Read PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans Online

Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (52 page)

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“Let me see that ass boy,” Karma said smiling as he stood there in a black thong that I wouldn’t be caught dead in, holding my towel.

“There you go scaring me again. One of these days, I’m going to fuck you up,” I said, as I snatched my towel back and snapped it forward, hitting him with it, and then pulling it back very quickly.

“OUCH! That shit stung. Damn, boo I was just playing with you.”

“See what happens when you play with fire?”

“No, because Blaze doesn’t do that when I play with him, but I get what you’re saying, you’re hot Krave. You must work out and do squats every day because your body is sickening, and you have a phat ass.”

“Thanks, but I only workout two or three times a week.”

“You worked me out today, that’s for sure.”

“You liked it, huh?” I said as I smirked because I already knew his freak ass did. How could he not?

“Hell yeah, you raped my ass. I can finally scratch that fantasy off my to-do list,” he said jokingly before laughing.

“Good! Maybe next time you’ll get to really show me what you can do since I was in charge and did most of the work today.”

“You already know. Anyway I’m about to get outta here, but before I leave I wanted to invite you out to dinner tonight. Is 7:00 PM okay with you?”

I might’ve taken his cocky ass up on his offer, because who doesn’t want to be taken out to dinner, but I had already made plans with Tyree.

“I wish I could, but I’m actually leaving here, and going grocery shopping. I promised Tyree I’d make his favorite meal tonight.”

“It’s cool, but you shouldn’t have told me you could cook too,” he said as he stood there with his hands on his hips.

“Well, I’m not a chef, or anything like that, but I can do a little something in the kitchen.”

“I’ve tasted your dick, now I just need to taste your cooking to see if it’s just as good.”

“You will one of these days.”

“Hopefully sooner than you think,” I had to get going otherwise Tyree and I would’ve had a late dinner, so I wrapped that conversation up.

“I’ll see you later Karma, but before I go, I need to know. What the hell are you wearing?” I said as I laughed out loud.

“Men’s thongs, we’re porn stars Krave. Get into it.”

I watched as he smacked his ass then strutted like he was on runway over to his locker. All I could do was smile and shake my head.

By the time I left work it was late in the afternoon, but I still got caught up in traffic. I sent Tyree a text letting him know I was on my way to the store, and then I’d be home. I finally made it over to the super market closest to our house. I brought everything I needed to make some extra meaty spaghetti, and a pineapple upside down cake for dessert. I knew Tyree liked my spaghetti since he requested it, but I couldn’t wait for him to taste the cake. I was a little nervous though since it had been going on almost two years since I baked anything. Since I was cooking for my man I wanted it to be perfect. I rushed home from the grocery store and to my surprise Blaze’s Range Rover was parked across the street from my house. Either he knew my neighbors, he didn’t want to park in front of my house, or he was watching my house. I slowly drove past trying to look through the tent on the windows to see if he was in the truck. I was going to ask him if he needed something but I didn’t see him. I pulled into my driveway, pushed the button in my truck that opened up the gate and garage, parked, and then walked inside excited to spend the evening with Tyree. I put the groceries on the kitchen counter, and then started walking toward the living room to let him know I was home. I could smell the weed coming from the other side of the house all the way in the kitchen. I told his ass to light some candles or incense while smoking so the house would always smell good. I thought about getting on him about it when I entered the living room but I didn’t want to start an argument. I wanted us to enjoy our night, but when I saw Karma sitting on my couch playing video games with Tyree I knew at least one of us wasn’t going to enjoy it. The first thing I thought was what the hell is he doing here? I told him I was making dinner for Tyree tonight.

“Hey baby, did you get everything you needed from the store?” Tyree asked not even looking up from the television.

“Hey!” I said so quietly that I don’t think even he heard me.

“I would ask you about your day, but Karma here already told me all about it. He said the movie y'all did is going to be a big money maker.”

I couldn’t believe Karma had the nerve to show up at my house, chill with my man, and then tell him basically how good our sex scene went. Who the hell does that? Tyree and I don’t even talk about our scenes unless we’re in them together. I needed a minute to gather my thoughts before I confronted Karma.

“Oh, he did, did he? Well I’ll be in the kitchen preparing dinner. When you get a minute I need your help with something,” I said to Tyree, but I was lying. I didn’t need his help with anything. I wanted to know if he invited Karma over, or if he just showed up.

I was preparing the hamburger meat when Tyree walked in the kitchen. He was looking at me like what do you want, I need to get back to my game.

“Did you invite him over here?”

“No, he said you invited him. He’s cool as shit; we’ve been playing the new Mortal Kombat game and getting high since he got here.”

“WHAT?” I was shocked. I couldn’t believe he lied to Tyree. “That dude is a little off. I never invited him here. As a matter of fact, he invited me out to eat, but I told him we were having dinner together, and you mean to tell me he showed up to our house anyway. That’s fucking crazy if you ask me,” I said as I shook my head while stirring up the meat.

“Jamar, why are you over reacting?”

I couldn’t believe Tyree thought I was over reacting. I turned around so fast that I almost knocked the meat off the stove, because now I was pissed and I had an attitude.


