Possessed (53 page)

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Authors: Donald Spoto

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Day, Doris, 200, 201
de Havilland, Olivia, 122, 268
Del Rio, Delores, 40
DeMille, Cecil B., 24, 45, 55
(film), 126
Detroit, Michigan: Crawford’s early dance performances in, 16–17, 32
The Diary of Anne Frank
(play), 239, 247
Dietrich, Marlene, 104, 126, 133
Dinner at Eight
(film), 119
directors, 24, 41, 74, 164–65, 215, 237.
See also specific person
doll collection, Crawford’s, 67, 68
Dorn, Philip, 163, 164
Double Indemnity
(film), 173
Douglas, Melvyn, 123, 130, 135, 155, 157, 165–66
Dr. Kildare
(TV show), 257, 278
Dream of Love
(film), 58
Dressler, Marie, 102
Drury, Allen, 281
The Duke Steps Out
(film), 62
Dunne, Irene, 190
Dunne, Philip, 240
Emerine, Katherine, 15–16
Engstead, John, 102, 171
Esmond, Jill, 85, 99
Europe: Fairbanks-Crawford trip to, 99– 100; Steele-Crawford honeymoon in, 232; Steele-Crawford vacation in, 238
Excess Baggage
(play), 137
Exclusive Story
(film), 121
The Exorcist
(film), 285
“Eyes” (TV episode), 275–76
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.: comments about Crawford of, 69–70, 72–73, 84, 97, 98, 99, 111; Crawford’s admiration for, 73; and Crawford’s ambitions, 65, 84; Crawford’s comments about, 65, 105; Crawford’s dependency on, 73; Crawford’s engagement to, 58; Crawford’s European trip with, 99– 100; Crawford’s film with, 63–64; Crawford’s first visit with, 51, 52; Crawford’s in©uence on, 54–55, 106; Crawford’s initial impression on, 53; Crawford’s marriage to, 63, 64; Crawford’s relationship with, 52–55, 106, 144, 244, 286; and Crawford’s self-improvement, 117; death of, 111; and description of Crawford-Fairbanks house, 67–68; divorce of Crawford and, 99–100, 105–6, 113; education of, 51; Fairbanks Sr.’s relationship with, 51; financial affairs of, 53, 55, 65; and Gable-Crawford relationship, 92, 100; Hartford marriage of, 144; infidelities of, 84–85, 86, 92, 99–100; in©uence on Crawford of, 71–72; Montgomery-Olivier Mexico fishing trip with, 85–86; Montgomery (Robert) as friend of, 66; mother’s relationship with, 51; New York trips of, 63, 64, 94; nickname for, 54; Olivier’s friendship with, 85; pantomimes of, 64; problems in marriage of Crawford and, 84–86; on
location, 55–56; self-image of, 52; Steele compared with, 235; and Steele-Crawford marriage, 246; and Steele’s death, 244; teenage years of, 52; Tone compared with, 111; and type of men Crawford was attracted to, 163; views about Fairbanks Sr. of, 64; in
51, 52; and
The Youngest,
Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., 5, 51, 53, 54, 64, 71, 73, 124, 128, 158
fans, Crawford’s, 92–93, 121–22, 126– 27, 129, 182, 221, 251, 276–77
Fatal Conšnement
(film), 268
Faulkner, William, 103, 140
Female on the Beach
(film), 226–27, 228
finances, Crawford’s: and
The Best of
245; and Crawford as big moneymaker, 102; and Crawford as child, 9; and Crawford’s arrival in Los Angeles, 1; and Crawford’s dismissal from Pepsi-Cola, 283; and Crawford’s early dance performances, 16, 18; and Crawford’s homes, 269, 283; and Fairbanks-Crawford relationship, 53, 65; and
filming, 182; and MGM assignments for Crawford, 99; and MGM bonuses, 75, 117; and MGM- Crawford contracts, 19, 20, 29, 84, 103, 117, 134, 170; and Pepsi-Cola salary, 245, 251; and post–
films, 261, 262, 268–69; salary increases for, 40, 55; and schools for Crawford’s children, 234; and Steele-Crawford relationship, 231, 234; and Steele’s death/estate, 245–47, 251, 252; and
261; and
Sudden Fear,
216; and Terry-Crawford divorce, 180; and
This Woman Is Dangerous,
213; and
Torch Song,
219; and Warner- Crawford contracts, 171, 172, 182, 190, 199; and wealth of Crawford, 124–25; and
What Ever Happened to
Baby Jane?,
See also
generosity, Crawford’s
Flamingo Road
(film), 200, 201
Fleming, Victor, 23
Fletcher, Adele Whitely, 21, 27, 29, 285
Flynn, Errol, 172
Fonda, Henry, 130, 136, 191–92
Foreign Correspondent
(film), 166
Forsaking All Others
(film), 115–16, 117, 118, 130, 140
Four Walls
(film), 56
Fox Studios, 50, 137, 190, 245, 247
Frank, Claudia, 239
Frederick, Pauline, 83
freelancing: of Crawford, 215–16.
