Play for Me (17 page)

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Authors: Lois Kasznia

Tags: #Romnace

BOOK: Play for Me
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Chapter Eleven



“Yo, Drew.” Jett made his way to the table where the
infamous Drew Stone sat. Jett noticed that Drew had had some cosmetic work done.
He had bleached blonde hair and there wasn’t a wrinkle on his face. Jett knew
Drew to be extremely vain and resented the aging process. Jett and Drew were
the same age but age had been kind to Jett. A twenty-something, brunette woman
sat on Drew’s lap while he openly played with her breasts. Things hadn’t
changed and Jett just shook his head.

“Jett.” Drew parted the girl’s leg and inched his fingers
into her sex. She moaned with pleasure, her drug hazed eyes closed. “Now you
remember that, sugar but you got to go now. Drew has work to do.” He slapped
her bare buttocks and she slowly got off his lap. She noticed Jett and smiled
coyly at him. Jett held up his hand indicating he had no interest in her.

“So, what’s up?” Jett sat down across from Drew and ordered
a light beer.

“Heard you’re going to be touring real soon,” drawled Drew
as he took a drink from his martini. “Europe?”

“Yeah. We'll be gone for eleven months. Gotta make a living
somehow,” explained Jett.

“I’m just winding down from our tour. After this weekend, we
do Vegas, and then its relaxation time. Can’t wait to chill.”

“We’re ready to go. We got some really good material, tracks
are sounding good. We’re jazzed.”

“Speaking of new tracks, heard you got yourself a mystery
guitarist.” Drew leaned forward, intense.

“Where did you hear that from?” Jett guffawed. “We always
have folks jam with us.”

“Samantha Stevens. Jordan’s sister.”

“So?” Jett didn’t want to go down this road.

“I want her. I want her in my band. I want her in my bed.” Any
friendliness disappeared as Drew meant business.

“How did you find out about her?” asked Jett now very curious
and tried not to get upset.

“Saw the three of you in Chicago.
Asylum Monkees
concert. Not only is she more talented than her brother, she's hot.”

“She’s extremely happy working for me. The answer is no.” Jett
smiled coolly at Drew.

“What, you shagging her?” Drew sneered at Jett.

“It’s none of your god damn business. I said she works for
me. She’s a part of my band, as well as a press assistant.”

“I’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse.” Drew's smile
appeared nasty.

“No, you won’t. She’s not your type. She’s got a brain on
her, and knows how to use it. I’m done here.” Jett got up, threw a twenty on
the table and left. Drew had made him so angry he couldn't stop shaking. No
way, no how would he let Sam go, especially to the likes of Drew.




“I can’t believe we fell asleep!” Ian sat up abruptly,
causing Sam to focus on the present and not the sexual dream she wanted to
never end.

“Why? What time is it? Yikes! I’m supposed to be back at the
hotel!” Sam tried not to panic.

“Relax, it’s only eleven, but aren’t you hungry? I forgot to
make dinner.”

“Well, we can still eat?”

“I don’t see a problem, but I should get back to the room
since I’m supposed to meet Jett in the lobby.” Sam grabbed at her bag, and
shuffled through the clothes she had brought with her. Darn, she had forgotten
to bring a robe. She stopped and looked at Ian as he hastily threw on some shorts.

“I can whip something up or we could go out to eat. It’s up
to you.” Ian reached down and cupped Sam’s chin in his hand. “Personally, I’d
rather eat here, you know. Just in case.” He wiggled his eyebrows

“You’re so bad,” laughed Sam. “I’m for eating here, but I
forgot to bring a robe. Do you have an old shirt I can wear?”

“I’d rather you go naked,” said Ian as he wrapped Sam in his

“No. I’d feel silly walking around naked, especially while
I’m eating.” Sam folded her arms across her chest and glared at Ian. Ian sighed
and went to his closet where he pulled out a Hawaiian shirt and handed it to

“Hey, is that my phone or yours?” asked Ian as they both
heard the tone of a cell phone message.

“It’s mine,” said Sam as she stared at her phone, perplexed.
“It’s Jett. He’s left over ten messages. Something must be wrong.” She looked
at Ian with concern.

“Call him while I make dinner,” said Ian as he walked into
the kitchen with Sam following him.

“Jett, it’s…”

“Jeesh, Sam. Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” Jett
sounded really distressed.

“I’m with a friend,” said Sam noncommittally. “What’s wrong?”

