Pleasure Bound - Complete (34 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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Anger flashed hard and bright at his gesture. All males were trained to allow a woman to do whatever they wanted to them and it was illegal for males to shield their sex under any circumstances.

She noted his cheeks had darkened with a sexy blush and her anger disintegrated.  She’d never seen a male who was embarrassed by a woman seeing his sex. His reaction was odd yet amusing.

Keeping his broad back toward her, he suddenly thrust out his hand. “Give me the knife, I’ll take care of it.” 

“I don’t think so!” 

“What is the problem?”

“I’m not giving you a knife.”

“What? You don t trust me?” His voice was coated with disbelief.

“Not on your life.”

“It’ll be both our lives if you don’t give me the knife, cause I’m not letting you near me with it.”

Virgin shook her head in despair. Goddess of Freedom! She never thought she’d ever see the day when she would have to argue with a male. It was ridiculous. And frustrating.

Now she understood why women preferred not to educate them.

“Either you let me cut it off or I’m leaving you behind,” she warned.

“You cutting it off is what I’m afraid of.” 

“I’m very efficient with a knife.”

“I’m sure you are, lady, but I don’t take chances where my body parts are concerned.”

He wiggled his fingers impatiently, obviously still expecting her to give him her weapon.

“The knife stays with me, male. You will just have to trust me.”

The way his magnificent shoulders sagged made Virgin realize she’d won the argument.

The male didn’t so much as move a muscle, but eyed her with deep suspicion as she slid the handle of her knife tightly between her teeth and crouched in front of him.

Gently she grabbed his knees and pried his legs wide open to her.

Her eyes widened with appreciation.

What an exquisite size!

So unbelievably long!

His cock was so engorged it hued a strange shade of purple. And it pulsed wildly as she stared at it.

She licked her lips at the thought of having a taste of his fierce looking shaft. 

“Anytime, lady,” his growl broke into her thoughts, forcing her to concentrate on the task at hand.

The way the thick ring was wrapped so tightly around his cock and balls she knew immediately if she dared use the knife she would certainly cut into this fine specimen.

But it was the only way to free him.

Or was it?

She swallowed at the realization there was another way.

But she couldn’t do that!

Could she?

Shaking the lusty thoughts away she angled the knife closer to his cock.

“Forget it,” he hissed between clenched teeth.

“You cannot travel in this condition.”

“I’ll manage.”

“The passion poison can protect your sex for only so long. I think you’re already experiencing too much pain to wait any longer. It must come off. Now.”

The way he frowned she knew he was thinking over what she’d just said.

“I cannot afford to get caught,” she continued. “I will do what I think is best.” 

“Don’t use the knife.” His voice sounded strangled and … aroused?

Virgin blew out a shaky breath and tried to still her own excitement as it shifted like a bursting wave throughout her system.

She’d never hungered to suck on a male’s cock before, but she sincerely desired to taste this one.

His lust filled eyes lifted to peer at her and a shiver of pleasure zipped through her lower abdomen.

“I can do it myself. With my hands,” he whispered.

She could tell by the sexual hunger shimmering in his eyes that he was struggling to keep his thoughts coherent.  If she didn’t hurry, Phase Two would grab hold of him and she wanted to have him secured in her shelter before that happened.

“It will take too long.”  Virgin said, fascinated by the realization she would be disappointed if she couldn’t taste him.

Without another thought, she removed the quiver of arrows and bow she’d Fslung over her shoulder and placed it and the knife on the ground behind her.

Holding her breath she reached up to cup his enlarged sperm laden balls.

He groaned softly as she tested their weight. His balls were so unbelievably heavy, so deliciously silky and hard.

With her heart thumping wildly against her chest she uncupped him and reached for the base of his swollen member.

The instant she touched him, his shaft twitched and jerked. It was so immense. So unbelievably thick. His desire-engorged cock stuck straight out at her. Purple with arousal the enlarged head looked angry and begged to be suckled and comforted. A drop of seminal fluid oozed from the slit.

Resisting her excitement no longer Virgin lowered her head. With her lips she sensually traced the tip of his bulging cock as if she were applying lip balm.

Another groan, this time louder than the last, escaped his mouth.

She sent him a warning look to remain quiet but his eyes were already scrunched tight with pleasure. The muscles in his cheeks twitched as he clenched his mouth. Obviously he’d realized making noise at this point was not a safe option. But could he remain quiet for long with the passion poison raging through his system?

Her tongue tentatively swirled around the tip of his fierce thickness as she tested his resolve.

Another low growl crept up from somewhere deep in his chest. It was a primitive sound, a fierce noise that made a shimmering warmth shoot through her. Wetness accumulated between her legs.

The skin surrounding his cock felt satiny against her tongue. Beneath it his flesh felt oh so deliciously hard.

She nipped her teeth against his flesh suddenly feeling the urge to taste him.  A dark growl struggled to escape his mouth. She backed off and once again swirled her tongue against the pulsing head, savoring the tang of male.  She began to lick his swollen member in wide teasing stripes from tip to base, along his corded ridge from the underside.

Pressing her hands tighter around the base of his cock she enjoyed the iron-hard strength of his pulsing member. Using the tip of her tongue she dug gently into the tiny slit in the head of his cock, sipping more of the hot pre-come that slowly oozed out.

He moaned erotically and eased his legs further apart allowing her to snuggle closer. Gently she pushed against his heated testicles hoping to ignite a release but at the same time hoping he wouldn’t come so she could explore her own awakening sexually starved body.

