Read Pretty Stolen Dolls Online

Authors: Ker Dukey,K. Webster

Tags: #Book One

Pretty Stolen Dolls (24 page)

BOOK: Pretty Stolen Dolls
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“Approximately ninety minutes she ran along that dark stretch of highway with him chasing her?” I question, a shiver coursing through me just thinking about the terror that girl faced.

“Give or take. It lines up with the approximate time of death, which would have occurred right around the time she made it to that spot,” he tells me. “He wanted her to run that distance from him. Probably chased her with his vehicle. When she got where he wanted her, he dispatched her.”

His eyes find mine, questions dancing in them.

“What are you thinking?” I ask.

“How long did you tell them you ran for?” he inquires before shoving a pizza roll into his mouth. I’m still holding the two he gave me in my palm.

“I didn’t know. Told them it seemed like hours. By the time I came to three weeks later, they’d already canvassed a six-mile radius in search of my sister. They found nothing. And when I told them to search farther, they kindly explained it wasn’t possible in my condition. Six miles was stretching it.”

Tugging one of the pizza rolls from my hand, he makes me eat it, and then the other one before he speaks again.

“What if you ran farther than those six miles? What if he’s leaving a clue so you’ll come find him?” His brows furl together, as if the very notion pisses him off.

“He clearly left that clue on the craft fair’s website. Just a small detail to get me out there on my own. When I got to that booth, there was just the single abused doll with the message on it. I think he probably would have tried to lure me away from the crowd and taken me again had Officer Douche not gone all psycho football player on me.”

Dillon’s features harden. “What was the message on the doll you said he left you? It was missing when they went back to check the scene.”


My throat constricts and I choke out the words. “It’s what he used to call me…”

“Dirty little doll,” he says with a low growl. Even though it’s spoken by Dillon and not Benny, it still sends a ripple of terror quivering through me. His arm wraps around me and he pulls me against his side. “It was carved along the homicide vic’s upper chest post mortem.” He lets out a furious hiss. “I’m going to slice that motherfucker from his throat to his dick and let you rip his goddamned insides out.”


here with your doors locked at all times. Shoot any motherfucker who dares enter unless it’s me, of course,” Dillon says with a smirk, the steam from his coffee billowing around his face.

He looks sexy as hell today in a pair of black slacks and a fitted pale blue button-up shirt. Because it’s hotter than hades outside, he’s already rolled his sleeves up to his elbows. The muscles in his forearms ripple with each movement. The veins are plentiful and prominent—just like his cock. And I should know, I got a close up encounter from my knees in the middle of the night.

Despite the horrors around me, I’m oddly satisfied Dillon and I have grown closer. It takes the edge off the ever-present stress. I’ve actually enjoyed myself while with him. Even though we’ve been working together to find Benny and Macy, he’s also distracted me. We’re able to turn all that off the moment his body joins with mine. I’ve never had a safe haven before…it’s always been Benny stuck inside my head twenty-four seven.

Dillon drives him away.

Dillon fills that space with his intense, intoxicating presence.

Dillon is the ultimate distraction and I welcome it wholeheartedly.

Benny, for once, can’t win. Dillon is the alpha male who beats on his chest and dominates my headspace.

“You know I won’t hesitate to shoot him if he comes into my home,” I assure him.

His eyes drag over my body. Since I don’t have to work, I’m just wearing a loose white tank top and pair of lacey pink panties. I like that he’s so affected by me. In all the months we’ve worked together, he never once let on he’d been interested.

“When they finally let you come back to work, it’s going to be hard as fuck not to bend you over your desk and take you from behind,” he says with a growl while setting his mug down on the counter.

I laugh as he prowls over to me. My body is sore from yesterday, but he doesn’t hurt me in his embrace. His nose nuzzles into my hair and he inhales me.

“God,” he grumbles, “your scent is going to be the death of me. How the hell am I supposed to focus today with you clinging to my skin?”

His mouth finds mine and he kisses me hard and eager with a hunger that seems to consume him. My palms roam his chest until I grip his erection through his pants. The man is insatiable. He fucked me raw last night and I’m still sore, but somehow, I’m growing wet just thinking about his cock inside me.

“I have to leave,” he complains before his mouth devours mine. He doesn’t seem in any hurry. My shirt is all but torn from my body and I let out a yelp when he slides down to suckle my collarbone. Then his mouth is on my nipple, sucking and biting and pulling with his teeth. My nipples are on fire from his constant abuse, yet they’re erect, eager for more. His hair is freshly gelled and I’m dying to mess it back up. My fingers thread into his hair and I yank enough to make him groan.

“Fuck,” he murmurs, his hands finding my panties. Hastily, he shoves them down my thighs and twists me away from him. “Bend over, baby.”


A ripple of excitement washes over me.

Turning away, I lean over the island and his large palm smacks my ass, causing me to squeal.

“Ugh!” I shriek. “Asshole.”

Then his belt is jingling, his fingers are parting me open, and that fat cock of his is inside me in one hard thrust.

“Oh God!” I cry out, my fingers clawing at the countertop.

