PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (84 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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Jamar reached into his bag and pulled out the gun. He pushed it into her face and the room went silent.

“What? Cat got your tongue?”

Jamar had a weird demented look on his face. I had a feeling that he was enjoying this much more then he should have been.

“Oh, my God, Jamar, that’s enough. Put it away, she’s scared, look at her.”

My whole body was shaking by that point.

“Now, are you going to calm down or am I going to have to help you?”

She didn’t make a sound, and after a long pause and staring contest, Jamar sat the gun down on her entry table. I moved closer to the front door praying that this meant we were about to leave.

“I’m just telling you this for your own good. I don’t know what he told you he did but he’s sucking my dick and getting bent over by me. He not only does this for work, he also does it for pleasure.”

“For my own good? You think that listening to your lies is doing me good? GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

I had to give it to her. She was really trying to convince herself that Jamar was lying.

“I’m leaving, but only because I said everything I had to say. I thought that I was bad, but you’re one sorry bitch.”

I don’t know if Jamar missed it, but I saw fire in her eyes after he said that. As he gathered the five movies he had brought with him for proof, I saw something in the corner of my eyes. I looked at Jamar to see if he noticed what I did but his back was turned.

“JAMAR!” I yelled as June went charging toward him. She had something long, sharp, and shiny in her hand and she was ready to do damage. I had to think fast, I had to stop her. As I reached for the gun, I wasn’t thinking about shooting her. I just wanted to make her back off. I just wanted to put a stop to her attack on Jamar.

“Oh, my god, what did you do?” Jamar asked as I stood there with the smoking gun. It was still pointed at the same spot the pregnant woman once stood in. My mouth was open, and my mind was cloudy. I didn’t know what had happened or how.

“Oh, my god, oh, my god, oh, my god, did I just, wait, is she? She was going to stab you with the knife, I don’t know, I just reacted.”




I couldn’t find the words. Everything in my brain was melting into one big shit pile. I had just picked up a gun and pulled the trigger. I didn’t know if June was dead or alive but I did know that I went blank. I didn’t come back to myself until we were on the highway heading home.

“Was she…is she…dead?”

That’s the first thing I had said since pulling the trigger.

“Yeah, she’s dead,” was all that Jamar said. I was only left with one thought and it echoed in my head over and over again. All I heard was, “You are now a murderer.”



Chapter 36

“Damn, I got your whole body shaking. You like it, huh?”


Besides avoiding Tyree and trying to figure out what I was going to do with him and our situation everything was good. I was relaxing and watching reruns of Martin when Jasmine called me out of the blue.

“Hey, lover.”

“Hey what’s up, Jazzy?”

“I need to see you. Can you come pick me up right now?”

“Where are you?”

As she told me where she was, she sounded sad and lost. Not lost as in not knowing where she was located, but lost in life. I could tell she was wasted and had one too many, but I asked her if she had been drinking just for confirmation. Not only did she confirm, but she made it clear that she hadn’t had enough. There was no way I was going to allow her to drive or walk the streets of L.A. alone. I told her to have a seat and wait for me to pick her up. Once I turned onto Hollywood Boulevard, I saw her swaying left to right on the bench, so I knew it was going to be a long night. I thought I’d make light of the situation, so I slowly pulled up until I was right in front of her. She didn’t even notice I was there until I put the window down and started speaking.

“Hey, baby, don’t I know you? Aren’t you that slut in those porno movies? How much for a date, honey?”

She looked up and I could tell she wasn’t in the mood to joke around.

“Ha ha, very funny; fuck you, Jamar. You’ve sold your loose booty more times than I ever will.”

“Actually, it’s my dick that I sell; but touché.”

I put my truck in park, got out, and ran around to help her get inside. I made sure she had all of her belongings and was buckled in. Once I got back in the truck, I zoned out. I was staring at her, wondering how she could be so sad and let herself get so drunk. I just hoped she wasn’t heading to the point of no return like I did when I got that drunk. I was underage and hanging out with some friends when I was dared to take 20 shots of Hennessey on top of everything else that I had to drink that night. Of course, I thought I could hang with the big boys and there was no way I was going to turn down a dare. I never made it to the 20, though. Once I got to the sixteenth one, I was constantly blacking out and coming to until I threw up like the exorcist all over the place. It was one of my most embarrassing moments, so thankfully, I learned that lesson young. I just hoped and prayed that night with Jasmine would be vomit free, at least until we got out of my truck. I didn’t mind being the designated driver, but I couldn’t deal with her throwing up.

“Don’t look at me like that, Jamar; I can’t take it. I know that I am a mess. I’m so sorry for dragging you down here.”

She caught me staring which took me away from my thoughts. I let her know I was just concerned and that I didn’t mind helping a friend. She knew I was sincere so she held my hand.

“So where do you want to go?”

