Point of No Return (21 page)

Read Point of No Return Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #drama, #relationship, #sex, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #lovers, #sar, #devlin, #werecougar, #multiple lovers, #theo, #danial, #promise me, #sarelle, #tara fox hall, #promise me series, #magical bond, #point of no return, #posessive

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“It says that a mixture can stop the pain and
reverse the poison,” Terian replied coldly. “But you need vampire
blood and faerie blood.”

“Fairies?” I laughed. “You mean like elves or

“They’re people like you and I, Sar,” Devlin
corrected, hugging me. “They’re like humans; they can just do magic
more easily and have a longer lifespan. Tatiana has faerie blood in
her, and Leri was a full faerie—”

At the mention of his mother’s name, Terian’s
eyes went red. “Sarelle, we should go.” He grabbed my hand. Hayden
faded, replaced by the great room at Danial’s house.

I yanked my hand out of his. “Terian,” I
said, irritated. “You didn’t need to—”

“He said her name on purpose!” Terian said
hotly. “He knows she tried to kill me—!”

Annoyed, I teleported back. Instead of the
ballroom, I found myself outside the gates of Hayden.

What the fuck? I was freezing! I tried to
teleport inside and couldn’t, not even to a spot inside the gate.
Walking to the gate, I pushed the gate buzzer.

“Yes?” one of the bears answered.

“Send Titus out, please,” I replied, my teeth
chattering. “It’s Sar.”

In a few minutes, Titus appeared. He grabbed
my hand, and then we were in his workshop. “Sorry, I should have
told you,” he said, wrapping a blanket around me. “Only I and
Terian can teleport into Hayden, due to security reasons.”

“Can you do something, so I can, too? You
know I’m not going to hurt Devlin.”

Titus regarded me. “Only at his request. The
order came from Lash—”

“Do it,” Devlin said, coming down the stairs,
Lash in tow. “I trust her, Titus.”

“I’ll amend the barrier, to let her through,”
Titus said, nodding.

“Take care, Love,” Devlin said, giving me a
long soft kiss. “Come back next weekend on Friday, or before that
if you want to. If I know you’re here, I’ll arrange to come

“Are you still busy with Ebediah’s affairs?
Are you going to bring the bears and wolves here?”

“Not anytime soon,” Lash hissed. “We can’t
trust them. Anyway, most have been traded by Devlin for assets we
can use.”

Devlin nodded. “I released most of the bears
and wolves to provincial rulers in Canada in exchange for a tithe,
which let them out of their contractual obligations to me. They get
to stay where they prefer to live, and I get some money out of it.
One older she-wolf is coming here to live sometime in late

“I told you not to let her,” Lash hissed,
rolling his eyes. “None of the wolves, Dev.”

“She’s going to be useful, Lash,” Devlin
retorted. “She’s willing to take care of the housework. Jazz is
getting sick of Valerie doing it and the other mated women refused
to, even with the extra pay—”

“That’s it?” Lash hissed suspiciously. “She’s
going to do housework? I don’t buy it.”

“Yes,” Devlin said. “If she gives me any
trouble, you can eat her.”

“Fair enough,” Lash said, nodding.

My stomach roiled. Devlin had been serious.

Devlin’s cell began to ring. I hastened to
take my bag from Devlin’s hand, gave him a quick kiss, and
teleported. I appeared before Danial. His back was to me, his phone
to his ear. I gave him a hug, startling him.

“There you are,” he said, pleased. “Terian
said you went back for your bag.”

“Mommy!” Theoron cried. He grabbed me around
my waist.

“Are you ready to see the movie?” I said,
running my hands through his dark hair.

“It’s at six,” Danial said anxiously. “We
need to leave now to meet Elle and Theo.”

We made it to the movie with about ten
minutes to spare. Theo and Elle were waiting for us in the cinema
lobby. Theo broke into a smile when he saw us.

“Daddy!” Elle said, hugging Danial around the

A few people passing by gave us considering
looks. No doubt they were wondering which man was my current
husband and which was my ex. I felt a rush of pride knowing that
both were mine, then a stab of guilt.

“I got Theoron some popcorn,” Theo said,
holding it out to him. “I tried some, and it’s fine.”

From the looks of the bag, he had tried half
of it, but I wouldn’t be the one to say it. I was hungry enough to
eat a bag myself. “Go get seats,” I said, smiling. “I need some
popcorn myself.”

