Planning on Forever (20 page)

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Authors: Ashley Wilcox

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Planning on Forever
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don't have to tell me if you don't want to,” I say, sliding my arms around his
waist to hold him.

parents died in a plane crash ten years ago,” he begins in a low voice.

am so sorry,” I respond, resting my cheek against his back.

were on one of the suicide planes that ran into the twin towers on
nine-eleven.” Closing my eyes, I try to fight back the tears that are instantly
forming. Knowing that he was a part of that awful day breaks my heart into a
million pieces. I was only nine years old when it happened, however, I remember
the images that plastered the television that day vividly. I can remember
hearing about the phone calls people were making on the plane, calling their
loved ones to say goodbye before their plane crashed. I can’t help but wonder
if he and his sister were among those family members that received a phone call
that day.

him as a young boy, saying goodbye to his parents, and then seeing it happen
over and over again on the television, breaks down the flood gate allowing the
tears to flow freely down my face. There’s no questioning my emotional state,
I’m a mess.

doll, please don't cry. It was a long time ago. I’m okay now, really it’s
fine,” Nolan says, turning around to comfort me. How awful am I? He’s the one
that went through this horrific thing, and here he is comforting me.

like the most selfish person in the world, I wipe the tears from my face and
force a smile. If he’s okay with it, then I’m going to have to find a way to
be, too.

here, let’s get cleaned up before we turn into prunes.” He rubs the loofa on

my eyes, I relax, and enjoy the feeling of the course sponge slowly sliding
over each body part; noticing him pause in the more sensitive areas. I don’t
need to open my eyes to see the look of concentration that I know he’s wearing,
focusing intently on his hand slithering over me, and watching my body react
under his touch. My nipples are erect, my face flush, my mouth cracked, and my
breathing accelerating with each movement. My body loves, and craves Nolan.
There’s no denying it.

about my desire for him doesn’t help the situation anymore, either. I can feel
my breathing getting heavier and the pulse in between my legs growing stronger.
Somehow he picks up on my growing desire, and drops the loofa and replaces the
sponge with his mouth; sliding his tongue across every sensitive area. “Oh god”
I whisper, trying to adjust to the change of sensitivity his mouth provides. He
slides his tongue down my chest, down my stomach, stopping above my heated
area. Kneeling onto the ground, he lifts my leg and rests my foot on the side
of the tub. Spreading my folds with his two fingers, he flicks his tongue
against my clit, sending a tidal wave of pleasure throughout my body. Keeping
my eyes shut, I tangle my fingers in his hair, massaging his scalp as he
massages my nub with his tongue.

one more swirl and flick of his tongue, I feel my body clench, then spasm,
finding my release. After kissing my sensitive, swollen nub, he slowly moves
his body up against mine, trailing kisses along the way. Once face to face, he
kisses me gently on the lips, then picks me up so that my legs naturally wrap
around his waist.

his erection flirting with my folds, I beg to have him inside of me. “Please
Nolan. I’m ready. I need you.”

deep into my eyes he asks, “Really? Because I can wait.”

my head no, I reply, “No… No more waiting.”

kissing me long and hard, he pushes his length in, filling me completely.

let out a loud moan, noticing the difference between always using a condom and
not. The added friction is unbelievable.

Nolan, harder,” I plead, wanting to feel every inch of this extra sensitivity.

my wish, he pushes harder and harder with every thrust. The more noise I make,
the harder and faster he goes.

Christ, doll, I have to pull out.”

come inside me. I’m on the pill.” There’s no way I’m letting him pull out now.

like he won the lottery, he pushes in harder and faster. My body surges with
pleasure, feeling his desire for me spread like wild fire throughout my body.
It doesn’t take long before we find both of our bodies clenching, and climaxing

love you so much, doll,” he proclaims, after catching his breath.

love you, so, so much.” So much it hurts.





I talk Summer into taking two days off this week so we
can go fishing up on the St. Lawrence. My parents used to take me on camping
trips up there and the fishing is great. Summer works her butt off and is under
so much stress all the time managing her and her father's bills, that she
deserves a little break.

Wanting everything to be perfect, I rent a small cabin
in one of the state parks up there. I find all of our camping supplies that
we’ll need in the garage, and head to the grocery store to stock up on food and
drinks. Deciding to take her jeep so that we’ll have more room, I pack
everything in, leaving no inch spared. Once we are all packed up, my mom comes
out to see us off.

“Misses West!” Summer calls, walking in her direction.

“Oh, Summer, how are you honey?” my mom says, reaching
to give her a quick hug.

My parents absolutely adore Summer. There's been times
that I’ve gone to my evening workout with Matt and have come home to find
Summer still at my house, hanging out with my parents. My parents are a big
part of my life, so seeing the instant bond they have with my girlfriend warms
my heart.

“Things are going really well. Excited to get away for a
couple of days,” Summer responds.

“You deserve it honey, you guys have a great time. I
can’t wait to hear all about it.”

Summer and I both give her a hug and kiss before getting
into the jeep. Even though we are taking her vehicle, I insist on driving.
Placing my hand on her leg, I squeeze it and smile, excited for the weekend.

