Pieces of Lies (14 page)

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Authors: Angela Richardson

BOOK: Pieces of Lies
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“I want you Clint,” I whispered into his ear, which propelled him to increase his movements even more. As our clothes were scattered across the kitchen floor, I saw that in between touches and kisses, Clint would stop for a few seconds, stare into my eyes and then keep going. The moments were so touching and then quickly replaced by intense passion.

Soon we were both completely naked as the last item of clothing went flying across the floor. Clint had already equipped himself with a condom he brought himself.  He picked me up and lifted me onto his waist. I moaned loudly. The feeling was soothing and satisfying all at once as he entered me. As we spun around the room, he moved me on top of him, and I kept my face up against his cheek so he could hear the enjoyment in my breathing and groans. After backing into a few walls and after a few more spins, we both climaxed, and he held me against his body until his knees started to wobble.

As we lay naked on the kitchen floor, our dinner stone cold, I decided it was an opportune time to bring up the Lappell’s offer and my decision. Lifting my head so it rested on my hand, I turned to Clint, who was laying on his back, his hand linked to mine.

“So, I got an interesting letter today that was placed in my car.”

Clint moved so he was now on his side. He looked me in the eyes.“What kind of letter?” he asked with a smirk on his face.
He knew

“An offer from the Lappell to join, and with no initiation, if you can believe that.”

Clint pulled himself into a sitting position. “So, do you want me to set up an appointment with Wickburn so we can begin the process of your membership?”

Oh dear, he must have assumed I would join.

“Well… actually I was hoping you would pass on to him, ‘thanks for the offer, but no thanks’.”

Clint stiffened. “You are declining? Why?”

I didn’t feel I needed to provide an explanation but Clint had such an offended look on his face I felt I had to. “I read up a little about the Lappell and I don’t think it would be a good fit for me. I mean, it seems to me like any kind of organized secret group is trouble in more ways than one, and I know I don’t have any idea what you all actually do, but I moved here to get out on my own and to be free. Tying myself to the Lappell would be like going against everything I believe in.”

Clint looked visibly angry. “But we will be together Norah, and we can share all our secrets. I thought you would want that for us.”

I was taken aback by his sudden guilt trip he was trying to lay on me. “Why are you pushing this Clint? Is this about your family? Do you think they’ll accept me more if I’m part of the Lappell?”

He went silent, which I interpreted as ‘Yes’.

“Norah, please say you’ll join. I really want this, and I really want you.”

I was getting increasingly frustrated by his lack of understanding on my behalf. “Clint, you still have me even if I’m not in that stupid club.”

He pulled himself up so he was standing and started to put on his jeans. “It’s not stupid. I can’t believe you are doing this.” He buttoned them firmly closed.

“Doing what? Saying no? I have the right to say no Clint. It’s my life and I don’t want anyone telling me what I can and can’t be doing alright.”

He began hunting around for his shirt. “Are you coming to my show next week?” I tried to change the subject, hoping we could get back to the mood we were in before I brought this up, but he didn’t respond. “Clint, are you coming to my show?” He continued to ignore me. “Are you really that upset that I don’t want to be part of the Lappell?” I was feeling hurt by how cold he was acting.

“Norah, I… I need you to join. I don’t want this to end.”

Finding my shirt, I pulled it over my body, barely covering my nakedness. “Are you saying we will break up if I don’t join?” My voice stuttered as I said it.

He walked over to me and I recoiled as he did. “Norah, that’s not what I meant, I would never…”

I was fighting back tears. “I need you to go now Clint. I’ve given you my answer to pass on to Wickburn.”

He stood, not moving. “I’m not leaving until we talk about this some more,” he said, and a tear escaped my eye, rolling down my cheek.

My fists clenched. “Go. Now.” I was fighting very hard not to get emotional, not to cry, and not to scream. Clint had a tortured look on his face but then he walked over to the sofa, grabbed his coat and left, leaving me finally able to unleash all the sadness and anger I was holding in. I cried loudly, clutching my legs, feeling the slow release of emotional pain with every choking sob.

What the fuck just happened?