“What friend, Sam? I wouldn’t ask this question if it wasn’t

“I’m with Ian,” she answered

“Thank god! Let me talk to Ian.”

“Is there something you want to tell me, first?”

“No, let me talk to Ian.” Sam handed the phone to Ian, who
stared at her, perplexed.

“Hey, Jett. What’s up?” asked Ian as he held Sam's gaze.

“It’s Drew. He’s after Sam. That's why he wanted to talk to

“Holy shit.”

“Wait. It gets better. He said he saw Sam while she played
in Chicago and wants her to join his band. I told him, no. She works for me,
and she’s mine. He said that doesn’t matter. He’ll find her and ask her
himself. He also said he wants her. Badly. As a matter of fact, he’s looking
for her right now because he knows she came with me. Tell her to stay out of
the hotel and to stay put. Are you at your house?” Jett rushed his words.

“Yeah. I'll kill him if he comes anywhere near her. Do me a
favor and don’t come anywhere near here.”

“I know better than that because he’s following me like I
don’t have a clue. Ask Sam if she left anything in the hotel room because I’m
leaving for home.”

“That’s not smart,” said Ian shaking his head. “If he is
following you, he will know she’s still here. Go back to the hotel and stay
there. I’ll pick you up in the morning. Sam will stay here tonight. She’s safe
with me.”

“Thanks, man. I know I can trust you.” Ian ended the call.

“What was that all about?” Sam looked at Ian for an

“How can I explain this?” He poured more wine into both of
their glasses. “You know Drew?”

“I don’t know him personally, but I do know who he is.” Sam
looked at Ian for more information.

“Well, it seems like he’s taking a liking to you.”

“How? Why?” asked Sam.

“He saw you play in Chicago and according to Jett, he’s
totally into you. He wants you to work for his band.”

“Why would I do that?” Sam tried to follow Ian's logic.

“The reason he asked Jett here, is he figured you would be
here, too. He hoped to talk to you. And other things.” Ian turned away.

“Other things?” Sam crossed her arms and stared at Ian
demanding an explanation, as Ian turned away. Sam laid her hand on Ian’s arm. “What
do you mean?”

“Drew likes to maul women in public.” Ian shook his head in

“Maul women in public?” Sam repeated and cocked her head in

“Why are you making this so difficult?” Ian sighed. “Molest.
Instead of shaking your hand, he would squeeze your breasts. Things like that. Women
let him get away with it because of who he is.”

“So, you and Jett have decided that I’m not going to meet
him, to protect me from him?” Sam crossed her arms over her chest

“Well, yeah.” Ian looked at Sam closely.

“Do you think that little of me that I would let him get
away with that?” Sam felt hurt.

“It’s just that.” Ian looked away and mentally shook his
head. “It’s just that you are pleasantly untarnished in the rock and roll

“Do you mean naïve?” Sam challenged.

“No, not at all. Let’s just say a little vulnerable.”

“I see,” said Sam trying to control her anger. “Of course
you and Jett don’t realize that I have a black belt in karate. Something Jordan
made sure of while I grew up with all of his friends.”

“No, I didn’t know that,” said Ian sheepishly. “Wait a
minute.” He looked at Sam closely. “You’re mad, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I am. You and Jett have made all of these decisions
without consulting me.” Sam stood up and walked into the bedroom with Ian
following her. She reached for her clothes and started to get dressed.

“What are you doing?” Ian felt a tug in his gut.

“I’m meeting Drew and you and Jett can come watch me in
action.” She reached for her phone and called Jett.

“Sam?” Ian tried to speak, but Sam had already called Jett.

“Hey, Jett. There seems to be a little misunderstanding
here. I want to meet with Drew.”

“Sam, I can’t let you do that. He’s dangerous. I mean, if
you want a raise or something just let me know, and it’s a done deal.”

“No, I’m fine. I just want to show you who I am and who you
have hired. Bring him on. Call him back and tell him we’ll meet at the hotel
bar. I hope you and Ian enjoy the show.” Sam disconnected the call and turned
to Ian. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

“Sam, I can’t let you do this,” said Ian unhappily. “I know
his body guard personally. He’s an ex-Navy Seal.”

“Really?” asked Sam. “Why would a Navy Seal work for him?”

“Money. Why else?” Ian shrugged.

“Back up a minute.” Sam stared intently at Ian. “How do you
know all of this?”