“Damn baby, calm down. You’re wrong. I was just messing with you. I called Blaze earlier and asked him to bring us an ounce. He was busy, and since Karma had his truck, he sent him over here with it.”

“That’s fucked up, Tyree, you got me, and now I feel stupid.”

“I don’t want to say you should feel stupid, but you definitely should feel bad. It’s late so go ahead and make enough for all of us. I’m sure he’s got the munchies and hungry too.”

“Are you sure? I thought we were going to have a nice dinner alone.”

“Yes, I’m sure. We can do that some other night.”

I felt bad for having negative thoughts about Karma at first, but then I was really disappointed. It had been a few weeks since Tyree and I had a home cooked meal alone. I took my time, preparing, seasoning, and cooking everything now that I was cooking for three. I didn’t know if Karma would like my cooking, but one thing that I knew for sure was they weren’t going to be the only ones enjoying their dinner high. I walked into the living room, officially invited Karma to dinner, and then I grabbed the ashtray with their blunt in it, that they were letting burn, wasting it, while they played the game.

“I’m taking the rest of this because you could’ve at least rolled me a blunt Tyree. I’ve been in the kitchen making a delicious dinner, which by the way will be ready in a few minutes,”

I said as I walked back toward the kitchen.

“You got it,” I heard Tyree say right before they laughed me out.

I finished cooking the food, tasted it first before serving it, and it turned out just the way I like it. I thought we were all going to eat at the table and talk like regular folks, but they decided to eat in the living room while they watched the game. It seemed like Tyree had found a new friend. I’m not into sports so I ate at the table alone while I checked my email, and replied back to some fan mail. After I sent about the thirtieth e-mail saying, “Thanks for the love and support. Krave.” I came across an interesting e-mail that said, “I met you before at one of your club appearances, but I would love to officially meet you, and spend some one-on-one time together. If it leads to anything else so be it. Money isn’t an issue, so just name your price.” I was curious to know who it was. I've met so many people at club appearances that it would've been impossible to figure it out on my own. I e-mailed whoever it was back saying, “Who is this? I'm definitely interested and curious to know who you are. Are you a cop, detective, or someone trying to entrap me in anyway?” As I clicked on the send button Tyree walked in asking about the cake.

“I'll cut it now, and bring it in there to you.”

I cut Tyree and Karma each a big
piece of cake
, and put the rest away. I was too excited about the e-mail that I wasn't hungry anymore. Tyree turned into the biggest pothead I know, he was rolling another blunt as I sat the plates down on the coffee table. They were still watching the
play, so I headed back to the kitchen with their dinner dishes. As I put the dishes in the sink my BlackBerry alerted me that I received another e-mail. I looked and it was from the same e-mail address,
[email protected]
Damn, that was quick; I thought it would take at least a day or two to get a response. He replied, “I don’t feel comfortable saying who I am in writing, but you can trust and believe that I do not work for any type of law enforcement, and I’m not trying to entrap you. What you should know is that I’m a very wealthy man. Also, please don’t be offended when I say this, but I would love to hire you as an escort. If you’re not into that, then please accept my apologies. I would still enjoy spending the day with you either way. Yours Truly, P.V.”

P.V. had my full attention, whoever he was, but at the same time I was still nervous about meeting him. As an escort, I’ve never gone alone; Tyree and I were always hired together. I thought about it for a while as I replied to other emails. Finally I came to the conclusion that I didn't really need the money, and I didn't want to meet him alone, however I still felt bad for turning him down so I thought if I gave him a ridiculously high amount he'd turn me down instead. I also wanted to make some strict rules hoping to turn him off, so I replied back, “My fee is $50,000, I'm strictly a top, and I don't kiss, rim, or cuddle. Also, I will only be free Saturday afternoon till Saturday evening. Let me know what you're interested in doing before we meet…IF we meet.” Before I could send the email Karma walked in the kitchen with their dessert dishes.

“I must say, Jamar, that food was really good, especially the cake, it hit the spot. My grandmother would say you put your foot in it.”

“Good, I'm glad you liked it.”

“The only thing that was missing though was you. I couldn't believe you didn't eat with us, and left me in there. I was stuck watching basketball, YUCK-O. I was bored out of my mind. Thank God for the weed.”

I didn't see that coming. Every time I walked in the living room they seemed like they were having fun and enjoying themselves.

“You should've eaten in here with me then.”

“I wanted to but Tyree seemed like he needed a friend. Don't get me wrong, he’s cool and all, but he's such a man's man, literally. He wanted to play video games, and watch sports. I was waiting for him to start talking about cars and shit. Shoot give me a blunt, a good book, put on some reality TV, a funny movie, or some porn and I'm entertained.”

“Well Tyree was telling me earlier that he likes chilling with you and thinks you’re cool.”

“Yea, I know.”

“How? Did Tyree tell you himself?”

“No, I overheard your conversation, so I also know you thought I was a little off and crazy.”

WOW I WAS BUSTED! Why the hell was he even listening? The more I thought about it, I was convinced he was a crazy.

“Anyway I’m not crazy. Maybe a little crazy about you sexy, but Blaze just sent me a text saying he needs his truck back so I have to go. I wish I could stay the night, but I have to get home to my man.”

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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