Phantom Warriors: Talon (6 page)

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Authors: Jordan Summers

BOOK: Phantom Warriors: Talon
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Talon had crossed the line between agony and pleasure an hour ago. Every muscle in his body clenched as Lynn melted over him, swalowing his hard length until they fused together as one.

As he’d suspected, the strange substance she’d roled onto his shaft earlier had muted the sensations. Now there was nothing between them. Nothing to hold back the pleasure. Nothing to keep them apart. Nothing to prevent the bond.

Every instinct he had screamed at him to pump hard and get his seed into her, but he locked them down before he could act.

Already, he’d lost form and passed through her. The first time, he’d done it on purpose, but this time it had been because she’d made him lose control. Talon had
lost control before. The realization shook him to the core.

Stil, he had no regrets. Talon knew the more times he passed through her, the more his essence would imprint on her and strengthen the bond that had started to build between them.

Already her body recognized his, demanded his touch. Soon the mating frenzy would take over and she’d become insatiable. It was only fair, since he was already. The need to join with him would continue until her first shift, which wouldn’t be long now.

Her green eyes already held a hint of a red ring around them.

It would eventualy darken, then her wings would sprout and the urge to fly would be undeniable. And then Talon would finaly be able to admit the truth about who he was and why he was here.

There was no doubt that Lynn suspected something was up, but her need had been too great to question him. Talon knew that wouldn’t last. His mate had a sharp mind. He’d thought so before, but now he knew for sure. She deserved answers, but they’d have to come later—after her first shift.

* * * * *


Lynn saw the flash of desire in Talon’s eyes as she took him into her body, cradling him tight. His rapid breathing matched her own. She waited only a moment, then began to move. The skin on skin contact sent shivers up her spine, crinkling her nipples into hard round nubs.

She reached up and pinched them. The pleasure-pain made her gasp. Talon’s eyes widened, then a slow smile spread across his handsome face as he watched.

“Do that again,” he said, his voice a dark rumble.

Lynn did, enjoying the power that came with having a man’s complete and undivided attention. His hands clamped down on her hips as she rocked back and forth, pinching and puling at her beasts with nimble fingers.

“Offer me a taste.” He sweled inside her.

She held out one nipple and waited, breathlessly for him to take it.

Talon sat up and swiped his tongue over the rigid flesh, then blew warm air over her. Lynn sucked in a breath, but didn’t pul away. He leaned forward and latched onto her, sucking gently at first, then harder. His hips rose with each pul of his mouth, going deeper and deeper.

Lynn’s breathing hitched, then she lifted, slamming down on Talon as he thrust up. They both gasped, then repeated the move.

“You are an amazing man,” she said, snaking her hand down his rugged chest, sliding her fingers between their bodies. “A girl could get used to this, you know?”

He let go of her nipple and looked up at her. His odd colored eyes warmed on contact, shimmering with an emotion that Lynn didn’t think possible given the short period of time that they’d known each other. “I certainly hope so because I intend to give you this every day for the rest of our lives.” Her heart leapt in her chest. Lynn knew it was the lust talking, but for just one moment she alowed herself to believe. “Shut up and kiss me, Talon,” she murmured.

He did with a slow slide of tongue along the seam of her lips.

Lynn sank into the embrace, savoring it like a greedy child with a ful bag of Haloween candy. He tasted so good and smeled even better. If it wouldn’t make her insanely jealous to know other women were wearing his scent, she’d bottle it.

* * * * *


She continued to ride him until her body quivered and her channel fluttered in a final rapturous release. Talon watched the ecstasy color her features. His hearts pounded. Whether it was one or a hundred lifetimes, he’d never get over the joy of seeing Lynn draped in his arms like this.

He waited for the last ripples to end, then roled her beneath him. He was too exhausted to pass through her, so he did it the human way. Her arms were relaxed, but remained loosely wrapped around his shoulders. Talon closed his eyes and inhaled. The scent of sweet satisfied woman teased his nostrils as he began to move. It wouldn’t take long now.

Lynn raised her legs and locked her ankles around his thighs.

Talon felt the tension build deep within him. She placed her lips on the side of his jaw, then licked and kissed her way to where his neck and shoulder met. Lynn swirled her tongue over that spot, teasing him, driving him to the point of madness.

