Read Phantom Warriors: Talon Online

Authors: Jordan Summers

Phantom Warriors: Talon (5 page)

BOOK: Phantom Warriors: Talon
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Talon couldn’t get enough of her taste, her scent. The musky aroma of hot, moist woman filed the smal space, making his head spin. Her nipples were now flushed deep red and swolen. He longed to devour them again, but there were other places he wanted to explore, places that caled to something primal inside of him.

He kissed Lynn soundly on the lips, then slid down her body, wedging his wide shoulders between her thighs so she couldn’t close her legs. Her rich spicy aroma was thicker here, more enticing. Talon leaned forward and inhaled. His eyes closed in ecstasy and he gave thanks once more.

“Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” he asked, his voice a harsh whisper.

Lynn looked suddenly uncomfortable and she started to shift away from him.

“Don’t!” His hand came down upon her abdomen to hold her in place.

“Why ruin the moment by saying stuff like that?” she asked, then quickly averted her gaze, but not before he’d spotted the pain lingering in the green depths.

Talon wondered what was wrong with the men on this planet.

Didn’t they have eyes? Couldn’t they see the gifts before them?

“I told you that I wanted you,” he said. “That hasn’t changed.” And it wouldn’t. Sure, it was always
that Lynn would turn out not to be his mate, but Talon didn’t think so. Every instinct inside of him recognized her for what she was—
. “Look at me,” he demanded. There was no way he’d alow her to hide from him.

Not now. Not here. Not ever.

* * * * *


Lynn didn’t move. Couldn’t move. She was afraid to. What if when she met his gaze it was filed with lies? No, Talon hadn’t given her any indication that he wasn’t teling the truth, but Lynn knew men. More importantly, she knew herself. She didn’t command this kind of attention from anyone, much less a man like him.

“I said look at me!”

The command made her jump. Lynn met Talon’s gaze. It was hard and uncompromising. The intensity she saw there both thriled and frightened her. “What do you want from me, Talon?”

“Everything,” he said unflinchingly, then lowered his head and began to feast.

Talon’s tongue seemed to dance on her skin like hummingbird wings as he fed voraciously upon her sex. He teased and licked, nipping at the hidden bundle of nerves, worrying it with his teeth, before sucking hard. Lynn’s thighs clenched around his head and shoulders.

The sensations were too much, too intense. She squirmed in his grasp. Lynn wanted to get nearer, while at the same time her body struggled to get away. Talon never let up. Like a starving man denied access to a banquet, he plunged his tongue into her entrance, fluttering it faster than she thought humanly possible.

A keening cry was ripped from her throat. One thick finger replaced his tongue. Lynn bucked beneath him, clenching the sleeping bag. “Talon!” She gasped his name, then bit her lip as he sucked her clit between his teeth, while he continued to stroke in and out. “I can’t,” she murmured.

“You can. And you wil,” he said, biting down hard.

Lynn screamed as her body convulsed. Blood roared in her ears and the world dimmed around her.

* * * * *

Talon moved fast. He knew he didn’t have much time. Lynn’s eyes were closed, but they wouldn’t be for long. He focused on his form, manipulating his molecules into nothingness, then slid through her body as easily as he walked through wals.

He appeared beneath her for a half second, then reversed direction, so he was staring down at her once more. Her lashes fluttered and a frown furrowed her delicate brow, but she didn’t open her eyes.

Information from Lynn’s memories flooded his mind, nearly blinding him with the sensory overload. In his heart, he’d known.

known, from the moment he’d laid eyes on her. And now it was confirmed. Lynn was indeed his mate. His true-mate.


Talon puled her close and kissed her soundly. “Are you stil with me?” he asked.

She cracked open an eyelid. “I’ve never felt an orgasm like that,” she said. “It was like it went right through me. Wonderful, but weird.”

He grinned. “There’s more,” he said, as joy filed his hearts.

Talon winked, then positioned the head of his shaft against her dripping channel. He couldn’t wait to get inside her, fil her empty womb with his seed. He nudged forward, his thick crown breaching her entrance. She was tight, oh so tight, and beyond perfect.

Lynn’s eyes shot open and a look of panic crossed her face.

“Wait!” she said and roled to the side to grab something smal.

“What’s that?” he asked in confusion.

“Protection,” she said as if that explained everything.

Talon’s brows shot to his hairline. “Protection from what?” He jumped up and ripped the tent flap open. Crouching low, he quickly scanned the area with his predatory senses to make sure they weren’t in any danger. Other than a few creatures nearby, Talon couldn’t detect a threat.

