Poppy's Passions (17 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Beck

BOOK: Poppy's Passions
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"I get it."

"I don't think you do.” She turned to him, her tummy a definite bump between them, and he nearly fell off the couch. Their giggles pulled the deep, heartfelt moment back into a more comfortable place. “Okay, quit laughing, you dork."

"Okay, babe, I'm done.” He reached around and dug his fingers into the flesh of her butt.

She gave him a look, one she'd seen Mary give and was perfecting for her own men.

"What? I gotta’ hold on somewhere."

"Okay, okay.” She couldn't hold back the giggles. Trevor was crazy and had a way of pulling her into the craziness. A few minutes later, she took a deep breath and forced herself back into control. “As I was about to say, before you distracted me, I love this house, I love your family, and I love how I feel about myself when I'm here. There is nowhere else I want to be, Trev. Nowhere."

The fire reflected in his eyes took nothing away from the love she saw. So much between them was intense but this love felt soft, sweet and as comforting as her favorite socks. She pressed dry, innocent kisses to his lips and cheeks and couldn't stop smiling between each contact. He made no effort to deepen their kisses, content to let her set the pace, and tonight she just wanted to be close.

After twenty minutes kissing in front of the fire, the clock chimed three AM. “Ready for bed, babe? You can bunk with me tonight. I'm sure Mike's taken over your bed by now."

"Aren't you hungry?” He was right about getting to bed, but she didn't want to move. “I know you came out for a snack."

"Not so much anymore,” he admitted. “I was more restless than hungry, but now I'm neither. You do that for me, Poppy. You're my Ritalin."

"I am not.” She laughed. “And I'm not sure that metaphor is flattering."

"Yep, you are, and it's very flattering, babe. I didn't say you were a downer, I said you settle me. You center and focus me, which is not the easiest thing to do. Ask Mom about keeping me levelheaded and constructively occupied. I drove her batshit. She'd call one of the dads to come get me in the summers, because I was that much of a pain in the ass. Somehow you manage to be my Viagra and my Ritalin all in one.” He rolled easily to his feet and offered his hands. “Tonight you've settled me down instead of winding me up, so how about I carry you to my room and we get some sleep? Unless you aren't feeling better?"

"I'm feeling much better.” She looked at his offered palms and though bed with him sounded wonderful, it involved moving and that wasn't tempting. “It was just indigestion and a little heartburn. Bed sounds really good."

"Then come on up, baby girl.” For such a slim, lithe man he had no trouble lifting her high to his chest. “We'll cuddle down because we're both tired, then we can wake up together, all refreshed, and you can be my Viagra again."

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Chapter 16

Up and wandering at midnight, Poppy figured her afternoon naps had to end. Her mind wasn't overly burdened, and her stress was manageable. There wasn't a reason she shouldn't be in bed; she just wasn't tired. Usually, after a full day helping Michael and a few hours of crazy sex she was ready to sleep, but once in a while their lovemaking invigorated her and tonight was one of those. She left her boys sleeping, all three naked as jaybirds and spread eagle in her bed. The extra long, extra wide space was perfect because there was plenty of room for her to cuddle between two.

The fireplace was usually a welcome solace, but with the restlessness it held little appeal. Dinner had been spaghetti and meatballs with Mary and the dads. Too full for dessert at the time, she'd passed up chocolate chip cookies so she turned left at her own kitchen to seek out a snack. Directing lights glowed low near the floors, guiding to the other side of the house.

The fleece robe Cody ordered and Michael hated covered the skimpy night gown Trevor had given her. She was glad she remembered when she found Mary with a glass of milk and small stack of cookies.

"Hey, girlie.” Her hair was a mess, her lips swollen, and Poppy wondered if they'd been enjoying similar past times. “Feeling okay?"

"Yep. I couldn't sleep so I came to mooch cookies,” she confessed, taking two from the cow shaped container. After grabbing a glass she sat beside Mary. “Only a little milk please."

"Okay. I won't tattle.” Mary passed her the gallon, and they sat quietly eating their cookies in the warm kitchen. “Sure you're okay, honey? Isn't this your second night up?"

"I guess it is.” The first delicious treat sitting nicely in her belly, she started on a second.

"Is there something bothering you?” Mary nudged a cookie over.