Talon’s bals rose, puling tight against his body. “Bite me,” he hissed.

She kissed him again, sucking a little.

“Do it!” he ground out. “Hard!”

Lynn smiled against his skin, then bit down. Her flat, blunt teeth broke the skin.

Talon’s body shook and he belowed as his release rushed out in a surge so powerful it nearly blinded him. “You are mine,” he gasped. “Now and forever.”



Lynn’s body ached in al the right places as she and Talon dressed, then made their way out of the tent. She didn’t know about him, but she was ravenous. She was pretty sure she could eat a water buffalo by herself.

Unfortunately, the buffalo would have to wait until she got back to civilization. Instead, dried chicken and rice would have to do. She stil couldn’t believe that she’d brought a stranger back to her camp for sex. She’d never done anything that crazy. Ever. Not even in her wild colege days.

To make matters worse, she’d actualy bit him until he’d bled.

Completely unsanitary, not to mention dangerous. If Talon knew how many germs were lurking in the human mouth, he would’ve never asked her to do it. Of course, she did and that hadn’t stopped her.

Maybe he had a vampire fetish. She looked at him. He realy didn’t seem the type, but you never realy knew what people did in the privacy of their own homes. Lynn didn’t like vampires. The whole undead thing was a real turnoff, so why had she enjoyed biting Talon so much?

She glanced his way again. He truly was gorgeous. The fact that he was sitting on the shore staring at her like she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, only made him more so in her mind. Lynn wanted nothing more than to rush over and fal into his arms. But she couldn’t, wouldn’t—at least not yet.

Despite having
knowledge of his body, Talon
stil a stranger in so many ways. Lynn knew nothing about the man.

Where did he come from? Did he have any family? What did he do for a living? What was he doing here in the Canyon? Did they have anything in common other than great sex?

So what if it
like she knew him. That was just her hormones talking. Everyone knew they couldn’t be trusted, when it came to making rational decisions. The last few hours were proof of that. Hormones were a bunch of slutty little Benedict Arnolds if you asked her.

Lynn finished heating the chicken up, then dished it into two bowls. “Lunch is ready,” she said. Even though this was lunch and breakfast for her. She poured herself a cup of coffee, then held one out for him.

Talon took the cup and the bowl, then sat down next to her.

He sniffed the food, then asked, “What is this?”

“Chicken,” Lynn said. “Sorry, I didn’t bring much of a variety.”

Talon blanched, then took a smal bite. His face slowly turned green as he swalowed.

Lynn laughed. She couldn’t help it. The look on his face was priceless. She half expected him to spit the food out, but his good manners prevented it. “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t like it.

I’m sure I have a protein bar in my pack somewhere.” Talon looked relieved, then handed the bowl back to her.

“Sorry, I’m afraid I don’t have much of a taste for fowl.”

“That’s okay,” she said, then handed him the bar.

He took it gingerly, then dug in, sipping the coffee as he ate.

“This is realy good,” he said, holding up the cup. “What’s it caled?”

Lynn blinked. Was he serious? She searched his face, but couldn’t find any humor hiding in his expression. She shrugged. “It’s just regular coffee.”

“May I have more?” Talon asked.

“Sure.” She refiled his cup.

They ate in silence, each lost in their thoughts. Finaly Talon spoke. “What are you doing in the Canyon?”

“I came here to check on my birds,” she said, placing the bowls off to the side.

“Your birds?” he asked.

Lynn smiled, happy to discuss something besides what was going to happen next. “I’m a ornithologist.” Talon frowned.

“I’m a scientist who studies birds,” she said to clarify.

His expression brightened. “That’s wonderful.” Lynn got the impression he’d been about to say something else, but she didn’t press. If Talon thought what she did for a living was boring, she could live without knowing the truth. “I’m part of a condor reintroduction program. We released two condors into the Grand Canyon last year and I’m here to see how they’re doing.”

* * * * *


That explained why she’d been perched on the cliff face, when he’d first spotted her in person. “And is your program a success?

“Yes!” She beamed. “They’ve successfuly mated.”

“How do you know?” he asked.

She brushed her hands off on her pants. “I found their nesting site.”