“I'm really excited. We’re going to have so much fun.
Thanks for coming.”

I know it isn’t easy for her to leave her dad for two
days. His treatments have been going really well, though. He, of course, has
bad days every once and a while. However, he is having more and more good days,
and not as many bad ones. When we brought up the idea of going away for a
couple of days up, he insisted that we go. He agreed that Summer needs some
time off to relax and enjoy life. As reluctant as she originally was, there is
no way she can say no with her father on my side.

“I can’t wait to get there,” she replies, resting her
hand on top of mine.

After just a little over an hour, we pull into the park.
We check in and make our way to our cabin. Walking out the back door, we are
immediately greeted with the pristine beauty of the St. Lawrence.

“Wow, how beautiful? I love it here,” Summer says,
coming out next to me, and wrapping her arms around my waist.

Snuggling her in close to me, I kiss the top of her
head. There’s an instant warmth that spreads throughout my body; a perfect
blend of contentment, joy, and happiness.

“It is, isn’t it?” I whisper into her hair. I don’t know
what it is, maybe it’s this place, but the butterflies are flapping, my heart
is pounding and my breathing is irregular standing here with Summer.

“Collin?” She whispers, still looking out over the

“Yeah?” I respond.

“I love you.”

My pounding heart skips a beat, hearing her whisper
those three words. Closing my eyes, my face still resting on her head, I let
the words sink in. Wrapped in her arms, feeling the love transfer from her into
me, I realize that I am completely and utterly in love with Summer. Not just
because she told me she loved me, but because of the way my body feels and
reacts, inside and out, whenever I’m with her. She is everything I have ever
wanted and more.

“I love you, too,” I whisper into her hair before
kissing her head again.

I can feel her squeeze me tighter, and we stand there in
silence, looking out over the water…in love.

Once the sun goes down, we grab a bite to eat, then get
things ready to build a camp fire.

“I’m gonna run in and get a sweatshirt, you want one?”
Summer asks. Although it is the middle of Summer, once the sun goes down, mixed
with the breeze coming off of the water, it can get a little chilly up here at
night; perfect for snuggling next to a fire.

“Yeah, sure. Thanks Babe,” I respond, watching her jog
into the cabin.

When she returns, she’s wearing sweatpants, and a
sweatshirt. Even in lounge clothes, she takes my breath away.

After tossing me my sweatshirt, she says, “Nice fire,”
while sitting down next to me on the blanket I have spread out for us.

“Crap, I almost forgot!” I say, jumping up off the ground.

“What are you doing?” she giggles, watching me run into
the cabin.

Walking back out, I hold up the graham crackers, marshmallows,
and chocolate that I almost forgot I packed for tonight. No camping trip is
complete without s’mores. Not to mention, I remember her telling me that one of
her favorite childhood memories of her and her parents is when they use to
build small bonfires in their backyard and roast marshmallows.

“Oh my god, I love s’mores!” she says, jumping up and
grabbing the marshmallows out of my hands.

“I know,” I reply, winking at her.

After finding some sticks, I hand one to her so she can
get roasting. It’s funny watching her get all excited about roasting a
marshmallow. I think I may have roasted one, before she took over and did the rest
of them. I became the designated set up guy, while she cooked the marshmallows.
It didn’t matter to me, though. I just like eating them.

“Holy cow, I’m officially stuffed,” I say rubbing my
stomach, after devouring my, oh I don’t know, sixth or seventh s’more.

“Me too,” she responds, licking the remnants off of her
fingers. “This is so fun, Collin. Thank you for bringing me here,” Summer
continues, leaning over and giving me a sticky kiss.

Little does she know, I’d do anything to see her smile.

Once the fire begins to burn out, we pack everything up
outside, and head inside to get ready for bed. Waiting for her to do her
nightly ritual of brushing her teeth, washing her face, and getting in her
pajamas, I lay in the bed staring at the ceiling, anxiously waiting to spend
our first night together. I’m not expecting anything to happen with us. I’m
pretty sure she’s a virgin, and I really am just excited to snuggle, and have
her fall asleep in my arms. However, when I see her walk out of the bathroom
wearing nothing but a white tank top and panties, I can’t help but feel myself
getting hard. Shaking my erotic thoughts aside, I lift the comforter, welcoming
her underneath with me. I pull her in close, to where her body is flush and
facing mine. She giggles, and snuggles in closer, draping her arm over my side,
and intertwining our legs.

We lay there for a little while, staring at each other;
I play with her hair, as she runs her fingers gently up and down my spine.
There is definitely a sexual tension between us right now, but I don’t want to
assume anything, or push her to do something she isn’t ready to do. Before I
can even finish my thought, though, she presses her lips into mine. Tangling my
fingers in her hair, I pull her face closer to me, deepening the kiss. Without
having to ask, she cracks her mouth open, inviting me in. Wrapping my tongue
with hers, a kiss has never tasted so delicious. She tastes like home;
somewhere I never want to leave.

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