Read PrimalHunger Online

Authors: Dawn Montgomery

PrimalHunger (27 page)

BOOK: PrimalHunger
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“We don’t have much time. Get your men. We have to get the
fuck out.”

“Azros.” A familiar voice rang through the room. Azros
swirled around and rushed to the cage of his mentor. He gripped the bars. The
grizzled and haggard appearance of the great sage tore the animal loose inside
him. Dion gripped his hands in his. “You are here, my Prince? This is not the
work of that cursed drug?”

His men were slowly coming around. Their exclamations began
waking the others from their drug fugue.

Azros nodded and pressed his forehead against Dion’s fingers
in respect for his rank. “I am here.”

“They took the mine.” Dion choked on emotion.

“I know. We will take it back. You have my word.” He glanced
over to Mase and Jackson.

Jackson tore through paperwork and research material,
dropping them into a bag. He looked up and met Azros’ gaze. “We need the drug.”

Azros nodded and turned back to Dion. “Where is the drug?”

Mase’s fingers flew over the release controls.

Dion glanced at Jackson. He slipped into their tongue. “Can
he be trusted?”

Azros looked back. “Yes. He would do us no harm.”

Dion nodded, switching back to trader’s dialect. “The white
cabinet behind you. Type code AJ25 to open it.”

Azros grinned at his mentor. “Still pretending to sleep, old

Dion laughed. “It’s the only way to find out what’s really
going on.”

“Finally!” Mase grinned. “There we go.” The doors swung open
and his men stumbled out of their cages. Most were still groggy. Some were
unable to move on their own. Mase packed up his gear.

Jackson took everything out of the cabinet. He looked up at
Azros. “We’re done here.”

“Listen to me, men. Your prince has returned to get you to
safety.” Azros gestured to Jackson and Mase. “They are here to help. We have to
move so those who are able will give assistance to the others. No one will be
left behind.”

“My Prince, they took your brother.” Dion helped another

“Xavier will meet us at the ship.”

“But…how?” Dion’s concern told Azros the critical nature of
his wounds.

“We have to move. There’s no time for explanation.”

Dion nodded. “Of course, my Prince.” They raced down the
corridor. The old sage moved very quickly.

Jackson took point, and Azros teamed up with Mase at the
rear of the group.

Mase glanced at him. “We’re going to have company.”

Azros’ gaze fell on his men. Filth and blood caked their
skin. Their once proud shoulders were stooped as though broken of spirit.
Beneath the surface, however, beat the hearts of free men. “Let them come.”

Jackson’s men fell back to cover their escape. Shots rang
out. The group’s pace increased, and Azros was satisfied to see some of them
slip into their extra senses.

They made it to the bay before the Sheon caught up with the
prisoners. Jackson and Mase laid down suppressive fire while Azros guided his
men to the ship.

A Sheon pilot ran at him with a pipe swinging, and Azros
shot him. The pilot collapsed to the deck.

“Azros!” Shyla’s voice rang out over the confusion. She
raced toward him with Xavier on her shoulders in a fireman’s carry.
Blood-soaked bandages covered several areas of his body. He swallowed down his
fury. Even with the gravity bracelets, Xavier weighed her down considerably.
Azros ran, meeting her. He hauled Xavier off her shoulders and grabbed her

She wrenched from his grasp. “No.”

kill you.” Azros gestured to Xavier.
“There’s no hiding this. Not anymore.”


Jackson rushed over, laying cover fire across the bay. “Can
you two pick a different time to argue?”

“Jackson. Take her.” Azros ran toward the ship. Jackson’s
weapon discharged and his heavy footfalls pounded the deck behind him.

They made it to the ship. A split second after the door
shut, the pilot took off. The bay doors opened with Mase’s assistance and they
were racing back to the planet. Back to Kendra. “Hang in there, Xavier.” He
held his brother in his arms, and prayed that the fates had kept his mate safe.

Chapter Fourteen


Azros strolled down the corridor. Each step was punctuated
by the loud argument coming from the other side of the door. Some phrases were
creative enough to leave his ears burning.

Mase lounged against the wall.

“What’s going on?”

Mase glanced up. “Chief decided she was well enough to leave
the clinic.”

