Point of No Return (24 page)

Read Point of No Return Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #drama, #relationship, #sex, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #lovers, #sar, #devlin, #werecougar, #multiple lovers, #theo, #danial, #promise me, #sarelle, #tara fox hall, #promise me series, #magical bond, #point of no return, #posessive

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“Are you sure this is going to be okay?” I
asked him.

“Is what okay?” Theo said, pushing my hair
out of my eyes.

“Is this enough?” I said pointedly. “More
importantly, is it going to be?”

“You only ever needed to say something,” Theo
replied, shifting uneasily. “Besides, I’d planned to take it easier
with you in any case.”

I shot him a look of bewilderment.

“When Tasha and I were together—”

I rolled away from him immediately, but he
grabbed me. “No, listen, please!”

I lay there silent, fuming.

“She didn’t put my needs above her own, like
you did. When she told me her body couldn’t take what I would do to
her, I didn’t believe her. I thought I was being careful. Then she
went to a doctor here to get on birth control, and he wanted her to
report me for abuse.”

“Normal sex is sometimes rough—”

“He said that it had to be rape because I had
bruised her so badly.” Theo cleared his throat. “Just like I hurt
you, I’m sure.”

I didn’t speak, or look at him, knowing he’d
see the answer in my eyes.

“Now that I know I hurt you doing it, I’ll be
careful. I don’t get off on causing you pain.”

That was another dig at Devlin, but I let it
slide. “Fine,” I said neutrally. “Let’s go to sleep. I’m

* * * *

The following Monday afternoon, while eating
lunch out with the kids and Terian, I brought up Titus.

“How are things with your father?”

“Why do you ask?” Terian said, giving me a
funny look.

“I care about you and I’m beginning to like
him,” I said bluntly. “But some of the spells he uses are black
magic. I can’t tell if I should trust him or not.”

“He’s not as nice as you think he is,” Terian
said cryptically.

Was he being overly dramatic, or
“Elaborate,” I requested, taking a sip of my hot
chocolate. Elle and Theoron both were still eating their super-size
God, what I would give to be a child again and not
worry about calories at all.

“Titus knows a lot of magic, Sar. He’s almost
a thousand years old.”

“Wow. I hadn’t suspected that.”

“He does know a lot of dark magic, but that’s
the more powerful magic. And yes, he’s teaching me some of it.”

“Should I ask about what you want it for,” I
said gently, “or would you rather I didn’t?”

“Titus told me about that spell he used on
that woman,” Terian murmured. “You know the one I’m talking about,

“Do you think it worked?”

“It should’ve,” Terian said, nodding. “Though
your blood might not be the only factor.”

“What else could be?” I supplied. “My natural

“Maybe. Possibly that you were with Danial so
long, both before and after he gained power. It had to help that
your body was strong, from the life you led.” Terian paused, then
whispered, “Harriet and you are very different, Sar. She is younger
by about ten years, and her body is very delicate and thin.”

“Her youth might be an advantage.”
Provided, of course, that she didn’t miscarry.

“You know Monica asked me about altering her
blood,” Terian continued. “She wanted me to get a sample of your
blood, so she could try to change hers.”

Every time I heard that wench’s name, I
got pissed off all over again.
“She told me that before I
killed her.”

Elle abruptly stopped eating, shooting me a
look of disquiet.

I said nothing, hoping she’d not
ask questions.

“I refused to help her,” Terian went on. “She
cared about Danial, but I knew he didn’t love her, and that you
would never agree—”

Just like that, my blood pressure skyrocketed
again. “Damn straight,” I said vehemently.

Theoron and Elle both stared at me,

Well, if they knew I killed people, knowing I
swore wasn’t that bad, so long as they didn’t do it, anyway.
Regardless, lunch was over. “Come on, kids. Let’s head home.”

Theoron opened his mouth, his gleeful
expression testament that he planned to echo me.

Dissuade, then distract
. “Don’t use
that phrase I just said,” I said quickly. “Mommy didn’t mean to say
it, and it’s not polite.” I stood up. “Grab your things. It’s time
to leave.”

“Okay,” Theoron and Elle said together,
gathering up their wrappers and coats.

“Yes, we should get back,” Terian said
eagerly. “I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon.”

