Planning on Forever (21 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Planning on Forever
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Summer leans back on the bed, pulling me on top of her.
Gladly, I rest my body on top, removing my mouth from hers, and placing soft
kisses down her neck and up behind her ear. She sighs with pleasure when I
reach the back of her ear, exposing her soft spot. I smile, loving the way her
body reacts to mine. Removing my hand from her hip, I run it up her side, and
onto her breast. Her back arches, pushing her breast harder against my hand.
While massaging her breast, I start trailing kisses back down her neck, to the
top of her chest. Feeling her breathing accelerate, and her hips starting to
rock, I ask her what she wants? “Just keep going,” she whispers against her
heavy breathing.

I lift her tank top over her head exposing her
perfectly, plump breasts. Wasting no time, and wanting to taste them as quickly
as possible, I lean down sucking her nipple inside my mouth, while tweaking her
other nipple with my fingers. Exploding with pleasure, she wraps her legs
around my waist, pushing up against my erection. Reaching down, she starts
pulling down my only article of clothing, my boxers. Not expecting us to get
that far tonight, I look up at her and ask, “Are you sure?”

She leans up, pulling my face up to hers. “I’m very
sure. Just go slow.” She says, looking straight into my eyes.

Kissing her hard, and passionately, I reach down and
pull my boxers the rest of the way off. Summer holds my face close to hers,
kissing me like she never wants to let me go. My heart pounds with love,
desire, and anticipation. Removing my lips from hers, I reach down to my
suitcase, and pull out the ‘just in case’ condom that I packed. She pulls her
panties off, while I roll the condom over my erection, never removing her eyes
from me.

While climbing back over her, I trail kisses, starting
at her hip, up her stomach, over her breast, until they find their home on her
lips. Summer wraps her arms around my neck, and tangles her fingers in my hair.

Before pushing my length inside of her, I whisper “I
love you” against her lips. Instead of responding with words, she pushes her
lips deeper into mine, showing me how much she loves me. Going slowly, so I
don’t hurt her, I press my erection in between her folds, only allowing the tip
in first. She gasps at the initial feeling, but then pushes her hips up
inviting me in further. With each rock of the hips, I push in further, and
deeper. Once I’m completely in, I pause for a minute, letting her stretch
around my cock.

“Please, Collin,” she begs, wrapping her legs around my

Wanting to fulfill her every need, I thrust in harder,
and start rocking my hips, setting my own rhythm. Between the tightness, and
wetness, it doesn’t take long before I can feel my climax building. Noticing
her accelerated breathing, and her grip on my back getting stronger, I know she
is getting close too. Resting my forehead against hers, I whisper “come with
me,” against her lips. Within seconds, I feel her clench around me, sparking my
release. We both moan in pleasure, as we allow ourselves to come in and around
each other.

“Wow,” she says, after I melt on top of her.

“Yeah,” I respond, still trying to catch my breath.

Once my breathing returns to normal, I look up at her,
studying the perfection of her face.

“You’re so beautiful,” I tell her, pushing a loose
strand of hair behind her ear.

“You’re not so bad looking yourself,” she jokes, cupping
my cheek with one of her hands.

“You do realize you can’t get rid of me now?” I tell her
in a serious tone.

“Good, because I’m not planning on going anywhere.”





One word to describe my summer–perfect. Nolan and I
spend every breathing, available minute together. I changed my work schedule to
all nights, giving us the entire day together before work. Amanda started
dating Nolan’s friend, Trevor. I know, right? Amanda have a boyfriend? I didn’t
believe it at first, myself. I don’t even think she did, either. Seeing them
together, though, you would think they’ve know each other forever. They are
both equally crazy, and perfect for one another. Life is much easier with our
best friends dating. Instead of having to divide our time between us and
friends, we all hang out together. We’re the quad squad!

Collin left for college a couple of weeks ago. Nolan and
I actually attended his and Matt’s going away party. It was a little awkward at
first, however once we got past the introductions, everything was fine.

