Paying The Rent (Lusty Landlords Book 1)

BOOK: Paying The Rent (Lusty Landlords Book 1)
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Paying The Rent

Copyright © 2013 by C J Edwards



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This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance
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and used fictitiously. All characters depicted are over the age of eighteen.


Adult Reading Material




The Rent

Steve hated this part of being a landlord but it had
to be done. Most of the time things were fine. The tenant paid their rent by
standing order, he inspected the flats and houses every quarter and they rang
him when something needed fixing. That was how it had gone with this tenant for
the past eighteen months until about six weeks ago when he had just stopped
paying. He had sent letters and received no answer and phone calls had not been
picked up. So, he was sitting in his BMW outside the flat, waiting for Eric to
come home from work.

Sure enough, right on schedule, Eric the computer geek
came sauntering along from the bus stop at six o’clock. Steve waited until he
had passed the car and followed him in, collaring the young man as he fumbled
for his front door key. “Hello Eric, you’re a hard man to get hold of!”

Eric looked like he’d crapped himself. He was quite
a nervous type. In his early twenties, he spent most of his time with his
computers and looked like it too. Steve was about six inches taller than him
and probably another four stone; all muscle. He didn’t need to try very hard to
intimidate the young man. “Oh, hi Steve,” he mumbled, trying to appear
nonchalant and failing.

“Mind if I come in for a chat?” asked Steve.

Once inside, Eric skirted around the rent issue for
as long as he could. He talked about his programming work and how the bonuses
had dried up of late. Steve had just begun to get to the nub of the issue when
the front door opened and someone else worked in.

Steve’s chin nearly hit the floor. The young woman
who had just joined them was drop dead gorgeous. No more than nineteen, she was
slim, blonde and fresh faced, with long legs and a tidy pair of tits. Dressed
in denim cut off shorts and t shirt with a small rucksack over her shoulder, he
guessed she was a student. “Who do we have here then?” he asked.

“I’m Lisa and I live here,” snapped the girl. “Who
the fuck are you?”

“I’m the landlord and I don’t have you on the
tenancy agreement,” answered Steve nonchalantly, “so it’s probably best if you
lose the attitude! Now, what do you do for a living?”

Lisa got the message and her tone became a lot more
respectful. “I’m a student,” she answered.

“Okay, so you’re living on a student loan, I’m
guessing,” said Steve. “The reason I’m here is because your boyfriend here
hasn’t paid any rent for the last six weeks. I want to help you out as much as
possible but I’m a businessman. I can’t just let you freeload. Can you make a

The two youngsters started to speak at once, making
hollow promises and excuses until Steve stopped them dead. “Right, the two of
you need to think about things and have a talk amongst yourselves. This is what
we’ll do. Tomorrow night, you can come to dinner with my wife and I and we’ll
come up with a way forward that suits us all and stops you getting thrown out
on to the street. How does that sound?”

Lisa and Eric both nodded enthusiastically.

“Good,” continued Steve, passing Lisa a card. “This
is our address. Eight o’clock and don’t be late.” He stood up and made for the
door. “Oh and dress appropriately,” he added, looking Lisa up and down. “That
means a dress, Lisa.”

As the door closed behind their landlord, Lisa and
Eric looked at each other. “What do you think?” asked Lisa.

“I think he wants to get your knickers off,” snarled
the hairy young man.

“No doubt about that,” said Lisa. “There’s no harm
in letting the dirty old perv think he’s in with a chance if it gives us some
slack on the rent though. You watch me flirt with him tomorrow and wind his old
woman up.”

The following evening, the young couple were ringing
the bell of their landlord’s huge house at exactly eight o’clock. Lisa was
dressed to kill in her little black dress and Eric had made an effort with a
proper shirt and trousers. The big door was opened by a gorgeous older woman
with a welcoming smile. “You must be Lisa and Eric. Welcome to our humble home.
I’m Helen.”

There was nothing humble about this home, Lisa
thought as she handed over her jacket to the older woman.

Helen looked Lisa up and down. “Wow,” she said. “I
can see exactly what Steve meant. You are stunning.” She grabbed the young
woman by the shoulders and kissed her on the cheek. Lisa’s head was spinning.
What exactly had Steve said to his wife about her?

The two couples made small talk over dinner. Helen
and Steve were delightful hosts and they knew how to set people at their ease.
Beneath the chat though, they were following a carefully choreographed strategy
with only one objective: Lisa. Whereas Eric was being loaded with as much
alcohol as possible, both in his glass and his food, Helen was carefully
monitoring the amount that Lisa drank. She wanted her compliant; not comatose.

As they moved on to a brandy-soaked dessert, Helen
skilfully manoeuvred the conversation around to sex to discover that Eric was
Lisa’s first proper boyfriend after leaving her single-sex school. The girl was
clearly very inexperienced and began to blush as she talked about their
relationship. Seeing her embarrassment, Helen started to talk about their
swinging lifestyle and watched the girl’s eyes widen as she recounted some of
their adventures. “Life doesn’t really end at forty, you know,” she laughed.
“Or even thirty!”

Looking over at Eric, Helen saw he had fallen asleep
in his food. “Do you want to take Eric into the lounge, honey, while I talk
business with Lisa,” she asked her husband. As Steve dragged the drunken youth
through and out of earshot, Helen topped up Lisa’s wine glass. “What you really
want to know is how we can help each other, isn’t it?” Lisa nodded. “Well,”
Helen continued, “every now and then we host swingers parties and we look for
gorgeous young girls like you to serve drinks and encourage the old gits to get
hard ons to please the wives. You’re just perfect for that. What do you think?”

