Pleasure for Him (4 page)

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Authors: Jan Springer

BOOK: Pleasure for Him
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“Does he feel good between your thighs, baby?” Ryland asked. But before she could answer, he thrust his cockhead harder against her lips, encouraging her to open her mouth. He slipped in quickly. Determination and dominance sparkled in his eyes as, gazing down at her, he began a slow, controlled plunge. He smiled as she tightened her mouth around his swollen flesh, making for a snugger suction.

She strained against Josh’s face, loving the pleasure flaring in her pussy as he licked. Her lower belly quivered, her legs trembled as he built the pleasure slowly and sweetly until her breathing was quick and raspy. He had her poised on the edge of release in seconds. His tongue circled her clit until spasms suddenly raced through her. Then his moist lips sucked gently.

It was all she needed and she came on a groan as a wicked spasm rippled through her. Josh slipped his mouth off her pussy and thrust two fingers into her vagina, moving fast and furiously as she rode him. Her mouth tightened around Ryland’s cock as she bucked against Josh. His thrusts quickened and deepened, increasing the intensity of her orgasm.

“That’s it, sweetheart. Ride him. Go with it,” Ryland mumbled.

Oh! This is so good!

She convulsed and shivered. Writhed and bucked against Josh’s fingers. Her broken cries were heavy and strangled as he thrust in and out of her pussy with a rapid rhythm and Ryland pistoned in and out of her mouth in quick controlled strokes. She became lost in the waves of sensations and shivers. Suddenly there were no thoughts, there was no mind. She was just a body. Just enjoying.

Being loved.


Ryland loved the dazed expression in Lily’s eyes as she bucked against Josh and slurped quickly on Ryland’s throbbing cock. Having her tight lips around his sensitive flesh was wicked agony. Her tongue scorched him and the sight of his cock sliding in and out of her sweet mouth turned him on so much. It mesmerised him to the point where he could only watch and thrust and keep himself from spurting into her mouth.

He didn’t want to come just yet and he could barely hold himself back. She was riding Josh’s fingers like a wild woman, her body tight, her eyes suddenly scrunched closed.

Yes, she loved this pleasure. He could see it the way she shook and gyrated from the onslaught of spasms racking her body and feel it in the way her lips trembled against his shaft.

Her fingers were clenched into fists against the floor as she struggled to remain in the erotic position. His gaze met Josh’s passion-filled eyes as he kept finger-fucking her, holding her captive in her orgasm. He liked this about Josh.

Before Lily had entered his life, Josh had been Ryland’s third with other women and Ryland had been Josh’s third with his wife on a couple of occasions. But his wife hadn’t been into being pleasured by two men.

But Lily… Ryland’s gaze snapped back to her. She truly enjoyed being shared. He could see it in her eyes whenever he’d mentioned it. The curiosity, the flare of excitement and the pretty pink blush that always swept across her cheeks. She’d never objected to his suggestions of him sharing her. Not once. She’d submitted and he loved her for trusting him and his dark desire.

She moaned around his aching shaft as Josh removed his fingers from her pussy.

“She needs to be properly fucked, my man. And I don’t think I can hold back much longer myself. It’s time.”

Ryland nodded. Josh was right. It was time to give Lily the ultimate pleasure two men could give a woman.

Double penetration.


* * * *


Lily moaned in protest as Ryland and Josh helped her to step into the hot tub. She wanted to get fucked, not go for a swim! Hot water whipped around her legs all the way up to her pussy. The lapping sensations against her engorged clit only increased her need to be penetrated.

As she stood in the water, Josh quickly moved in behind her. He smoothed his hands over the curves of her ass, and caressed her flesh with his hot palms. He touched her so gently, so lovingly she was overcome with emotion. Ryland stood in front of her and she clutched his hard shoulders, bringing him closer. He reached behind him and grabbed a condom off the edge of the hot tub. Ripping the foil, he then quickly sheathed himself with the protection. He moved closer, his cockhead nudging against her wet opening. He didn’t thrust into her.

She moaned in disappointment.

“Let Josh get himself ready, baby. It’ll just be a second. Then we’ll take you to new heights.”

“Just hurry,” she whispered, wanting the sex. Needing it. Craving it. She shook her head, feeling the urgency building with every passing second.

