Pieces of Summer (A stand-alone novel) (18 page)

BOOK: Pieces of Summer (A stand-alone novel)
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Chapter 34




“Your mother is a whore. I bet you don’t even know who your real daddy is,” Heath says, spitting out blood as I shake out my throbbing fist.

He really wants me to kill him. All this because his mommy and daddy are getting a divorce. Apparently he thinks I give a damn about his sorry excuse for a problem.

“At least my mother gets paid for fucking your sick, disgusting father. Your mom fucks my dad for free,” I tell him, smirking when he turns an angry shade of red. I really like pissing him off. “I think I hear her scream his name at least twice a week nowadays. You sure you know who your real dad is? We could be brothers…”

He jumps up and charges me, and my fist slams into his side twice before my knee connects with his face. He’s thrown back and hits the ground with a hard thud that has everyone going silent around us who has gathered in the halls.

“Nah,” I say, laughing when he starts to cry. “No brother of mine would cry like a bitch when he takes a beating.”

“Chase James!”

Ah, fuck.

Turning around, I see Mr. Johnson stalking toward me. Looks like another week or two of detention.

The second we’re in his office, he shuts the door. “Suspended for one week,” is what I hear, but I don’t give a damn. That’s better than detention. Just means I get to hang out at the lake for a week or maybe pick up some extra hours at the diner.

“Let me guess, Heath doesn’t get anything again. Right?” I ask bitterly.

His eyes turn to angry slits as he glares at me.

“Heath isn’t the troublemaking little shit of a thorn in my side. Be glad Milton Dalton has an interest in you. Because of his relationship with the superintendent, I’m not allowed to expel you. In my opinion, you’re nothing more than a waste of breath and time.”

Milton. Should have known. No wonder I’m still in school. I don’t know why he likes me either, but it makes me glad at least someone besides my girl cares enough to have my back.

Summer will be coming soon, and nothing else will matter. For at least three months, they can all go to hell.


Mika is asleep on my chest, and I stare up at the ceiling, feeling like I can breathe so easily that it’s almost laughable. So much of my life was spent in survival mode that I never really lived until the day my mother died.

The only time I felt alive before that day was… summer.

Dark hair is fanned over my chest in waves as she sleeps so peacefully, completely naked. I’m tempted to pry into her life to search for answers. For three days, she’s soaked me in like I used to soak her in.

It feels so fucking good, but I keep feeling like she’s holding back, the way I always did. As though she’s waiting on everything to be taken away from her, just like I once felt.

We were many things over the years, but kindred was never one of them.

She sighs as she snuggles against me, and I hold her to me, brushing my lips across her head. Logically, I know we can’t pick up right where we left off—just like she pointed out.

Tell that to the illogical part of my brain though. It’s as though the past twelve years haven’t been missing. It’s as though the summers never stopped and life didn’t continue on. It feels like I just stepped out of the school for the last time, and the dream world we planned has finally come true.

And for once, I don’t want to hold back. I didn’t make her choose Hayden. She came back. Hell, I could go anywhere she wanted to now. There’s nothing keeping me here but her at this point. It’s always been her.

“You’re awake, aren’t you?” she mumbles against my chest.

“How’d you know?” I ask her, smiling like an idiot for no reason at all.

“Your breaths aren’t as deep when you’re awake.”

“Very perceptive.”

“You have no idea.”

She yawns while rolling over, and I come down on top of her, smiling down at her as she smiles up at me.

“Come on. I want you to hang out with me at the shop today.”

“Why?” she asks sleepily.

“Because I’m pathetic and don’t want to risk you disappearing,” I tell her with a shrug, watching as she beams up at me like I’ve said something magical.


Chapter 35




My fingers have been running through Chase’s hair for so long, and he breathes easily as I continue my pattern.

“You’re the only one who has ever done that,” he murmurs sleepily.

A smile breaks across my face, and I kiss him on the cheek. “Good.”

He grabs my wrist and pulls it down to kiss my hand, before entwining our fingers together.

“I’ll go to sleep if you don’t stop,” he says with that boyish grin he’s been wearing lately. It’s a stark contrast to the scowl he wore when I first came into town. “And we still need to order something to eat,” he adds.

Smiling, I turn my attention back toward the sky.

“So no food is allowed in the house or something?” Chase asks me as we stare up at the stars, lying on the roof—our spot. We’re holding hands like teenagers, and my head is now on his shoulder.

“Or something,” I answer on a happy sigh, loving the way he feels against me.

For the past week, I’ve gone to his shop a few times. I’ve also gone to the bowling alley a lot, checking in on things. Chuck is good about filling me in on how amazing the numbers look, without giving me actual numbers.

He’s a good man who doesn’t ask a lot of questions, but does exactly as I ask. I think he enjoys this job a lot more than he liked his gas station job with random hours that made it hard to have a steady home life.

As for me, I’ve worked twice as hard to make sure not to fall into a routine since Chase doesn’t realize there can’t be a routine.

