Point of No Return (6 page)

Read Point of No Return Online

Authors: Tara Fox Hall

Tags: #vampire, #drama, #relationship, #sex, #werewolf, #shapeshifter, #lovers, #sar, #devlin, #werecougar, #multiple lovers, #theo, #danial, #promise me, #sarelle, #tara fox hall, #promise me series, #magical bond, #point of no return, #posessive

BOOK: Point of No Return
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“I didn’t care about any of them, it’s true,”
Devlin said seriously. “But I care about you. Anything you don’t
want in my bathroom, feel free to toss out. You’ll be the only
woman using it now. I promised you that, and I keep my promises. I
already tossed out all the lipsticks that would not complement your
skin tone—”

His eyes met mine, and saw I didn’t believe a
word. His eyes slowly bled to red gold and he snarled at me, baring
his fangs.

“You pretended so well with me, I believed
you,” I said bitterly. “God, I’ve been an idiot—”

Devlin crossed the room to me, cutting off my
words with a rough kiss, his tongue almost choking me. Scared, I
jerked back and moved my hand to slap him. He grabbed my wrists,
both of them. I tried to back away from him, but my back was
already against the wall and there was nowhere to go. He put both
wrists in one hand, holding them over my head, still kissing

I broke free of his lips. “Stop, please!” I
pleaded shrilly.

“No.” He tossed me onto the bed, holding me
down with one hand and using the other to yank off my jeans. “This
is what I want, right now. I’ve waited a long time for it, sweet
Sar. And like I said, I’m done waiting!” He pulled down my

“Stop!” I yelled, and then cried out as he
slipped his fingers inside me.

“I’ve barely touched you, Sar, and you are oh
so ready for me,” Devlin purred, stroking me. “Because you know
what all those other women knew; how good I can make you feel.”

“No,” I denied. “Your behavior repulses

“Tell me you don’t want me then,” he
whispered back, kissing my neck as he massaged me. “Tell me you
don’t love me, Sar. Let us both hear you lie.”

I blinked back tears and didn’t speak.

He grinned, and pulled me to my feet. Then he
stripped my sweater and bra off, pushing me against the nearest
wall. I pushed off it, trying to turn and he grabbed the back of my
neck, holding me with an iron grip, my cheek pressed flat to the

“Don’t move,” he purred in a warning tone
dripping with ominousness.

Afraid, I went absolutely still.

Devlin’s hand stroked the bear at my hip. He
sighed, his face pressed into my hair, then unzipped his jeans,
shoving them down. He bent his legs, and pressed to me, his stiff
organ sliding against my bare cheeks, flexing gently. “Feel that,
Sar?” he whispered, tilting my hips to put the head of his cock
against my moist glans. “Only you excite me this way.”

He pushed up and into me suddenly, again
tearing a scream from my lips. Devlin moaned, the sound all
encompassing, primal, and utterly possessing. I scrambled to get
away from him, scrabbling at the wall with my hands as he pounded
into me. Devlin tightened his hand at the back of my neck, and
clamped down on my hip with the other, holding me fast. With a
snarl, he bit down again into my shoulder, and began drinking.

I let out a cry of surprise, then pleasure
flooded me, and I sagged in his arms. Devlin swallowed me down,
still moving fast, then withdrew, his breath hot at my throat.

“You’re mine,” he hissed in a sinister tone.
“Do you hear me, Love? You are mine.”

“I’m yours,” I moaned loudly, climax flooding
me. “I’m yours, Dev. Yours!”

Devlin went rigid at my words, then shouted
my name in a scream, his body jerking as he let loose inside me for
the third time. “SAR! Aahhhh! Aaahhhh! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!”

He loosened his grip on me as he finished
moving, then separated from me. Gently he turned me to face him,
shaking slightly and breathing hard. “I’m sorry if I was too
rough,” he said. “Did I hurt you, Love?”

“I don’t think so. Do I have bruises?” I said
hesitantly, looking down at my body.

“Yes,” he said haltingly. “From my hands,
where I held you to the wall. They should fade in a day, but I’ll
heal them for you if they hurt.”

“I’ll be okay,” I said wearily, then

Dev steadied me. “I’m sorry,” he said gently.
“I should’ve waited to do that until later.” He guided me to the
bed, sat me down, then handed me my jeans and underwear. “Let me
dress and I’ll help you.”