“Get me some candy!” Elle cried. Theoron
echoed her.

“Okay!” I yelled.

Ten minutes later, I was back with soda,
popcorn and candy. Theo met me at the theater entrance.

“There you are. Danial was getting

“Here, help,” I said, handing him most of the
food. “I don’t want to miss the beginning.”

“I’m okay,” Theo said quickly, as we walked
back to our seats. “Being with Elle is helping. I just wanted you
to know that.”

Unsure how to reply, I nodded, and took my
seat, my carefree mood dampened.

* * * *

After saying goodnight to Theo and Elle,
Danial, Theoron, and I walked back to the Expedition. There was no
moon, and the parking lot lights were dim. Catching my unease,
Danial squeezed my hand and reminded me he was armed.

“Some of that was the movie,” I replied. “I
don’t like these modern movies with unhappy endings.”

“The bad man won,” Theoron said sadly. “That
never happens in my books at home.” He looked from Danial to me.
“Why didn’t the good guy win?”

Danial picked up Theoron, not breaking
stride. “In real life, that sometimes happens,” Danial said
seriously. “That is why I do what I do, to try to make sure that
people who do bad things don’t get away with them.”

“Will you get killed, like those people did
in the movie?” Theo said, tears threatening in his eyes.

“No, my son,” Danial said confidently. “I’m
going to be with you for a long time. So is your mom.”

After that, the serious atmosphere became
almost oppressive, like a funeral. It was definitely time for a
mood boost. “Danial, how about some ice cream?”

“Please!” Theoron shouted. “Please, Dad!”

A few moments later we were at a nearby
Friendly’s, standing in line looking at the list of flavors.

“Can I get a twist and a sundae?”

“Just pick one,” I said, ruffling his hair.
“We’ll come again another time, Theoron.”

“Okay,” he said with complete seriousness.
“But I want a big one!”

“This was a good idea you had, Sar,” Danial
whispered, slipping his arms around me. “I wanted him to enjoy
tonight, and not be sad. We should have picked a better movie.”

“I have other good ideas for later,” I said
seductively. “If you’re interested.”

Danial turned my head with his hand, and gave
me a soft kiss. “I look forward to hearing them at length,” he
said, then kissed my cheek. “Unless you just want to demonstrate

I was debating giving him another kiss on his
inviting lips when the attendant asked “What will it be,

“Maple Walnut—”

“Sar?” an appalled and familiar voice said
from behind us.


Chapter Eleven

I turned to see my mother in line right in
back of us, my stepfather beside her. Shit. I was hyperconscious of
Danial at my side, Theoron holding me around the waist. My mother
was staring at me hard, murder on her face.

“Hello, Chris,” Danial said politely. “Hello,
Tina. How nice to see you.”

“Danial,’’ my stepfather said politely as
well, and held out his hand. Danial shook it.

“Sarelle, can I talk to you for a moment?” my
mother forced out, as she dragged me to the outside of the
restaurant where she immediately laid into me. “What in the hell
are you doing here with him?” she yelled, furious. “You are married
to Theo, and he’s a good man—!”

“Mom—” I said, panicked, yet trying hard for
Thank God there was no one out here to watch this.

“I know you must have a damn good reason for
being here with Danial. So tell it to me!” my mother said roughly.
“Tell me it’s not that you’re bored, or lonely, or-—”

“Theo knows I’m here with Danial and
Theoron—” I said quickly,

My mother shook her head. “No way!” she spat
back. “Theo would never agree to let you go out with Danial, even
just out for ice cream. I saw you kissing him!”

There was no way out of this except one: the
truth. “See that child holding Danial’s hand, Mom? That’s my

Her mouth dropped open as her face drained of
blood. “Your...you and Danial...?” she breathed, not seeming to be
able to form the words.

“His name is Theoron,” I said, putting my
hand on her arm. “Danial insisted we name him for Theo. I had him
when Theo was gone.”

She looked back at me, her eyes narrowed.
“He’s too old to be your son. He has to be about four or five. Theo
was just missing for two years. You’ve only known Danial for

“He’s aging faster than normal,” I answered
haggardly. “He is Danial’s child, and he’s...he’s

“What?” my mom said, incredulous. “Why are
you saying these lies—?”

