Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach! (18 page)

BOOK: Pleasure Cove: Where love is hot on the beach!
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“You’re in charge of food, my dear. You should go talk to that friendly cook and see what she’ll do for you. I’ll pack a beach bag for us.”

Carrie darted off to the kitchen and soon returned with a bag of goodies. “We’re going to have fun feeding each other.”


Chapter 29


Bob spread the towels while Carrie pulled out a tray of fresh shrimp with lime, chips and guacamole. She scattered fresh kumquats around the tray. Pouring wine for both of them, she lifted her glass with a toast, “Here’s to a perfect sunset.” Bob touched his glass to hers and took a sip of wine.

“I brought a bottle of champagne for us, Bob. Remind me to ice it down when we get back to the room. I wanted to celebrate our adventure today.”

“Of course, we can have that for dessert. Maybe I’ll drink mine from your bellybutton.”

“I’m awfully ticklish. I may giggle like a school girl.”

“Well, that’s only right since it is bubbly champagne. We’ll both have the giggles.”

Bob took his first bite of shrimp, “Mm-m, sautéed in garlic. Let’s put some lime on them.” Squeezing the lime wedge over the tray, he fed one to Carrie who licked the lime off his fingers. “Try a kumquat with this white wine.” She popped one in her mouth before passing the tray to Bob.

Carrie paused and looked out at the ocean. “You know it’s very different but this is just as relaxing as Malibu, Bob. It's another world down here, a very simple life.”

“Very different but just as satisfying in an earthy way,” he agreed leaning forward to kiss her.

“Try some of this guacamole, Bob. The cook said it was one of her specialties.” Carrie dipped a chip in the bowl and brought it up to Bob’s lips. “I think it’s an aphrodisiac down here along with a shot of Tequila.”

“That’s pretty damn good,” Bob reached for a second chip. “This can be our dinner if you’d like, and maybe we can pick up some flan to take to the room.”

“Oh, I have dessert in the bag,” Carrie replied with a coy smile. She wiggled her eyebrows at Bob teasing him.

“Did you find more chocolate?” he asked eagerly.

“No, but something you’ll like just as well. We’ll still have room for flan later with the champagne.”

Pointing to the water, she said, “Look the sun is ready to fall into the ocean.” She turned to refill their wine glasses as they sat peacefully watching that final speck of red drop into the horizon.

“What would you like to do tomorrow after the Open House?” Bob asked as they nibbled on the food.

“Do you think we could take a boat out? I’d love to see the coastline up close from the water. Maybe we’ll see some dolphins.”

“I’ll talk to Jose about it when we go back to the motel. I think you should see another motel. If we go south, we could pull into Rancho Murieta and have dinner. They have hammocks out on the sand where you can take your drink and enjoy the breeze.”

Carrie gathered up the food remains and set them aside. She reached into the bag and pulled out fresh cinnamon churros and a small bottle of honey. “I know you love donuts, Bob, this is the way they eat them.” She drizzled honey on the tip and brought it to his mouth. She squirted a drop of honey on her finger and put it in her mouth to suck it off.

“My turn to feed you.” Taking the honey from her hands, he pressed to pour honey on the churro and lifted it to Carrie. She smelled the honey as she opened her mouth to take a bite. He leaned forward to kiss her as she swallowed. “Sweet like honey,” Bob whispered as he prepared another bite for her. Her hand met his licking at the honey before taking the churro into her mouth. “Wanna be my churro, baby?” she teased biting into the bread.

“Si, senorita, my churro is ready for you. Let’s roll up in the blanket I brought.” He reached across her to pull out the blanket and spread it over their legs. He quickly shed his shorts under the blanket and watched as Carrie untied her sarong. She lay down in his arms while he pulled the blanket around them. He stroked her shoulder and they watched the colors in the sky change to dusky hues of purple and blue.

“Life doesn’t get much better than this,” Carrie said snuggling onto Bob’s chest. She lifted her head and kissed him tenderly. “I love being here with you.” He rubbed her back slowly pulling her closer to his chest. “I just want to hold you, love. We’ve got all night to be together.” He kissed her hair and looked out at the waves colliding at high tide.

