Piercing The Fold (5 page)

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Authors: Venessa Kimball

BOOK: Piercing The Fold
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Chapter 10

Ezra has my attention. I drop my bag at the door and head back to the sofa.

The look on my face must have told Ezra that I am still completely lost in this fantastical story that he has thought up.

Ezra shows his irritation. “Do you believe in Heaven and Hell?”

“Yes. Of course I do.”

“What if I told you that I have a theory that Heaven and Hell are very real and could have been created during the metaphoric clap of God’s hands creating the ripple called ‘The Big Bang Theory’. That clap of His hands was enough mass to spawn multiple universes, galaxies, and worlds. Two of those spawned worlds could very well be Heaven and Hell.”

He pauses to let me think on that for a minute.

“What if I also told you that I believe that Jesus was the first traveler between this world and Heaven as he ascended after his crucifixion. My theory is His death created enough negative matter to open a wormhole, allowing His ascension to join His Father in this other world, Heaven.”

My chest feels heavy as I take in the fascinating visuals of possibilities coming from Ezra’s theories. Still, in the back of my mind, I am wondering where this is all going.
What in the hell does world jumping, negative matter, and humanity’s salvation have to do with me?

Ezra leans forward in response to my thought. “I will tell you,” he says and continues, telling me the story of Sebastian.

* * *

In the early 1940’s, a physicist by the name of Sebastian Onoch became very interested in pursuing Einstein’s research, especially the traverse wormhole theory he developed with Rosen. The potential of creating traverse wormholes to other areas of space-time through the Casmir Effect of creating antigravity, electromagnetic waves, and negative energy was his fascination. His career as a physicist for the US government was very mundane and uneventful, filled with pencil-pushing and routine standards expected of him on a daily basis. He lived for his passion of physics outside of his day job.

Sebastian lived here, in Georgia, with his wife, Dobria, and their two sons, Caleb and Balthazar. Caleb was the oldest son. He was very athletic, intelligent, a people pleaser, and kind hearted. Balthazar was also intelligent and precocious, but lacked the social intelligence and personality his brother had. Balthazar spent much of his time reading, researching, problem-solving, and studying. They were both very strong-willed children. And they shared one other common thread. They were both starved for Sebastian’s attention, acceptance, and love.

One day Sebastian received a call late in the afternoon. It was the boys’ school. The director said that Dobria did not make it in to pick up the boys and asked if he could come get them. Sebastian picked up the boys and headed home. The entire drive home, Sebastian was in a fog, wondering where Dobria could be. When they arrived home, there was still no sign of Dobria. The house looked undisturbed. Dishes from the morning breakfast were still in the sink. Sebastian paced the floor while the boys ate dinner.

After dark, a knock at the door stopped Sebastian’s pacing. The boys had already prepared for bed. Sebastian rushed to the door. The boys rushed to the stairs in hopes of getting a glimpse of their mother, bright eyed and smiling with open arms.

Two state troopers were standing where Dobria should have been.

“Mr. Onoch?”

Sebastian cleared his throat. “Yes. I’m Mr. Onoch.”

Sebastian knew something was wrong with the presence of the troopers at his front door.

The shorter trooper stepped forward and whispered, “Mr. Onoch, can you send your children to their rooms. We need to speak with you privately.”

Sebastian put his head down. “Of course.” He turned to his boys, who were peeking from the staircase. “Boys, please head up to your rooms. I will be up soon.”

Balthazar started, “Dad, why can’t we hear what has happened to Mom?”

Sebastian cut him short in a raised tone. “Balthazar, do not argue! Upstairs, please!” Sebastian stopped himself, realizing his tone. He resumed more calmly. “I will come up and explain everything to you after I have talked with the troopers.”

Caleb held Balthazar’s hand, and they both retreated to Caleb’s room. Caleb and Balthazar sat on the bed, statuesque, waiting for their father.

Sebastian let the troopers into the living room, where they sat quickly.

Sebastian did not waste time. “Where is she? Where is my wife?”

