PrimevalPassion (7 page)

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Authors: Cyna Kade

BOOK: PrimevalPassion
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Alex continued reading. Arousal was a tool used by Doms.
Good dominants created sub arousal to control the sub. A good Dom denied the
sub release. With Julia, it would be easy to get her aroused but controlling
her release would be problematic. Alex sat back in his chair. His mind raced.
He wanted Julia more than he’d ever wanted any sub. Julia was quickly becoming
an obsession. He wanted—no, he needed—to see her writhing on his table, begging
for release and screaming his name when she came. Her ability to have a
spontaneous orgasm was a blessing. He silently cursed the people who’d
embarrassed her because of it. How could he overcome her reluctance and shame?

Party music finally filtered through his concentration. He
glanced at a clock and realized he’d only spent an hour with Julia. Somehow it
had seemed like a much longer time. He couldn’t do anything else tonight so he
flicked off his computer, left his office and went to rejoin the party.

Suzanne raised an eyebrow as she saw Alex come into the
living room. He’d left the party with a dark-haired woman, a woman he was
obviously taken with. Now, a mere hour later he was back—alone. That wasn’t
like Alex. She disentangled herself from a group of subs and made her way to

“Darling,” Suzanne said while placing a hand on Alex’s arm, “are
you doing okay?”

Alex looked down into Suzanne’s eyes and just shook his

“You aren’t telling me that you couldn’t get that delicious
little piece into your bed, are you?”


“Talk to me.”

“I took her to see Tom and Debbie.”

“Oh, she couldn’t handle it?”

“Quite the opposite. She had multiple orgasms just from

“You’re joking! Women don’t usually orgasm like that unless
they’re voyeuristic.”

Alex gave her a tight smile. “This one did but I don’t think
she’s a voyeur. She was too embarrassed to enjoy the show. She left.”

Suzanne took a step back. “Who did the head number on her
and why did you let her go?”

“I’m not sure yet but I’ll find out and I let her go because
she’s not ready yet. She hasn’t signed a contract.” Alex shrugged and changed
the conversation. “Looks like the party is going well. Everything under

She shot him a sharp glance. His voice was tight and she
could sense his distraction. It wasn’t like Alex to shut her out of a
discussion about a potential problem with a sub. Over the years, they’d had
many such discussions. This woman was different. He was already hooked and he
didn’t even know it. Would it lead to marriage?

She’d always known Alex would marry someday. She just hadn’t
thought it would be this soon. Suzanne wanted to know more about the woman. She
liked Alex’s setup at the lake and she didn’t want it disturbed by something as
mundane as a potential mate for Alex. Maybe she was reading too much into the
situation but it couldn’t hurt to be prepared. She’d deal with it tomorrow. In
the meantime, there was a party to enjoy. “Come and say hi to Jeff. I think he’s
going to be my new toy.”

Alex smiled. “I thought you’d like him.”

Chapter Seven


Suzanne and Alex walked to the far side of the room. She
caught Jeff’s attention and pointed to the ground. He sank to his knees before
her. Alex circled him while Suzanne placed a hand on Jeff’s head. Jeff’s eyes
were closed and he was in a full state of erection. His hard, thick cock was
circled by a gold ring with a leather collar around his neck. Suzanne had
already staked her claim.

Alex vividly remembered being in the same position. He knew
what awaited Jeff and for a brief instant, he envied Jeff. To be new at the
game and to have a first experience with Suzanne was not something the young
man would ever forget.

Alex kissed Suzanne’s cheek. “I’ll leave you to your games,”
he said. She frowned as she watched him leave. He hadn’t come. She hated to see
him needy but he clearly didn’t want help. She shook her head and dismissed her
questions. Tomorrow would be soon enough to get answers.

* * * * *

Alex spent the next two hours circulating and keeping an eye
on all the various scenes being acted out. It was a good turnout. Over fifty
people were playing nicely.