“Is that why you were up the side of the cliff?” he asked.

She took a sip of coffee. “How did you know that I climbed one of the cliffs?”

Talon kicked himself for saying too much. There was no way he should’ve known about the nest and her climb. After al
hadn’t been there. “Where else would birds nest in this rugged terrain?”

She nodded, but he could practicaly see the questions forming behind those wide green eyes. “The nest looks sound and wil be a secure place to hatch a baby condor.”

“Ah, yes, the egg,” he said absently.

Lynn put her cup down. “I didn’t say there was an egg in the nest.”

“Are you sure? I could’ve sworn that you’d mentioned it,” he said, placing his empty cup beside him.

She shook her head. “No, al I said was that they’d successfuly mated and that I’d found the nest. Not that they had an egg.”

“Perhaps, I just assumed…” Talon was having a difficult time keeping track of their conversation. He kept getting distracted by her delicious scent and the rise and fal of her luscious breasts.

Lynn’s eyes narrowed. “What did you say you were doing in the Canyon again?”

“I came here to get the lay of the land,” he said, not wanting to lie to his mate. It was the truth. Just not the whole truth.

* * * * *


“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked. Despite her growing attraction and the connection she felt between them, warning bels were going off in Lynn’s head. She’d heard them before, but having Talon naked in her sleeping bag had made it so easy to dismiss them.

Clothed, he was stil distracting, but at least she could think clearly one again. Something about Talon’s arrival didn’t add up.

Why was he being so evasive? Was he embarrassed about what he was doing here? Had he come to the Canyon with someone? A female someone? The thought sent pain spiking through her heart.

Surely, if he’d come here with someone he would’ve said something.

Yeah, right Lynn. Being honest is the first thing men think
about when they stumble upon a naked and willing woman.

“Where are you camped?” she asked, praying she was wrong about Talon. If he had someone waiting, he’d probably make an excuse to leave soon.

“Not far from here,” he said, giving her another non-answer.

Lynn stood, gathering what was left of her pride. “Sorry to cal an end to the afternoon, but I need to get some work done. I stil have a ton of documenting to finish.”

“Yeah, I should probably go check on my campsite,” he said, glancing around as if he couldn’t get out of there soon enough.

She nodded and her stomach soured. She was such a fool.

“Sure, I understand.” Lynn picked up the bowls and swirled some water around them to give her trembling hands something to do.

“Guess I’l see you around.” An ache started in her chest and spread through her body as the words slipped from her lips. The thought of never seeing Talon again hurt more than she imagined it would.


Cut your losses now before you can’t walk away,
the insidious little voice inside her head whispered.
You knew going in
it was just a quick fling.

Logicaly, Lynn knew that was the truth, but that knowledge didn’t change the feelings he’d managed to stir up in the few hours they’d shared together. No wonder she’d avoided one night stands al these years. She wasn’t wired to sleep with someone, and then walk away.

Lynn sensed more than saw Talon approach. She looked up when he was nearly upon her. Before she could speak, he puled her into his arms and kissed her, taking her breath from her lungs and giving her some of his own. His tongue barely brushed hers, but it was enough to send tingles trotting along her spine. Her traitorous nipples hardened and her channel clenched, betraying her need.

“I must go,” he said. “But I shal return. Soon.” She didn’t trust her voice enough to respond, so Lynn nodded and forced a smile. As much as she wanted him and couldn’t imagine life without him, she knew this was for the best. Today had been a mistake. One she’d never forget.

Talon gripped her chin and tilted it up until their eyes met. “Be safe, mate.” He gave her another quick kiss, then turned and left.

Mate? What did he mean by that?

Lynn held her tongue. Her heart hammered in her chest as she watched him go. She had the overwhelming urge to run after Talon and beg him to stay, which was reason enough not to.

She shook her head and forced herself to get her climbing gear together. She wasn’t a weak woman. So what if she’d had the best sex in her life? So what if it felt like her heart was breaking?

She’d get over it like she’d gotten over al the others. It just might take a while longer with Talon. Okay, make that a lot longer.

Determined to overrule her emotions and bypass her raging hormones, Lynn forced her brain to focus on her work. She finished packing in record time and hit the trail.


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