When the beach began to cool down, Bob and Carrie headed back to the motel. Bob stopped in the bar to pick up a full ice bucket while Carrie filled a bowl with flan from the restaurant.

Setting the ice bucket down on the dresser, Bob went to the closet to retrieve the candles which he placed around the room.  He looked up from lighting the last one just as Carrie walked out of the bathroom wearing a black sheer negligee.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you in that before,” admired Bob as he walked toward her. “Turn around for me.” He took her hand and lifted it so she spun under his arm. The sheer fabric billowed slightly around her legs.

“Very sexy, Carrie, I love how you enjoy being a woman.” 

“I think it goes well with the champagne,” she said softly as she folded into Bob’s arms and continued turning slowly. Bob ran his hand down her back. “Um-m, silky, I love the feel of the fabric. I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you.” He kissed her temple and cheek while they swayed.

“That was my intention. I like being irresistible to you. The look in your eyes tells me you’re mine.” She smiled up at him.

“Oh, so what does my look tell you now?” Bob teased as he dipped her back pulling her closer to feel the heat of his lower body.

“I’d say you know what a girl wants.” She leaned up to kiss him wrapping her arms around his neck. Bob stood still and let her explore his lips and mouth. She moaned when his tongue danced with hers and his arms roamed up and down her back.

He pulled away and kissed her nose, “Let’s go real slow tonight. We’ve got hours to enjoy each other. How about I feed you some flan while the champagne chills?”

“Only if I get to flirt and tease you while you feed me,” Carrie whispered in his ear as she nipped his lobe.

Bob surprised her by sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to the bed. Setting her on the edge, he turned to pick up the bowl of flan then stood between her legs so he looked down at her. She leaned back on her elbows so the negligee fell open exposing her breasts.

“Feed me,” she chanted moving her leg up his thigh.  Dipping the spoon into the flan, he brought it to her lips. Daintily, she took a small bite. “I left some for you.” While he tasted the flan, she leaned forward and kissed his bellybutton.

“Have another bite,” offered Bob, “This one’s all yours.” Carrie slid her mouth to the side of the spoon and gently sucked the flan into her mouth. She slowly chewed swallowing while she stared at Bob. “I like having a personal feeder. What other skills do you have? Can you dance for me?”

Bringing another bite of flan to her mouth, Bob leaned forward and blew hot air across her nipple. “I’m good at torturing with feathers.” Carrie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Do you have any with you tonight?”

“No, but I can use my fingers instead,” he replied as his finger danced down her arm.

“Oh-h, that does send a thrill down my spine. Maybe you should feed me some more.” Bob lifted the spoon to her mouth. She impulsively flicked his fingers with her tongue before taking the spoon into her mouth. Bob brought his hand to his mouth and kissed where she’d licked. “You taste sweet.”

“That’s me. I’m sweet all over,” she teased as she leaned back raising her leg to touch his testicles. She kicked lightly causing his shaft to pulse.

He responded by tracing a finger lightly up her thigh and across her mons. His fingers danced back and forth across her mound and back down behind her knee.

Carrie took the bowl from his hand and dipped the spoon into the flan. She raised the spoon to Bob’s face while her legs wrapped around his. “Eat it for me,” she said seductively. She kissed his penis and leaned back to watch him eat.

Spreading his stance, Bob forced Carrie’s legs far apart exposing her body as the black silk fell around her legs.  He slowly ran his finger down the center of her body. He made circles around her bellybutton then returned to do the same around her breasts. Her nipples puckered before he touched them.

“You are very good at torturing,” Carrie murmured as her body stirred.

He grinned and emphasized each word slowly, “I’m good at s-l-o-w.”

Carrie threw her head back laughing, “Why does that make me want to go fast?”

Bob feathered his fingers down her body and replied, “Because my little sex goddess, you are a thrill seeker. You love the rush. But tonight we’re doing a slow burn.” He continued his torment by taking her legs in front of his body and running his fingers up and down them lightly. He kissed her ankles and pushed her body farther up the bed so he could place his knee between her legs.