“I, um…” Ian looked down at the floor before answering. “I
worked with him. I kind of, um, am a Seal too.”

“I’m impressed,” said Sam, incredulous. “You could kill me
with your bare hands.” Sam looked at Ian amused. “When were you going to tell
me this?”

“Kind of like telling me you were a virgin?” countered Ian.

“One to one,” laughed Sam. “I guess that makes us even.”

“I wouldn’t kill you, and I really don’t want to talk about
it right now.”

“I see.” Sam stared at Ian intently. “You
than him, right?”

“We’re about equal, which is why I can’t let you go there.”
Ian shook his head.

“Suit yourself. I need to do this.” Sam lifted her purse on
her shoulder, ready to go.

“Are you always this stubborn?” Ian hadn’t moved to the door

“No. Just about certain things, and this is one of them.” Sam
looked directly into Ian’s eyes.

“Okay, okay. Here are the rules. I want Drew to know that
I’m with you. The minute you’re in trouble, give a cough. I can barge in and
take care of you.”

“Got it.” Sam got into the car as Ian opened the door. Her
phone rang and she answered it.

“I think you’re a glutton for punishment, but here’s the
deal,” said Jett on the other end. “He'll meet you in the hotel bar in about
twenty minutes.”

“Okay. I’m ready for him.” Sam ended the call and relayed
the information to Ian. She sat back, quiet for a moment. “You know, I think
it’s kind of a turn on that you’re a Seal.”

“I should’ve told you sooner?” asked Ian with a bemused
expression on his face.

“Yeah. It makes it so intriguing to know you.” Sam boldly
stared at him. No wonder he looked like a Greek God.

“What does that mean?” Ian tried to concentrate on his
driving but other thoughts were crowding his mind. Like X-rated thoughts he
would like to do with Sam.

“Dangerous,” murmured Sam provocatively. She reached and
touched his bicep admiring the strong chorded muscles.

“You have to discuss this while I’m driving? You should’ve
mentioned this hours ago.” Ian glared at Sam.

“I didn’t know ‘hours’ ago,” said Sam with a smile. She
looked out the window to see the hotel up ahead. “D-day!” Sam smiled in

Jett waited in the lobby for them and he paced nervously. “Sam,
why are you doing this?”

“Relax. I know what I’m doing, okay?” Sam strode into the
bar with Ian and Jett behind her. Sam spotted Drew at a table in the back,
sitting next to a well-muscled man obviously, Drew’s bodyguard. Sam watched
Drew’s startling black eyes as he tensely followed her every move.

“Have a seat,” said Drew amicably. He graciously stood up
and pulled out a chair for Sam.

“Thanks.” Sam made herself comfortable and looked at Drew in

“Drink?” asked Drew.

“No. I’m good.” Sam’s wary gaze met Drew’s.

“So, you’re Sam Stevens in the flesh and blood.” The desire
on Drew’s face could not be missed

“That’s me. Look, lose the bodyguard. At least he can sit
someplace else.” Sam didn't break eye contact with Drew.

“Hook, you heard the lady. Just don’t go too far.” Drew
waved his hand and Hook sat at a table behind them. Ian immediately joined Hook
who looked definitely rattled to see an old cohort.

“Let’s get down to business,” said Sam. “Jett told me you’re
interested in me joining your band.”

“Direct, aren’t you?” Drew smiled lazily, his eyes roaming
lasciviously over Sam’s physique.

“Eyes up here, please.” Sam pointed to her eyes. “Intense is
more like it.” Sam smiled demurely. “I really appreciate it, but the answer is
no. I don’t like to perform in public.”

“That’s bullshit, if you hate it so much, why did you do it
that night?” demanded Drew.

“We’re done here.” Sam rose, but Drew put his hand on her
arm for her to sit back down. Sam glared at him in disdain.

“Wait. What about a private session together with me and the

“Please don’t touch me,” said Sam evenly. “And I don’t think

“What? Oh, sorry.” Drew immediately withdrew his hand. “I
mean you won’t even let me try and talk you into it?”

“Nope. I’m good. I like working for Jett. Don’t worry,
there’s a ton of musicians out there who would jump at this chance. Not me.”

“You’re making a mistake. We would be good for each other. I
really want you.” Drew looked at Sam, as if trying to intimidate her.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I'm kind of seeing someone at the
moment.” Sam glanced at Ian who nodded back at her.

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