He wasn’t just enthusiastic; he was a rampant
lion prancing. “Spill it, Terian.”

“Not that it’s your business, but I’m back
with Sundown,” he stated.

I stared at him.
Jesus Christ. Hadn’t he
learned the first time she was bad news?

“She’s moving in with me at Danial’s,” Terian
continued. “When you meet her, try to be nice.”

“I’m always nice,” I answered, miffed. “Did
she come to terms with what you are?”

“She says she wants to try,” Terian said
carefully. “She hasn’t been serious about anyone since me, or so
she said.”

I felt a sinking feeling. Terian was hopeful
and positive, but Sundown had ripped out his heart the last time
they’d broken up, back when he asked her to marry him. She’d likely
do it again.

I managed a smile. “Good luck. I hope that it
works out.”

“Me, too,” Terian said. “Let’s get

* * * *

The next day, Tuesday, I called Dr. Camlyn,
and explained the fertility spell situation to him. “Does that make
a difference in how early you can test me?”

“Yes. I can test you in a week and a half,”
Stephen replied. “Have you had any other symptoms?”

“No, I haven’t been sick or anything.”

“Come in a week from Friday.” He paused
meaningfully. “Evening or afternoon appointment?”

“Devlin will want to be there,” I replied,
irritated. “Can you make it a night appointment?”

“Of course.” He paused again. “You realize
that if it’s Theo’s—”

“I told him, Stephen.”

“Come in about eight,” Stephen said, very
relieved. “I’ll let Danial know.”

I hung up, considering if it was wise to have
both Devlin and Theo there. I couldn’t exclude one, and include the
other. I grimaced. The way I felt now, I’d rather exclude them all
and find out by myself.

* * * *

Devlin called late Wednesday night. “How are
you feeling, Love?”

I’d missed his voice, and him. “I’m

“I got your email,” he continued. “I’ll meet
you at the doctor’s at the time you sent me. What I’m calling for
is to ask you to teleport to Hayden later tonight for an hour or

“Yes,” I said, shooting a look at Theo, who
was listening in on the other line. “Say eleven?”

“Yes. See you then—”

“Wait! Did Titus fix the barrier?”

“Yes,” Devlin answered. “But only to the
kitchen. Don’t try to go to any other room, or you’ll end up
outside the gates again.”

“Okay. See you then.”

“Good-bye, my love,” Devlin said, and hung

“What was that about?” Theo asked.

“I’m not sure,” I said slowly. “But I’ll let
you know as soon as I get home.”

“I’ll be in bed when you get back,” Theo
said. “Just crawl in beside me.”

“Don’t shoot me,” I said sarcastically.

“You’re hilarious,” Theo said, rolling his
eyes. “Now come over here and cuddle with me. South Park’s on.”

* * * *

When I teleported to Hayden’s kitchen, I
startled a woman who was doing the dishes. Her brunette hair was to
her shoulders, her skin like coffee with cream. She was cute, but
not beautiful. Some of that was her hazel eyes, which bore a hunted
cast like a deer in mid-December, right before the end of hunting

“Hi, I’m Sarelle,” I said, extending my hand.
“You must be Serena?”

“Yes,” she said, and smiled. At once, some of
the wariness left her eyes.

Was she was Spanish or Brazilian by birth?
Something to ask when I knew her better.
“Dev talked to me,
about teaching you some baking,” I said without preamble. “I’ll be
back on Friday morning, if you want to do some then.”

“Let me check my schedule,” she said quickly.
“But yes, I want very much to learn.”

“Good,” I said, giving her a smile. “I

“Sarelle,” Lash hissed from the doorway.
“Devlin waits for you upstairs.”

I’d just gotten here, and I would have to run
into him. I shot him a fake smile, and went to the base of the

“Friday morning you are already busy,
Darlin’, remember?” Lash hissed from behind me. “Be here about
eight or so. The bears will not be coming with us. If we have a lot
of purchases, Titus can teleport them to Hayden.”

Shit, I had asked him to help me get the
. “Fine, I’ll be here.”

Lash nodded. “I’ll tell Serena the bakefest
will have to wait.” He turned, heading back to the kitchen.

Did he see Serena,
in addition
to that
snake waitress? I was repulsed at the thought, then shamed because
I was looking down on him for maybe doing something that I was
definitely doing with even more people. Grumpily, I went to
Devlin’s bedroom door, and knocked hard. “Your lover has

“Come in, Sar,” Devlin said seductively.

