Playing Doctor (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Allure

BOOK: Playing Doctor
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Lauren was having an
all-around goooood time! And so was Court. He had kept his little garage apartment but spent virtually every night in the bungalow with Lauren, and somehow even that much access didn't seem to be enough for either of them.

She hardly noticed when their mutual attraction started to seep out at the office. She knew that the staff must have noticed that she wasn't bossing him around in such a bitchy fashion anymore, but Lauren was certain that she was maintaining her professional distance.
Wasn't she?

Well, occasionally she did ask Court into her office to give him instructions and closed the door, but how could anyone tell if those instructions turned into brief stolen kisses? Although, there was that one time when Jessica had to buzz three times on the intercom to let her know a patient had arrived, but…

She was certain that Court was also maintaining the appearance of professionalism between them.
Wasn't he?

Well, occasionally he did squeeze her ass when no one was looking, and there was that one time when he wanted her feedback on the organization of the closet. But nobody would have noticed that they were in there with the door shut for a long time.

Lauren told herself to stop worrying about it. After all, it was all just a fun game and the ladies didn't seem to notice—or if they did, they didn't seem to mind. As long as the patient care remained first rate, what was the harm in a little office romance?

And so it went in the clinic for another couple weeks until Lauren decided to tease Court one morning, perhaps more than she should have. That day she wore the same cotton dress she'd worn his first day there, remembering how he had told her that she'd turned him on when she inadvertently displayed herself in the sunlight.

First thing in the morning, before putting on her lab coat, she called Court into her office for some instructions and made sure to stand in front of a window where sunlight was pouring in, giving him a naughty silhouette of her body. Acting like she was too full of energy, she squirmed around almost posing and giving him an X-rated performance. She had deliberately left the office door open before asking him to sit down, purposely limiting what he could do about the impromptu peep show. Lauren could tell Court was enjoying it, but rather than let him shut the office door and kiss her, she sent him back out to work with a squeeze to his ass.

Court seemed to take that as a challenge and began a game of surreptitiously teasing her that got more flagrant as the morning progressed. He used every opportunity to touch Lauren casually on the arm, brush as if by accident across her breast, and later blatantly return the squeeze to her bottom. Lauren was quickly becoming hot and bothered, when her naughty intention had been to make Court squirm with desire.

He won the round late in the morning when Lauren walked by him in the hallway, and Court grabbed her for a quick, demanding kiss while he slipped a hand inside her lab coat and fondled her breast through her dress. She pushed him away quickly with a laugh, but she was panting and so hot all over that she decided to take off her lab coat.
Anyway, lunch is just around the corner and we have no patients… That's the real reason it's coming off.
At least that is what she tried to convince herself.

As she came out of her office, sans white coat, Kelly gave her a knowing smile.

“What?” challenged Lauren with a smile, realizing she didn't really mind if her close friend and colleague knew her secret. Clearly, Kelly didn't disapprove of Lauren's liaison with an employee—they were both consenting adults, after all—so maybe she should worry less about it.

Lauren wanted to continue playing their little game and get even with Court for his last tease. She was tingling all over and wanted to make sure he was too.
But what to do?
she wondered. What could she do in the office that wouldn't be noticed?

Then she hit upon it.

“Court,” she called out. “I remember you were complaining about that sore throat earlier.”

“What are—” he started to reply, but she cut him off.

“I've got a few minutes free, since it's almost lunchtime. Let me take a look at you. Come into Exam Room Two please.”

Court glanced suspiciously toward Lauren but didn't say anything. After a moment of indecision, he turned and walked toward the room with her following close behind.

Brenda called out, “Do you want me to take his vitals for you?”

“Nope,” Lauren said as she walked in behind him. She purposefully left the door standing open. “I can do it myself.”

Turning around, she looked at Court as if he were a piece of candy. He smirked back at her, knowing full well the game was on.

With the door left open, Lauren chose her words carefully. “Court, why don't you sit on the exam table?”

“Okay,” he drawled, but then whispered, “What are you doing?”

As she stalked toward him with a seductive smile, she whispered, “Giving you a little payback, honey.”

Then loudly she said, “Just take a deep breath.”

