Read Phoenix: The Rising Online

Authors: Bette Maybee

Phoenix: The Rising (31 page)

BOOK: Phoenix: The Rising
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Lucy watched in amazement as one flick of Eli’s angelic wings sent him hurtling across the expanse of water separating Negit from Paoha. She heard a gasp, and looked towards its source. Julie propped herself up on the island floor, her eyes wide with astonishment as she wat
ched her immortal love fly off.

“He’s gone?” Tears filled Julie’s pale, green eyes. She had no idea what Eli had just done for her. For them.

Lucy smiled and wrapped her arms around Julie, hoisting her to wobbly feet.

“Not quite yet. We’ll know when it happens.
And in the meantime, I have a story to tell you...

Ten minutes later their canoe touched the tufa-encrusted shores of Paoha. As if to herald their arrival, a blazing fire erupted from the middle of the island, sending frantic tongues of orange, red, gold, and green licking
high into the

Lucy and Julie clasped hands as they made their way across the island to the dying flames, each determined step bringing them closer to their destiny. And just as the sun peeked over the horizon, they heard it ... the cry of a child.


The End





Evernight Teen




BOOK: Phoenix: The Rising
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