Pleasure Bound - Complete (69 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Bound - Complete
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“Jarod has told me that you come from somewhere else, from somewhere deep within the unexplored area of The Outer Limits, where your traditions are different than ours.”

He did, did he? Well at least he’d kept his promise of not repeating what she’d told him under the influence of that passion scent he’d made her sniff.

“That’s right.”

“Then I will explain about the Death Valley Boys.”

“No thanks, I know enough.” Besides, she wouldn’t be hanging around here for much longer. If there was a way out of here, she’d find it, sensual oil or no sensual oil. Jarod and she would be history the minute this collar was removed.

“The Death Valley Boys were sexual slaves.”

“I know.”

“Up until a little over three years ago, they only knew life as sexual objects. This is why their punishments are based on sex. Thankfully, though things are slowly changing since Blackie has become second in charge. We women are being allowed to educate the males. Most welcome their schooling. Some haven’t accepted it.”

An oddly pleasant sensation sizzled through the underneath areas on Piper’s feet where Jasmine had applied the oil.

Wow, this tingling feeling sure did feel…really sexy.

“You said you did this to Jarod?”


“He let you?”

“He knows the rules of the Death Valley Boys.”

Jasmine’s fingers massaged oil into the tops of Piper’s feet making her toes squirm at the ticklish sensations.

“Jarod is ticklish on his feet as well,” Jasmine commented, as she poured more fluid onto her palms.

“Really?” She’d have to remember that. “Someone mentioned he was with the Death Valley Boys a couple of years back. Did you know him then?”

“Yes, he came here a few weeks before I arrived. When I met him, he was a very angry male. He appears to have changed.”

“He has?”

Jasmine looked up at her with sparkling eyes. “When I met him, he used me often. Thrusting his demons into me, as if trying to be rid of them.”

Piper blinked in shock. “Excuse me?”

“He and Blackie and Taylor were the first males who penetrated me.”

“Like in ménage?”

She nodded and giggled. “Quite an amazing experience. One I wish could be repeated.”

“I’ll bet,” Piper snapped.

“You need not worry. Jarod only has an eye for you.”


Jasmine nodded.

“He mentioned you used to be a queen,” Piper said suddenly, wanting to get to know more about this woman. “Why aren’t you off leading your own people?”
And off fucking your own man
instead of trying to fuck mine

“I helped a male named Ben Hero and my friend Queen Jacey escape. They wished to be together but it is forbidden for males and women to unite. Besides he breached a queen. It is illegal.”

Jasmine continued. “From what Jacey told me, she couldn’t resist him. No matter, a queen who is penetrated by a male is ruined. She was trained to lead women and not allowed to be tarnished by a male in any way.”

“You sure seemed to be enjoying all those men in the graveyard.”

Jasmine’s head snapped up.

Piper blushed. Maybe she should have kept her big mouth shut. But just the thought of this chick being with Jarod was really pissing her off.

“You observed?”

“We were hiding in some nearby bushes. We…um, couldn’t help but notice the show.”

Jasmine’s fingers were sliding up the insides of Piper’s knees heading toward a more intimate place.

“Lift your knees, place your feet on the edge of the bed and spread your legs, please.”

Oh, heavens, this was getting a bit too much!

“Is this really necessary?” Piper asked, as she did what the woman instructed, trying very hard to ignore the coil of arousal sweeping through her lower abdomen as Jasmine’s hands began to slide erotically up the insides of her thighs.

“You may be inspected thoroughly, I must not fail.”

Oh, God! She didn’t think she wanted to know exactly what this inspection might entail or who would be doing it.

“So, you said you helped this male and this queen escape. Why haven’t they come back and helped you escape this palce?” Surely Ben would have returned the favor and saved her from her fate at the hands of the Death Valley Boys had he known she was here.

“The woman who took over Queen Jacey’s position has many accomplices. She managed to get my prison sentence turned over, and sold me to the Breeders for quite a fair sum of money. The Breeders in turn trained me to…welcome sex. They then turned me over to the Death Valley Boys. I am sure if they had been able to help free me they would have done so.”

Piper stifled a whimper as Jasmine’s oil-drenched fingers slid erotically against her pussy lips.

“I’m sure if you could arrange it so that Jarod and I could escape, we would take you with us. You wouldn’t have to stay here and…service all those men.”

Jasmine shook her head, her riot of red curls bouncing around. “I cannot leave here.”

“Why not?”

“I have private reasons, but one reason I can share is this…”

Piper’s lower abdomen clenched as Jasmine’s fingers began a sensual rub against Piper’s clitoris.

Oh, lady, that felt so good.

“I’ve been introduced into the world of sex. I cannot go without it for more than half a day before I need to have a male deep inside me.”

“Jarod mentioned you women only get anal sex.”

“Blackie knows my problem. He…helps me secretly.”

Piper blew out a breath as the pleasant sensations played havoc with her morals. She shouldn’t be allowing this woman to touch her this way. She should be reserving sex only for Jarod, but this sure felt good.

“What? You’re saying you’re addicted to sex?”

“What better place to get my daily fix than in a valley full of males?” Jasmine chuckled.

Piper groaned as Jasmine’s lubricated finger slipped inside her channel. Her muscles clamped around the intrusion.

“The oil is doing the job,” Jasmine commented, as she slid a second oil-drenched finger inside her vagina and massaged her G-spot.

“Did you do this to Jarod, too?” Piper gasped.

“Touch his penis?”

“Yes,” Piper ground out when she couldn’t stop gyrating her hips against the wonderful sensations Jasmine was creating.

“Yes. It is required. I have also prepared Blackie. You will do well with either one…or both, if the winner decrees it.”