"Maybe.” She thought about her day again. Sometimes she missed things that weighed on her mind later. It was part of pregnancy brain, at least her brain on pregnancy hormones. “Oh, shoot, now I know. Cody was being dumb earlier."

"Imagine that.” Mary chuckled. “Sweetie, I know your mother died when you were very young so I'll depart a piece of critical information passed from mother to daughter. Males are dumb. Even the most intelligent, sweetest man in the world has something about him that will aggravate the hell out of women. Sadly, as much as I tried to reverse the effects, my sons were genetically inflicted with the trait from their fathers. What did he do?"

"He was in the gym working out like a crazy person this morning.” She wrinkled her nose at the memory of him coated in sweat. Ranching and intercourse sweat was sexy. Treadmill sweat, not so sexy. “I asked him what he was doing, and he muttered something about Trevor and getting into better shape. At the time, I didn't think about it but tonight he was goofy too. I hope he doesn't think I want him to change. I love his body just the way it is."

"Hmm.” In the dim light she saw Mary smile. “A little bit of competition, huh? It's normal. A little reassurance will go a long way for Baby Boy. He's sensitive about his belly, but he's always been built differently from Michael and Trevor. Just like Paul. When Paul was about thirty he started bulking up, Thomas didn't, he's—"

"A perfect specimen of all that is male.” The twin in discussion ambled from their hall in boxers and his pinstriped work shirt half open. “What are you girls doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep,” Mary said. Poppy looked away and fought her blush when Thomas gave his wife a “hello” kiss that lasted ten seconds longer than appropriate. “Neither could Poppy, so we're talking about our men. Cody's working out again."

Thomas pulled a small bottle of wine from the fridge. “He's done that a few times, Poppy. He'll get over it if you work your feminine wiles. What did you used to tell Paul, sweetie? About the party?"

"Oh.” Mary turned with a naughty grin. “I would simply say, what fun is a party if all you get is a six pack or a keg? Variety is one of the best parts of a relationship like this, and I know I'm not alone when I say that I appreciate my men for their differences."

"Absolutely.” They laughed and clinked their glasses in feminine camaraderie.

"Is that milk?” Joining them in thin cotton pajama pants and no shirt over his very thin upper body, Duane looked like an older, less buff version of Trevor.

"Just a little,” Poppy promised. “It's the first today."

"Okay, good, good.” He pulled a bottle of water from the fridge and joined Thomas leaning against the counter. “What are we talking about?"

"Kegs and six packs.” Thomas lifted the front tails of his shirt, revealing a very impressive set of abs. “Something you don't have to worry about, you bastard."

Mary giggled, Duane grinned hugely, and Poppy didn't get it until Mary leaned over and whispered in her ear.

She was grateful her mouth was empty because the men would have gotten a shower as she burst out in surprised laughter. Duane tipped his head and saluted her with his water bottle, Thomas laughing as he tried to shoot dark looks at his cousin.

"You don't have to thank me.” Duane held his hands up modestly. “It was a gift I was happy to pass to my sons."

"That modest, demure sense of humor.” Still laughing, Mary nudged another cookie toward Poppy. “That's why I've always thought Trevor is his."

"Yeah, and the fact that the boy's a string bean and hung like a rhino was a clue.” She must have looked surprised because Thomas smiled. “We don't have penis showing parties or anything like that, but the boy was never shy. He wouldn't keep clothes on until he went to kindergarten and even then it was iffy. In high school he was back to being naked all the damn time. I can't remember how many times I visited LA and had to remind him to close his bedroom and bathroom doors."

Poppy laughed and could see Trevor not caring about clothes. He still barely closed doors and more often than not walked around bare-chested.

"They're all mine.” Duane elbowed his cousin. “Don't worry, Poppy, there are good genes in all three of them, from me, so those pretty girls of yours will be as near to perfect as possible."

"Oh, not this again.” Thomas rolled his eyes. “She's pregnant with twins, you moron, which means one of my boys got her and since they are all my boys it doesn't matter who."

"And how many times have I told you the twin thing doesn't matter?” Duane countered.

"Where the hell is everyone?"

Poppy leaned back in her stool and looked toward the sound of the voice to find Paul standing in the dark hall outside their bedrooms, rubbing his face with both hands. Naked.