He noticed that Tom and Debbie were no longer in the
playroom. They’d probably retired to one of the upstairs bedrooms. Playing a
scene that intense was exhausting.

He entered Charlene’s room. She and Mark had recovered from
their earlier session and were in the middle of another one. Charlene hung from
the ceiling. Her toes just barely touched the floor. She was inexperienced so
it wasn’t a pose she’d be able to hold for long. Already her eyes were lidded and
heavy, her breathing rough and unsteady. Alex didn’t have to say anything. Mark
was already lowering the chain that held Charlene bound. He gave her enough
length and then commanded her, “Kneel.”

Charlene fell to her knees in an ungraceful collapse.

Alex walked over to her and used his fingers to lift up her
chin. He smiled when she straightened her back and knelt straight. “Good girl,”
he murmured and released her chin.

Mark moved next to Alex. “I was just about to finish this
scene but would you like to take over?”

“No. But she just needs one thing before you finish,” Alex
said, walking over to the cupboard. He pulled out a suction bulb and rings.

“Stand up,” he told Charlene. Alex stroked her breast.
Charlene did as he said and cringed when he twisted one nipple. “Your nipples
are sensitized. That’s good. Stay in the moment. This is going to feel very
different. It won’t hurt.” He slipped an O-ring on the tube at the end of the
suction bulb. He squeezed and placed it on one of Charlene’s nipples. When he
released the bulb, her nipple entered the tube on the end. Alex slid the ring
over her nipple. Alex knew from experience that the O-ring didn’t hurt, but it
did keep blood in the nipple and sensitized it. In Charlene’s state,
sensitivity was enough. He could tell by the way she stood that she couldn’t
handle any more nipple pain tonight.

Mark had moved behind Charlene and he wrapped his arms
around her when her knees gave out. He held her up while Alex placed the other
clamp. Charlene moaned.

Alex placed the second ring and stepped back. Mark’s arms
circled Charlene just under her breasts, holding them up for Alex’s inspection.
The rings caused Charlene’s nipples to turn dusky, making them stand out from
her breasts.

“Perfect.” Alex nodded. “Now you can finish her.”

Alex turned and walked out of the room. Charlene was
beautiful but he didn’t want her. He wanted Julia. He couldn’t get the image of
Julia kneeling in submission out of his head and he was desperate to clamp her
nipples. He wanted to know her response to all the different toys he’d use on
her. Would she respond with multiple orgasms? He itched to find out. Most of
the basement rooms were in constant use and more than one person noticed his
arousal. Everyone was anxious that he enjoy himself. Alex had numerous
invitations. He turned down all of them because his cock was waiting for Julia.

Instead he mingled and visited various rooms, including the
dungeon room. Alex knew the couple playing out this scene. Mary enjoyed being
whipped. Alex entered. Sure enough, Mary was chained facing the wall. Her back
had three red lines. Joe, the Dom, looked at Alex. Alex held out his hand. Joe
smiled and handed the whip to Alex.

He snapped it a few times.

Mary looked over her shoulder. She’d played with Alex before
and she knew he didn’t always play gently. She closed her eyes and moaned. He
flicked the whip expertly, snapping the end so it barely touched the woman.
Then he flicked it five more times at varying intensities. Only one of the stokes
left any mark and that one was very light.

He continued to tease the woman, coming close enough for her
to feel the rush of air without actually touching her. Such teasing was much
harder for this woman to bear than an actual whipping would have been. Never
give a sub everything she wants. That was Alex’s philosophy. Five more strokes
then Alex handed the whip to Joe.

Alex stepped close to the woman. He circled a hand around
her throat and whispered in her ear, “That’s all for tonight.”

“No,” she moaned. “Please Master…please.”

“Don’t whip her anymore. She’s becoming too demanding,” Alex
said to Joe.

Joe nodded. “Good idea. Thanks, Alex.”