The tall, lanky trooper responded, “Mr. Onoch, your wife was found not far from the lake this afternoon around 2 p.m. She was…”

Sebastian stopped them with his hand. “No! My wife does not go near the lake, let alone the woods, without me. You must have made a mistake. She probably has…” Tears began to well up in his eyes as his quivering voice was working hard to convince them and himself that Dobria was fine.

The short trooper interrupted, “Mr. Onoch, we know it is her. It appears she was taken into the woods and left to pass. Her identification was found not far from…the body. It looked like there had been a struggle at the abandoned car.”

The troopers sat in silence as Sebastian took it all in. The tall trooper added in a quieter, softer tone, “Identification is not necessary. We already have the positive ID.”

Sebastian cleared his throat and wiped his face abruptly, like he was wiping away the memory of what he just heard.

Stoically, Sebastian dismissed the troopers. “Thank you, officers. If you could please leave me with my children now.”

The troopers nodded and let themselves out. Sebastian stood at the foot of the stairs for a moment, looking up toward the bedroom door that held the only remaining union of himself and Dobria. He was contemplating how to tell his boys what has happened.

The month that followed was what would be expected of a family thrown into a tragic loss. Sebastian and the boys walked around the house in a fog, boxing items and labeling them for storage, goodwill, or Colorado. It was like their lives had been confined to a bowl; their lives had the momentum of Jell-O. Sebastian knew the moment he told the boys that nothing would ever be the same again. The life they had created here was centered on Dobria. They needed to move and create another life.

Chapter 11

It took a while. Two years had passed before the Onochs found normalcy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Dobria’s case became cold and was never completely brought to closure for the family. Sebastian and the boys had set up home on an estate near the first set of mountains. The Onoch Estate was more of a compound. Sebastian hired a full staff, consisting of a full-time nanny, one full-time butler, two gardeners, and tutors for the boys. Sebastian resumed his career as a physicist for the government. The position paid very well even though the work continued to be mundane and uneventful once again. The benefit was that it left Sebastian time to obsess over his passion for quantum physics, astral physics, and the cosmos.

Caleb and Balthazar had everything they could possibly need. They did not have the one thing they wanted most, though, their father’s love. Sebastian had filled his open wound of loss for his beloved wife with his obsession. It left his boys always at arm’s length. Sebastian muted his painful feelings by filling all of his spare time with the possibilities of new discoveries in the cosmos.

While muting these painful feelings, he also muted his compassion and love for his family. Sebastian was fascinated with Einstein’s research on wormholes and the possibilities of multiple worlds being accessible through such portals. Einstein spent years, until his death, researching the possibility that the Bermuda Triangle was a naturally occurring wormhole. The continued and growing obsession of Sebastian’s began to spawn grander concepts and theories. After work, Sebastian would come home, greet the boys, make small talk, and then retreat to his office for continued research on his passion. Sebastian even had a small detached office commissioned so that his experimentation could be performed without the concern of privacy being breached.

The office was built with untraditional materials for the time. Steel-studded walls covered with sheetrock and masonry brickwork was the foundation of his experimental lab. Bulletproof doors and shatterproof windows, these were materials that were not widely known in construction yet. To avoid any breach of the construction of the office, Sebastian acted as foreman and contractor on the project. Sebastian had avenues through which he could get the materials needed. The crew hired was screened personally by Sebastian. Every crew member was well accounted for on the job and in society. Sebastian knew everything about those that he hired.

Sebastian was careful with his work, his journals. He also was very careful to keep the boys clear of this part of his life.

Years passed. Sebastian was researching, exploring, and engineering experiments. Then finally, it happened. Sebastian had a breakthrough. He discovered a way to manipulate negative mass into an object, making the Casmir Effect a sustainable reality. He created the first traverse wormhole through the gravitational waves of negative matter.

* * *

I stop Ezra. “Wait a minute. When was this? 1960’s or something?”

Ezra replies, “Actually, it was 1965. While the world of physics was still a newborn, Sebastian was already years ahead of his time creating wormholes. It is mind boggling, I know.”

I try to collect my thoughts. “So, Sebastian kept all of this a big secret. He didn’t want to spread his theories to the physics world? Why didn’t Sebastian want to bring light to his findings and spread the knowledge to the public? He could have advanced the research of space by decades! Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking. Sebastian could have been collaborating with them to create great advances in physics!”