Piper swallowed. “What do you mean, both of them?”

“If Blackie wins, he has said he will share you with Jarod during the festivities. Jarod has told me he would prefer to keep you all to himself. Although I do not know how he can, considering the Death Valley Boys must share their women.”

“Sorry lady, but I’m…a one-man kind of gal.” Piper shivered her frustration as Jasmine’s fingers slid out of her drenched vagina.

“Then you would most certainly prefer I don’t bring you to orgasm?”

Oh, God!

“Did Jarod want you to?”


That son of bitch had more morals than she’d given him credit for.

“Then neither do I,” she breathed, as her pussy trembled in disappointment.

Jasmine’s oil-drenched hands sailed over her hairy muff, her fingers seductively massaging her abdomen and lower belly.

Suddenly the woman frowned. “You don’t have a scar here. Blackie said you have a scar.”

Oh, darn. She was screwed.

Suddenly her hands sensuously cupped Piper’s mounds.

“You have nice-sized breasts,” Jasmine continued without waiting for an explanation.

“Um…thank you.”

“I always wished mine weren’t so big,” Jasmine said.

“I always wished mine were bigger.”

The two women laughed.

To Piper’s surprise, Jasmine began pinching and rolling her nipples between her fingers.

She couldn’t stop her face from flaming nor could she stop her nipples from immediately hardening with arousal.

“You embarrass too easily. It may be difficult for you to be penetrated during the festivities by the winner.”

Piper froze. “Exactly what do you mean by during?”

“The winner fucks the woman in front of everyone.”

Oh, my God!

“I don’t think so.”

“Do not worry. The sensual oil will kick in by then. You won’t care.”

“I’ll care afterwards.”

“You will be fine. Trust me. They used the oils on me my very first time with Jarod and Taylor and Blackie and I wish—”

“I know already, you wish you could have them again.”

Jasmine smiled softly.

Holy cow! If Jarod won, would he make love to her in front of all those people?

She didn’t know if she should be screaming from shock or swooning with excitement. This planet was awesome. This free-wheeling way of sex stuff was all new to her and tough to digest. It was as if she was stuck in some erotic dream or something.

She almost wished she was.

At least then, she could relax and enjoy everything.

Jasmine reached for something out of the bag on the nearby shelf and returned her attention to Piper.

She watched as Jasmine fiddled some more with her nipples until they felt rock-hard and burned, then she felt a tight squeeze and a pinch. A sweet pain zipped through her flesh and Piper couldn’t help but gasp.

“These clamps will hurt slightly at first. You will get used to them.”

A moment later her other nipple was clamped. Between the two clamps, Jasmine attached a few pretty gold chains that hung in different layers, the last layer hanging all the way down to her belly button.

“Your pale body contrasts well with the gold,” Jasmine commented. “If you remove them, you and I both will be punished, so please keep them on.”

“How’s our newest female doing?”

Piper tensed as Blackie’s voice reverberated throughout the room.

He stood just inside the door watching them intensely.

Jasmine visibly trembled. Whether out of fear or excitement, she wasn’t sure. But by the way Jasmine’s face lit up, she’d have to guess it was the latter.

“I am preparing her as you instructed. Feel free to inspect what I have done to her so far,” Jasmine offered, as she stood away from Piper, who was still splayed out on the bed, her legs widespread with her cream of arousal seeping out of her, nipples swollen and red, and clamped with ornaments.

She swallowed hard at the look of lust brewing in Blackie’s eyes as his gaze roved over her nude body.

Good grief. The way he looked at her was making her all hot and bothered.

What in the world would she do if he decided he wanted her now?

He was obviously already aroused and very naked. His giant cock stuck way up against his belly, his testicles hung so heavy and full, Piper shivered inwardly at the thought of being impaled by this man.

Strangely enough, it wasn’t a shiver of revulsion, but of a shiver of curiosity as she remembered what Jasmine had said about Blackie sharing her with Jarod and Taylor.

The images of Jasmine being triple-penetrated blew into her mind. Taylor’s cock tunneling up her ass, Blackie’s massive shaft sinking into her tight pussy and Jarod getting orally done with her gorgeous full lips, drew in a sharp shocked breath from Piper, snapping her back to reality.

“I just came to show you what you’ll be getting when I win the fight,” Blackie drawled.

Piper’s fists clenched in anger as she quickly sat up on the bed, drew her legs closed against herself, hiding her breasts and her nonexistent scar from his view.

“Don’t be so cocksure of yourself, Mr. Blackie. Jarod will win.”

“We will see. And I will enjoy running my tongue over that scar on your abdomen.”

“Dream on, mister.”

Jasmine threw Piper a strange look, and she hoped Jasmine would keep her mouth shut about not seeing a scar.

Blackie chuckled, and Piper couldn’t help but lose some of her tension at the soft sound of his laugh. Instincts were whispering to her that this guy wasn’t as tough as he was letting on.

“I will not have any time to dream when you are cradled in my arms and my cock and Jarod’s shaft are penetrating you. Simply ask Jasmine. She must have told you that Jarod and I and Taylor were her first males?”

A stab of jealousy zipped along her nerves yet she kept quiet.

Blackie turned to Jasmine. “I need you to apply some more oil to me. You can finish her off later.”

Jasmine nodded. A sparkle of pink blushed over the ex-High Queen’s cheeks.

“Over there. In the next cage,” Blackie instructed.

Piper’s heart picked up a rapid speed as she watched Jasmine pad barefoot from Piper’s cage giving her a close-up view of a large gold anal ring glistening between her plump ass cheeks.

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