Disconcerted, I watched him dress, wondering
what other fantasies he planned to enact tonight. I was already
bruised, and I’d only been here an hour. I slipped back into my
jeans gingerly, careful of my tender flesh.

Devlin regarded me. “Do you want me to carry
you downstairs?”

“I think I can walk,” I said, giving him a

“You can walk when we reach the food,” he
said firmly. “I want to carry you, and you’re clearly worn out.” He
reached down, I put my arms around his neck, and he picked me up.
Grabbing my purse with his free hand, he handed it to me, then
repositioned my weight in his arms. Leaving his door wide open, he
walked downstairs with me in his arms.

I expected his security to be like Danial’s
was, for someone, maybe Lash, to meet us in front of the house with
one of the Hummers. Instead, Devlin carried me into the living room
where at least ten people were watching TV. Blood splattered on the
big screen, as some young virgin died a messy death. Lash was
sprawled on the couch by himself, no one nearby, the others
scattered here and there, some on the floor, others on chairs, a
few standing against the walls.

As Devlin came to stand in the doorway with
me in his arms, everyone looked up. Lash paused the movie, his
blatant stare knowing. I flushed crimson, realizing they’d all
heard our screams of climax from upstairs.

“We’re heading to Davy’s,” Devlin purred. “We
need an escort of three, at least. Drinks are on me. Who wants to

I was appalled he let them drink on duty, but
didn’t speak.

“I’ll come,” Lash said quickly, uncoiling
himself from the couch. “I was bored anyway.”

Two other men came forward. One said, “Vince
and I’ll go too, Boss.”

“Good,” Devlin said, gesturing with his head
for them to go out in front of us.

Devlin helped me into a Hummer parked past my
truck, then got in beside me. One guard drove, the other sat behind
us, and Lash rode shotgun. We drove out just missing the garage

“This is Vince, and that’s Kev, Sar,” Devlin
said, gesturing. “You already know Lash.”

“Good to meet you,” I said politely.

They were all silent. I gave Dev a
questioning look.

“They remember you, Sar,” Devlin said
ominously. “They were the only survivors from that night I came for
you at Danial’s house.”

I shrank back from him, opening my mouth to
tell him to take me back to the house. Devlin grasped my hand.
“Don’t worry. They, like all my men, now have orders to protect you
with their lives, Sar. They are not going to hurt you, even though
they might wish to.”

“Comforting,” I said under my breath, and
leaned into Devlin’s shoulder, my eyes locked on the floor.


Chapter Four

The journey to Davy’s didn’t take long, maybe
ten minutes. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but the place itself
was pleasing. It was a large room, the walls unsanded wood, the
floors stained. A large jukebox played some AC/DC near a long bar
that ran along the back wall. There were clearly some unsavory
people here, besides my present company, though no one was being
loud or rowdy. As we entered, a couple people I guessed were weres
of some kind saw us, then quickly paid their bills and left.

We sat down at an empty table. At once, a
barmaid came over. As soon as I saw her eyes shift to snake, as
cold and flat as Lash’s, I understood his reason for coming out on
a cold night. “What can I get you, Girl and Boys?” she said,
looking squarely at Lash.

“The usual for me, Cin,” Devlin purred “A
pitcher of beer for each of my men here, and a bottle of your
finest Shiraz. Also, I need a menu for my lady.”

Cin raised her eyebrows at that, but only
nodded. “And for you, Darlin’?” she asked Lash, her tone a low and
sultry hissing.

“Bring me what you’re bringing Dev, and when
you come back over here, be prepared to go on break,” Lash said,
his hiss raspy with lust. “Because that’s as long as I’m waiting
for it.”

“You got it, Darlin’,” Cin said, winking, and
she sashayed back towards the bar.

I stared at her swaying form, then quickly
looked down.

“We’re going to play pool,” Kev said to Dev.
“Yell if you need us.”

Devlin nodded. Kev and Vince got up and went
through a door to the side of the bar, where I assumed the
referenced pool table was.

Cin was soon back, setting down the wine, an
opener, two wineglasses, and two regular mugs that were steaming in
the air. Dev and Lash picked up their mugs, then slammed them
together, blood sloshing over the sides.

“To good times and women,” Dev said,

“To good times with women,” Lash amended,
grinning back at him.