I went in. Devlin was as he had been before,
sitting on his bed, reading paperwork scattered about him. “Your
intro doesn’t fit with this scene,” I teased, coming to sit beside

“I know,” Devlin said, rubbing his eyes.
“I’ll be right with you. I’m trying to decide what to do with these
companies of Ebediah’s. I have high offers for both, money I can
well use. But I have to look at every angle first before
committing, a tiring enterprise.”

He wasn’t tired; he was exhausted, by his
voice. “Do you want some help?”

Devlin looked at me, incredulous. “You don't
have time,” he said finally.

“You need help. I can spend a couple hours
easily each week, at least. Like you said, this is temporary.”

Devlin gave me a dubious look. “You already
help Danial with Solutions, Inc.”

“I could come Tuesday and Thursday,” I said.
“I used to just go in Mondays and Fridays to help Danial—”

Devlin put down his paperwork and pulled me
into his arms. “Come in Wednesdays,” he murmured. “One day is
enough, Sar. I don’t work as Danial does. If it was not for
Ebediah’s affairs, I wouldn’t be so busy now.”

“You said you could use the money,” I said
hesitantly. “Are you strapped for cash?”

He kissed my neck softly. “No. I was rich
from the moment I first became Ruler of the States,” he whispered.
“I amassed a fortune in the centuries that followed. Most of my
income comes from investments like company stock and cash. It
requires little thought.” He moved his shoulders, wincing. “I don’t
usually work this hard or this much. The strain is getting to

“Come sit on the loveseat for me,” I said,
getting up from the bed. “I can fix that.”

Once he was settled, I began kneading his
shoulders. Devlin groaned under my hands as I massaged out all the
knots in his shoulders. By the time I was done, he was relaxed back
into the cushion, a happy smile of ease on his lips.

I sat down beside him, feeling like a spider
who’d baited a fly. “Now, why did you want me to come tonight?”

Devlin tensed up immediately, then said
bluntly, “I want your permission to go to a few women I know for

Danial had braced me for these words, but the
situation was still surreal. I didn’t answer.

“It will not be here,” he said gently. “I
want only you in my bed. But I can’t do with just seeing you once a
week, Sar. I’m sorry, but I can’t.” He tilted my chin up to look at
him. “What I do with them will be...other than what I share with

I looked blankly back at him. “Like?”

“Oral sex,” Devlin said bluntly. “No regular
intercourse. I’m a sadist, Sar, as you know. I’d prefer you not see
that side of me now.”

I didn’t want to see that side, ever
“If you want that, it’s okay with me.”

“You aren’t angry? You aren’t jealous?”
Devlin said, flabbergasted. “I was sure you would be angry, after
what I told you that night that I’d only be with you.”

This was too unreal for me to feel much of
anything. “Will you promise not to have regular sex with them?”

“Yes,” Devlin said gently. “I promise
everything else is for you. Just you.”

I looked at him, imagining him having sex
with another woman, her touching him, stroking him, and him crying
out his orgasm, because she had brought him pleasure with her body.
Jealousy engulfed me. “Do you want me now?”

“You’re jealous,” he said, turning his head
and looking at me with veiled eyes.

“Yes, I am,” I said, kissing him on his
throat, and biting softly. “Be with me.”

Devlin embraced me in a passionate kiss, and
I clutched him to me, my passion a vortex that drew me ever deeper
into darkness.

* * * *

I lay completely sated in his arms two hours
later, my mind happily drifting.

“Love, it’s a new morning,” Devlin whispered.
“I must leave to finish my business, but you are welcome to stay if
you wish.”

Theo would be wondering where I was. Pricked
by a sharp stab of guilt, I made myself move. “No, thanks. I need
to go,” I said, giving him a final kiss. “Be safe.”

“You, too,” he said lovingly. “Take

A few minutes later, I crawled in beside
Theo. Immediately, he snuggled me close, then jerked back. Though
he didn’t speak, I knew he was irritated, and the cause was
Devlin’s scent on my skin. Upset and angry, I left our bed, and
went to the downstairs basement. Though I was comfortable enough
there, I slept little, my fitful sleep full of nightmares.

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