I set the alarm differently, changing the minute back and forth by a couple or a single digit each day so he can get ready for work. But I’m still worried what will happen now if it doesn’t go off at all. I’ve gotten used to hearing an alarm daily, even if it isn’t at the same time.

I’ll worry about that when the time comes.

I never let him use the snooze button, since that’s a habit for normal people.

I used to love the snooze button.

Painstaking measures have been taken to keep him from unknowingly breaking too many of my rules. It’s hard as hell, but it’s worth it.

And sex is incredible. I’ve missed it.
it’s not being used as a coping mechanism. Since Chase is very unpredictable and has excellent stamina, there’s also nothing habitual about it, other than the fact it’s been daily…

Deciding not to think about it, I look up to see him smirking toward the sky.

“What are you thinking?” I ask him.

“Honestly?” he muses as his smirk turns into a full-blown grin.


He glances down at me and waggles his eyebrows. “I’m thinking about how I lost my virginity in this exact spot.”

I laugh lightly while rolling my eyes. “Our roof,” I sigh.

“Well, yeah, but I mean this very exact spot on the roof.”

I can’t help but laugh a little harder. “You can’t know this was the very exact spot.”

His eyebrows go up in challenge. “Trust me, Mika. I was a sixteen-year-old boy and fucking head-over-heels in love with you. There’s no doubt in my mind this was the exact spot, because it’s seared into my memory as the best day of my life.”

My smile only grows as my hand skates across the button of his jeans, slowly undoing it. He watches me with a smirk, as I push his shirt up and kiss the lines of his abs.

“You also had another first up here,” I tell him as I slowly unzip his jeans.

His breath rattles for a second as I push them down his hips, keeping my lips near his abs while continuing to stare up at him.

“First blowjob was over there,” he says promptly, pointing to his right.

I burst out laughing when he smiles at me, and it definitely shatters the sexual tension I was aiming for. He raises his hips, helping me slide his jeans farther down, and he lowers back down after I get his boxers down, exposing his erection.

“I actually feel like a teenager again, considering that bastard
hard around you.”

When I giggle like an idiot, he watches me, smiling like he’s soaking it all in. It feels so amazing… so real.

This is so different from what I expected when I came back to this place. I expected closure, not hanging all my hard work on a pile of coals and waiting for it to burn.

But it’ll be a beautiful blaze when it all catches fire, and so worth it. He makes it all worth the inevitable crash. I just want to live one last time the way I used to live before it was all taken away from me.

Tears well up in my eyes for so many reasons, but mostly because I’m happy for the first time in so long. I forgot what it felt like to laugh so hard my side hurts, but I have all week. I forgot how it felt for someone to speak to you about regular things and not give you the look that constantly reminds you you’re different.

I don’t want to lose this, which is another reason my tears are struggling not to fall. Because I know I can’t keep this, even though it’s killing me to think of when it’ll be gone.

Fortunately, the night masks my emotions. With the moon at my back, I can see his face clearly, but mine is probably nothing more than a shadow.

His fingers run through my hair as the humor slowly ebbs, and my lips move down the firm skin of his torso. I’m fascinated with how smooth his skin is here… mostly because it’s a stark contrast from mine. His scars are hidden, but not all mine can be seen either.

When his breath hitches in his throat, I smile, slowly moving down until the tip of his cock is near my mouth. My tongue darts out, licking up the small bead of moisture that has gotten free, and he groans low in his throat as his head falls back.

Being on the roof seems to be making everything so different from the bedroom, more intense. This is where it all started, and each touch is laced with beautiful memories not tainted by the pain that followed.

His throaty sounds resonate inside me as I tease him, taking only a little of him in my mouth. Just as I close my eyes to fully commit to blowing his mind, I’m being hauled up my arms, forcing my mouth to release him with a

My eyes dart open in time to see the unmasked need in his eyes seconds before his lips find mine, and he lies back, bringing me with him as he pulls my sundress up. Another groan flows from his mouth to mine when he finds out I bypassed underwear tonight.

I grin against his kiss as my legs straddle him, feeling his length slide against me. My smile dies when he grabs my ass and squeezes, grinding me against him. I’m not sure if I moan or speak, but he kisses me harder, drinking in every sound before finally breaking away.

“You’re trying to drive me fucking crazy,” he says quietly.

I feel like the old me—the girl who could love and be free. The girl who could revel in all the good things life had to offer. The girl who could love and feel loved.

Sitting up, I watch as his gaze grows heated, watching me as I slowly lower onto him, sliding down on him, taking him inch by incredible inch. Reaching up, I pull the straps of the dress down over my arms, baring my breasts to him. His bottom lip slides between his teeth, and holds my gaze as his hand travels up to cup them, teasing my nipples as I start to rock on him.

We keep eye contact as my hips continue to move to the slow beat of our own song, drawing out each incredible moment, savoring it like it’s the last time. Always treating it like it’s the last time.

