Payce's Passions (4 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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Under the hot water, I do a quick wash over and then hop out a few minutes later. Grabbing the black leather biker pants from the back of the chair, I slide into them, pulling on my boots and fastening the metal clips at the side. An assortment of colognes cover the dresser, randomly I grab one and spray a couple quick shots. The worn out wallet lies off to the side, I shove it in my back pocket and hook the chain through my belt loops, and hoof it out the door.

The full moon gleams across the dark sky causing the stars to shine brighter, it’s a perfect night for riding. I straddle my bike and kick her off, taking a quick glance at my main squeeze, my Harley. I’ve been fixing her up on my off time, the thing is going to be a beast when I’m done.

A few curves through my neighborhood and I hit the freeway, Montrose bound for Damien’s house. 

Wonder what kind of twisted shit Aaron’s managed to get himself into this time? It’s always something with him, he’s been that way as long as I can remember. He just can’t quite pull himself together for some reason, and when he’s around things usually go tits up. Aaron turns self-sabotage into the ultimate extreme sport. All I know is the dude’s bladin’ on a thin slice of ice with a few people after the assault on Damien. They didn’t buy his story.

As I approach Damien’s neighborhood, I ease in and cruise through, nice and slow, before turning on his street. His house is on the left, he and Dax are sitting on the tailgate of his truck, both with a beer in hand and a smoke in the other. I pull in the driveway and kill the switch.

Kicking one leg over my bike, I adjust my cock and pull off my helmet. Damien stands, reaching out to shake my hand, and then we do the whole quick pat on the back man hug thing. Dax stands too and I shake his hand.

“Good to see you again.”

I’ve only met him once before out on the jobsite.

“Dude, nice ride.” Dax walks around the bike. “She’s beautiful.”

“Thanks man.” I run my fingers through my hair, spiking the top back up. “As soon as I laid eyes on her, I got a raging hard on and had to have her,” I laugh and put my helmet on the seat. “Picked her up last week.”

Damien looks serious.
Not good.
Dax notices too and immediately returns to his side, putting his hand on his thigh, and he sits down next to him. Dax passes me a beer.

“Thanks. Well, go ahead and spill it. What did he do this time, Damien?” I twist the top of the bottle, thumping the cap into the back of his truck.

“Aaron broke into our house tonight.” Damien arches an eyebrow.

Dax nods with him, as backup.

Cough! I almost choke on my beer. “Wait, what? Aaron did what? Damn, nervy little bastard. You sure it was him?” I shake my head.

“I’m positive, because I whooped his ass all the way out the front door,” Dax pipes in.

“I thought he was still locked up.” I tilt the bottle up to my lips, looking at Damien before taking a sip.

“He’s out and I’m not sure how exactly.” Damien takes a drag on his smoke.

“Aaron has his ways, believe that, but he must be on the down low because I haven’t heard his name in months. Obviously someone’s helping him, but it sounds like he’s flown off the deep end this time.” I scan Dax up and down sizing him up, he’s as big as I am. “He really tried to fight you, huh? Not one of his smarter moves I’m sure. So what is it you need me to do?” I lean against my bike, crossing one leg across the other, waiting for Damien to tell me why I’m here.

Dax stands and paces back and forth. I’m almost afraid to hear why. Everyone knows my past, I never was head of the boys’ choir or anything, and I get some off the wall requests sometimes. I’m really hoping this isn’t one of those times, but nothing shocks me anymore. I guess it doesn’t matter what it is, Damien’s a good man and friend which means boundaries aren’t an issue here. I’ll do what he asks.

“Can you get the word out about Aaron? The cops said their hands are tied and who knows what he’ll try next. He needs to be found.” Damien rubs his chin between his thumb and forefinger.

“Payce, the dude was outside our bedroom door watching us, he had something planned. What if I didn’t spot him, who knows what would have happened?” Dax adds.

“You know I can find him, that’s not the problem.” I cock my head to the side. “It’s what you want me to do with him when I do?”