I could tell she was in deep thought because she paused and stared straight ahead before replying “Vegas”. At first I thought it was the alcohol talking but once she kept going on and on about it she had me at “we can fly first class”. She didn’t want to be around Breeze and I would’ve been stuck in the house with Tyree’s lying ass, so even though it was so random, her plan sounded better than renting a movie and talking about our issues like I had in mind. I was impressed with my friend, because even though she was drunk she was a functional drunk. She called up the airport, booked us two first class flights on the fastest flight out of L.A.

Then, as soon as we landed she called the Black Oasis and like a super star, she had them get the penthouse ready for our arrival. I was envious of the power of the pussy, especially when we walked in and I saw that pent house. Besides my new home it was better than anywhere else I had ever lived. It was straight out of an old episode of MTV’s cribs. After I admired where we would be staying I was shocked that the first thing she did was head to the bar especially since she had two cocktails on the flight there. She let it be known that she was just getting started. I figured, fuck it, if you can’t beat ’em, you might as well join ’em. With that, we touched glasses and I had my first drink of the night.

 After hitting up all of the major clubs and casinos it was the next morning. I’ll admit that  was the best night with just Jasmine alone since I met her, but I wanted some much needed rest. Jasmine had other plans in mind, she wanted to keep dancing so she wouldn’t have to stop and think about her problems. I knew she had a performance coming up and would need some rest if she wanted to put on a great show. I had to take care of her because she definitely wasn’t taking care of herself.

“All right girl, it’s late or early depending on how you look at it. Either way we have to go.”

“I don’t want to leave yet.”

“Do you know what time it is?”

“I don’t care what time it is, as a matter of fact it’s that time for another drink.”

“No, it’s not. You’re going to fuck around and get alcohol poison. Let’s go, I’m serious.”

“Okay, fine but one more song. Come on dance with me, Debbie Downer.”

“Fine, one more song, but that’s it. I’ll be over there waiting.”

“Whatever, suit yourself.”

I waited by the exit door while she was dancing with some random female who seemed to be one of her fans. Once that song was over and the next one started playing she didn’t miss a beat so I knew I had to step up and be the bad guy.

“Okay, Jazzy, that’s it, let’s go.”

I grabbed her arm and headed back to the exit door so we could finally leave. She pleaded for one more hour, one more song, but none of that was happening.

“I’m not leaving you alone in this condition, now let’s go.”

I was pissed. How could she be so inconsiderate? I knew she was drunk but damn there’s always another night. I grabbed her harder and started walking faster. I wasn’t in a good mood, or sober either so I was about to drag her all the way back to her suite if it came to that. She was cussing and yelling for me to let her go, so even though it was embarrassing me I didn’t care and wasn’t having it. We finally made it back to Jasmine’s penthouse in one piece and no throw-up, so I was happy but exhausted. I felt like I had been babysitting and taking care of a child ever since I picked her up in L.A.

After I helped bath her, I ordered us some breakfast, and then finally put her to bed. I took a quick shower before I planned on crawling into bed with her and sleeping like a baby, but suddenly I wasn’t tired anymore. I don’t know if it was because Jasmine’s cell phone kept going off which irritated the fuck out of me, or if it was because I finally stopped and thought about my own issues. I checked her cell phone to see who kept calling and as soon as I saw Breeze’s name popping up I waited until it stopped ringing and turned her phone off. I sat down on the couch and tried to watch some television but my mind kept wandering.

 I kept trying to figure out how I could fix our problems so we could both be happy again. I eventually passed out and woke up at eight o’clock that night. The first thing I did was check on Jasmine and she was peacefully sleeping. While I was taking another shower I remembered the craziest dream I had about Lanell, Jasmine, Blaze, Tyree, and myself. I was lost in this dark cave, and the louder I yelled the deeper I fell into the darkness. I was running around the cave with just the little bit of light from my cell phone. Each time the light would go out I would panic because I thought I was going to die down there.

My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it, so I thought it was over and I just wanted to lie down and give up but something whispered, “Don’t stop you’re almost there,” which scared the shit out of and lit a fire under my ass. I turned a corner and found Lanell on the ground asleep and wounded. I was so relieved to see another face that I jumped down beside him and hugged him so hard before yelling at him, “GET UP, LANELL. WE HAVE TO FIND A WAY OUT OF HERE. JASMINE IS IN PAIN, AND WE NEED TO BE THERE FOR HER WHEN SHE WAKES UP SO YOU CAN SAVE HER.”

As I used all my strength to hold his heavy body up and walk through the cave, Jasmine ran into us. At first we all screamed. I dropped Lanell and took off running, but when I heard Jasmine laughing at me and telling me to come back, I turned around and damn near cried. I thought,
great, now everyone who knows I’m here and lost is lost with me
, but Jasmine hugged me and said, “It’s okay, Jamar, don’t cry. I found a way out of here and I was just coming back to get you. I can’t believe you found Lanell; I didn’t even know he was here. Thank you so much, love. Now come on, man up, we still have to find Blaze and Tyree before we can leave this hell hole.”

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