on his touches and his voice. His fingers sweep through my hair as he sits down on the floor, pulling me forward with him. I’m tucked against him. Hearing his heart beat through his chest is soothing, and my breathing finally becomes normal, matching his.

“Dax, I’m so sorry about this. I knew Aaron was crazy, but not like this. I didn’t think he’d actually go this far. I’m sorry you are involved in any of this.” He kisses the top of my head.

“It’s not your fault.”

“I should have known something was off about him though, shit I lived with that lunatic, was in a relationship with him. I feel like a fucking fool.” He drops his head.

“Stop it, Damien. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.” I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now.

Red and blue flashing lights reflect off of the concrete road. I have no idea how long it took for the police to get here, but I’m glad they finally are. This bastard will finally be out of our lives.

Damien stands up. “Stay here, let me handle this, baby.”

“No way, I want to see them as they toss that asshole in the car and haul his ass off to jail where he should have been all along.” I follow behind Damien, as he walks out.

I glance over to where Aaron is at.


Chapter Two



In a panic, I jerk loose from Damien to get outside and look for Aaron. Two unit’s park with their headlights beaming across the yard and they step out. An ambulance drives in behind them.

“He’s gone, he’s fucking gone,” I holler to the cops as they approach.

Both officers draw their guns. “Who’s gone, what’s going on?” the officer asks.

“Aaron, the one who just broke in our house, he was right here on the ground. Now he’s gone,” I yell. “Damien?”

He comes to my side. “I’m right here.”

“Search the area.” The first officer tells the other, who slowly disappears around the side of the house. “You both need to calm down, explain what is happening and I need a description.”

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