His mate’s voice cut through the others. Mase opened the
door and Azros’ gaze was drawn immediately to Kendra. She stood at the doorway,
pale-faced and furious, giving as good as she got…in more languages than even
Azros understood. Short curls tumbled around her face in a red halo. He admired
the new changes in her body. Her skin showed the first stages of a very special
change. Azros and his beast were in agreement. Golden tiger stripes were sexy.

“What does the doctor say?”

“Dr. Monroe says two more days and she can be released.”

Azros nodded. “What did she say when Kendra wasn’t around?”

Mase laughed. “She’s fine to leave, but must be

Azros grinned. “I’ll make sure she’s
well-rested.” He rolled up his sleeves. “Who all is in there?”

“Destiny. Reeva. The shift nurse.” Mase slapped him on the
back. “Give ’em hell, Azros.”

Azros shook his head. “Feeding me to the wolves, huh?”

“Better you than me, buddy.”

He sighed at Mase’s refusal to stop calling him buddy. Azros
stepped into the room and was immediately accosted.

Reeva threw her hands up. “Finally. Someone who can talk
some sense into her.”

“To Destiny?” He glanced at her. “What about?”

“Not me. Kendra.” Destiny’s hands were planted firmly on her

“You know, I was fully capable of taking care of myself
before he crashed into my life.” Kendra glared at him. “He is not my keeper.”

He held his hands up in innocence. “Don’t bring me into
this. I just got here.”

Kendra’s grip on the doorframe was white-knuckled. He could
see the strain of recovery on her face. Her hands trembled, and he would bet
she was exhausted.

“Kendra, be reasonable.” Destiny threw up her hands.

“If you two weren’t blocking me, I’d be out of this bed and
resting in the comfort of my own room!” Kendra’s eyes flashed with frustration
while her mind was a riot of fury.

Azros stepped forward and cleared his throat. All three
women turned their glares on him. Azros swallowed, realizing how deadly these
three could be to his person. “Kendra, Xavier sends his regards.”

Kendra’s expression softened. “How is he?”

“Recovering. Spitting mad, like you. Telling me the doctors
are keeping him prisoner.”

Kendra chuckled. “I knew I liked him for a reason.”

Azros took her hand and set it in the crook of his arm. “Let’s
get your stuff before you head out.” He escorted her back inside. “Don’t bother
us.” He spoke over his shoulder, and could hear Mase’s quiet laughter.

The door shut behind them and he had Kendra in his arms. Her
lips grew pliant and warm beneath his. He gently rubbed her shoulders and neck,
loosening the tension. She groaned appreciatively, leaning against his body for

“I should have known you had wicked intentions.” She nuzzled
his neck.

“Hmm. You know they’re worried about you.” Azros pressed
feather kisses against her forehead. “It’s only been a week.”

“A week with no word on Skreeta’s whereabouts.”

was Kendra’s by combat, and Skreeta was
barred from the ship and the planet’s surface. There were rumors circulating
that the queen was excited by Kendra’s reappearance. Other rumors suggested the
queen’s assassins were on the hunt. For whom, no one could decipher.

“Well, you
almost die from poison.” He ran a hand
down her spine, pulling her close.

“It wasn’t that bad.”

His arms tightened around her, and his heart constricted in
pain. “Yes. It was. I’ll never forget the way you looked.” He kissed her
forehead. “You almost died. Let the rest of us fuss over you.”

“There are things that have to be done, Azros.” She pulled
back, tilting her head back to match his gaze. Her eyes were lovely and
sincere. “Things have been set in motion.”

He ran his fingers through her hair. It was incredibly soft.
“Will you keep it short?” He ached for his mate. Ached to hold her, to love
her. To wrap her up and keep her from all harm.

Kendra blinked and widened her eyes in confusion. “I don’t
know. Maybe.” She shook her head. “You’re changing the subject.”

“I am fascinated with you.” He walked her backward until she
reached the bed. “What things have been set in motion?” He tasted her lips.

She moaned. “Now you’re distracting me.” She stroked her
tongue against his.

He smiled against her lips. “Is this distracting?” His
fingers trailed down her arm, and up, caressing lightly against her breast.

