Read PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans Online

Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (48 page)

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“She’s an aspiring actress.”

“Oh, ok. Well I’m sure she’ll make it. She’s beautiful.”

I was nervous as hell and needed a drink because he instantly killed my buzz.

“Dad, can I get you anything to eat or drink?”

“I am quite hungry. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch and that was about 1:00p.m.”

“I’ll fix you something.”

I made my dad a plate of food that we had earlier at the party, heated it up, and served it to him with a gin and tonic, his favorite.

While he ate I had another Corona.

“When did you start drinking? You’re not even 21 yet.”

“I don’t really drink like that. I might have a Corona or two every now and then.”

“Son, I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to be straight up with me.”

I was nervous and sweating now, because I thought he was about to ask me if I was gay. I wasn’t ready for that talk so I was prepared to lie.

“Go ahead and ask me.”

He paused for a second, took a big gulp of his drink finishing it off, and then he sit the empty glass back on the table.

“Are you selling drugs? Are you a drug dealer?”

Wow. I was relieved, but shocked at the same time. He caught me off guard causing me to laugh out loud.

“Why are you laughing? This is serious.”

“I’m sorry dad; I didn’t mean to laugh at you. Why would you ask me that?”

“Because you’re living in an expensive house, better than mine I must add, you’re driving a Range Rover, and you have the biggest television that I have ever seen in my life. How can you afford all of this?”

He definitely had a point and knew something was up and I had to come up with some answers quick.

“No, I don’t sell drugs. The TV was a gift from a friend. I just got it today actually. I’m renting the house, and I brought the truck after I started making money doing commercials, and being an extra in a lot of films.”

“So you mean to tell me you make that much being an extra, and why haven’t I seen you in any commercials?”

Now he was really starting to stress me out, and making me lie to him.

“The commercials that I filmed only air here in California, and I get three hundred dollars a day as an extra. Sometimes the films take weeks to finish so I’m making about two grand a week.”

I had no idea how much extras made but I had to come up with something.

“Well, I’m just checking because you know I raised you better than that.”

“I know and trust me, dad, I’m not doing anything illegal.”

We were both quiet now, and into our own thoughts. I’m assuming he was proud of me and thinking I was doing better than he was. I was wondering how well I actually pulled that off. After a few more drinks we talked about everything. I found out my father was dating again, no wonder he seemed happier. He showed me a picture of his new girlfriend Lydia. She was pretty and thick in all the right places. She was seven years younger than he was so she must be putting it on him, and that’s why he’s been in a good mood. However, I didn’t want to think about my dad like that, let alone picture it. After a few hours of talking and catching up I showed him to the guest room, I took a shower, and then I went and kissed Tyree, who was still playing his PlayStation 3, goodnight. The next morning I woke up to my father cooking breakfast. He really made himself at home.

“Good morning. I hope you’re hungry.”

“Dad, you didn’t have to do this. I was going to take you out for breakfast.”

“It’s not a problem. I wanted to thank you for letting me spend the night, and hopefully for driving me to the airport in a few hours.”

“Oh, ok. Sure, I’ll give you a ride.”

“The food is almost ready. Let Tyree know, I made enough for all of us.”

I wanted them to have as little communication as possible, so there was no way I was going to wake up Tyree.

“I’m pretty sure he stayed up most of the night playing video games, so he’s not going to walk up anytime soon. I’ll make him a plate, and leave it in the microwave.”

“Okay. I thought I was going to have a hard time finding utensils, but I noticed you store everything like I do at home.”

“Out of habit, I guess.”

We ate homemade pancakes, eggs sunny side up, bacon, grits with butter and cheese, and sausage links. That was the first time my father cooked breakfast for me since I was fourteen. I liked the change in him, too bad we lived so far apart. When it was finally time for him to go I was a little sad, but at the same time happy I didn’t have to pretend I lived that lifestyle I portrayed any longer. I was tired of acting in my own house, even if it was only for twenty four hours. I gave him a hug, slipped a check for ten thousand dollars in his carry on, and then waited until he was inside the airport before I headed home.

Three days later it was time to go back to work, and I was working with Karma. I walked into the studio excited and anxious. The day before he was all I could think about. I checked in with Breeze to see if he had both of our STD results. Everything was fine and we were both clean. After I got the results Breeze handed me a small script. Written on the cover was
Karma Is What He Kraves.