Alex left the dungeon, wondering how Julia would stand up to
being whipped. His cock ached. He should bury it deep in some compliant sub but
he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He couldn’t concentrate on anything
because Julia filled his mind. Sinking his cock deep within Julia was the only
thing that would relieve his longing. He wanted to feel her clench in another
multiple orgasm while he was buried in her. He wanted her writhing and out of
control. He still wasn’t sure how to make that happen but he knew it would. In
the meantime, he could wait.

* * * * *

Julia tried to sleep but every time she closed her eyes, she
could feel Alex holding her. She finally gave up, went out to the porch and
sank into a chair. The cool night air felt good against her fevered body even
as the lights of the mansion were warm and inviting. They called to her. She
knew she could go back, that Alex would be delighted if she returned, but she
couldn’t handle the thought of the intensity of Alex’s party. Rampant free
sexuality was beyond the scope of her experiences. She’d spent her adult life hiding
her urges. She’d never lived in any place where people had sex whenever they wanted
it. No wonder everyone had warned her about the mansion and the parties held
there. Little did they know she fit right in here. Unbridled sex was not an
abhorrent thought. Rather it caused her cunt to clench with need. She wanted to
be a part of Alex’s world.

What was she going to do? There hadn’t been any way to hide
her orgasms from Alex. He wasn’t stupid. He’d figure out she had a weakness he
could exploit. Then what? She knew he’d offer to help—men always offered to
help. They didn’t see her sexuality as a minus. Men always thought it was a
wonderful affliction until she started demanding sex more often than they could
perform. At that point, she became a nymphomaniac with unnatural sexual needs.

Women weren’t supposed to have enormous sexual appetites.
She’d learned that hard lesson from every man she’d dated. She had no reason to
think Alex would be any different no matter what kind of parties he threw. Then
there was the issue of control.

The men she’d been with hated the fact that they couldn’t
control her body. They’d insisted she hold back even when she couldn’t. Sure,
they wanted her satisfied, but they wanted to claim the credit. Julia needed
very little help, if any, to find her release.

Music drifted across the lake. Julia closed her eyes and her
hand crept to her clit. Even though she’d just been thoroughly satisfied she
was needy again. Her fingers kept time to the music and within a minute, a soft
spasm of relief swept through her. She tried not to notice that she was still
dissatisfied. She wanted a cock speared deep inside. It was frustrating to know
Alex would be happy to oblige but she was too frightened to ask. What kind of
man held sex parties? She chuckled at the answer that came to her, any kind of
man who could, of course. Alex was no different. He might be smarter than many
men and richer too but he was still a man. He wouldn’t be able to handle her
any better than the other men in her life had. She sighed and drifted into
sleep, dreaming of a different life.

* * * * *

The next afternoon Suzanne headed down the path to the south
of the lake. She was just out for a walk. That was her excuse for going in this
direction. Of course she’d found out, after a lot of questioning, that the dark-haired
woman lived in this direction. Most of the servants either hadn’t noticed the
woman or weren’t local. The first few locals she’d found wouldn’t talk about
the woman. She’d finally found one housekeeper who gave her the information she
needed. The woman from the party—Julia—wasn’t a native but she lived in one of
the cabins on the south shore.

Suzanne heard the sound of wood being chopped so she circled
to the back of the cabin. Bingo. The dark-haired woman from the party was
swinging an ax and splitting firewood. A light sheen of perspiration dotted her
forehead. Tendrils of hair had escaped from the ponytail and framed her face.
Jeans and a T-shirt completed the woman’s ensemble. Despite those handicaps,
the woman was stunning. Suzanne itched to dress her up, put some makeup on her
and see just what kind of princess she’d become. Then she shook her head. The
woman was Alex’s property whether she realized it or not. Suzanne couldn’t
afford to fall under her spell too. Maybe someday in the future if Alex
finished with her, but not now.

Suzanne waited for a break then called out, “Afternoon!”

The woman dropped the ax and quickly turned.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. My name’s Suzanne. I was
just out for a walk and thought I’d say hi.”