“What are you doing?” It was Lynn’s turn to look confused.

“Searching for the threat you spoke of?” he said, glancing over his shoulder at her.

Lynn laughed. “You’re joking, right?”

His face heated. “I take your safety
seriously. I would never jest about such a thing.”

She snorted, then beaconed him back inside the tent. “What planet have you been living on?” she asked, slipping something out of the smal package and gently grasping his shaft.

Talon decided it was best not to answer that question. He didn’t think Lynn was ready for the truth yet. Soon, al would be revealed. Her soft hands continued to pump his rigid flesh. The tension left his shoulders, only to return when she placed the stretchy substance onto the tip of his phalus. “What are you doing?” he asked.

“What do you think?”

He had no idea, but as long as she kept stroking his cock he wouldn’t stop her.



Talon watched Lynn rol the strange material over his hard length. He didn’t understand why she’d insisted on putting it on him, but he wasn’t going to complain. She stroked him again, this time harder. He waited until she’d finished, then gently pushed her back onto the soft padding.

Her breath hitched as he positioned himself at the entrance of her moist opening. “Ready?” he asked.

She nodded.

His jaw clenched as he inched inside. The sensations were muted, but stil strong. He slid in deeper, then waited for her body to adjust to his size, before pushing further.

Lynn gasped.

Talon stiled. “I haven’t harmed you, have I?” he asked, fighting the need to thrust.

She shook her head and her lashes fluttered open. “You’re just big... And it’s been a while.”

He trembled at her admission. Happy beyond words that she hadn’t lain with another male in a long while and that she found his size more than acceptable. Talon had never had any complaints from females before, but this time was different. This time was the first time he was joining with his mate. He wanted their first time together to be perfect. He wanted to bring her nothing, but pleasure.

Lynn canted her hips and he slipped in deeper. Talon groaned as her vise-like channel held him tight.

“You feel incredible,” he bit out, as sweat covered his brow.

“I swear I won’t break,” she said, then reached around him and sunk her fingernails into his ass.

Talon’s body jerked, sending him surging inside her.

Lynn’s lungs heaved as her body clamped down on him.

“Don’t move,” she said.

He froze, his muscles trembling as he fought for control.

A few interminable moments later, her body relaxed. “That’s better,” she said.

“I wil try to be gentle,” he grit out from between clenched teeth.

“The time for ‘gentle’ ended thirty seconds ago,” she said, then blushed.

Talon’s nostrils flared. Incited by her provocative words, he puled back, then thrust deep, watching with pure male satisfaction as her eyes glazed with passion.

“You’re mine,” he growled, then began to ride her in earnest, branding her with his body, while he savaged her with his mouth.

* * * * *


Lynn couldn’t seem to catch her breath. Talon caged her with his broad shoulders, his gaze intense and heated. She forced her body to relax as she took him deep. He was so massive that for one crazy moment she’d thought he wouldn’t fit. Luckily he had. Now she was getting the ful brunt of his deliciously large cock. The man had talent. She’d give him that.

Somewhere inside of her a little voice admitted that once with Talon would never been enough. He knew just where to touch her and exactly how to please her. It was as if he’d been given a skeleton key to unlock the secrets to satisfying her body and her body alone. One bout of lovemaking, and he’d as good as ruined her for other men.

He surged forward, driving straight to her soul, taking her to heights she’d never imagined reaching. Had never reached before.

Silk encased in steel, his cock battered her senses, demanding entrance to her heart.

This was a fling. Only a fling. She told herself in hopes that it would help when he walked away. Lynn wasn’t foolish enough to believe there was more than sex happening here…even if it
like it.

She searched his passion taut face for clues to his thoughts.

His lashes lay at half-mast keeping secrets, hiding truths. Did he mean it when he said that she was his? In the heat of the moment, lies easily slipped from tongues.

Lynn didn’t care. If this were al they’d ever have together, she’d take it. Savor it. Store it away in her memories for the rest of her life. She wanted this man. She wanted Talon. As if reading her thoughts, he thrust hard, taking her breath.

“Who do you belong to?” He grunted, as sweat dripped from his brow.

“No one,” she lied, while her traitorous body sought a deeper connection.

Talon’s eyes narrowed until she could barely make out the glints of color beneath his lids. “Wrong answer,” he said, roling his hips and taking her mouth in a searing kiss that demanded her submission, her surrender.

Lynn’s breath shuddered as her body threatened to shatter into a milion pieces. “I don’t need promises,” she said, ripping her mouth away.