Summer and I finally met for the first time. Although we
can’t be anymore opposite in appearance, she is gorgeous, and very sweet too.
There’s no questioning the love they share for one another; he never looked at
me the way he looks at her. There’s also no denying the awful feeling I got
seeing this for the first time, but glancing up at my beautiful, sweet
boyfriend whom I love more than life itself brought me back to reality. I’m
truly happy for Collin; I’m glad he was able to find love again.

With the summer officially over and school underway,
time together for Nolan and I is limited. Pretty much the only time we see each
other is during the day on Saturdays before he has work, and on Sundays. I have
cheerleading every night after school, and by the time I get home, I eat, do
homework, call him, and then go to bed. Thankfully, the ice cream stand is
closed until the spring, so I can eliminate that from my schedule.




Welcome to college life.

It’s been almost a month since I dropped my bags in my
tiny dorm room with two other guys. Although I’m loving being back on the
football field, not seeing Summer every day is a killer. We talk on the phone
every night, and although I love the sound of her voice, not being able to hold
her, is breaking my heart. To make matters worse, our schedules conflict almost
one hundred percent, leaving us very little time to visit each other, just
Sundays. One out of seven days a week, with the love of your life, is not

Fortunately, I have a bye this week, and have no games
scheduled for this weekend. Therefore, I’ll be bolting from campus the minute
my last class lets out on Friday. On top of that, this weekend is also
homecoming for my high school. The homecoming football game is a big deal. We
play our rival team, one town over; the cheerleaders debut their cheer that
they will be performing at the state championships that year, and the whole
town comes out to cheer on our home team. It is a rush of energy, excitement,
and school pride. To say that I’m excited to see Summer, my friends (Matt is
coming home too) and be a part of the homecoming festivities is an




Today is the day we have been working out butts off all
week for–homecoming. Tonight my cheerleading squad and I debut our state
championship routine not only in front of the entire school, but just about the
whole town as well. Matt and Collin even posted on Facebook that they will be
coming home for the game, too. The only downer to the night, is that neither
Nolan, nor my parents will be there. Nolan has to work, and my parents have to
go out of town for my cousin’s wedding. Although I was invited too, there is no
way I’d miss homecoming.

“Hey, hot stuff, ya’ready for tonight?” Amanda asks,
meeting up with me after the pep rally.

“Um, totally freaking out,” I respond, noticing the time
getting closer and closer to kick off.

Although we’ve practiced our new routine a zillion times
this week, we’re really pushing the envelope with our stunts. I’m the smallest,
and lightest on the team so I’m the main flyer. This means I’m the one that
gets thrown around every which way in the air. Even though everything always
goes perfectly, I can’t help but get nervous butterflies every time we perform.

“Oh, take a chill pill! You guys are flippin’ awesome… I
can’t wait to see your new stuff. Trevor is coming, too.”

After saying our goodbyes, I rush home to meet up with
Nolan. Since we aren’t going to be seeing each other at the game, we have plans
to grab a quick dinner before I have to be back on the field. Minutes, after I
arrive home, I see Nolan’s car pull in the driveway. It’s been almost a week
since I saw him last, so I speed down the stairs, and open the front door
before he has the chance to knock.

“Hey, doll!” he says, laughing at my excitement to see

“Hey!” I respond, smothering his face with kisses.

“I like this cute little uniform,” he says, squeezing my
butt. I have to wear my uniform to school for the pep rally, and knowing I’d be
going straight from dinner to the game, I didn’t bother taking it off.

“Too bad you have to work. I would have loved to let you
take it off me after the game,” I tease, giving him a seductive look.

Deciding to postpone dinner, he pushes us back through
the door and carries me up the stairs, never removing his mouth from mine.
Throwing me on the couch, he starts unbuckling his pants.

“I think we’ve got time for a quickie, come here you
naughty little cheerleader.”


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