“Oh shit, nothing like what you’re thinking, Payce. I need someone to hold him and we’ll let the cops handle it from there. The police said they’d question him, it’s our word against his, plus with the previous charge maybe they’ll keep him locked up this time,” Damien quickly clarifies his answer so that it doesn’t seem like he’s asking more of me.

“Sorry, but I needed the exact details on what you wanted.” I give him a wink. “You’d be surprised at what people still ask me to do. I’ll make a few calls, stop in a couple old hang outs, and see what I can come up with.”

“Thank so much, Payce, we really appreciate it.” Dax stands up and shakes my hand. “Why don’t you come in and have another drink?”

“Nah, let me go get started on this and see what I can scratch up. Give me a few days though, the boy was always pretty good at making himself invisible. I taught him well after all.”

“Hey, Payce, you should come by tomorrow afternoon. We’re firing up the pit and grilling some steaks. Bring someone if you’d like,” Damien says.

“Sounds like a plan, count on it…minus the guest. Peace out.” I give them a sideways grin and motion two fingers sideways in the air toward them.

First place I’m going to is Rick’s Bar, Aaron’s old stomping ground.


Chapter Five


Riding up to Rick’s Bar, I recognize a few bikes and a couple of trucks in the tavern parking lot. That’s always a good sign, it levels the playing field if Aaron is inside and any shit gets stirred up. Once he sees me, there’ll be no doubt in his mind about why. He knows Damien and I work together. The problem is, he’s never alone. Even though Aaron’s a twitchy kind of dude, he is one of the best manipulators I’ve ever met, a master in fact. He’ll already have his side of the whole assault on Damien story lined out and no one will be aware of the stunt he pulled off tonight yet.

I still can’t believe he broke in their house.

He and I have played this little game before. One minute he’ll be your best friend and the next he’ll do something stupid that screws you over in the blink of an eye. Been on the receiving end of both. I was one of those best friends once, and also the one who got hung up with the law behind his stupidity. That’s when my life went to hell in a hand basket. I lost two things the day Aaron decided to flip shit and wig out, my freedom being one of them, and the other…I guess it doesn’t really matter anymore, he’s is in the past and better off left there.

I snatch the bandana out of my back pocket, wrap it around my forehead, and knot it in the back. I head toward the outside bar area.

The wooden gate squeaks as I swing it open and step through, heads turn in my direction. I run a quick scan of the place, amazing how street smarts instinctively kick back in gear when you need them. In a matter of twenty seconds, I size up everyone and everything that could be a problem. Only one person is a potential problem. He’s sitting off to the left, the bulge in his lower boot is very obvious. He’s packing. Around the bar, familiar faces watch as I approach, one of them stands and hollers out to me. I cut him a grin and walk toward him.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Look what the cat dragged in. Payce, you crazy fucker, long time no see. Where have you been hiding?” He smiles and two others stand up to greet me.

I tilt my head to the side, a smirk on my face. “When have you ever known me to hide?” I laugh and shake his hand. “Good to see you man, been working like a slave. It keeps me out of trouble.” I nod and laugh.

“You out of trouble, that’s got to be a first, huh?” Several of them laugh and slap me on the shoulder.

“Shit, I’m surprised my glowing halo didn’t blind you fuckers when I walked in.” I kick my boot up on the bottom rung of the barstool.

“Always a damn smartass, huh?” He takes a swig of his beer.

I shrug. “What can I say?”

“Here, Payce, have a one on me.” A bottle comes sliding down the bar. “What has you out and about on the town tonight? You look like a man on a mission.”

“Something like that. I’m looking for Aaron, he around?” I take the beer in my hand, with no intention of drinking it.

“No, haven’t seen him in a while. I thought he was locked up.” Several of them turn to me, waiting to hear the story. They’re worse than a group of old women when it comes to gossip.

“Nah, Aaron’s been out, you didn’t know? I’ve got a little side job I can use him on, something right up his alley. You know how he’s always whining about needed money.”

“Nope, we haven’t seen him for a while now. Try over at Track Shack, maybe he’s hanging out there.”