“Don’t move. I think the champagne is chilled. I want to drink mine out of your navel.” Carrie collapsed on the bed watching while Bob filled her glass and handed it to her.

“So, I get to watch while you drink from my bellybutton.”

“No, I insist that you close your eyes and just feel. Take another sip of champagne first.  Then maybe I’ll blindfold you while I feather you to an orgasm.”

Carrie took a drink while Bob placed a towel under her. Then he poured champagne into her navel and immediately covered it with his mouth to lap up the cool liquid.

“Oh, that’s erotic. Do that again.” Throwing a cocky grin her way, Bob poured a little more champagne into her navel. Pursing his lips he sipped it off her skin and blew a wet kiss around her bellybutton.

Carrie boldly spilled champagne droplets between her breasts. “Lick if off for me,” she whispered as she brought the glass to her lips. Bob leaned forward so just the tip of his tongue touched her skin to kiss the droplets.  Then, he turned his head to take her nipple into his cold mouth.

“Where’s my blindfold? I want to feel that again,” begged Carrie. Bob reached into his bag and pulled out a necktie that he secured around Carrie’s head. He kissed her lightly and began feathering his fingers down her throat and across her breasts.  He lifted her glass to her lips so she could sip her champagne before placing his knee between her legs and bending down to blow hot air on her mons.  He took his champagne glass and drizzled the bubbles down her stomach. He licked each one as the liquid flowed down to her mound catching them before they touched her core.

Bob wrapped his hand around the champagne bottle dragging it from the ice and putting it between her legs.

Her hands came down as she squealed and wiggled, “Cold.” But, she picked the bottle up and brought it to her lips taking a sip. “Now that’s a rush,” she giggled, “I can feel the bubbles going to my head.”

“Oh-h, then you need another kiss.” Bob took her head in his hands and gave her a slow, deep kiss thrusting his tongue into the corners of her mouth.  He brought his body over hers as he took the bottle from her hands and set it on the nightstand.

Kissing around her ear, he kept his touches light and one hand traveled to feather across her mound while his kisses moved down her neck and across her chin.

“Come back here,” Carrie moaned as she pulled him closer. “I need more. I can smell you and feel your body heat.” She yanked the blindfold off as Bob pulled back and kissed her mound.

“Oh, no, you haven’t peaked, yet. I have to bury your body in kisses. His tongue darted inside her labia and he nipped at her apex. She opened her legs to encourage him and he obliged her with feather-light kisses. Carrie moaned with pleasure.

“Can’t you feel me throbbing?” She brought her hand down to cup her mons. “I want you, baby, she gyrated her hips to entice him. Bob gave her a wicked grin as he hovered over her.

“We’re almost there, Carrie.” He bent down to taste her breast, teasing her nipple with his tongue. She delved her fingers inside herself and stroked as he suckled.

“Yes,” don’t stop, please.” Bob moved to the other breast and took it deep into his mouth as she moved restlessly on the bed. He could feel the tension building in her. She gasped as tremors shot up her spine.

“That’s it, baby, I knew you could do it.” Bob kissed her and pulled her on top of him to feel her last tremors.

“So champagne turns you on,” Bob whispered through his labored breaths.

“No, you turn me on, Bob.” She pressed her finger to his lips. “The champagne just turns me loose. It gets to me more than wine does. I feel a wee bit drunk right now.”

“Is it just me or is it warm in here?” Carrie asked as she rolled off Bob’s chest a few moments later.

“We didn’t turn the AC on this afternoon, Carrie. Let’s drag the mattress out onto the patio. That should cool you off.”

Bob grabbed the mattress off the bed dragging it through the sliding glass door.  Carrie followed looking up at the night sky. “This is a great idea, Bob.” The ocean breeze lifted her hair. Falling down onto the mattress, she turned to stroke Bob’s chest while he gazed up at the stars. “It’s your turn, baby. What loving would you like tonight? I am at your beck and call.”

Taking her hand in his, Bob looked into her eyes, “Just having you here with me is all I want now. We’ve got all night.”

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