They drank the mugs dry, then slammed them
back down on the table, as I stared. Cin removed the mugs, carried
them quickly to the bar, then came darting back. Lash was already
on his feet, waiting. He grabbed hold of Cin’s hand, then led her
through the door Kev and Vince had used.

Had they really gone to play pool, or was
there a brothel in back? I turned questioning eyes to Dev, who was
opening the bottle of wine. “Not that it’s my business, but why
aren’t they going outside to use the backseat of the Hummer?”

“Too cold,” Devlin said, popping the cork.
“There’s another pool table back there. Lash will use that, he’s
done it before.”

I was so appalled I didn’t know what to

Devlin saw my face and laughed. “Sar, Cin is
an exhibitionist, she likes that. She could easily come to Lash at
Hayden or somewhere else and be with him in private, but she likes
him to come to her just like this. If he doesn’t care, why should

Had Kev and Vince gone back to get front
row seats at the show? Ugh.
“I don’t care, so long as you’re
not going to make me watch.”

“Only if you want to,” Devlin teased, then
noticed a huge man towering over him. “Hi Gary. How’s business? It
looks light tonight, for a Saturday.”

“It’s early yet,” Gary replied with a smile.
“The rough crowd won’t come in until midnight, which makes me
surprised you’re here so early.” He looked me over with kind eyes,
his mean features softening. “Nice babe.”

Gary was a huge man, with burly arms, a bald
head and a big bristling salt and pepper beard, but that didn’t
mean I was going to take his shit tonight on top of everything
else. “I’m not a babe, Gary. My name is Sarelle.”

“Whoa,” Gary said, putting his hands up. “I
didn’t mean anything.”

Devlin put down the bottle of wine very
deliberately. “She isn’t one of my babes, Gary. This is Sar, my
lady. I expect you to give her the same respect that you give me,
and address her as such.” His tone was exacting. “You will see her
with me from now on.”

Gary nodded, his eyes on my choker. “My
mistake. I apologize, Lady.”

“Good to meet you,” I said, mollified.

“What would you like, Lady?” he said.

I handed him the menu. “A grilled cheese
sandwich, some fries, and your Death by Chocolate after,

“About fifteen minutes,” he said. “I hope the
both of you enjoy your evening. Let me know if you need anything.”
He went into the kitchen.

“Why isn’t his name Davy, if he owns the
place?” I asked Devlin as he poured the wine.

“His father was Davy,” Devlin said, handing
me my full glass. “He was a good friend for many years, till his
death about seven years ago. His son Gary is a good man, too. I
frequently used to come here with Lash and some of my men, when I
lived at Hayden. I hadn’t had a chance to come by since my return,
until now.” He paused. “Do you like this atmosphere?”

“I’m comfortable,” I said hesitantly. “But
I’m surprised you do. This seems more like Lash’s idea of a good
spot than yours. Danial wouldn’t be caught dead in a place like

“I’m among friends here,” Devlin said,
sipping his wine. “That tends to matter more than pretentious
surroundings, the older I get. And my men tell me the food is very
good. But I asked what you thought.”

I gave him a real smile. “I like it,” I said,
putting my hand on his. “And I thank you for saying what you

“It’s only proper, Sar. We’re Oathed. I
expect you to be given respect, and not treated as a plaything of

“You always put things so nicely,” I said,
rolling my eyes.

Devlin raised his glass. “To us. To our first
night together with everyone knowing what we feel for each other.
And to you, Sar, who have taken my heart, long after I thought I
could ever give it to anyone again.”

“To us,” I said softly.

We clinked glasses and drank. “This is
great,” I said appreciatively afterwards, eyeing my glass. “What is

“Castillero del Diablo,” Devlin said, turning
the bottle label so I could read it. “A favorite of mine.”

“Cellar of the Devil,” I said, grinning. “How

About the time my food arrived, Lash
returned, his attitude almost friendly. As I ate, he talked to
Devlin about Ebediah’s affairs.

“You know we’ve got some of his guards still
alive and under contract. We don’t need them in Canada, not with
Ebediah’s home almost completely destroyed. Those polars and wolves
pledged their allegiance to you, Devlin, but that means

“And if I cut them loose, they’ll band
together and attack me, just like Garret’s vulturemen did to Danial
after Danial killed him. That always happens if you negate the
guard contracts after taking power. You know how these things go,
Lash,” Devlin said, his tone dark, sipping his wine. “We’ve got to
find a way to put them to work, but not where they’ll cause

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