Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11) (4 page)

BOOK: Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11)
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There was nothing Elizabeth Blackhawk liked more than recertifying with the rest of the newbie Feds. In order to get back out in the field, post maternity leave, she had to fight and shoot her way back up the ranks. She’d put it off long enough while she was handling the Oracle situation, and now it was time.

She was looking forward to it.

While little Charlie was safely at home with granddad Wyler, her momma was on the cusp of kicking ass and taking names. This day mattered to her more than most. It was about proving herself.

To the FBI.

To her partners.

To herself.

While she could do a recertification with the other directors, Elizabeth didn't want that. They took it easy on the higher-ups, and she wanted to prove that she wasn’t going soft, sitting behind a desk.

She was stronger.


And better.

There was so much to prove when you were a woman, but a woman past forty in the FBI? You had to work hard for it. The second Charlie had been born, the training began. The morning runs, the weights, and the shooting practice. It was all part of what had finally arrived.

She was in the best shape of her life, and Elizabeth could even outrun her men. When they hit the street to do the four in the morning run, she whipped their asses.

That was her crowning achievement. Never before could she outdo Ethan Blackhawk in a street race, and now…she owned it.

It made Elizabeth proud.

Her body was just as strong as it was when she was in her twenties, much like the pups around her. Only, she had one thing they didn't.


It wasn’t about being faster, better, and stronger. No, that mattered, but what it came down to was the squishy gray matter between her ears.

Smarts were paramount, and they’d saved her ass more times than she could count. So, while she wanted to be in top shape, she was glad she had age in her corner.

It gave her the edge.

Now the day had come, and it was time to do what she’d put blood, sweat, and tears into for weeks.

She was going to rank at the top, even if it killed her…and them.

As she was lost in the sea of trainees, she couldn’t help but be amused. Unlike her, Ethan had also opted to requalify while back at Quantico, but he wussed out and went in with Gabe. Well, it wasn’t really a wuss out. If they qualified together, then he couldn’t cheer her on. He’d be too busy fighting for his ranking too. So instead, he opted to coast on this one.

She appreciated it.

Elizabeth could use all his support. She’s was going to have to bust her ass to beat the babies in her group. They were younger, but they weren’t going to have what she’d earned in the field for all these years.

She was a hardened Fed, and she wasn’t going down easily. From across the gym, she could see her husband and Gabe waiting for her. They were watching from the balcony as she did the first part of her test.

Elizabeth couldn’t help but be giddy.

As she waited for her number to be called, she listened to the young agents around her. The men were talking shit, trying to psych each other out, and the women? They were discussing the hottest man in the room.

Her husband.

She had to smile. Even at forty plus, Ethan Blackhawk was still hotter than hell. His hair had grown out to his shoulders again, and he was poised on the rail in his pricy suit. She couldn’t blame the girls around her for getting hot and bothered. If she wasn’t married to him, she’d be drooling too. Here was just one more reason Elizabeth had to work hard to get back in shape.

The other reason was hundreds of miles away on an assignment. The men in her life mattered, and she wanted them to be proud of her.

Like she was of them.

Elizabeth never wanted them to not look at her with that gleam in their eyes. It was that look she’d seen from them so many times, right before they pounced.

She lived for that.

It was priceless.

The men in her life wanted her, and even at forty, she was still a prize to them. So, this fight was for them as much as her.

This was about staking a claim over the FBI, and the men who worked beside her.

When Ethan glanced over, she didn't miss that he stared right at her. In the sea of blue and gray, he found her. It made her body heat. Then he mouthed,
‘Good luck, baby’
, and shivers ran across her flesh.

Yeah, there was a raven-haired devil on her shoulder—that was for damn sure. With the tan skin and deep blue-black eyes, it made her heart go pitter pat.

“I’d do him,” stated some blonde agent. “In fact, I’d play whatever game he wanted.”

That caught Elizabeth’s attention.

“I hear he’s married,” stated some other woman.

“So? You think a man like that doesn’t play in other pools? He’s so high up on the power scale, that he’d need a whole lot of pussy to keep him happy,” one crassly stated. “I’d volunteer my time and services. It’s the least I can do for my country.”

Elizabeth wanted to laugh. Yeah, Ethan did like lots of sex, but she knew where he was dipping his stick. In fact, she was the only pool he frolicked in.

“She’s probably some fat, bored housewife.”

That made her grin. When the laugh came out, Elizabeth had to cover it with a cough. That got their attention.

“You disagree?” the redhead asked.

“No way. I’m sure his wife is lucky. Director Blackhawk is one fine specimen of man,” she drawled, hoping none of them knew who she was. This was too damn fun. If Ethan could hear the conversation, that sexy blush would creep up his Native flesh. That turned her on.

“Wouldn’t you jump his bones?”

“In a heartbeat,” Elizabeth stated, knowing that was the truth. And magnificent bones they were. She knew for a fact, since just that morning they’d both been jumped—

She loved morning sex with Ethan. It was one of her most cherished things. Toss in Callen, and she was as happy as a clam. Nothing started the day out like a quick jolt of sexiness.

“I hear he’s devoted to her,” stated some guy. “Directors Rothschild and Blackhawk were chatting each other up about the wife and kids yesterday in the cafeteria after they qualified.”