After glancing back to check that no one could see them, she leaned in to him and placed her hand on his crotch while placing her stethoscope on his chest. With the angle of the table, anyone walking by wouldn't be able to see where she had placed her hand.

At his sharply indrawn breath, she cheekily ordered, “No, you need to take a slow, deep breath for me,” while she gently massaged his penis through his pants. Smiling down at him, she could see that her tease was working, and she could feel his penis growing under her hand.

“Your chest sounds fine,” she continued. “Please open your…mouth,” she said while she slowly unzipped his pants. She knew she was playing with fire, but she was having too much fun to care.

As she stuck the tongue depressor into his mouth, she slid her hand inside his pants and squeezed a little harder.

“Ahhh,” Court gasped out.

“But I didn't ask you to say ‘ah' yet,” she said in her most professional tone. Continuing her ministrations to his penis, she watched Court's face grow taut with desire as his hands clenched the table's edge.

Giving him a sneaky wink, Lauren said, “I think you'll be just fine… Nothing a little time
won't cure.” With that, she quickly slipped her hand out of his pants and sashayed back out of his reach as he lifted his hands to grab her.

Sauntering to the open door, she taunted cheekily, “I'll give you a moment alone to take care of your…ah…needs.” Then she pulled the door shut behind her.

Score one for me, Lauren thought, giggling as she walked back to the front of the clinic. Turning the corner, she stopped short when she saw Kelly leaning against the wall and looking speculatively at her. More and more, Lauren found she didn't care if her office staff knew about Court and her. She was just too happy to continue hiding it from her friends.

Both Brenda and Jessica threw her a quick smile, but then suddenly the two women became very busy with their paperwork, looking anywhere else but her direction. She saw Kelly's gaze shift to look past her, and Lauren knew Court was standing behind her. Some of her bravado dissipated as she glanced anxiously over her shoulder. Was he really mad? Court was stalking slowly toward her, looking… Oh, how
he looking? Lauren couldn't quite tell, but her skin crawled with delicious shivers.

Behind her, she heard Kelly call out, “Hey, Jessica and Brenda, how 'bout we grab some lunch at the diner…my treat.”

“Thank you.” “How nice.” Jessica and Brenda responded simultaneously as they hurriedly grabbed their purses.


While the women hurried
out, Court and Lauren remained frozen in the lobby staring at each other—almost challenging the other to do something. Lauren glanced at Kelly and mouthed “Thank you” as her colleague winked at her before stepping outside to follow Jessica and Brenda.

As soon as the door finally shut, Court cleared his throat to get Lauren's attention back on him. Looking at him, Lauren could tell that he was as wildly aroused as she was. Pinning her in place with a hot, seductive look, he walked over and locked the door.

Turning around to face her, he ordered, “Get into your office.”

“But it's the middle of the day, and—”

“Now!” was all Court said. He meant it and she knew it.

Turning quickly, she practically ran to her office. Either that, or she guessed he would try to fuck her right there in the waiting room. Lauren didn't think she would have the control, emotional or physical, to resist him once he got his hands on her. She felt wicked but so turned on. Somehow this was so much naughtier than their evening tryst a few weeks ago.

After locking the front door, Court walked slowly but purposefully into her office and shut the door behind him with a decided shove. Lauren was panting with excitement as she watched him stride the short distance to her, and she gasped when his hands grabbed her arms and pulled her toward him. Once their lips met, wildness took over and they started grabbing at each other, hungrily caressing all over each other's bodies. Court roughly pulled her up against his solid length, and she felt the hard bulge of his erection pressing into her belly. Moaning, she squirmed against him and enjoyed the sound of his responding groan.

Court forcefully plunged his tongue inside her mouth before ravishing her with a sensual onslaught of licks, touches, and erotic moans. His physical roughness only drove her arousal higher as one of his hands squeezed a breast and the other groped her ass, each pinching hard.

“Ahhhhhh!” It was Lauren's turn to cry out in surprise.

“But I didn't ask you to say ‘ah' yet,” he taunted with a decadent smile before roughly pulling her back to him and plunging his tongue into her open mouth—acting as a human tongue depressor! His hand moved to caress her pussy through her dress, turning Lauren into a moaning mass of wanton sensation—squirming, mindless, and incoherent.