“I do!” He growled. Talon reached between their bodies and found her hard, swolen and receptive. He stroked the tiny nub once, twice. On the third swipe, Lynn flew apart, taking him with her.

She barely felt his teeth lock onto her shoulder and bite down.

The quick sting of pain sliced was folowed by a wave of pleasure as his tongue licked the spot, soothing the tender skin.

“Tel me that you are mine,” he murmured, planting soft kisses on her neck.

Lynn couldn’t seem to focus. Despite finding the kind of release that women dream about--hel, write sonnets about, her body moved restlessly beneath him, wanting more, needing more.

What was happening?

She pushed up and he slipped out of her. The emptiness created an ache that wasn’t about to be wished away. Lynn had never been a nymphomaniac. Sure, she’d enjoyed sex, even managed to orgasm with her partners, but it had never been like this. This was al encompassing, al consuming. This was the kind of thing that could change a woman for life…or scar her. Probably both.

For some reason, she couldn’t get enough of him. “More,” she said, and barely recognized her own voice when the husky request spiled out.

The musky sweet scent on Talon’s skin poured over her, leaving her euphoric, but far from satisfied. Lynn’s nipples beaded, hungry for his mouth, his touch. She arched her back to brush against his chest in hopes it would ease a fraction of the desire storming through her. It didn’t. If anything, the move made her even more ravenous. It should’ve been impossible, but she actualy felt her clit swel and her sex flood again.

Her body was acting like he hadn’t just fucked her to within an inch of her life. She whimpered, then leaned forward and latched onto Talon’s lower lip, sucking hard. He groaned and folowed her back down onto the sleeping bag.

“What did you do to me?” she asked, puling at his hair, trying to get closer, while her body took on a life of its own.

“I made you mine,” he said without remorse.

She writhed beneath him, teasing his flaccid flesh back to life.

Talon’s cock rose hard and thick from the light nest of curls covering his sex, sweling even bigger than it had the first time.

“I need to feel you,” she said, rocking to sooth the emptiness inside her. “Al of you.” Lynn knew what she was about to do was utter insanity, but for some reason, she couldn’t stop herself. She reached down between their bodies and puled the used condom off Talon’s shaft. “I’m clean. Are you?”

He gasped, then grabbed her hand before she could pul it away and curled it around his growing girth. Lynn teased him, slowly at first, then faster. His pupils dilated and his gaze seemed to sharpen.

“You carry my scent,” he said, pleasure filing his voice. “You are now part of me. No harm wil ever come to you from me--or anyone else.”

Lynn inhaled, but al she could smel was the aroma of hot, sizzling man. “I want you again.”

“Tel me that you’re mine,” he said. It was a demand.

She shook her head and Talon puled back. “No!” Lynn shouted. “Please, I need you.” Her body was making demands she had no idea how to meet. Al she knew for sure was that Talon held the key.

He teased her breasts, making delicate circles around her nipples without touching them. It was like heaven and hel combined. She needed more. Lynn needed his hard shaft back inside her. Skin to skin. Breath to breath.

“I wil give you al that you want, but not until you admit the truth,” he said.

Lynn’s head thrashed in frustration. She rose up and tried to force him inside her. Talon’s breath hissed, but he held firm though she could tel it cost him to do so.

He pinned her down, dominating her with his hard body. His firm touch sent licks of flames dancing over her skin. “Tel me!”

“I’m yours,” she whispered. It was the truth, but Lynn knew she’d pay later for admitting as much. Now he held al the power.

Talon could destroy her heart with the drop of one careless word and she had no way of recovering.

Instead of gloating, Talon smiled. “Was that so difficult?” he asked.

“You have no idea.” Lynn scooted down trying to get closer to him. Before she could move into place, Talon grabbed her and kissed her hard. When she opened her eyes, he was lying beneath her and she was straddling his thick thighs. “What just happened?” He shrugged. “I roled us over.”

It hadn’t felt like he’d roled her over, but Lynn wasn’t going to complain since this put him exactly where she wanted him.

Before she could move, he stopped her. “I swear on my Clan’s honor that your heart and body are safe with me,” he said, gently running the back of his hand over her nipple.

Tears weled in her eyes. Embarrassed by the sudden swel of emotion, Lynn scrubbed them away and prayed he’d been too preoccupied by her large breasts to notice. The last thing she wanted was for Talon to know how much those words had meant to her…even if they weren’t the truth.

Lynn grasped Talon’s hard cock, then lifted herself over him and slowly slid down. His jaw clenched and his cheeks flushed, but he did nothing to stop her—or help.

BOOK: Phantom Warriors: Talon
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