PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans (89 page)

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Authors: Matthew Fabiola;L. Ramsey Joseph

BOOK: PORN STARS... More Than Just Moans
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“How about that drink, Jazzy?”

I jumped at the sound of my name. I was so busy looking for a weapon that I had forgotten about his drink. As I looked under the sink of the bar for a fresh bottle of Vodka, I saw it. And right then and there, I knew that I was going to use that little bottle Breeze used on people to control them. I might have been disgusted with Breeze at first, but there are times like these, where something so bad can come in very handy.

“Vodka okay?”

“Fine,” he answered from the living room.

I had to think and act quickly. I poured the drinks, added a little cranberry juice and last but not least, added my poison of choice.

“So what are you all talking about?” I asked as I walked over to Jamar. As I handed him his drink, I gave Tyree my back. I looked Jamar dead in the eyes then moved my own down to the drink. I could tell by Jamar’s face that he knew what I was trying to tell him.

“Just shooting the shit, wondering why he’s not so happy to see me.”

“Boy, please, you’re trippin', you know I’m always happy to see you,” Jamar said, as he nervously sipped his drink.

“Are you now? Cause you’ve been really distant lately. I thought that it may have something to do with June.”

If I wasn’t such a good actress, I would have started hyperventilating right then and there. Jamar and I stood up, but before we could move, Tyree stood up, punched Jamar dead in the face, and pulled out a gun.

“SIT THE FUCK BACK DOWN!” Tyree yelled as I tried to go over to Jamar to help him. I did as I was told.

“Get the fuck up, nigga; I didn’t hit you that hard.” Tyree’s voice leaked venom, the same venom that was shooting from Jamar’s eyes.

“What in the hell is wrong with you Tyree, and who the fuck is June?”

Good, Jamar was remembering what I taught him in the car about denying everything.

“You really don’t want to play them games with me right now. Trust me when I tell you this. It will be for your own good.”

There was no going back from there.




“So, you mean to tell me that you all didn’t plan to kill my child and his mother? What, it just kind of happened? MAN STOP FUCKING PLAYING GAMES WITH ME!”

That was maybe the tenth punch I had received from Tyree. And with every one that lands on my face, I think that I am getting closer and closer to death. Plus, he still hasn’t taken a sip of his fucking drink.

“Tyree, I’m telling you the truth, I didn’t mean to shot her, she was going to kill Jamar, I swear.”

Tyree just sat back down and laughed. He picks up his drink for the second time and holds it close to his lips. This time, I pray he quenches his thirst.

“So what am I supposed to do now? What do you expect me to do? Put yourself in my shoes. Everything that you love is dead and gone, and they were killed by your lovers and his sister. So, tell me. Would you let yourselves live?”

“Everything you loved? I guess I wasn’t one of them huh, cheating asshole?”

I don’t know how Jamar has the strength to still be talking so much shit, but I guess the pain Tyree was inflicting on us with his fist couldn’t compare to the pain he was feeling on the inside.

“What do you mean his sister? We’re close but we’re not related.”

Damn, I shouldn’t have said anything. Now he’s putting the glass down again and walking toward us. I know it’s fucked up, but I sure do hope that he’s going over to Jamar. Both my eyes are already swelling and I can taste the blood that is running from my nose and mouth. At least these prayers are answered. I can’t see Jamar but I can hear Tyree’s fist hitting against his face. I can hear the groans escaping Jamar’s lips, and I can hear the evil laughter spilling out of Tyree’s soul.

“Keep talking to me like that, you’re only making this easier. Now as for you Jazzy, I thought I told you not to question me?”

Tyree is now standing over me with a fist full of my hair. He wraps it around his hand twice and yanks my head back so that I am looking up at him.

“You heard me right, what, Breeze didn’t tell you? You two are brother and sister. You two share the same father. A Mr. Rodriguez, right?”

My head starts spinning, and it’s not just from the blows Tyree landed on my face and body, I was also off quilter from his news.

“Bullshit,” I say through blood and tears. My answer is met with a slap across the face, and a breath taking blow to the chest. He takes his seat and tells us the mind-blowing story of our connection.

“Breeze was going through some files at his office after the AIDS scare when he came across the both of yours. The first thing that grabbed him was the matching last names. But as the weeks went on, he dug a little deeper. That’s when he tracked down your drunk ass mother,” he says as he points at me.

“Then he got me to give him your father’s number. After speaking to the both of them, he realized that you two are more than just friends, you two are blood. And to think, Breeze was going to have Mr. Rodriguez come out here next week. It’s a shame you two won’t live to see him again.”

Now, I am starting to feel sick to my stomach. I have yearned for my father since the day we left Puerto Rico. I have missed him with every breath that I have taken. And here I am, finding out that I was going to see him in about a week, and that I have a brother.

“Jamar, are you okay? Did you hear what he just said, do you believe him?”

I wiggle my halfway blue fingers around and try to find his hand. Once I find them, I squeeze it, trying to gain some sort of comfort from Jamar’s touch. He holds my hand but never answers.