Suddenly Ryland brushed a sweet kiss across her lips, which left her even more achy.


He touched a line of butterfly kisses along the length of her throat and over her chest, to her breast. He sucked her left nipple into his mouth. The heat of his lips encircling her tender flesh was intense. Shivers whipped through her body, claiming her senses.

Behind her, slurps of lube made her tremble. A moment later, a finger slipped past her sphincter into her ass and she gasped as he tenderly explored, pushing against muscles and sensitive nerve endings, preparing her.

Oh such sweet pressure.

He explored her gently, first with one then two then three fingers. He stretched her muscles so perfectly. In return, she clenched his digits so tightly, he moaned his appreciation.

“She’s ready,” he finally said in a rushed voice.

“Okay, Lily, hold steady,” Ryland warned. She dug her fingers into his roped muscles and braced herself.

A big greased cockhead pressed against her ass, and she moaned as Josh’s shaft began to slowly slip in. Her muscles burned with sweet pleasure pain as he invaded her. Her breathing quickened, she bent her knees a bit and opened her thighs more to accommodate him.

“I love you,” Ryland whispered and kissed her, catching her gasps of arousal in his mouth. As Josh continued to stretch her, she tensed at the huge intrusion. Ryland’s kiss deepened, inflaming her senses. Suddenly Josh withdrew and Ryland slipped his swollen shaft into her wet vagina.

Then he withdrew and Josh plunged into her. Deeper this time.

Lordy, he was big, but the tightness, the erotic pressure, was so intriguing. He withdrew and Ryland thrust into her again.

They fucked her that way. Slowly. Sensually. Steering her closer to the frantic desperation clawing deep inside her until she wanted to explode. Ryland kept raining kisses on her mouth. Josh’s hands slipped off her hips and he brought them around her to cup her breasts, tweaking her nipples.

Arousal flared.

Their combined plunges became harder, deeper and more intense as they pushed her towards her release. She was trembling. Her thighs, her body, everywhere quivered. When they penetrated her at the same time, she went wild.

Her senses exploded. Incredible spasms rocked her. Her pussy hungrily clenched Ryland’s cock and her ass shuddered around Josh’s shaft. The arousal shredded all self-control. She was defenceless against their powerful strokes and jerked and bucked between their hard bodies.

Josh nuzzled her neck and he rained kisses on her damp flesh. Between the kisses, he whispered sweet endearments, encouraging her to stay in the pleasure. To accept it. To love it. With his fingers, he continued tweaking her nipples while thrusting his cock into her at a fierce speed. Ryland’s kisses electrified her and his mouth made love to her.

After what seemed like an eternity, the spasms slowly faded. But the two men kept thrusting. Long, powerful plunges that had her racing towards yet another climax. She tightened again, convulsing as more spasms rocked her. She was trapped. Imprisoned by two bucking males and impaled by two swollen cocks. Her senses hung in a world of pleasure.

They were sweating. Their flesh molten fire wherever they touched her skin. Their erotic groans were like aphrodisiacs. She treasured their grunts. Enjoyed their combined touches. Loved that Ryland wanted to give her this ultimate gift of sharing. She was glad she accepted him and his desires so easily.

The men kept pumping, giving her pleasure, and when she thought she couldn’t take anymore, they gave her more. She held onto Ryland for dear life, her legs weak and boneless after her second shocking orgasm. They continued making love to her. Until finally, both men grunted and groaned, their bodies tightening.

They both came at the same time. Both shouted her name into the warm, ocean air.

“Lily!” they shouted.

Their strong bodies wrenched yet another wild orgasm from her.

And pleasure embraced her again, swallowing her like a rogue ocean wave.

Chapter Five




The loneliness Josh had been experiencing in his life had vanished. That thought brought a smile to his lips. He watched Lily wrapped in Ryland’s strong embrace as they slept soundly on the king-sized bed Ryland and Josh had brought her to last night after leaving the gazebo. Instincts told him Lily and Ryland would be happy together, most likely forever. He’d sensed it the instant he’d seen the two of them at his party.

He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about pursuing Lily for himself back then, but he took his wedding vows to Vivian seriously, despite the fact their marriage had been in trouble for quite some time.