“Just serving drinks?” asked Lisa.

“Just serving drinks,” repeated Helen. “Topless!”

“Oh,” said Lisa and thought about it for a couple of
minutes. “What are you paying?”

“Once we get into the swing of things, it will
definitely meet your rent and probably a bit more,” said Helen with a warm
smile on her face.

“Okay then,” said Lisa. “I don’t mind being ogled by
dirty old men if it pays the rent.”

“Good,” beamed Helen. “Let’s have a look at you

“Excuse me?”

“Lisa,” lectured the older woman. “You look like a pretty
young woman but for all we know, you might have the ugliest tits in the world.
We need to see what they’re like before coming to an agreement. Here, if you’re
shy I’ll go first.”

Without breaking step, Helen stood up from the table
and stripped her dress down to her waist, before unclipping and shrugging out
of her bra. “Your turn,” she said, standing topless in front of the young

Lisa couldn’t take her eyes off her hostess’s
breasts. She wondered if they had had work done on them, they were so perfect.
They must have been at least a 38D but hardly sagged at all. They were large
but firm and the big, rubbery nipples pointed upwards. She wasn’t sure how her
34B cups would stand up to such competition.

While Lisa prevaricated, Helen walked around to
stand behind her and put her hands on the young woman’s shoulders. “No need to
be nervous, it’s only us girls,” she said, unzipping the young woman’s dress
and letting it drop to the floor. “Do you want to do the bra?” she added, “or
shall I?”

Lisa was clearly not going to get away with it. She
shrugged and reached behind her to unclip the little brassiere and remove it,
standing in her landlords’ dining room topless.

“Wow, she really is a prize,” said Steve, who had
quietly come back in just in time to get a real treat. He stood and looked the
girl slowly up and down, noting her perky little tits which were clearly full
enough to jiggle delightfully when she was being fucked; a theory he was
definitely going to have to put to the test. The rest of her was just delicious
too. “You are fucking gorgeous, Lisa,” he added.

“Thank you,” Lisa replied quietly, a red flush now
spreading across her alabaster skin.  She began to instinctively cross her arms
over her breasts, only to have Helen grab her by the elbows and gently but
firmly put them back by her side.

“Don’t cover up, sweetheart,” purred Helen in her
ear. “You should let my husband have a good look at what he’s paying for.

“What do you mean, paying for,” snapped Lisa,
nervously. “I’m not a prostitute you know!”

“Well, you’re not paying your rent are you,” snapped
back Helen. “Every day you don’t pay comes out of my husband’s pocket so it’s
only right that you give him something back in return isn’t it?”

Lisa started to visibly tremble. She was standing almost
naked in the dining room of an older couple she hardly knew and they had her
backed into a corner. She just didn’t know what to do next. As she tried to get
her alcohol-muddled brain to think straight, she became aware of Helen’s hands
stroking her arms gently before moving over to her breasts. “I don’t know,” she

Helen’s hands reached the soft titties and she
cupped them, holding them out for her husband to see as she gently squeezed.
“What do you think, darling? What’s a reasonable payment on account?”

“I quite fancy the idea of those lovely lips around
my cock, if that’s okay with you darling?” said Steve without even a pause.

“That sounds like a great idea,” said Helen,
nuzzling the student’s neck as she fondled her tits. “What do you think about
that, Lisa darling? Just a blow job?”

Lisa didn’t know what to say. If she refused a blow
job, she didn’t know what was going to happen to her. They surely weren’t going
to let her go without having their way with her and then she’d be evicted,
along with Eric. She said nothing and let her landlady push her to her knees as
Steve walked over.

“Go on sweety, take it out,” urged Helen.

Lisa reached over and unzipped the fly, putting her
hand inside to grasp Steve’s cock. She was surprised by the meatiness of him as
her hand closed around his shaft and when she brought it out into her sight,
she was shocked by the size. He must have been almost twice the size of Eric.

Helen saw the shock on the girl’s face and laughed.
“He’s a heck of a lot of man, my husband. Don’t worry though, you’ll manage.
Just slowly rub it up and down and lick the end.”

Lisa did just as she was told. Running her little
hand along the big rubbery shaft, she put out her tongue and tasted the pre-cum
on the end of Steve’s knob. It was very salty but not unpleasant. As she
continued to rub, she got the helmet in her mouth and began to softly suck. To
her surprise, she found she was really enjoying the experience and felt a
little turned on herself.

Helen knelt down beside Lisa and watched as the
young woman got more and more of her husband’s penis in her mouth. “That’s a
good girl,” she purred, moving her hair away from her face to stroke her cheek.
“You suck nice and hard.”  Lisa’s momentum built and she was giving Steve a
good hard wank when Helen gently but firmly moved her hand away and pulled it
behind her back. “Grown up men like a deep throat, honey,” she purred. “Are you
up for that?”

Before Lisa could think about it, Helen had shoved
her head forward, wedging the end of the big cock in her throat. She gagged and
panicked, moving her head quickly away and letting Steve’s cock fall out.

“That’s no good, Lisa. You need to extend your neck
and relax,” scolded Helen. “Like this,” she took her husband into her mouth and
then straight down her throat. Lisa looked on in disbelief as the older woman
bobbed her head up and down, with the huge cock going all the way in each time.
Helen kept that going for a good few minutes, until she judged Steve wasn’t far
off coming and then offered it across to the student again. Lisa was now
determined not to look so inexperienced and she let Helen guide her as she took
the big cock all the way.

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