“Jamar, read that over before we get started. You don’t have to have it memorized word for word as long as you know the main concept. You can play it by ear. Also, check in with wardrobe because they should have something for you to wear.”

I walked over to wardrobe and Amy, a short, petite, white chick waved me over.

“Jamar, I have a few things here for you to choose from.”

I quickly looked it all over and realized everything was black. I ended up wearing a t-shirt, jeans, Timberland boots, sunglasses, and a hoodie.

“Here are some props too.”

She handed me a plastic gun, and a fake knife.

“I believe you'll be using the knife and Karma will be using the gun.”

“Okay, thanks.”

I was ready to get started now. I walked out into the warehouse and was surprised to see how well they made the sound stage look like a street corner with a back alley. I noticed Karma off to the side looking over the script. He looked good, especially since his character was more masculine than he really was. He looked thugged out, but pretty. He had on some jeans that were sagging and showing off his black boxers, a white wife beater, some fake gold chains, a black skull cap, and some fresh Jordan's. The crew was getting all of the cameras and microphones set up. Breeze walked in and made his presence known.


No one spoke up because they didn't want to get yelled at. Everyone started moving faster until we were ready to start.

“Karma and Krave, are you ready and prepared for this scene?”

We both acknowledged that we were ready.

“Karma, I want you to stand on the corner and wait till one of the crew members walks up and acts like he's buying some drugs off you. After you two make the transaction and he walks off the set pretend like you’re making a call, and then start walking down the alley.”

“I got it Breeze.”

“Krave, do you know what to do from there?”

“Yes!” I replied as I nodded my head up and down.


I waited till Karma started walking down the fake alley until I ran up on him, put my arm around his neck, and then grabbed the cell phone with one hand while putting the knife on his throat with my other hand.

“Don't fucking move or I'm going to kill you.”

“Whoa, hold up! Let's talk about this.”

“Did I tell you to speak?”

He shook his head back and forth confirming that I didn’t.

“Then, shut the fuck up until I say you can talk.”

“Okay! Okay!”

I put the cell phone in my pocket and then started patting Karma down until I got to his waist.

“Nice gun. Thanks, I needed one.”

“Wait I need that--”

I smacked Karma upside the head with the gun softer than it appeared.

“I could've sworn I told you to shut the fuck up.”

I started going through his pockets and pulled out his money. I already knew how much it was but I pretended to count it anyway.

“Sixty dollars? That’s it? Where’s the rest of your money?”

“That’s all I got, yo.”

“Don’t fucking lie to me. Show me where the rest of it is, or I’m going to stab you.”

“That’s it, I SWEAR.”

“What else do you have?”

“Here take the rest of this.”

Karma handed me his baggie of fake drugs.

“What am I going to do with this? I don’t want this shit. You better come up with something else valuable.”

I eased up so he could turn around and face me.

“What about my chains? Here take them.”

“I don’t want your fake ass jewelry,” I said as I threw them on the ground.

“What else do you have?”

“That’s it. I don’t have anything else. You got it all.”

“Nah you need to come up with something. As a matter of fact get on your knees.”

“What? Come on man. Why are you doing this?”

“Cuz you’re a pretty ass motherfucka who shouldn’t be hustling. You’re too soft. I’m going to teach you a lesson, and show you how I treated bitches like you when I was in prison.”

I unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans just enough to pull my dick out.

“Now get on your knees and suck my dick, bitch. Don’t make me ask you again.”

As he slowly got down on his knees he took off his watch and tried handed it to me.

“I forgot about my watch. Please don’t make me do this. Here.”

“Nah, that’s okay. You need to keep that cuz you know what time it is, bitch.”

I grabbed his head, pushed him forward enough so I could rub my dick all over his face first.

“Now open up and suck this dick. I better not feel any teeth either because if I do I’m going to slice your face, then shoot you with your own gun.”

Karma started doing what he’s wanted to do since my housewarming party, but he started off pretending like he didn’t like it.

“You better make me believe you love it, bitch.”

I got undressed first and I was only wearing my Timbs now. Karma started getting more into it and although he was young, he had more skills than some of the older cats we worked with. He had my legs trembling and I actually had to hold back from cumming a few times by stopping him.

“Damn, yo, I can tell this definitely isn’t your first time. Now go deeper!”

I grabbed his head and started getting rougher with him. He started swallowing me whole as I fucked his mouth. It was so good I had to step back for a moment. He followed and continued doing his job. He was earning that pay check.

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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