Pledging to Die (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 11) (8 page)

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Callen had to stop stroking his erection. It was all too much. He was close.

“I have to taste you, baby,” Blackhawk begged. “I want to devour my wife.”

She didn't hesitate. Crawling up his body, she found her place over his face. When his hands tugged aside the thong and pulled her down to his mouth, he went wild.

Her moans and gasps filled the room. Ethan was hungry, and she was on the menu. His tongue pillaged and teased, pushing her closer and closer to the edge.

All the while, Callen watched in silence, his body needing that release. Everything was wound so tight that he felt like he might never come undone.

Elizabeth begged for more, and Ethan gave it to her. There was no holding back. As his tongue flicked, teased, and tasted, his woman vibrated above him.

Callen closed his eyes, enjoying the way Elizabeth called out both of their names. For that moment, he was right there with them. As his hand stroked, Elizabeth moaned.

It was almost too much.

When she shattered apart, because of Ethan’s mouth, both men struggled to not lose it too.

She braced herself against the headboard, trying to refocus after the fall. “That was pretty spectacular, Cowboy. You have some amazing oral skills.”

He looked desperate.

In fact, so did Callen.

It was time to end this game.

“Your turn, boys,” she purred, after recovering from the orgasm. “I want to hear you both call my name as we fall.”

With that, she moved down his body, holding his erection in her hand. He throbbed with need, and from the look of it, so was Callen.

“Slow,” Ethan begged, knowing that he was so wild that he wouldn’t last long. Today, he’d watched her recertifying, and she was the most beautiful woman there. He’d never have eyes for anyone but her.

She was his heart.

Elizabeth took that into consideration, teasing him a little more. As she slid the tip of him through the wetness, she enjoyed the look on his face.

Then she took him. He was buried in her body in one slide, and the gasp from him was erotic. His whole body bowed as she sheathed all of him.

Callen even moaned.

“We’re going to fall together,” she purred, beginning her ride. While her body took Ethan’s, she watched Callen, her eyes never leaving his on the screen.

“I want you both,” she admitted, as Ethan’s hands found her hips. Apparently, he didn't want a slow ride anymore. He began pulling her down, harder and harder, until she gasped with each kiss of his erection deep within her body.

“Oh, Jesus,” muttered Callen, watching her bounce on his brother. His eyes were drawn to her breasts, and the tan hands on her pale hips.

If he was there, he’d be pounding himself into her in some sweaty abandon.

He couldn’t help it.

“Ethan’s close,” she whispered. His body was shaking beneath hers, and she really wanted them all to tumble together.

Callen’s breathing was heavy as he watched in awe. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you,” he muttered.

“When you get here, you can do anything you want to me,” she promised. “I love it rough.”

It was all he had to hear.

Callen exploded, his shout of release turning her right on, as Ethan came at the same time beneath her. She had no choice but to fall too. The men in her life were too sexy for their own good.

They all fell.

There was silence.

Elizabeth found herself tucked against Ethan, as they fought to catch their breaths.

Finally, Callen spoke, “I can’t tell you how much I needed that,” he stated.

Elizabeth didn't think he meant the orgasm. “Are you struggling without us?” she asked. It was both of their biggest fears that when he went away, Callen might back slide into the pain.

“Yeah,” he stated. “I hate being away from home.”

Well, that was going to make what they said even harder.

“We have bad news and good news.”

That got his attention. “What?”

“The good news is today I passed qualifications, and I got to school some punk ass newbies.”

Ethan grinned. “It was hot. She wiped the smug looks off all their faces. Thus the sex,” he added.

Callen laughed, still feeling a little off balance. “And the bad news?”

“Tomorrow, I’m going out in the field.”

His cheek twitched, but he didn't say a word.


“I’m trying to think of the most appropriate response. Oh, I know. Fuck no you aren’t.”

Ethan laughed. “Yeah, I think I said something similar when Gabe asked for this favor.”

That was all he had to hear. There was rage on his face. “Are you shitting me? You’re doing a favor for him? After what he just did to our team?”

“Breathe, my love. Yes, we’re helping him because that’s what family does. When someone pisses you off, you forgive them and move on.”

“Or you say no and call it a day.”

“What if Ethan did that when you came back into our lives?” she asked. “What if he stayed mad? Then what would our lives be like, Callen? Where would our children be? Where would you be?”

Okay, she had him there.

“I really hate when you do that. Granddad used to do the same thing, and it made me nuts. He trained you well.”

Elizabeth laughed. “I have more good news for you, and it might cheer you up.”

“You’re pregnant?”

Blackhawk grinned. “From your mouth to God’s ears,” he stated.

She gave them both the look. “Do you both want a vasectomy? I’ll be doing them myself with rusty hedge clippers.”

That shut them up.

“Okay, so what’s the good news then?” Callen asked, brushing his brown hair off his shoulders.

“I’m going to be playing professor.”

He sat up. “Did she say…?”

Ethan laughed at the look on his brother’s face. “Yes, you heard her right. It looks like our woman is going to be guest lecturing at the university.”

Then he told him the entire story, leaving nothing out. They hit the highlights about the dead women, how three had turned up, and how they were now looking for a killer.

“This almost makes up for helping that dick out,” Callen stated.