See also
specific film
Freeman, Dore, 282
friendship: and Crawford as friend, 282–83, 285.
See also specific person
Friml, Rudolf, 17, 56
From Here to Eternity
(film), 236
Funny Girl
(musical), 110
Gable, Clark: Academy Award for, 119; and Bautzer-Crawford relationship, 187; in
113–15, 130; Crawford’s comments about, 141, 143; Crawford’s films with, 76, 78–80, 86–90, 107–9, 113–15, 123–24, 130, 140–43; Crawford’s relationship with, 83, 90–92, 99, 100, 111, 114–15, 141, 161, 187, 201, 250; Crawford’s similarity to, 90–91; in
Dance, Fools, Dance,
76, 78–80, 82; in
Dancing Lady,
107–9, 130; death of, 250; in
Forsaking All
115, 130; in
Gone with the
140, 141; illness of, 108, 109; image of, 91; in
It Happened One
119; as King of the Movies, 210; in
Laughing Sinners,
82, 83, 130; and Lombard, 91, 123, 141, 161; in
Lone Star,
213; in
Love on the
123–24, 130; marriages of, 91, 250; as MGM contract player, 5; and morals clause in contracts, 91; in
Mutiny on the Bounty,
121; personal and professional background of, 76; personality of, 91; popularity of, 5; in
86, 88–89, 90; promiscuity of, 92; Steele compared with, 235; and Steele-Crawford marriage, 246; in
Strange Cargo,
140, 141–43; and type of men Crawford was attracted to, 163
Gallico, Paul, 281
Garbo, Greta: Adrian as designer for, 59; as big moneymaking star, 102; as box-office poison, 133; Brown- directed films for, 87; cost of films of, 76; Crawford compared with, 56–57, 75, 80; as Crawford rival, 39; Crawford’s resemblance to, 95, 102; films of, 38, 62, 93–94, 96; Gilbert’s relationship with, 47; glamour of, 38; as international star, 56–57; and Mayer, 38, 49; as MGM contract player, 5; MGM first hires, 38; overacting by, 93; personality of, 38; popularity of, 5; retirement of, 155, 169; salary for, 38; as star, 56–57, 128
Gardner, Ava, 169, 213
Garfield, John, 172, 182, 185, 188
Garland, Judy, 59, 154, 169
Garson, Greer, 59, 154, 160, 169, 183
Garvey, Marjorie, 230
Gaynor, Janet, 40, 59, 102
Geeson, Judy, 271
General Electric Theater
(TV show), 243
generosity, Crawford’s, 6, 117–18, 129, 130, 153, 162, 169, 172, 176, 286.