"Oh, geeze.” She jerked upright on her stool so fast she nearly fell off.

"Speaking of running around naked.” Mary giggled. “Sorry, sweetie. As you can see, Trevor comes by his preferences honestly. Since the boys grew up and stay on their own side at night, Paul's gotten in touch with his inner nudist. Paul, honey, go put some pants on if you're coming out here."

"Now why would I do that, sweetheart?” he replied. “I'll just have to take them off when I put you up on the counter and—"

"Poppy's out here, you old horn ball,” Duane announced.

Paul cursed and the bedroom door slammed shut. Mary's giggles were contagious and Poppy couldn't help joining in, laughing so hard she was gasping by the time Paul rejoined them, conspicuously overdressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

"Sorry, darlin'.” Paul's whole face was the color of a beet, much the same as Cody's when he was embarrassed. “It didn't cross my mind you'd be out here this time of night or I'd have been much more...or less..."

"More clothed and less naked,” Thomas provided and offered his twin a beer.


She watched the three men and knew she was seeing her boys in thirty years. God willing, they'd be healthy, virile men and if she was really lucky, and these days she was feeling incredibly so, they'd look at her the way their fathers looked at Mary. She wasn't wearing makeup, her hair was a mess and she was wearing a frumpy flannel nightgown. The hooded looks each man wore promised Mary was in for a hell of a night. There was no doubt in Poppy's mind they loved their wife, and the smile Mary always wore made her equally as certain Mary loved them just as much. Thirty-seven years together and the sparks were still flying.

"Aren't we worried about turning into pumpkins?” Paul was as subtle as a brick in the best of times, with nocturnal activities on his mind Poppy very much felt like the fifth wheel.

"Yeah, I suppose I'd better let you guys get back to bed.” Poppy hefted herself off the stool, feeling heavy in body but much lighter in heart. “Thanks for the cookies and conversation."

"Our pleasure, honey.” Mary took a break from scowling at Paul to smile at her. “Are you sure you're ready to go to bed? I don't mind staying up with you a while longer."

All three men groaned, but Poppy smiled in response. “Thanks, Mary, but I'm fine. Have a good night. See you in the morning."

"Goodnight, Poppy."

She heard Mary taking the men to task for running her off. It didn't last long though, and she walked faster when the giggling started. It wouldn't be easy, but she wanted the relationship she continued to witness. They had years between them, adding strength to their marriage, but Poppy knew from Mary that things had started hot and fast and hadn't burned out.

There was a spark between Poppy and her men, but it needed more time and attention to burn like their parents’ love. Although they wanted her, they were still learning about her, and themselves for that matter. She turned down the hall leading to their bedrooms, each step slower as the night caught up. That's how it happened, one minute she'd be raring to go, the next she was exhausted.

The door to her room opened before she reached it. There to greet her were her men. Much like their dads they were in various stages of dress, rather undress, but unlike the older versions, she found these men irresistible and wasn't feeling so sleepy anymore.

"Hey, babe.” With only his tight boxer briefs holding Trevor in, she was suddenly approaching perky. “Why are you up again? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm fine.” She wrapped her arms around her middle to keep from touching them. “I was chatting with your parents. Why are you guys up?"

"You weren't here and Cody tried to kiss me,” Michael said. He shot a dirty look to the youngest brother, and she fought back a laugh. “I was going to kick his ass quick and go back to bed."

"Oh, so you have plans.” She let her robe slip, baring her naked shoulder in the dim hall light. “You wouldn't consider changing them for me, would you, Big Guy?"

They each immediately perked up, and Poppy felt her lips curl in a self-satisfied grin. Not every lesson on their path to a great relationship had to be painful.

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Chapter 17

"Do you have this in blue? No, not the one piece, definitely the bikini. Does it come in a thong?"

"You better be buying for yourself, Trevor Paul.” Poppy couldn't believe the not-so-innocent order was the first thing she heard when she, Michael and Cody entered the store.

They had flown to LA, first-class again because all her men needed the extra leg room. Before settling her in their hotel for a post-flight nap, she watched Trevor slip into LA mode, quickly getting in touch with some contacts. She'd fallen asleep listening to him chat with a man named Rebis while he rubbed her feet.

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