“So, I want to make a toast,” Tyree says as he picks up the tainted concoction that is now merged with more melted ice than anything else.

“Here’s to revenge, and people getting exactly what they deserve.”

A smile creeps across my swollen face, I try to suppress it but the thought of him drinking down the date-rape drug makes me happy. And just when I think that I’m getting away with my premature celebration, it happens. He looks over at me and thinks he knows what is going on.

“Ahhhh, you almost got me, you sneaky little bitch.”

His words are just as harsh as the blow to my stomach.

“How about you have my drink, and I’ll have yours?”

He may have made it seem like he is asking, but I know that he is telling me that I am about to have his drink.

“I’m not thirsty.”

“Who gives a shit? I don’t. Now, I’m gonna put the glass up to your lips and I want you to swallow every fucking drop, understood?”

“It’s not like I have a choice now do I?”

I would have preferred for this to go down the way I planned it, but being prepared for the unexpected came in handy. Now all I need him to do is drink from the glass that sat in front of me.

“Can I make a toast?” I ask as he stood in front of me. But before I could go on to hear his answer, my phone rings. I look at it with a burning desire to pick it up. I knew the ring, it was Lanell’s ringtone. Tyree doesn’t miss a beat.

“Let me guess, it’s Lust right? Damn I’m good,” he says as he picks up my phone.

“Don’t you wish that you could just talk to him one last time? Tell me, what would be your last words to him. Would you just tell the nigga that you love him, or would you come better than that?”

I don’t answer. He just wants to torture me in more ways than one. I’m not giving him the satisfaction.

“If you’re going to kill me, just do it already,” I say trying to sound tough.

“Aww look, he’s calling again. Too bad, huh?” Tyree asks as he pushes the end button.

“Maybe if I keep sending him to voicemail, he’ll think that you’re up in here being the slut that you are. Maybe he’ll think you’re fucking Breeze.” If I could turn into the hulk and brake through the ropes that tied me down, I would. I would have killed Tyree with my bare hands and called Lanell back. He doesn’t miss the fire that is shooting from my eyes.

“Good, he left a message, wanna listen?” I looked away from him as the reality that I may not get to see Lanell again starts to set in.

“No, I don’t want to hear it.”

“Too fucking bad,” Tyree says as he calls my voicemail and asks for my password.

“Bitch, don’t make me ask again.” I still don’t give it to him.

He reaches me before I can even blink. He hits me, over and over again. He is so heavy handed that if I couldn’t see him, I would have thought that I was being hit with an object.

“3-3-6-6” I say as I feel my lip explode and start to drip blood. I cry and plead as the pain becomes unbearable.

“Please, Tyree, if you’re going to kill me, just do it already. I can’t take any more of this.”

“No Jazzy, just hold on, don’t give up,” I hear Jamar say.

“You better mind you own fucking business nigga. Being nosy is what got you into this in the first place. Now shit the fuck up so we all can hear.”

Tyree puts the phone on speaker, and Lanell starts to talk.

“Hey baby, you must be sleeping, I know that it was a long ride. Anyways, I have some good news. I found out that the club will be up and running within three months. Jezebels, will open its doors on December 23rd, your birthday. Anyway, give me a call when you wake up. I miss you already baby. Can’t wait to see you again, love you.”

Hearing Lanell’s voice gives me the strength to beg for my life, our life.

“Look, I know that this shit that we did hurts, but killing us won’t bring anyone back. Think about our lives, think about your own. Killing us isn’t worth it, can’t you just think about what I am saying?” I ask while pleading for mercy with my eyes. And although they are almost swollen shut, he still is able to read the look of desperation on my face.

“Man, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Make your fucking toast before I shove the glass down your throat.”

I start to cry as he waits and enjoys the show.

“Please, Tyree, don’t do this, not like this, please forgive us.”

My pleas fell on deaf ears.

“Fuck you, fuck forgiveness, and fuck Jamar. You two motherfuckers are gonna pay for your sins.”

Now ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black, I think to myself.

“Fuck your toast; it’s time to drink up.”

I can feel Jamar pulling at the ropes that has us tied to the chairs back to back.

“Don’t drink that shit, don’t drink it, Jazzy.”

As Tyree held the glass up to my lips, I held them shut.

“You have one more fucking second to open up your goddamn mouth.”

Tyree is running out of patience. The more he tries to force feed me the drink, the more I struggle to get away. Finally fed up, Tyree grabs my throat and starts to squeeze the life out of me. This causes me to gasp for air, and that’s when he starts to pour.

“Thought you would poison me huh? Fuck your stuck-up ass. Always walking around here like your better than me, as if you couldn’t give a nigga some ass here and there. Don’t think that I didn’t peep how you were acting on the set of Baby, Bi the Way, acting as if you weren’t enjoying it. I hope this drink kills you slowly and painfully.”

“Who the fuck are you? I can’t believe I was living with such a monster. Have you hated her this whole time, you sick fuck?” Tyree doesn’t respond to Jamar. Instead, he speaks to me.

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