Her nipples had tightened into aching knots and warm liquid seeped along her inner thighs. And she experienced the overwhelming urge of wanting his heated length buried deep inside her pussy.

Suddenly his hands speared through her hair. Holding tight to both sides of her head he shoved his cock further into her open mouth.


The male was so huge he hit the back of her throat. And there was still more to come! The foreign hot cock in her mouth panicked her and she thought she might choke. 

Thankfully he pulled back a bit and hissed between his teeth.

“Quit teasing. Just do what needs to be done, before I lose control.”

Unfortunately the male had already lost control as he pulled himself out, bucked his hips forward and shoved more of his engorged flesh into her.

His immense size filled her mouth. His heat branded her and she instinctively tightened her lips around his slippery swollen flesh.

A pulse beat like a second heart along the length of him. His male odor was hot and musky. Sexy.

She sucked hard, drawing his steel rod deeper. 

Thrusting his hips forward, he began to pump. His shaft slid into her mouth and hit her throat again. She thought she’d gag at this unfamiliar action but then he withdrew quickly. She forced herself to relax her throat muscles and she welcomed him back in.

In and out he thrust.

She increased the pressure of her lips around his hot flesh enjoying his erotic groans.

His male sounds were arousing to say the least. And to have a male ramming his ferocious flesh into her throat, fucking her mouth was something brewed only in her wildest fantasies.

She loved it!

Loved sucking his cock. Feeling the strength of his pulsing rod. Loved the taste of him, enjoyed the idea that right at this moment, as he held her head firmly between his powerful hands, she was his slave.

Suddenly his hands tightened on either side of her head and she tasted more of the salty residue on her tongue. The male flavor made her pussy muscles contract wonderfully.

She whimpered in shock at the pleasant sensations spreading deep in her womb.

Without warning his cock jerked wildly in her mouth and suddenly his hot seed shot down her throat.

She swallowed quickly, her lips tightening around him, milking him as fast and as hard as she could.

The male groaned again. It was a strangled cry. A sinfully arousing sound that unleashed a strange happiness inside her making her proud that she could bring him such pleasure. She knew for certain she wanted to hear that guttural sound again. But his cry was too loud and she hoped no one was close enough to hear.

She continued to suckle him, not that she had much choice with his hands holding her head captive. Instinctively she knew even if her head wasn’t being held, she would still enjoy his heated flesh and the salty taste of his cock’s release.

Finally he let go of her, pulling his limp rod out so quickly, he crashed back off the log, landing butt first onto the ground.

Their heavy breaths shot through the air like mini-explosions and Virgin’s mind reeled at what she’d just done. Although it was against the general laws, she’d occasionally seen a Yellow Hair do this to the male slaves during a Virgin Dance.

She’d certainly never had the urge to do it herself, until now. And it had been a magnificent experience to say the least.

After she’d calmed somewhat, Virgin scrambled to her knees and leaning over the log she reached between the male’s legs. She needed to untangle the cock ring before the passion poison would have a chance to swell him up again.

But before she could touch him, his hand snapped around her wrist like a metal restraint, stopping her cold.

“I’ll do it.” Anger sparked his words. Confusion raged in his eyes.  Confusion and something else. Regret?

Did she not do a good enough job in pleasuring him?

Goddess! Why should she even care?

She’d done what needed doing and there was plenty more to come whether he liked it or not.

He released her wrist and frowned. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. It’s just that…I’m not used to…what just happened. I can’t seem to control myself.”

Well, join the club.

Without another word he turned his broad back toward her and worked on removing the cock ring. As she noted the raw whip marks covering his wide shoulders another unwanted sting of sympathy zipped through her.

The passion poison should have deadened the pain by now, she thought as she fought off the unwanted sympathy. And now that he’d had his first sexual release, the passion poison would become even more powerful. It wouldn’t be long before his mind would cloud to any semblance of reason.

All he would think about was having sex.

Virgin couldn’t stop her pulse from quickening at that thought.

She remembered all the Virgin Dances she’d had to witness as a Queen and then as a High Queen. Remembered when she was a young Yellow Hair she’d wanted so much to participate with the rituals like all her friends had done yet her other priorities had kept her from doing so. Only virgins were allowed to become Queens and High Queens and so she’d focused on that instead of simply getting sexual release by fucking males.

She was promptly ripped from her thoughts when the air was split by the faraway war cries of the Yellow Hairs.

The familiar sound sent a fissure of fear slamming into Virgin. The Yellow Hair virgins had discovered the male missing.

That meant one thing.

The hunt for them was on.


Chapter Three


Aside from the first war cries they’d heard earlier, no other sound had erupted. Perhaps the virgins were busy tracking them? Or perhaps they’d decided to let the male go and find another one?

No. They would try and track him for a little while.

However she doubted the Yellow Hairs would pick up their trail. The virgins were too inexperienced. Even the elders wouldn’t find her. Her few months training as a High Queen had taught her the ultimate in stalking prey and covering up her tracks.

Up until an hour ago when she’d given the male relief with her mouth, she hadn’t bothered covering their tracks. She’d wanted them to be followed. She’d led their trail directly to the river where she and the male had entered and gone downstream for about a mile. That’s where the stream had split into two and where Virgin veered and took the left river. A few minutes later the river once again split, this time to three streams. The one she’d picked would split yet again just up ahead.

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