“What, and upgrade from this dive?” I laugh, they think I’m joking. I’m not. “Aaron told me if anything came up I’d be able to find him here, guess he doesn’t want the work that bad after all. If you hear anything, give me a call, job’s his if he wants it.”

“Sounds like your fishing around, if you ask me,” a man named Olly barks out.

“Don’t recall asking you a goddamned thing.” I tilt my bottle toward him.

“Man, shut up. These two go way back to when they were kids, besides it’s none of your business, Olive Oil,” another man warns him, and Olly sits back down.

“As much as I’d like to stay and shoot the shit, I need to jet, and try to catch up with his ass tonight.” I set the bottle back on the bar without having even a sip. I don’t normally drink and drive and I’d already had one with Damien and Dax.

“Leaving so soon?” Lenny, one of the old crew and old “play buddy” asks me.

“It’s been a long day, Lenny. I didn’t even want to be out now, but figured I’d offer him first dibs on it. You know where to find me if you need me. Later guys, we’ll catch up next time. I’m out.” I nod and walk back out the gate.
Total lie, I hate this fucking place and have no intentions of ever returning, unless necessary.

“Payce, wait up.” Lenny follows me out and we walk to my bike. “What’s really going on with the fucktwat?”

“Straight up?” I nod at him.

“Always, Payce.” He nods back, agreeing to keep it on the cool.

“I need to get my hands on him, Aaron crossed the line tonight. Think you can dig around a bit?” I get on my bike waiting for him to answer. “I couldn’t walk in there and call him out, the sneaky bastard still has some friends who would tip him off.”

“That’s why I followed you out, there’s always another side when it comes to the little prick. There’s no need to snoop around, I know where he is.” Lenny lights up a smoke. “Aaron’s seeing a guy by the name of Ash.”

“Any idea where I can find this Ash person?” This is a lot more info than I expected to find so soon, it’s definitely good news. The sooner this is over, the sooner Damien and Dax are all right, and Aaron is out of everyone’s lives. I told him Karma was a nasty bitch and he’d better tread lightly, but Aaron thinks he knows everything. That’s why he can’t ever get away from trouble.

“Ever heard of Braxton’s?”

“Yeah, swanky place over on Pacific Street?” My heart starts pounding in my chest.

“Yep, that’s the one. Ash is one of the managers there. Word has it, this Ash dude comes from money and lots of it. He doesn’t need to work, but apparently he’s had a big torch burning for the owner of the place for a couple years now. Not sure what happened there, but somehow Aaron managed to wiggle his way in on that bankbook and sway his mind. It’s only been a little while, few months tops, but Aaron and Ash are a couple now.”

A bit of relief sweeps over me. “That’s Aaron, always one up for the next big thing, he does cling to the free rides. I appreciate the info, Lenny. I’m heading over there now.”

“No sweat. They’ll be closing soon, so you better hurry. You should probably go home and change first though. Not exactly your kind of place if you know what I mean. No offense, but you’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

“Don’t I always?” I arch my eyebrow and laugh. “I owe you one, Lenny.” I reach out to shake his hand.

“Yeah you do.” He looks me up and down, licking his lips. ”Too bad you’re not a bottom or I could think of a few ways to collect.” He gives me a wink to go with his cocky grin.

I laugh. “Never going to happen. See ya around.”

“Never say never, you just haven’t found the one to bring it out of you yet.”

“There is no such person.” Laughing to myself, I pull out of the parking lot.

The thought of going home first never crosses my mind, because I have no intentions of taking a step inside the place. Riding down Interstate 45, my mind flashes back to the promise I made seven years ago, I’ll never be the cause for his disappointment ever again.

The restaurant is closing by the time I arrive, so I pull up near a patch of trees in the median crossover to the next parking lot. It’s a Friday night, surely most employees are at work on one of the busiest nights of the week. I just need one chance to catch up with Aaron, maybe coming to pick up this Ash guy or walking out with him at closing time, then I don’t have to ever worry about coming back again or fucking with him.

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