The sound of his flesh slapping against mine echoes in the kitchen. He takes me brutally from behind, but his fingers roam my back, gently caressing. Dillon fucks me like a lion would his bitch in heat as his protectiveness washes over me.

This pain mixed with pleasure…Dillon gives me what Bo never could.

His thumb and finger pinch my clit, jolting me back to the moment. A few seconds more of his delicious, torturous assault and I’m coming hard on his cock. He fists his fingers in my messy hair and slightly yanks as he fills me with his release. The groan that escapes him is hot and nearly has me begging him to take me back to my room for round two this morning.

“You’re going to get my ass fired,” he complains as he pulls out of me. His hot cum runs down my inner thigh to my knee. Another pop on my ass has me jerking my head over my shoulder to glare at him. But as soon as I see his disheveled hair and shit-eating grin, I’m done for. He’s made me weak for him. For once in my entire terrible life, I actually like feeling weak.

“Call in sick,” I tease as I slide my panties up my wet thighs. “I could take care of you.”

He tucks his dripping cock into his boxers and yanks his slacks up. While he fastens his pants, he shakes his head at me. “Who knew you were such a vixen, Jade? Had I known we would have been this good together, I’d have fucked you in the back of the Crown Vic the first day we were assigned together. I didn’t realize your bitchiness was how you flirted.”

Laughing, I swat at him. “You’re an ass.”

His fingers bite into my hips as he hauls me to him. Those perfect full lips press against mine and he kisses me hard. Every time with Dillon is rough and needy and raw. I’ve never experienced anything like it.

When he finally breaks away from our breathtaking kiss, he levels me with a serious gaze. “Don’t leave at all today,” he instructs. “Promise me you’ll be here naked and waiting by the time I get back home.”

The tingling up my spine and bruise I feel throbbing at my lips from his passion has me in a state of intoxication that’s threefold when he calls my place his home. I’m still reeling that I don’t even register the quick kiss to my lips and then the slam of the front door several moments later.


Dillon feels like the closest thing.

I’ve been researching areas farther than the six-mile radius I originally obsessed over for hours. Lunch has come and gone with no word from my partner. By Dillon’s calculations, I could have been farther out, so I double it and start checking properties within a twelve-mile radius. I’m buried in details when my phone starts to ring.

“Hello?” I answer, my mind absent as I scroll along the screen.

“Hello to you, too,” a deep, familiar voice growls, “dirty little doll.”

My blood turns to ice and the caller—fucking Benny—now has my undivided attention. “Where is my sister?” I demand, switching my phone to speaker so I can look for a number. Thank God there is one. “Where the fuck is she, asshole?”

He chuckles, the tone dark and sinister, just like I remember. My entire body quakes with fear. It’s been years since I last heard his voice, but it feels like only yesterday.

“After you abandoned her—abandoned us both—do you even care? It’s not her you need to worry about anyway,” he spits out. “You need to worry about that motherfucker.”


Pain slices through me at the thought of Benny hurting him too. “No!”


Bingo. Gas station seven miles from here. He’s so close. Shit!

“If you hurt him, I swear to God, I’ll kill you, Benny!” I threaten.

“Benjamin,” he seethes. “You call me Benjamin.”

Ignoring him and pulling up my inbox, I start typing an email to the entire department.

Murder and kidnapping suspect known as Benjamin AKA Benny called my cell. Reverse search says phone call is coming from a payphone at the Stop N Save on the corner of Delaware and Hollister. I’m in pursuit now. Send back up immediately!

I hit send and shove my feet into my shoes. “I’m no longer playing your games, Benny. You’re going to give me my sister and turn yourself in to the authorities.”

He’s not stupid. I just want to keep him talking. The longer he stays on the phone, the better chance I have of arresting him. With my Glock in my hip holster, I bolt out the front door and jog toward my car.

“We both know I’m not going to turn myself in,” he says smugly. “Do you miss me, pretty little doll? Do you miss the way I fucked your tight cunt while you screamed and begged for someone to save you? Do you remember the way you used to come so hard when my mouth was on your pussy? Such a dirty, dirty doll. Why did you run away from me—from us? I kept her just for you and that was how you showed me your appreciation?”

Bile rises in my throat, but I choke it down. “You’re a monster. You better pray my sister is still alive and well. If you did anything to her, I will cut your heart out and feed it to you.”

“You’re so dramatic. Always were a feisty one. There’s no other who compares to you, ” he tells me, his voice low. “Always wanting to be the star of the show. Always wanting me to fuck you instead of her. Such a jealous doll, weren’t you?”

“Fuck you!” I snarl as I speed down the road, my lights on but siren off.

My phone beeps, but I don’t try to answer it. I have to keep his ass on the line.

“You already did, dirty doll, you even asked for it at times. I fucked you many times and God, did it feel good. I haven’t felt anything like it since the day you ran out on me. Truth is, you’re my favorite doll,” he says, a sick smile in his voice. “And I want you fucking back!” His roar causes me to shriek and nearly drop the phone. A terrified sob sticks in my throat, but I swallow it down.

BOOK: Pretty Stolen Dolls
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