Yeah, there was no love lost there.

“We have some of the agents undercover now, so it’ll be about them doing their thing, and us doing ours.”

Just then, Charlie started crying. “I’ll get her,” Elizabeth said, pulling on a robe. “She’s hungry.”

Ethan waited for her to leave. He could see the demons in his brother’s eyes, and that made him sick. If he didn't have to send Callen out on assignments, he wouldn’t.

He’d go himself.

“How long until you’re done?” he asked.

“I can be there in two days. I don’t trust Gabe, Ethan. I’m sorry, but I just don’t. His office screwed us over before, and I don’t like that she’s doing anything for him.”

Ethan was with him there. The Oracle thing changed four lives, and also impacted theirs. They were lying to Gabriel Rothschild and POTUS. That was playing stupid, and he knew it. There was some major animosity between both FBI hubs now.

“I don’t want him touching our lives.”

Ethan understood.

Trust was a big issue for them, and Gabe had let them down.

“I can keep her safe until you get there. Our full team is going in, so she’ll be protected.”

That helped him relax a little bit.

While Elizabeth wasn’t pregnant, or at risk for any serious danger, neither of the men wanted to take a chance. They wanted to keep their wife, and mother of their children, out of the crossfire.

A crazed killer wasn’t a good thing at all.

Just then, she returned, carrying Charlie in her arms. The little girl was hungrily drinking her bottle as she stared up at her mother.

“Someone missed both of you,” she said, kissing her daughter on the forehead.

Ethan’s heart melted. Boys were great, but he had a little girl, and she looked just like her momma.

“Hey, Charlie,” called Callen. “I miss you, sweetheart. When I get home, you and I are going to cuddle on the couch, drink some beer, and check out the cheerleaders.”

She gave him the look.

“Okay, we’ll cuddle on the couch, drink milk, and check out the football players. Is that better?”

Ethan snorted.

He loved how his brother cherished Charlie. They shared their kids for a reason.

Twice the love.

Callen winked at the two people he cherished. “I love you both. I’m going to shower again and eat dinner. I have an early day tomorrow.”

Yeah, and he was wrapping it up to get the hell out of there tomorrow night. There was no way he was leaving his brother and woman alone on a case.

They were a team.

“I love you, Callen James,” Elizabeth stated, blowing him a kiss. “I’ll see you soon, my love.”

His heart flipped. “I love you both. See you later.”

With that, the screen went dark.

“I’d really like to cuddle with my girls,” Ethan said, pulling his boxers on before sliding back into bed. When Elizabeth moved into his body, cradling his child, there was peace.

This was perfection.

“I love my family more than anything in the world.”

And he did.

That was the absolute truth.






* * *
  B l a c k h a w k - W h i t e f o x   * * *





Tuesday Morning





To say he was excited would be an understatement. Broderick Seaton was downright giddy over the prospect of seeing Johanna again. Since she pushed him away, life had lost its luster, and now it was all coming back.

All he had to do was survive the frat part of this assignment. Broderick knew the truth. He was far from a frat boy. In fact, in college, he didn't do parties and booze. What he always wanted was to be a Fed, and he’d gotten his wish.

It wasn’t easy.

He had to have good grades, keep his nose clean, and work his ass off, but now he had it.

And soon, he’d have the woman he wanted too. Brody was patient. College taught him that. In life, if you wanted something, you worked and waited.

Well, he’d done both, and he was going to reap the rewards.

He couldn’t wait.

Once inside the frat house, he’d been escorted to a room. It was empty of everything but a bed and desk. Well, this must be his new home away from home.

As the frat boys milled around, he tried to make mental notes about all of them.

Arman Smithfield was a douche. He walked around like he was king of the castle, and everyone should bow to him. While he wasn’t the biggest guy there, he surrounded himself like some despot leader. 

He was definitely the alpha frat boy.

Despite immediately not liking him, he could see why the women flocked to Arman. He had a deep tan with piercing blue eyes. One might say he had playboy good looks and obviously used them.

Unfortunately, they were skin deep. Broderick Seaton lived with evil every day, and this man reeked of it. Just by staring into his soulless eyes, he could see the twinkle of trouble.

If there was someone running this sick game, it would be him. His ego was big, his dick likely small, and that’s why he had to drug the women.

He was just the top of the frat food chain. The others were just as sleazy.

Hervey Westly was his freaking shadow. The kid followed Arman around like he was the next coming of Christ. He was sporting the same haircut, wearing the same style clothes, and obviously trying to emulate his hero.

He was an asshole for that alone.

You didn't even have to add in the rape to question the man’s judgment. Obviously, Hervey was a wannabe.

Then there was Sutton Pontiac. He was just like the rest, only he was more vocal. Every time he said something, Arman gave him the look.

Yeah, he’d be their weakest link to learning about this group of idiots.

This was the target who Brody was going to get close to and plumb for details. He was the way to go.

The last two men in the room were whipping boys. It was easy to tell. They were the gophers for Arman. Garrick Tran was in the midst of pledging to this hell house, and God only knew why. From the look of it, he desperately wanted to fit in.

That screamed one thing.

Well, other than stupid, it meant that he’d likely do anything the head asshole asked.

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