Perilous Choice (3 page)

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Authors: Malcolm Rhodes

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers & Suspense, #Technothrillers, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Post-Apocalyptic, #90 Minutes (44-64 Pages), #Literature & Fiction, #Thrillers

BOOK: Perilous Choice
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              “He didn’t tell me his name.”


              Olivia looked at the pathetic thing in front of her.  Clearly he had no idea what he was involved in.  Jamal had merely used him as a tool.  “Do you have any children, Kevin?”




              “Where are they?”


              “At the government central facility, of course.  What is all this about?”


              “You don’t have a child who lives here?”


              “What are you talking about?  No child can live with parents until coming of age.  Everyone knows that.”


              Olivia raced for the main entrance.  She punched in the code, looked at Kevin on the floor, and then exited through the opening filled with rage and unsure what she should do next.

Enemies W


Olivia stumbled outside.  She had to get to the rendezvous point and she had to do it now.  She had to get as far away from the residence as possible.  She had no idea what she would find when she got there, but she had to get there as fast as possible.  She ran and ran until her legs began to give way.  Fear had overtaken every other faculty.  She couldn’t see straight.  Exhausted, she collapsed on the ground.  Time passed as she flitted in and out of consciousness.  The world around her seemed very far away.  Sirens began to go off.  She didn’t know what that meant, but she knew it couldn’t be good.  Somehow she knew they were for her.  They were looking for her and it was only a matter of time before they were successful.  Her life was over and that seemed a very sad thing indeed.


              “Olivia, are you there?”  The voice was not Jamal’s


              “I’m here.”  Olivia replied hazily.


              “What’s wrong, Olivia?” 


              “I don’t feel good.” 


              “Can you sit up and look around you?”


              “Who is this?”


              “It’s Carlos.”




              “Or Charlie, if you prefer.”


              Olivia smiled and chuckled slightly.  “What’s going on?  What happened to Jamal?”


              “Why don’t we get you safe and then we can talk about Jamal.”




              “Are you able to sit up and look around you?”


              Olivia now understood.  This would allow them to find her.  Did she want them to find her?  Was Charlie in on it with Jamal?  “How do I know you won’t try to kill me?”


              “You’re just going to have to trust me, Olivia.  Can you do that?”


              “I think so.”  Olivia slowly sat up.  She still wasn’t feeling well, but she was able to focus and look all around her.


              “Good, Olivia.  I’ve got your coordinates.  Stay out of sight and we’ll be there as soon as possible.”


              “Are you coming for me yourself?”


              “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


              “Come quick.”


              “I will.”


              Olivia lay back down on the ground.  Her body felt retched.  She ached all over and she didn’t know why.  She rolled on the ground moaning in pain.  In all the ways that she had ever thought about death, it had never been like this.  She closed her eyes, but the pain continued even more intensely.


              “Olivia, what’s wrong?”


              The words seemed like they were coming from far, far away.  “Who’s there?  Please don’t hurt me?”  Olivia had never felt so scared.


              “Olivia, its Carlos.  What’s wrong with you?”


              “I hurt real bad.” 


              Carlos ran to his cycle transport and got a medical kit.  He rushed back and scanned her vital signs.  Something was very wrong.  It appeared that she had been given a slow-working toxin and that it had now had kicked in full force.  She had only minutes.  Her life was wasting away in front of him. She couldn’t go out like this.  He forced himself to remember his training.  Somewhere at some time he had learned how to counteract this.  A thought flashed through his mind.  It would have to be enough.  He didn’t have time for anything else.  He found a serum, hoped it would work, administered it to Olivia and hoped for the best.


              “Did you give me something?”  Olivia asked almost immediately.


              “Yes.  Why?”


              “I feel something.”


              Olivia let out the kind of primal scream that you hope to never experience in a lifetime.  Carlos’ head dropped in utter despair.  He had been under pressure, made a decision, and now would have to watch the consequences of his mistake as Olivia died in front of him.


              “Wow!”  Olivia exclaimed as she shot up from the ground to a sitting position.  She looked at Carlos and said, “Whatever you gave me saved my life.”


              Carlos instinctively threw his arms around Olivia sending both of them tumbling to the ground.  They ended up lying on the ground facing each other.  It was one of those moments of passion that occurs so rarely that some never experience it in a lifetime.  Carlos couldn’t fight it any longer.  He kissed Olivia passionately.  He kissed her like he would never be able to kiss her ever again.  He was desperate and right now nothing else in the world mattered.  The moment lingered, but he sensed it couldn’t last forever.  A cycle flew overhead and a siren started up again.


              “We need to get moving.”  Carlos said breathlessly.


              “Okay.”  Olivia replied wide-eyed.


              Carlos took Olivia’s hand and led her over to his cycle.  He looked overhead, but the cycle was nowhere in sight.  His heart was beating through his chest.  He had to get them out safely and it had to be now. 


              “Ready?”  Carlos asked.


              “Let’s go.”  Olivia replied confidently.  Her world was beginning to make sense to her again.


              Carlos lifted off the ground slowly and looked around.  He called back, “If you see any other cycles, let me know.”


              “You got it.”  Olivia looked around, but saw nothing.


              Suddenly a shot whizzed past Olivia’s head.  She looked back in horror to see a cycle bearing down on them. 


              “Look out behind us!”  Olivia screamed.


              Carlos turned the cycle downward and they took off directly toward the ground.  Olivia squeezed Carlos’ back in desperation.  More shots whizzed past them, but somehow they were untouched.  Carlos waited until the last possible moment before jerking upward and circling around quickly.  The operator of the other cycle anticipated the move, but did not turn quickly enough.  He pulled up, but found himself in front instead of behind his quarry.


              “Now!”  Carlos screamed.


              Olivia aimed and fired in one motion.  The shot hit the operator of the other cycle directly in the head.  Carlos quickly turned the cycle away from the carnage as the operator and cycle fell to the ground and hit with a sudden crash. 


              “Nice shot.”  Carlos said as he sought to bring his adrenaline under control.


              “Thanks.”  Olivia replied without enthusiasm.


              “You okay?”  Carlos asked.


              “I just killed a man.  I’ve been better.”


              “He was trying to kill you; remember that.”


              “I know.”


              The rest of the ride was uneventful.  Carlos guided the cycle into the compound.  As they got off the cycle, Carlos kissed Olivia on the forehead and said, “You did an amazing job today.”


              “Thank you.  You saved me.”


              “We saved each other.”


              “There you both are.”  Cassandra said as she approached.  She was walking faster than Olivia had ever seen before.  “I am so sorry, Olivia.  We never suspected that Jamal had his own agenda.”


              “Was he working for your husband?” 


              “Not that we can tell, Olivia.  He seems to have had his own ideas.”


              “He was very clear that he didn’t think I was a good idea.”


              “I wish I had known that.  I never would have put you in his hands.”


              “Where is he now?”


              “He’s been dealt with.”


              “You mean you killed him.”


              “I did what I had to do.”


              For some reason, Cassandra still brought deep fear within Olivia.  She was glad she had Carlos as a buffer. 


              “What now?”


              “Are you ready for a real assignment?”


              “Can I take a little break?”


              “A little one, but time is short.”


              “I’ll be ready.  Who will I be working with?”


              “I think you and Carlos make a good team.  I’ll contact you when we are ready.”  Cassandra walked away.


              “Congratulations, partner.”  Olivia teased as she kissed Carlos.  Her world wasn’t perfect, but it was good and that was enough for now.




Remember to check out Vol. 1 if you missed it:


Shouting in the Silence(This is Olivia) Vol. 1


































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