The one woman laughed. “Please. Like he’s going to tell his boss that he’s getting laid outside his marriage.”

Elizabeth shrugged, seeing the next agent leaving the floor. Her number was up.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. He’s not going to screw around with an agent. Ethan Blackhawk is a smart man. I’ve worked under him the last four years,” she stated, stretching out.

“At FBI West?”


“That’s where I want to go,” the blonde stated. “I’ve already signed up. I’ll be his coffee bitch any day.”

Elizabeth heard her number. “See you in a few,” she stated, as they watched her walk away. She was well aware that they were staring at her. She was almost old enough to be their mothers…well, if she had a kid at sixteen. She was well aware that they were waiting to see her get her ass handed to her on the mats.

On the floor, she bumped fists with the instructed. “Yo, David. Are you going to kick my ass this year?”

He laughed. “Lyzee, I’m going to try. You want me to take it easy on you, especially since you just had a baby?”

She snorted. “I want you to make those pussy Fed newbies quake in their shoes. I can take a beating.”

“Ethan warned me not to break you.”

“I’ll kick his ass later for that.”

He laughed, pointing at the score keeper. “You know the drill. You go down four times, you’re out. You gotta stay on your feet for a full five and deliver five hits to my body.”

She grinned. “Bring it, David. You win, I’ll buy you a case of scotch.”

“The good stuff?”

The bell rang.

“Hell, yeah.”

Suddenly, he charged, but she was ready for him. Elizabeth and David Sprat went way back. They’d been in the academy together. Now he kicked the newbies’ asses. Come to think of it, so did she. They’d come a long way since the beginning days of being scared shitless at qualifications.

When he swung out, she ducked and came up under his arm. The fist to his solar plexus set off a bell by the score keeper. She backed up, not taking her eyes off her competition. “That’s one, bitch.”

He laughed, “Yeah, yeah. You don’t have your boss staring down at you with ice in his eyes. One scratch, and I’m going to Mongolia for my next assignment.”

“Cry baby. I think you’re just making an excuse. You know I’m going to boot your ass into tomorrow.”

Her taunting worked.

With that, he came in, adjusting his attack for her left side. When she again dodged under him, instead of her fist to his chest, she took him to the floor with a complicated foot sweep. To add insult to injury, she popped him in the chest while he was on his back.

“You suck, Lyzee.”

She laughed, holding her hand for him. “Yeah, I’ve been told that a few times before. Come on, David. Make me work for it.”

The second he took her outstretched hand, David Sprat took his shot. He flipped her, and she slid across the floor on her back. From the thud, he knew she was going to feel it in the morning.

He grinned wickedly. “Sucker.”

Elizabeth was up. “Bring it.”



Ethan sucked in a breath from the balcony as he watched his wife qualifying. She had just back planted on the mat, and it made him cringe.

“She could have gone with us,” Gabe offered.

He laughed. “No, she couldn’t have. Lyzee is out to prove something to the world.”

Gabe shook his head. “She’s going to be sore in the morning.”

He’d kiss it and make it all better when they got back to the hotel—
that was for sure

When she hit the floor again, this time with a much larger man holding her down, Blackhawk wanted to vault the rail. She was the mother of his children, and any time someone manhandled her, he wasn’t happy. Thank God Callen wasn’t here to witness this. He’d be freaking out.

Gabe watched in amusement, and then winced when Elizabeth turned the ugliness up a few notches. She spun on the trainer and leveled him with a crotch shot. “Shit, his balls have to hurt.”

The men just watched in horror.

Blackhawk changed his mind. She didn't have a point to prove. That one shot said it all.

The bitch was back on duty and looking to win.




Elizabeth hit the mat twice, but that was all David was going to get. When he came at her, she spun, hitting his chest with her elbow, setting off the alarm, but she wasn’t done. To add insult to injury, she hip tossed the big man across the mats, so he could see what it felt like. It wasn’t easy, since he was about as big as Callen and built like a wall.

He landed at the feet of the newbies.

“That’s for being a dick, David, and cheating,” she stated.

He got up, shaking his head. He was seeing stars “Yeah, yeah. I’ve seen you do the exact same thing. In fact, I learned it from you.”

“I’m glad I could teach you something. That freaking head is like a block of concrete.”

He grinned, checking her out. He was human, and Elizabeth Blackhawk, with all that hair and legs, was hot. “You’re looking good for a mother.”

That caught her off guard. “What?”

Then he bum rushed her.

Elizabeth regrouped fast. Of course David was going to screw with her head. All was fair in qualifications.

As he made contact, she let him take her to the mat. Instead of flat on her back, she kicked him up and over her body, just making contact with the man’s vest.

The buzzer rang.

It was done.

Elizabeth was back on her feet, and even helped her friend to his. “See you next year, David,” she stated.

“Lyzee, as always, it’s been a pleasure,” he stated, giving her a fist bump.

“Oh, see that blonde with the smug ass look on her face?”


“Work her over for me.”

He laughed as she walked away.

That was doable.


After all, what were friends for?







* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *






Two Hours Later





This was the part of the certification she loved best. Any time Elizabeth had to head into Hogan’s Alley, she was in her glory. She’d changed out of her shorts and gray FBI t-shirt, and now she was sporting her all black attire.

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