“Look at my face, and tell me I’m lying!” I
said scathingly. “I’ve done my best to protect you from some of the
strangeness of my life, but I’m tired of pretending, and frankly,
you should get to know your grandchild. He probably won’t be the
only one you’ll ever have who is like this. But he is the first. If
you can accept him, you can accept any that I might have

My mother’s eyes went wider still. “What are
you saying?” she whispered. “Are you pregnant?”

“I’m saying Theo is what’s called a
werecougar. He can change into a cougar. Elle is the same. Danial
is a vampire. Theoron, our son, is half vampire, half human.”

She wobbled. I went to her. Together, we sank
down on the bench outside the restaurant. We said nothing for some

Finally, I reached over and grasped her hand.
“Yes, I might be pregnant. If I am, the baby might be born a lion
cub, like Elle was.”

My mother looked at me in absolute terror.
But she wasn’t screaming yet. This was going pretty well, all
things considered.

“Is it safe?” she whispered. “Will you be
okay? Have you talked to, well, whomever you went to when you had
your....your son?”

She said the last word so hesitantly I knew
that it broke her heart that she hadn’t known about Theoron. “I’m
seeing a good doctor, and yes, he is going to take good care of
me,” I said confidently.

Theoron came running up to me, and hugged me.
“Why are you over here, Mom?” he said curiously. “Who is this

I looked down at Theoron. “This is your
grandmother, Theoron. You can call her Grandma.”

“This is who you went to see at Christmas?”
he said.

My mother let out a gasp.

“Yes,” I said, pulling him up to sit between
us. “And it’s past time you met her. Say hi.”

“Hi, Grandma,” Theo said shyly, then he gave
her a smile.

My mother reached out hesitantly, and
smoothed Theo’s dark hair back from his face. “You have your
mother’s eyes,” she said, choked up.

“Would that he had Sarelle’s hair, as well,”
Danial said gently, walking up to us. “But my darker coloring won
out, I’m afraid.” There was pride in his tone, as there always was
when he talked about our son.

My mother looked up at him, and then back at

“Give your grandma a hug, son,” Danial said
softly. “She has waited far too long to hold you.”

As Theoron hugged my mother, her eyes closed
and she let out a long breath. She hugged him to her fiercely.

“Is it true what she said, that you are
a....a—” my mother looked at Danial, but seemed unable to say the

Danial looked at me, and sighed. “It’s true,
yes, though I wish she had not told you. I wanted you to—”

My mother cut him off. “And Theo and Elle
are...different, too?” she said, again unable to say the words.

Danial glowered at me. I looked defiantly
right back at him. My stepfather said nothing, playing it cool.
He’d likely ask my mother to repeat everything for him at least
twice later.

“Yes, it’s all true,” Danial said finally.
“But these are not Sar’s secrets to tell you. Theo will be upset
you know. Elle loves you. I think of Elle as my daughter, Tina.
Please don’t hurt her, even—”

“I am not going to hurt her,” my mother said
forcefully, recovering a little of her composure with anger. “I
love Elle and Theo. It doesn’t matter to me if they aren’t...what I
thought they were. They’re still part of the family.”

“Grandma?” Theo asked in his small voice.

She looked down at him, her eyes moist. “What
is it?” she said, again smoothing his hair back.

“Can I come next Christmas when Mom and Elle
do?” he said softly. There was pain in my chest hearing his hope,
mixed with a little fear that the answer would be “no.”

“Of course,” my mother said, hugging him to
her. “Of course you can come, um—” She looked at me.

I mouthed “Theo” to her.

Theo,” she finished, giving him a

He gave her a dazzling one back, so much of
Danial in it I had to smile myself. My mother thought the same,
because she looked up at Danial, and said, “You can come, too.”

“You do not have to include me because of a
sense of pity,” Danial said emotionlessly.

My mother interrupted him. “You are the
father of Sar’s child, Danial. I don’t understand how you could be
what she said you were and...um, have done that, but you obviously
did.” Her face flushed, as she floundered. “You’ve taken good care
of him for however long he’s been, um—”

Danial let out a breath, then leaned over,
touching Theoron gently on his shoulder. “Yes, Theoron lives with
me. Your daughter went through a lot to give him to me, because she
knew I wanted a child with her more than anything. Because he is
like me, he needs to stay with me. Sar couldn’t take care of him,
though she wanted to badly. But he is growing fast now, and you
should know by next winter he may well appear much older than he
does now.”

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