Powerful Magic (35 page)

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Authors: Karen Whiddon

BOOK: Powerful Magic
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And with those words she knew with an earth-shattering certainty that Kenric had claimed more than her body; he'd claimed her heart.

A few hours later, standing awkwardly in the courtyard, Megan watched as Kenric shook hands with a smugly grinning Lord Brighton.
Edmyg watched also, his expression guarded.
No one else in the keep had turned out to bid them farewell.
It reminded her, in a way, of their lonely departure from the faerie castle.

She knew no one believed they would really be able to go.

The drawbridge had been lowered.
Taking her arm, Kenric led her out the stone gate.
Their footsteps thudded on the wooden bridge and the morning air had a hint of mist.
She smelled the freshness of the dew on the grass and the distant scent of the forest.
Holding tight to his arm, she reflected that she'd never felt so in tune with life, so alive.

Finally, they reached the end.
Ahead of them lay endless rolling fields of untilled green.
To the east the forest rose, shady and welcoming.

Releasing her arm, Kenric put his fingers to his mouth and whistled, a piercing, sharp sound.
Lancelot, his white coat
gleaming in the bright sunlight, came charging from the trees.
Running full out, the war horse was both beautiful and terrifying.
When he reached the rocky path where the drawbridge touched the ground, he reared, pawing the air.

Kenric strode forward - and staggered back as if he'd run into a brick wall.

Startled, Megan stopped too.
"What is it?"

"They weren't lying."
Running a hand through his dark hair, Kenric reached out a hand to take his horse's bridle, and couldn't.
He pushed against the invisible barrier, muttering oaths under his breath.
On the other side, Lancelot pranced towards them, then stopped at the end of the drawbridge, tossing his head and snorting.

"Edmyg was correct - we cannot leave this place.
There is an evil spell at work here."

"Are you serious?"
Megan couldn't believe it.
She had no desire to remain in Lord Brighton's castle for the rest of her life, endlessly dodging the large man's determined pursuit.

"Try it and see."

Flashing him her most confident smile and hoping he didn't notice how it trembled around the edges, Megan stepped forward.

No problem.
She felt nothing - no barrier, no invisible wall, nothing but the faint dampness of the mist and the coolness of the morning breeze.

Glancing at Kenric over her shoulder, she took another step.
Then another.
Until finally she reached Lancelot's side and stood close enough to lay a hand on his thick neck.

Triumphant, she turned to face Kenric and flashed him the thumbs up sign before she realized he probably had no idea what that meant.
Instead, she inclined her head like a queen and grinned, beckoning to him.

"Come on."

Instead of smiling back, Kenric frowned.
"How did you do that?"

She didn't understand.
"Do what?"

"How did you get past the barrier?"

"There was no barrier."
She shrugged.
"Maybe it's all in your mind."

Setting his jaw resolutely, Kenric took a running step forward. He growled in frustration as he hit the same invisible barrier and was thrown backwards.

"I told you."
Lord Brighton yelled from the castle gate, his booming voice filled with glee.
"How did Megan get through it?"

Megan to you."
Kenric snarled, then glanced at Megan quickly.
"I don't know."

Heart pounding, Megan grabbed Lancelot's bridle and led him forward.
Maybe Kenric could
through whatever stopped him.
Encountering no barrier this time either, she stepped easily across the drawbridge, but the warhorse stopped, nearly jerking her off her feet.

Try as she might, she couldn't make the horse go any further.
Evidently, Lancelot felt the invisible boundary too.

Helpless, she let the horse go and crossed to Kenric's side.
"I don't get it.
Why can't you come with me?"

He watched her with narrowed eyes.
"What magic do you possess, Megan of Dallas, that you have thought to keep hidden from me?
Tell me the truth now.
Are you Faerie?"

Stunned, she stared up at him.
His craggy face wore a furious expression.
I don't have any."

She could see from his set expression that he didn't believe her.

She insisted.
"I didn't even believe in magic until I met you."
And until she'd found out she'd somehow traveled to the long distant past.

On the other side of the barrier, Lancelot tossed his head and pawed the ground.
If horses could talk, Megan would have sworn this one urged them to hurry.

With a clenched fist, Kenric reached out towards his war horse.
Only to come up against the same barrier.
No matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't get his hand through.

"Walk through it again."
He ordered.

With a sigh, she did as he bid.
She felt no barrier,

no tingle of magic, nothing.

Lancelot snorted.
She reached up and patted his long, muscular neck.
"Come on."
She held out her hand to Kenric.

"I cannot."
His low voice echoed his rage.

She didn't understand.
"Use your magic."

"My magic."

The same magic that somehow transported me to the dungeon of this castle, er keep."

His expression darkened.
"Mayhap you got yourself to this place."

She'd had enough experience dealing with men to realize his male pride had been offended.
Searching her brain for a way to make him understand, she realized what she would have to do.

Flashing him a bright smile, she remembered he might not understand her twentieth century slang.
"All right.
I guess I'll just have to go on without you.
I'm sure you won't mind if I borrow Lancelot here, will you?"

He roared.

Trying not to laugh, she affected a serious, wide eyed expression.
"I still have to find Roger."

"I will deal with Roger.
You are mine."
He stated arrogantly.
"As is the war horse. You will go nowhere without me."

Despite herself, she liked his warrior's confidence.
Eying the magical sword, she wondered if it would somehow help him break the spell.
Hands clasped in front of her, she waited, confident that her warrior would find a way to her.

Her warrior
Her heart skipped a beat.
She liked the sound of that, liked too the way Kenric claimed her as his own.

Under his breath, he muttered a few words.

The breeze picked up.
He drew his sword.
The weapon began to glow.
He rushed forward, sword ahead of him.
His steel pierced the invisible barrier. He did not. He reeled back from the force of the blow, his sword clattering to the ground on Megan's side of the barrier.

With an apologetic look, she stepped forward and picked it up.
The sword was heavier than it looked, so she could barely lift it.
Instead, she held it gingerly by the engraved handle, point pressing in to the ground.
Though it may have been her imagination, it seemed to vibrate.

She chewed her bottom lip, trying to figure this out.

Kenric's magic - indeed, all magic - seemed to her to be a hit and miss thing.
She would have thought it would be more, well, controllable.

Raking his hand through his hair, he shot her a frustrated glare.
"Any other ideas?"

Silently, she shook her head.
Beside her, Lancelot whinnied.
Evidently the horse didn't understand why his master wouldn't leave the drawbridge.

Why could she cross and he couldn't?
Did the spell somehow recognize that she wasn't from this place, from this time?
That was the only valid explanation.

Telling Lancelot to wait, she lifted the heavy sword with both hands and crossed the barrier to Kenric's side.
Without a word she handed him the sword, watching as he grimly sheathed it.

Behind them she could see Lord Brighton doubled over, his large belly shaking with laughter.
Only the mage continued to watch as if he still believed something else could be done.

to be done.
They had to come up with a way out of here.
She wasn't about to stay here, nor would she leave Kenric.

"Take my hand."
She ordered softly.

He stared at her, his stormy expression reflecting his disbelief.
As she slipped her hand in his, his pupils dilated.

She felt her own breathing quicken as she realized he was remembering the lovemaking they'd shared.
She shivered, amazed that he could arouse her with merely a look, but accepting it.
After all, that was the way of it when you were in love.

In love
Gasping, she tried to pull her hand free, but he would not release her.
Though she'd sort of known it after they'd made love, thinking the words like this shocked

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