“I’m Julia.” She turned and picked up the ax. She planted it
in the stump she’d been using and walked over to Suzanne. “I assume you’re from
the mansion.”

Suzanne nodded. “That’s right. Is that a problem?”

“No. Company is always welcome. I can use a break. Come on,
I’ll treat you to a glass of water.”

“Thanks. The locals aren’t always welcoming. I almost didn’t

“I may not like what Alex is doing to the lake but that’s no
reason to be mean to people.”

They climbed the three steps up to the porch. Julia waved a
hand. “Have a seat. I’ll be right back.”

Two minutes later Julia brought out two glasses of water.
She handed one to Suzanne then sank into a chair.

Suzanne decided a direct approach would work best with the
woman. “I saw you at the party last night but you didn’t stay long.”

Julia’s face flamed. “Not my type of party.”

“Doesn’t work for everyone. Hope you won’t hold it against
me that it is my type of party.”

“You like being hurt?”

Suzanne let out a loud guffaw. “No, darling. I like
controlling men. I’m a dominant. No man hurts me. I hurt them if that’s what
they want.”


“Didn’t Alex tell you women could be Doms too?”

“I guess he mentioned it but I really didn’t take it in.”

“BDSM—bondage, discipline, dominance, submission, sadism and
masochism—is a varied and rich scene in Alex’s world. Alex’s parties are even
more so because his focus is sexual freedom, as well as sexual power exchanges.
His parties are not just BDSM,” Suzanne said. She took a sip of water and then
continued. “They encompass any sexual proclivities that are mutually
consensual. Everyone is a willing participant no matter how strange it might
look. Apparently you didn’t consent to anything. That surprised me. I know what
a convincing argument Alex can make. He used to be my sub. I introduced him to
the lifestyle.”

Julia wasn’t sure how to respond. A twinge of anger and
jealousy moved through her. She couldn’t imagine Alex submitting to any woman.
He was an obvious leader, not a follower and she didn’t like the thought of
this woman knowing Alex so intimately.

“Of course it didn’t last long. Alex is too strong. We’ve
stayed friends though and that’s all we are—friends. Guess that’s why I’m here.”

“Thought you were out for a walk.”

“That too but I really wanted to meet the woman who could
cause Alex to deny his physical satisfaction at one of his own parties. I’ve
never seen that happen before.” Suzanne pinned Julia with a direct stare.

“He didn’t…” She wasn’t sure how to ask the woman to clarify
her statement.

“No, he didn’t. He was rock-hard all night because of you.
Personally I thought it was amusing. Usually Alex causes everyone else to be
aroused and unsatisfied. It was fun to see him in that state again but what are
you going to do now?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not sure you realize what you’ve awakened. Alex will
never stop coming after you now. Can you handle Alex’s full attention?”

Julia laughed. “I doubt Alex will come after me for long.
Most men don’t.”

“Alex is not most men and what’s going on with you that you’d
have such a poor opinion of men?”

Julia hesitated for just a second then decided she needed
someone to talk to and Suzanne seemed like a good choice. At least she wasn’t a
prude. Maybe she’d have some tips. “I’m nearly always aroused. At a low level
but it is always there. It takes very little to send me into multiple orgasms.”

“Sounds exciting to me. Do you know how many women never
have an orgasm?”

“I’ve never met a man who could handle my sexuality. Most
eventually end up dumping me and calling me horrible names. My desires aren’t
normal and men get angry when they can’t keep up with me. Easy orgasms are not
the boon you think. In church. Walking in the park. At work. I can have an
orgasm anywhere, anytime. Not just one either, multiple orgasms until I can’t
even stand. I can almost control them but it is hard. It started when I was
fifteen. Twelve years ago. No doctor takes it seriously but it has tormented
me. I was glad my grandfather left me this cabin. I could suffer in isolation.
My sexual needs are not socially acceptable.”

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