“I don’t know. Maybe you should show me again.” Her eyes
dilated and her breaths grew heated.

He chuckled and complied. Her mouth opened on a gasp. “I
could do this all day.”

Kendra stopped his hands from their exploration. Regret
flashed in her eyes. “We have to talk first.”

Azros’ smile died. Every man knew the death knell of those
words. He watched his mate lock away her emotions. He remembered another time,
long ago, when another mate had done the same. Then it had driven him to
isolation. Now…it would drive him insane. “Tell me.”

“The queen has sent a message. I’m to prepare for a
political alliance.”

Azros cupped her face. “That’s what us royal-types are
supposed to do. Form alliances, trade agreements.” He tried to smile, but the
sight of her eyes filling with tears tightened his stomach into knots.

“You don’t understand. I have to take a…consort.”

Azros froze, and his heart froze with him. He held his
breath, as though afraid the pain would shatter him. “A marriage.” The words
were flat…emotionless. He dragged in a breath. Then another.

“Of a sort. It’s a legally binding arrangement.” Her pulse
fluttered against his fingertips. Her hands clasped his. “Most of it doesn’t
have to include sex.”

Azros jerked back as though slapped. “Doesn’t have to
include sex? Then what the hell is the agreement for?”

“I told you. A political alliance. It lasts three years.”
Her gaze darted around his face. The near panic of her emotions tightened her
voice. “The partners rarely spend more than the required amount of time

“How much time is that?” The roar of his beast tore through
his body. He was amazed his mouth could form words.

“Enough time to consummate the relationship.”

Azros dropped his hands. “Oh really, is that all? What do
you take me for, an idiot?”

Kendra threw up her hands. “Is being with me really that

“No, Kendra.” He had her in his arms and against the wall.
His mouth took hers in a fierce possession. Hard. Demanding. His tongue speared
her mouth, tasting and consuming every emotion.

Her nipples became hard little points against his chest. He
cupped the curve of her ass, forcing her body against the hard ridge of his
cock. Even through multiple layers of clothes, the woman simmered hot and
ready. He broke the kiss. Her eyes glazed with passion and her lips were
swollen with his kisses.

“There will be no consort. Not ever.”

Kendra’s attention snapped back to the moment at hand. Hurt
flashed deep in her eyes. “I will have to take a consort, or spend the rest of
my life running from the queen’s assassins. Birthing an heir is my
responsibility to the people.” Her mind absorbed his expressions, his

“I can’t give you up, Kendra.” He pressed his hands against
the wall, trapping her with his body.

Confusion had her shaking her head. “You don’t have to.”

“I won’t be a kept man either.”

Kendra sighed. “I was afraid of this. Marriage isn’t allowed
until ascension. It gives the royal heirs time to ensure a good match before
ruling the kingdom.”

“I don’t need marriage, Kendra, but I do need commitment.
The thought of sharing you with another man…”

Kendra jerked in surprise. “Whoa there, tiger. Who said
anything about another man?”

Azros shrugged. “A woman, then?” That thought wasn’t so

Kendra shoved her hands against his chest. “No other women
or men. What kind of world do you come from where consorts cheat on their

Azros refused to budge. “Let me get this straight. You have
to take a consort for political reasons at a minimum of three years. During
this time you have to attempt an heir, and having an outside love interest is

“Yes. I don’t see the problem.”

Azros threw up his hands. “Where do I fit in through all of

Kendra raised an eyebrow, piercing him with a look that
suggested he had grown another head or some other ridiculous thing. “As my
consort. What else would my mate be…”

Her sentence ended in a yelp when he lifted her off her feet
to swing her around. He buried his face in her hair and cursed, loud and

Kendra’s hands shook as they slid through his hair. “I won’t
trap you, Azros. You don’t have to feel beholden to me, and I’d never force
something from you that you weren’t already willing to give.”

Azros started laughing and he kissed her neck and shoulder
before setting her back to her feet. “I misunderstood the entire conversation,
and I think you might have too.”

He stepped back and bowed deeply to his mate. “I would be
honored to become your consort, but only on one condition.”

Kendra’s smile lit up the room. “Name it.”

BOOK: PrimalHunger
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