Chapter 9

Art Show

I avoided the quad as much as possible for most of the next week. Clint had not spoken to me since the night I rejected the offer from the Lappell, and by Friday, I had no idea where our relationship stood. It hurt me greatly that he had made no attempt to try and resolve things and chose instead to block me out. I thought our relationship was stronger than a pathetic little argument, but then again, I was up against the Lappell, who seemed to be the driving force in all in their members’ decisions and behavior. I wasn't even sure we were still together.

Tess wasn’t in class that day, which put me in an even fouler mood. I desperately wanted to get her advice. I had to put my annoyance aside because my art show was tomorrow night and I had to ensure the space and the display was to my liking. The gallery director, Pierra, had been my mother’s best friend since childhood, and she had been part of my life for as long as I could remember. She was still very close to my father and often helped in any decision involving me. I had always thought it was strange that they never crossed the line into something more, although they probably both loved and respected my mother too much to do that to her memory. Pierra often watched over me when my father couldn’t. When I came to McLaren, I had to make allowances that Pierra would also be around. She managed a few properties for my father in the area, including the gallery he had obtained specifically for me.

Pierra was a stylish-looking woman in her forties and had ensured many journalists and industry people were coming to my show. I hadn’t asked for such a fuss, but she insisted that if I wanted to ‘run with the big boys’, having some important people there from New York was mandatory if I wanted to make a name for myself as a serious artist. She assured me that it would help me gain more independence and freedom, so I couldn’t argue with her reasoning.

After class, I walked straight over to the campus car park. When I neared my car, a voice yelled out from behind me, “Hey Norah, Norah!” I had hoped it was Clint, but I recognized the voice immediately as Josh. I spun around to see him, my face a little forlorn.

“Hey, I haven’t seen you around all week,” he said as he walked  swiftly towards me.  It felt like more like a question than a statement. He studied my face for a reaction.

“I’ve been to all my classes; I’ve just had things to do is all.” 

Like try not to think about Clint.

“You all ready for your show tomorrow night?” 

He remembered; of course he did, it’s Josh

“I’m taking my final piece over this afternoon and to check the set up, but yes, I’m ready.”

Josh looked at me, waiting to see if I had more to say but he continued to make small talk, “Is Tess coming too?” and I thought back to a conversation I had with her earlier this week.

“Yes, I think she’s coming, but she might be a little late because she has to work first.” I turned back to my car, getting ready to climb in.

“Well I can’t wait to see your pieces, and to see you tomorrow night.”

I unlocked my car. “Thanks, I hope it gets a good response.” 

About to start my engine, and with Josh still leaning up against my car, I asked, “Have you seen Clint this week?”

Josh look at me a little surprised. “Uh, yeah of course, almost every day. We are both in the Lappell and he is my group leader. Why is that? Haven’t you seen him this week? I thought you two were together now?” I clenched my fists on the steering wheel.

Message loud and clear, Clint.

“It’s nothing Josh, I’ll see you at the show,” and eyed at him to step away from my car so I could quickly drive away. I stared out at the rain clouds that hovered overhead as I drove to the gallery.
I hope it's not a stormy night.

For my show, I wore a nude-colored Elie Saab cocktail dress that was cut out at the shoulders and flared at the waist down to my mid thigh. It had an ethereal style skirt and had lines of gold beading throughout the bodice and the skirt. I wore nude pumps and piled my hair on top of my head in a messy up-style bun.

Pierra had set up the gallery with oversized black and white leather couches in each room, and on each piece of art, a vibrant light shone above them with dim lighting all along the edges at the bottom of the floor. There was a soft dimness in the whole space which was broken with spotlights on each canvas. I was impressed by the way she had captivated my style and theme. I had named the show, ‘
’, which was also plastered on information cards she was handing out at the show. They featured a candid black and white picture of myself next to one of my more intense pieces. 

When I arrived, Pierra met me at the door. She was wearing white fitted slacks and a beautiful gold patchwork sleeveless button-up top which was tucked into her pants, accessorized with a thin gold metallic belt. Her long blond hair was pinned back into a French twist. She looked the picture of a glamorous hostess.

