Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea) (15 page)

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Authors: Lani Woodland,Melonie Piper

BOOK: Pieces of Jade (Pirates of Orea)
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“I’m not sure myself these days,” I replied honestly.

“Don't trifle with me, woman.
Who are you
?” There was an edge to his voice that shook me to the core. Based on what I knew of blood oaths, I suspected mine would alert the captain if I tried to lie to him, but I had to give him an answer.

“I was raised by a healer at the palace and was training in the healing arts. I violated the law and was imprisoned, but someone helped me escape.” My statement was true, if vague and somewhat incomplete. My mother and Pearl were both healers and had been training me in the medicinal parts of it my whole life.

“Ah, a throw-away from the Manacle,” he said, pacing in excitement at having made progress to determine my background. “Are you bitter?”

I swallowed hard as I looked at the captain.
The answer was yes, I did feel bitter. Bitter at him, at the kingdom, at James. Bitter at the world. But it went beyond bitterness, touching on a fury that leeched into the marrow of my bones. Even though I’d been bound to him and couldn’t feel the anger simmering beneath my forced loyalty, I knew it was there. And someday I’d wield it like a weapon, striking out at the man who’d left my life in tatters. But I hesitated to give up too much of my story for fear he would discover my true identity, so I told a carefully phrased truth instead. “Anyone would have received the same sentence.”

“The sentence for

“That concerns only me.”

“I think the man you tricked into marrying you might disagree,” he said.

He stared at
me, waiting for an answer, and frowned when I refused to give one.

“He sleeps with a pistol next to his bed and he’s a remarkably good shot, so I wouldn't recommend trying to murder him in his sleep.”

“It’s not his safety you should be concerned with,” I said.

He chuckled. “I do believe you mean that. Alas, with our bond, it’d be easier to turn a dagger on yourself than to point one at me.” He gave me a courteous bow, signaling the end of our conversation, and I nodded in polite return. Without another word, he opened the door to his room and gestured for me to leave. The door slammed shut behind me. Alone in the hallway, I took a deep breath.

At least I thought I was alone until I felt a presence behind me. I wheeled around to find William standing three or four paces down the hall. He must have been waiting for me. He tilted his head toward the door next to him.

“This is where you’ll be staying.”

I gulped. “Will we be sharing the room?”

“Yes. It is customary . . . for a husband and wife.”

He opened the door and walked inside. I followed, but stopped short at the doorway. He picked up a shirt off the bunk and folded it, placing it into a sea chest at his feet. “This will be the safest place for you. I generally trust the men, but less so when they’ve been in their cups. You can have the bunk. I’ll sleep in the hammock.” He took up another shirt and folded it with care. “Thomas is a bit upset. A few weeks ago he had this room to himself. Then the captain ordered that he and I share it, and now Thomas has been moved out completely. He’s back with the rest of the crew, worrying that his shirts will forever be wrinkled.”

I still didn’t enter the room. I wanted to believe in him, but between James, Dorian, and the captain, my ability to trust in men had greatly diminished.

His facial expression softened. “You have nothing to fear from me, Sheridan.” He placed his hand over his heart as if making a vow. “I will do all in my power to keep you safe and it will be far easier for me to do that if I stay here with you. If you prefer, I could bunk with the other men, but I would feel better if you were not left alone.” He paused, then continued in his regular serious tone. “Unless your reluctance is due to my lack of husbandly duty. Were you waiting for me to carry you across the threshold?”

I stifled a laugh and glanced up in surprise. William wore a small grin.

“No, of course not. Staying in here with you will be fine.” I held my breath as I stepped into the room. William backed against the small writing desk, giving me a generous amount of personal space. I glanced around. The bed was tightly made, and everything was in its place. There were personal knickknacks: a telescope, a few novels, and a fiddle with a well-worn bow. A large sea chest sat beneath the small, round window, and stepping onto it I was able to look out into the brilliant blue ocean.

“I have to report for duty,” William said. “Please, make yourself comfortable.” He shut the door behind him and I heard his footsteps fade down the hall.

I sighed as I leaned my head against the thick glass, thinking back to my conversation with the captain. Whatever else I thought of the man, I had to admit that he was a lot smarter than I had given him credit for. Things had not gone according to plan at all. I would have to conduct myself very carefully from this point on. At least now I had ample time to search for the medallion. After I found it, I just had to find a way to reconnect with Dorian and make it back to the palace in time to save Pearl. But I had no idea how I was going to make that happen. I was in so far over my head I was drowning.

I refused let myself worry about anything beyond finding the medallion. I’d save those troubles for later. Now would be a perfect time to start my search. My courage and determination rose and my heart began to pound at the chance to finally begin the mission I had set out to do.

I opened the door and stepped into the corridor to find a young man of nineteen or twenty in a pristine uniform approaching. He gave me a small bow and I replied with a curtsey, my stringy hair swaying with the motion.

“After you, sir,” I said, gesturing with my arm for him to pass. He smiled at me and shook his head, motioning instead for me to continue. I smiled at his gallantry and proceeded on my way.

I soon became suspicious that he was following me. I varied my pace and took a few random turns to be sure of my suspicions, but he remained a few paces behind.

“You don’t have to follow me.” His expression was like a stone statue giving nothing away and I sighed. “I'm assuming the captain set you up to this?” He nodded slightly and I clicked my tongue in impatience. “Fine. Follow me if you must.”

This was going to make things infinitely more difficult. I gritted my teeth and continued to peruse the ship. Getting acquainted with my new home would not seem suspicious, but I dared not linger over any area too long, especially ones that I wanted to search.