Josh inhaled deeply, reached out and ran his thumb over Lily’s smooth cheek. She moaned softly at his touch, but remained asleep. He loved the velvety feel of her skin. She was a beautiful woman. Inside and out.

He knew she was involved with several causes and charities as well as running a lucrative interior decorating chain. She had money. She was a self-made millionaire, if not billionaire. But Josh knew, even if she had been the poorest of the poor, her sweet, giving and loving character would have hooked Ryland…and himself.

Money didn’t buy you love. He’d found that out the hard way. Money was how he’d won his wife. He’d thought by lavishing her with expensive gifts, she would love him. But then she’d expected more gifts, valuing their marriage on material presents instead of love. But Viv was out of the picture now after finding herself yet another billionaire, her Latina lover who was a real estate agent for well-off people looking to retire in third world countries.

Josh had learnt his lesson well. He wanted a sweet, vulnerable woman like Lily. Soft and smart. Giving and accepting of his desires. No matter what they were.

He wanted a bond like Lily and Ryland had. Josh saw the way they looked at each other, secret signals sailing through the air between them. He craved a woman who could take away his sexual loneliness like Lily just had. He wanted a woman who accepted him and his dark desires of wanting to share her with another man. To give her the ultimate pleasure only two and more men could give a woman.

But would he ever get a woman like her? He’d loved the sweet nervousness shining in Lily’s gaze when Ryland had allowed Josh to touch her on the porch. And she had responded to his touches. She hadn’t resisted him when he’d dropped to his knees behind her in the hot tub and orally taken her then made love to her with his fingers. She’d been submissive to them, allowing Josh and Ryan to fuck her senseless. She’d been trusting and accepting of their desire for her.

Josh bit his bottom lip and nodded. Yeah, he wanted a woman just like Lily.


Ryland was hot. Way too hot. He opened his eyes and stared up at the sunshine streaming through the several sky lights in the bedroom ceiling. One of the sky lights was, unfortunately, directly over the bed and he was smack dab in the warm rays.

Lily was his other source of heat. She was wrapped snugly in his arms and love burst within his heart. Damn, he’d never thought it was possible to love someone this much.

“You’re a very lucky man, Ry,” Josh said from the other side of Lily. His smile seemed genuine but Ryland detected some envy in his voice.

“I know,” he admitted and gazed upon Lily. Her hair was messed and strewn like a halo over his arm, which she’d used as her pillow. As she slept, she had such a serene expression on her face. She was satisfied and so was he. From that smile on Josh’s lips, he was fulfilled too.

Knowing that he and Josh had given her the ultimate pleasure, Ryland couldn’t be any happier. After fucking Lily in the hot tub, Ryland had carried her into the house, up here to the second floor, into the master bedroom. Josh and he had continued pleasuring her, Josh finding more than one release in her tight ass and Ryland driving powerfully until Lily and he had reached mind-shattering orgasms. It had seemed like never-ending pleasure. A night of hot sex, caring and lovemaking. Early this morning, they’d finally fallen asleep, exhausted from the night’s activities.

Sharing Lily with another man had given Ryland the ultimate release. It was a prelude to what he’d planned for her for the rest of their lives together.

“Do you think she’ll sleep through the whole day?” Josh chuckled.

“After what we put her through, that may be a possibility.”

“I’m hungry. I’m going downstairs and fix something to eat. Want me to fix you something too?”

Ryland nodded. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

“Me too,” came Lily’s sleepy voice.

She opened her eyes and smiled at Ryland. Suddenly he felt as if he were being swallowed whole by an embrace of love. Despite Josh being in bed with them, there was no better time than right now to surprise her with the main reason he’d brought her here to this island.


Lily noticed the sudden change in Ryland. One second he’d appeared easy-going and talking about food and the next he had a serious expression on his face and his embrace had intensified.

“Lily, did you by chance notice a theme on this island?” he asked softly.

A theme? She tried to shrug away the cobwebs of sleep to concentrate. They were alone on an island with no visible security but she was pretty sure Ryland had people patrolling the island offshore in boats. Josh had mentioned a yacht, but she didn’t think that was what he meant. Everything around the house, including the house itself, was new.

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