Suddenly he pulled away from her. Grabbing her hips, he turned her around to face the desk. Not saying a word, he took her hands one at a time and placed them on the desk, making it clear that she was to lean against the solid furniture. Then he again squeezed her breasts with both hands, eliciting a trilling feminine moan from her. She felt him press his arousal against her buttocks. Burning with a fast need to have him deep inside her, Lauren squirmed and pushed her ass back against his bulge.

It surprised her anew that her young intern could be such a mature and confident lover. He was all man and completely in control of their lovemaking. With him like this, Lauren wasn't the boss. Instead, she felt like the melting ingenue and would have collapsed right there from the raging onslaught of sensations, if not for his strong arms holding her up.

Lauren felt a quick kiss on her shoulder through her dress before he withdrew his arms. Then she heard the sound of a condom package ripping. She started to turn back to help, but he said, “No, stay where you are. You look so hot like that—spread out onto the desk.”

Lauren waited breathlessly for him to put the condom on. She wanted to start undressing but followed his orders instead. She liked turning over control to this masterful young man. Then she felt her dress being roughly shoved upward and his hands swiftly yanking her panties down to her knees. Her naughty spread-eagle, on-display position and the pull of her panties stretched between her knees felt wildly wicked, and she moaned louder and swiveled her hips in an erotic display. She was pleased with the sharp intake of air that she heard behind her.

Then she felt him—the rear entry of his cock plunging inside her vagina and his hands grasping her hips as he pulled himself tighter into her. Feeling him thickly filling her, Lauren let out a wild guttural cry, almost coming on the spot.

Court stopped for a moment, wrapped his arms around her waist, and held her tightly to his body. He gently kissed her shoulder.

“You are so sexy!” he murmured into her ear.

Then pulling back, he began to ram into Lauren over and over in fast, potent thrusts. All she had to do was hold herself up with her arms and feel his long, thick penis sliding powerfully in and out, in and out, driving her wild with intense sizzling pleasure. Faster and faster he pounded her until she screamed out in climax. Hearing her orgasm pushed him over the top, and he gave her one more powerful pump before grabbing on to her tightly as he came with a loud groan.

The small office was loud with the sounds of their moans, which gradually turned into heaving pants as Lauren slid her hands out and laid her sweaty upper body on the cool desk. Court followed her down, cradling her back as they both lay there panting.

“Thank you,” he whispered, “for the best sex ever in my life!” And she knew he meant all of their lovemaking combined.

“Thank you,” she panted, “for making me feel alive again.” And he knew her well enough to understand that she wasn't declaring love but rather her gladness to be a sexual being again.

Smiling, Lauren added, “I think…no,
that this is going to be one terrific and very hot summer!”


The two lovers didn't
relax on the desk for long. They knew the rest of the staff would be back soon, along with the afternoon's patients, so they hurriedly put their clothes back to rights. Lauren's lab coat mostly covered her wrinkled dress, and with a quick wash of her face and some fresh makeup, she felt that perhaps, just perhaps, the ladies wouldn't know what she and Court had been doing.

Lauren giggled.
Her staff would take one look at her and know. But what did it matter, really? After Court had pulled his pants up, he kissed her on the cheek. Then he said he would finish the filing in the back, which would put him safely out of sight for the rest of the day. That should help.

However, one thing that she couldn't seem to bring under control was her continuing arousal. Because he had been wearing a condom, she knew the soaking moisture between her legs was all her. That entire afternoon she walked around wet, almost dripping, and the awareness built a raging desire within her that grew to a throbbing, clenching ache by the end of the day.

As soon as the last patient left the office, she went to Court, took his hand without a word, and walked out of the office toward her car. She knew her competent staff would lock up, and she was floating on a thrumming need that didn't have time for words and couldn't wait another moment. He clearly understood and just sat quietly holding her hand for the short drive to her bungalow.

Once home, they made wild love again right there in the foyer, starting the minute the door slammed shut behind them. Afterward, as they lay relaxing on the floor, still near the front door, Lauren realized she was blossoming under the ministrations of her young lover.

She finally also realized that she did not really need healing time as much as the restorative power of great sex. When her ex left six months ago, Lauren had known immediately that the marriage was over. But without the prospect of something new, her situation had felt hopeless. A summer of fun and sex with Court was a perfect panacea.

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