Ezra shakes his head. “Yes. He could have. But at what cost? For the greater good of humankind? To explore beyond the edge of our observable universe? To find new life? To find different lives? Aliens? Worlds? How many? Infinite? Jesca, where do you think the line should be drawn for playing God?”

I have no retort. I am intrigued and visibly eager to hear more from Ezra. “So what happened after his discovery? What was this object that Sebastian used to create and harness the negative energy waves to create, let alone, hold open the wormholes?”

Ezra sits back and smiles. “Ah, spoken like a protégé physicist.”

I roll my eyes at his comment.

Ezra continues Sebastian’s story.

* * *

Sebastian coveted his experiments, failures, and successes. Keeping close notes on all the occurrences. He became more reclusive and secretive with his findings. He designed, engineered, and experimented on himself so that his findings remained his own. Sebastian realized that copper was the key to conductivity of electromagnetism.

We have copper in our bodies, but it isn’t enough. He worked to find the link to create electromagnetic radiation with the combination of copper inside and outside of the body through a mechanism, a conduit. This conduit would possess electromagnetic propulsion capabilities with electrons and protons moving at faster than the speed of light to create antigravity. The object as well as the individual conductor would both possess the antigravity needed to create the opening of a wormhole.

This object had to be very portable, which is what took the most time. He created the object, the Copula. The Copula is the size of a half dollar. The exterior is made of shatterproof material. The interior of the Copula has a very tedious design.

The workings inside resembled that of a clock; a copper disc shaped in a concave nature with a stabilized motor smaller than that of a black bean. Atop that is a spinning gear axis with two arms or rods with paddle-like discs the size of a lentil off-shooting the rods. The motion of the arms of the Copula are propelled by electric current from an external force. Once propulsion begins, the arms form a figure-eight motion. This energy synthesizes with the energy within the body due to the copper conductivity between the Copula and that within the body. The exterior force and interior force synchronize and become one large object of antigravity. The catch—synthesis can only happen with the body when it has an external charge. It needs a jump start.

* * *

Ezra is quiet for a moment.

I am on edge. “What is the jump start?”

“An electric shock. A small contained surge of electric current to set the Copula into motion.”

I sit back, creating a visual of how the scene of this surge would play out in reality.

Ezra sighs, knowing my mind was putting this together. “Beyond that, Sebastian had to will his body to release the energy within himself needed to synthesize with the Copula. This took months and months of study and practice. At that time in history, metaphysics was a practice in Eastern philosophy, so he had to travel to Asia to access a healer that could teach him how to harness his inner energy. He persuaded the coach to travel back to the United States and remain with him as an employee of his estate until their training was complete. The healer was honored and immediately took the offer. The healer and Sebastian trained daily to heal him of the sorrow of his wife’s passing and to combat any physical ailments in his body. Sebastian also trained to gain metaphysical abilities like astral projection and extrasensory projection. All of this training was superficial in the eyes of those around Sebastian. The true intent of the training was for his experimentation with the Copula.

“The object was initially worn by Sebastian in the first generation of experimentation. He created the object to be the size of a half dollar. As the Copula draws energy from the human that wears it and the human increases the release of his inner energy, it creates faster than light propulsion. The speed of the propulsion creates antigravity. In turn, negative matter is formed. That antigravity pierces a whole through this world creating an opening to another for travel, a wormhole.”

My mind is whirling. “He harnessed negative matter? My God.”

I can’t wrap my mind around how long ago Sebastian had pioneered this scientific miracle and how so many have tried and failed since then.

“Okay, so he has one opening. How can it remain open without harming him as he passes through?”

Ezra touches his chest. “The copper naturally within our body combined with our life force being expelled. We all have internal energy. That energy force within us is the other half of the equation of keeping the wormhole from pinching closed. We are the necessary ingredient to pass from point A to point B and pierce the fold in space.”

I ask, “And where was that? He didn’t know where he would end up?”

“Leap of faith. Sebastian believed wherever he ended up, his point B, would reveal his greater purpose. And the point B world was not like our world.”

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