Life is precious and can be stolen without notice. It’s the moments like this that remind us why we fight so hard to just stay afloat in an endless sea.

His hands slide down to my hips, gripping me tightly as he thrusts up, and my head falls back as my moan breaks free. He sits up, sucking a nipple into his mouth as he holds me to him, barely giving us much room to move as sweat starts to slowly slick our bodies.

An incredible knot slowly starts to build in my core, expanding slowly, threatening to erupt with too much power. My lips find Chase’s, somehow knowing it can’t be as good without feeling that extra connection.

When it all finally breaks apart inside me, he groans, drinking in all the sounds that try to escape my lips as he holds me to him. White flashes detonate behind my eyelids, as my body goes limp, shuddering against him like I just can’t help myself.

In one smooth motion, he flips me over, and his hips piston as he draws out my orgasm and chases his own. My hands tangle in his hair as our lips break apart and he buries his face in my neck, his hips slowing as he spills inside of me.

My eyes roll back in my head as a satisfied smile curves my lips. Chase drops to my body, breathless and spent, and I chuckle when he mocks a loud panting sound.

“I love summer,” he says against my neck.

My heart soars and shatters at the same time as I hold him tighter, hugging him like tomorrow is summer’s end. Those forgotten tears try to return to my eyes, but I fight them back, not willing to let reality taint the fantasy just yet.

“So do I,” I whisper hoarsely.

He raises his head like he’s about to say something, when another voice carries up to us.

“The hell are you two doing on the roof?”

I jump and squeal, but Chase groans. Blake? Is that Blake’s voice?

“The hell are you doing here?” Chase counters… while still inside me.

Can Blake see us from this angle? I really freaking hope not. But he’d have to see us to know we’re up here… Oh no. Inwardly, I groan.

“Brought some beers over since you’re always missing these days. Come down and drink with me. The least you can do is properly introduce me to the girl you’ve been obsessed with for all these years.”

Chase smiles while shaking his head, but I feel really uncomfortable knowing Blake is staring up at us while Chase is inside me.

“Be down in a second,” Chase calls out while reaching down and sliding out of me at the same time.

“That’s not awkward at all,” I hiss, shoving my dress down as Chase pulls his jeans and boxers up at the same time.

He barks out a laugh while shaking his head.

“He couldn’t see you,” he says while chuckling. “And he’s seen much worse from me.”

My mood sours instantly, and Chase curses like he just realizes what he said.

“Fuck. I’m a dumbass.”

I force a smile while shaking my head. “No worries,” I say, keeping my forced smile.

He blows out a regretful breath, but I refuse to let this night go south. I don’t know how long we have, and I don’t want to waste it feeling upset over the past.

Everything happens for a reason. I lost him that summer, but it might have saved my life
his in the long run. I still would have been home and stuck with my mother when the accident happened. She still would have pushed me that night. I still would have gotten hurt. An alcoholic surgeon would have still been on duty, and my brain would still be unable to function like a normal person’s.

But I might not have gotten the extreme treatment I acquired afterwards if Chase had been in my life. For all I know, I might have eventually killed myself during one of my episodes. They were so much worse in the beginning.

Just thinking of him ever witnessing something like that makes my stomach roil. It would destroy the way he sees me.

“Ready to go down?” he asks quietly.

“Yeah. I’ll put on some panties too,” I say to lighten the mood, causing him to cough on air before he starts laughing again.

Without saying anything else, I move to the ladder that’s off to the side, and shut my eyes as I climb down, feeling my way like a pro. It’s a little harder to look down from above when you’ve flown without wings.

Blake is grinning when I reach the back deck, and Chase is wrapping his arm around my waist like he’s staking claim.

“You grinning bastard. Didn’t know you knew how to smile like that,” Blake says, ribbing Chase who hugs me tighter to him while Blake takes a seat on some of the patio furniture outside.

Chase takes a seat as I duck inside to clean up and straighten my hair, and when I come back out, Chase takes my hand and drags me into his lap.

They’re talking and catching up. Relaxing against Chase, I just listen as they talk about people I don’t know and things that make no sense to me.

It’s nice to hear about all the normal things people fixate on, and I find myself smiling for no reason at all. It’d be nice if this was my life.

My phone rings loud enough to be heard outside, and I stand up to jog in, grabbing it from the table to answer it when I see it’s Aidan.

“Hey,” I say like a kid who has just been caught. Chase hasn’t been here during his other phone calls.

“How’s things going?”

“The same as they were two days ago when you called. I’m fine, Aidan. Really. Still showering and getting out. Still eating and functioning just fine. I’ve been living alone for three years. I’m better. Stop worrying.”

I wish I was better.

“You’re better but not one-hundred percent, Mika. Big difference. You’re at fifty percent at most. Could always be there. Sue me for worrying about you. Please tell me you’re eating more than just pizza.”

BOOK: Pieces of Summer (A stand-alone novel)
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