I hadn’t even covered much ground when a bell rang loudly, it’s muffled chime shaking the hull. “Time for your help in the galley, ma'am,” the boy said, speaking for the first time.

“So your tongue

He flashed me a small smile. “Yes, ma'am.”

“Then we could have spoken earlier?”

“Well, ma'am I didn’t want to get in your way. I was told not to bother you.”

“And you consider having someone stare at you and follow your every move to be not a bother?”

“As you see, ma'am.”

“You can report to the captain that you did an excellent job. What is your name? It would be helpful to know since you'll probably be accompanying me everywhere I go.”

Lafe. I’m captain’s cub.”

“You’re his personal servant?”

“And bodyguard, ma’am.”

“That’s an exalted position for one so young.” I tried not to snort at the thought of the captain using this boy to protect him, one who was obviously younger than the captain himself. “I’m guessing you know who I am.”

Lafe nodded. “I also know where you’re supposed to be.”

“And where am
I supposed to be?” I asked.

“The galley. They’re expecting your help. We best hurry.” At that, a true smile broke across my face. If I could have picked any place to work aboard the ship it would have been there. He led me to the galley and introduced me to the men on duty. They removed their bandanas and hats as I passed, showing me a respect and deference I had not received previously. Something told me that William had spoken to them about manners.

The cook was named Joe, a short, heavy-set man with a part of a finger missing off his right hand. As soon as Lafe introduced us, Joe’s eyes narrowed and he spat into a bucket on the floor. “I don’t want you here messing up my kitchen.”


“I don't need no one coming in and mucking up my schedule, you understand?”

“I'm sure you run your kitchen expertly,” I said. “I’m not here to cause any problems.”

Joe eyed me suspiciously, “I heard you threaten to rot all my limes, and fill the bread with maggots.”

I laughed. “That was before I became a member of the crew.

He met my laughter with a hint of a smile. “So it was, so it was.”

“I’m here to help. What do you need me to do?”

He mopped his forehead with a handkerchief before sticking it in his back pocket. “Chop up those vegetables,” he said, gesturing to the food on the table.

“Yes, sir.” I turned to my task and drew a strangely contented breath. My mother had taught me how to cook, and I knew how to use a knife from the many hours I had minced herbs during my training as a Healer. Though most of my meals at the palace had been prepared for me, my favorites had always been the ones I cooked myself.

I worked steadily, glad for the silence. Joe eyed me every now and then, checking to see if I was touching something I wasn't supposed to. He gave me directions for glazing the chicken, while he peeled potatoes and set them to boil.

Once we had finished, most of the men on board formed a line and took their plates to the crew’s mess. For the officers, I dished the food onto each of their plates, taking special care to arrange the captain’s. I added a sprig of garland to William’s meal. Joe handed me the tray laden with dishes, while hoisting a similar one himself.

“Follow me,” he said. “The captain’s holding a special meeting tonight.”

I tightened my hands on the tray and followed him toward the captain’s quarters. Joe pushed open the door and I followed him inside. The sound of laughter erupted as Thomas told a joke, while the captain plucked a simple tune on his fiddle.

William glanced up from a map he studied. When his eyes found mine he jumped to his feet and hurried toward me, reaching for the dinner tray. “You shouldn’t be carrying that. Let me take it for you.”

“Thank you.”

William glanced at the other men. “There is a lady present. Remember your manners.” I had to keep my mouth from falling open as the men, even the Capitan, rose to their feet, and bobbed their heads. “If you would be so good as to serve, Sheridan.”

“Yes, of course.” They all sat down and one by one, I took the plates from the trays and set them in front of the chairs, starting with the captain’s. The place next to William’s was empty, but as there were enough meals, I set one there, and made my way around the table. When all were served, I took the tray from William and gave him a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

I turned to go but the captain’s voice stopped my retreat. “Aren't you eating with us, Sheridan?”

I spun toward him. “I hadn’t planned on it.” All I wanted to do was escape the watchful eyes of these men, grab a bite to eat and resume my search. I didn’t desire to be around the captain any longer than necessary. “I don’t mind eating with Joe in the galley.”

“We couldn’t separate a bride and bridegroom on their wedding night. Since William is needed for this meeting, and being the thoughtful captain that I am, I’ve arranged for you to eat with him. It is a great honor to dine with the captain.” The officers all murmured their agreement. He took a drink from his cup. “Consider it a wedding present. It would be rude to refuse.” The captain gestured toward the empty chair beside William.

All eyes on me, I forced a smile on my face and stepped to the offered seat. William held it for me while I sat, gently pushing me closer to the table. My eyes jealously followed Joe as he took the trays and left. I couldn’t begin to imagine why the captain wanted me here, but from what I knew of the man, I felt certain I would hate it.

Once I was seated, the officers began to eat, though the captain merely eyed me over his cup for a moment. To my surprise the men ate with dignity, using their utensils and linens rather than grabbing the food with their hands and drinking directly from their bowls as I had assumed pirates would do.

The captain had yet to take a bite of the meal, and I watched expectantly as he cut off a large piece of chicken and placed it in his mouth. As soon as the flavor hit his palette his mouth puckered and his eyes watered, the corners of my mouth twitching as he coughed and took a swig of his drink.

“Do you like it?” I asked sweetly. “I took extra care with yours. I added a bit of lime to your serving since you said you liked them so much better than lemons.”

That wasn't quite the truth. I had squeezed five limes onto his chicken and added a dash of spicy pepper as well. It wasn’t a proper revenge, more like a childhood prank, but with the blood oath it was all I could manage. I couldn’t do any real harm without the oath killing me in return. Besides, my revenge was far less important than Pearl’s life.

“It would hurt my feelings if you didn’t like it.”

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