When she welcomed me, she kissed me on both cheeks and then held up my arms, taking in my appearance. “I can see why he is so protective of you my dear. Goodness, you are a vision, and your work is incredible. I’m just so impressed by how you have turned out. You are so much like her sometimes, I think she is standing right next to me.”

I tried not to think about what she was saying. I didn’t want to get too emotional so I pushed back some tears and changed the subject. “Thank you Pierra, the space looks amazing. I can’t thank you enough for helping me do this.”

She let go of my hands and linked arms with me. “I’m just so happy to be part of your life. Now c’mon. Let me start by introducing you to a few people who have already had great things to say about your work, OK with you Miss Ross?’ and she winked at me.

“Let’s do this,” I said as we started to make our way into the expanding crowd.

I was standing with a couple of journalists when I heard a voice come up behind me. “I’m so sorry I’m late.” Tess was rushing through the groups of people, trying to get to my side.

“Hey,” I said as I took her arm, “am glad you could make it.”

Tess looked beautiful in a dark purple strapless mini-dress and a very trendy multi-banded black belt. She had matched her outfit with black pumps and was holding a yellow neon clutch. “The supervisor at the coffee house is a massive douche-bag, he kept me back late.”

I giggled, “I’m just happy you’re here, thanks so much for coming.”

Tess surveyed the room. “This is amazing Norah, what a turn out, and I love the set up.”

I looked around the room again. “The gallery director is kind of a family friend, so she organized everything.”

Tess nodded her approval. “She’s a very good friend then.” We walked around and Tess had a look at some of the other paintings she hadn’t seen before, giving me even more praise for my work. As we were about to take a seat on one of the couches, her clutch started to make odd noises. She reached in and grabbed her cell and read a message. “Shit,” she said frustrated and stared at me, a pained look on her face. “My roommate is having some kind of guy drama and is having a meltdown. She needs to me to come home.” She looked at me, waiting to see if it was alright to up and leave.

“Go Tess, us girls need to stick together.”

She smiled, hugged me and took off, but not before shouting back to me as she left, “Brilliant fucking show.”

“She’s right you know, it is a brilliant fucking show!” Josh yelled, striding over to me, passing Tess on his way in, but he wasn’t alone; he had Arthur Wickburn in tow. I tensed at seeing him. He was the reason that Clint and I were not talking, and I resented him for making me the offer in the first place. I wondered if Josh knew. 

“Pierra will kill you if you keep using language like that Josh.”

Josh laughed a little. “Well, I wouldn’t want that. Congratulations Norah. Seriously amazing work,” and he kissed me lightly on the cheek.

“Yes, Miss Ross, how lovely to see you again.”

I glared at Wickburn suspiciously. “What brings you here Mr. Wickburn?”

He leaned in towards me. “I’m a lover of art Miss Ross, and Josh here says you are quite the artist. Plus I thought it would be nice that you had some more, sway.”

Josh turned to Wickburn and corrected him. “I think he means support,” and he nodded to Josh, acknowledging the correction, but then turned back to me.

“You know what I mean, don’t you Miss Ross?”

I frowned a little but hid it from Josh. “I know exactly what you mean.” I moved back from them. Josh smiled at me, completely oblivious to Wickburn's little stare down.
Josh didn’t know
. “Well Josh, I hope you can give Arthur here a bit of a tour. Pierra has me talking to press all night.”

Josh gave me another little peck on the cheek, “I’d be happy to,” and he started to lead Wickburn away.

I sighed heavily at the fiercely tense moment, and took off to the gallery’s office to compose myself for a few minutes. When I finally emerged, I stopped in front of one of my pieces and closed my eyes for a second, just relaxing before making the rounds again on the floor. I was gathering all the strength I had left in me to get through the rest of the night. Suddenly, a voice emerged behind me like it was a sleek purr. “Gorgeous.” I recognized it immediately and every hair on my body stood up in attention. “Samuel?” Flashes of black hair, down on one knee, and the words ‘Will you marry me?’ boomed into my mind.
This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening. This cannot be happening!

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