See also
charity donations
Gilbert, John, 5, 47, 56, 64, 130
The Girl from Missouri
(film), 113–14
The Girl from Trieste
(film), 129
Gish, Lillian, 5, 24, 45
glamour, 8, 35–36, 38, 126, 128, 129, 287
Golden Globe awards, 217, 276
Goldwyn, Samuel, 105, 133
Gone with the Wind
(film), 140, 141
Goodbye, My Fancy
(film), 109, 210–12
Gordon, Ruth, 112
The Gorgeous Hussy
(film), 123, 130, 137
Gough, Michael, 271
Goulding, Edmund, 33, 34, 41, 42, 172
Grahame, Gloria, 216, 217, 218
Grand Hotel
(film), 93–94, 95, 96, 184
Grant, Cary, 25
Grauman’s Chinese Theatre (Los Angeles), 64, 85, 182–83
Great Day
(musical), 70–71
(film), 28
Greenburg, Adrian Adolph “Adrian.”
Adrian (designer)
Greenstreet, Sydney, 200
Griffith, D. W., 24, 51
Griffith, Edward H., 119
Group Theatre, 112, 121
Guilaroff, Sydney, 94–95, 139, 288, 291
Haines, William “Billy”: in accident, 49–50; and Crawford as WAMPAS Baby Star, 40; Crawford at party given by, 190; Crawford’s films with, 47–50, 62; Crawford’s relationship with, 21, 37–38, 49; death of, 284; and deaths of friends and others, 259; as decorator for Crawford homes, 40, 68, 153, 234, 269, 284; as homosexual, 37, 49; illness of, 269, 282; and nickname for Crawford, 282; popularity of, 49; Shields as partner of, 37, 49, 284
Haller, Ernest, 179, 182
Hamilton, Neil, 82–83, 130
hanger episode, 194, 279
Harlow, Jean, 4–5, 59, 83, 107, 114
Harper’s Bazaar
magazine, 171
Harriet Craig
(film), 206–9
Hartford, Mary Lee Eppling, 144
Hawks, Howard, 103
Hayden, Sterling, 224, 225
Hayes, Helen, 17, 104, 151
Hayward, Brooke, 136, 170
Hayward, Leland, 136, 149
Hayward, Susan, 227
Hayworth, Rita, 205
Hecht, Ben, 219
He©in, Van, 188
Hellman, Lillian, 160, 200
Hemingway, Ernest, 52
Henie, Sonja, 137
Hepburn, Katherine, 59, 119, 133, 169, 212, 227, 252, 263
Heston, Charleton, 221
Hill, Virginia, 202
Hitchcock, Alfred, 41, 166, 167, 182, 220, 260, 261
Hollywood: fakeness in, 36–37; Tone’s dislike of, 122, 134.
See also specific
person, studio, or film
Hollywood Canteen
(film), 171–72
Hollywood Foreign Press Association, 276
Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital, 118, 150
The Hollywood Revue of 1929
(musical), 62–63, 219
homes, Crawford: on Bristol Avenue (Brentwood), 58, 67, 106, 121, 125, 153, 165, 173, 205, 208, 234, 246; cleaning in, 130, 133, 169, 170, 171, 270; on Courtney Avenue, 40, 284; and Crawford’s finances, 269, 283–84; and Crawford’s views about her home, 208; decor of, 40, 68, 153, 234, 269–70, 284; and description of Fairbanks- Crawford house, 67–68; in New York City, 233–34, 242–43, 246, 251, 269–70, 283–84; sale of, 234, 246; servants for, 169; in studio dressing room, 221–22; as symbol for Crawford, 108; at Washington Hotel (Culver City), 3–4, 31, 40
homosexuality, 13, 25, 37, 49, 85, 280–81
Hope, Bob, 268
Hopper, Hedda, 169, 256
Hough, Alice, 158–59
Hough, Harry, 11
Hudson, Rock, 25
Hughes, Howard, 124
(film), 181–82, 183, 184–86, 189, 190, 205, 215, 245, 249
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
(film), 46
Hunter, Ian, 141, 142, 143
Hurrell, George, 102–3
Hurst, Fannie, 181
Hush… Hush Sweet Charlotte
(film), 267–68
Huston, John, 250
Huston, Walter, 97–98
Hyman, Bernard, 116
I Live My Life
(film), 120, 121, 130
I Saw What You Did
(film), 269
The Ice Follies of 1939
(musical), 137, 219, 276
Imitation of Life
(film), 178

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